Military Heavy

Chapter 373 Absolute Explosion

Chapter 373 Absolute Explosion

"Wow, my eyes are not blurred!"

Sun Baoguo seriously suspected that his eyes were blurred. After taking a closer look, he who was originally sitting on the sofa got up suddenly, and walked to Yang Fan's big desk in a few steps.

This, this, this.
He was stunned!

I have never seen such an exquisite ship model in my life, and the workmanship can be described as exquisite.He couldn't calm down all of a sudden.

Get excited!
"Master Yang, this is a model of Ship 054, so beautiful, I have never seen it in my life!"

Yang Fan was just making coffee, seeing Sun Baoguo's huge reaction, smiled slightly, put the steaming coffee on the tea table next to the sofa, and walked over.

"Mr. Sun, isn't it beautiful!"

"Well, it's so beautiful!" Sun Baoguo nodded vigorously.

Yang Fan said, "Do you like it?"

"I like it, I like it so much." Sun Baoguo said excitedly.

I was even thinking in my heart, could Master Yang give me this ship model, that would be great, the painting last time was good, but compared to this ship model, it seems to be a bit worse.

Such an exquisite ship model, take it back and put it on the desk, how stylish, how dignified, how attractive!
"Master Yang Yang, mean this model ship can be sent to me."

After speaking, he looked at Yang Fan with hope.

Who knows, Yang Fan shook his head and said: "That's not okay, I only have this one, and I will definitely not give it away."

Can't give it away!

Immediately, Sun Baoguo looked disappointed, feeling very uncomfortable in his heart, such a good thing, I really want one, very, very longing.

He couldn't bear to move his eyes away from it, and kept looking at it like this, and still leaned over to look carefully, the more he looked at it, the more he liked it, the more he looked at it, the more unpleasant it was, like a cat scratching in his heart.

Yang Fan could see Sun Baoguo's expression, and laughed, "Mr. Sun, I'm just joking with you. In a few days, I'll give you one, which is exactly the same as this one."

is this real?
Sun Baoguo seriously suspected that he had heard it wrong. How could there be such a turnaround? This little heart really couldn't bear it. Fortunately, there was no high blood pressure, otherwise, he would probably have passed out.

"Master Yang, you didn't lie to me, did you? You can really give me one."

Yang Fan said affirmatively: "There is definitely no problem, but it will take a few days. In fact, we have customized a batch of ship models of the 054 ship in our institute. This is a sample, and the first batch of ship models will be ready and delivered in a few days. "

It turned out to be true!
Master Yang did not lie!

Sun Baoguo felt that he was already surrounded by surprises, and even thought in his heart, I will also have such an exquisite ship model, and I can also put it on my desk.

"Master Yang, thank you very much."

Sun Baoguo was very happy, so he held Yang Fan's hand tightly and kept thanking him. This is a sincere thanks from the heart.

Yang Fan jokingly said: "I really want to thank me. I heard that there are some new dishes in Furonglou tonight. Let's try them."

Without even thinking about it, without the slightest hesitation, Sun Baoguo said cheerfully: "No problem, let's go to Furong Tower tonight."

"Just kidding." Yang Fan said: "Where can I treat you, come sit and drink coffee together, the hull layout of the first ship should be progressing well, when will the cutting of the first steel plate start?"

He hadn't been to Dongjiang Shipyard for several days, and Yang Fan didn't know much about the specific situation there, so he could just ask Sun Baoguo.

Sitting down on the sofa, taking a sip of steaming coffee, Sun Baoguo said: "I came here to announce the good news to you. At present, our hull stakeout and numbering are progressing rapidly, and it is expected that the first steel plate will be ready next Wednesday." cutting."

Next Wednesday!
Today is Thursday, which means that in less than a week, the first steel plate of the first ship of the 054 ship will be cut at Dongjiang Shipbuilding.

This is really good news!
Dongjiang Shipyard is really good. How long has it been since the start of construction, and the first steel plate is about to be cut. Yang Fan is very satisfied with this speed.

Sun Baoguo expressed his gratitude, "General Master Yang, thanks to the computer hull lofting you suggested, otherwise, the first steel plate cutting should be after the New Year, at least about 20 days later."

The two chatted for a while about the construction of the first ship at the Dongjiang Shipyard, and then talked about the test run of the first diesel engine of the 054 ship at the Hongqi Factory.

After listening to it, Sun Baoguo was worried for a while, then admired, and gave a thumbs up.

"Master Yang, you are really good. Fortunately, you decisively ordered the people at the Hongqi Factory to replace the new lubricating oil. Otherwise, the 400-hour test run of the first diesel engine would have failed."

Yang Fan said modestly: "It's mainly the people from Hongqi Factory. My role is negligible. Even if I don't direct them, they will replace the lubricant."

This is humility.

As he got to know Yang Fan better and better, Sun Baoguo also knew this, "Master Yang, you are just too modest, sometimes there is really no need to be so modest."

Yang Fan smiled.

The two chatted for a long time, and then, Sun Baoguo got up to say goodbye. Before leaving, he still looked at the model ship on the big desk.

Li Zhengjun's efficiency is very high.

Just a few days later, the first batch of ship models were all delivered, a total of [-] pieces, each with a number, and each piece was individually packed in a cardboard box with foam protection inside.

The model office has registered, and the number of each ship model has been registered, and whoever it will be presented to in the future must also be registered.

Thirty ship models were placed in an empty room next to the model office. Li Zhengjun specially locked the lock, and he held the key himself, and no one would give it to him.

Yang Fan knocked on Pan Jinfu's door, holding a small cardboard box in his hand, which contained a model of the 054 ship.

"Master Pan, I'll show you something."


When Pan Jinfu saw the small cardboard box in Yang Fan's hand, he thought it was a New Year's gift, and said nonchalantly, "Put it on my table, and I'll take a look later."

Yang Fan reminded: "If you don't, just take a look now."

Pan Jinfu realized that it might not be as simple as a New Year gift, and said with a smile: "Comrade Yang Fan, you still keep it so mysterious, then open it for me to see."

Yang Fan opened the cardboard box in front of Pan Jinfu, took out the metal model of Ship 054, and placed it on the desk.

This, this, this.
Pan Jinfu, who was originally in a very calm mood, could no longer be calm at once. What he saw in front of him was actually a model of the 054 ship, and it was so exquisitely made.


Such a ship model is simply eye-catching.

Pan Jinfu looked very happy, "I heard that you ordered a batch of ship models, I never thought they would be so beautiful, I never thought of them."

"Master Pan, do you like it? This ship model is for you."

"I like it, I like it so much, this is the most meaningful thing I have received, Comrade Yang Fan, thank you." Pan Jinfu said.

Coming out of Master Pan's office, Yang Fan went to Liang Zhiquan's office.

He is going to retire soon. Before retiring, he was able to watch Donghai successfully complete the design of the 054 ship and watch the construction of the 054 ship in Dongjiang Shipyard. He felt very relieved, and his entire career could draw a successful conclusion.

"Well, there seems to be something missing. I heard that Comrade Yang Fan drew a color picture of the Type 054 guided missile frigate himself. Do you want him to draw one for me?"

He even left his job and was about to retire to the second line. Liang Zhiquan felt that if he could bring back a color picture of the 054 ship and hang it in the living room or study, he would have no regrets in this life.

There was a knock on the door.

Seeing that it was Yang Fan who pushed the door and came in, Liang Zhiquan immediately became happy, and was about to ask Yang Fan to help him draw a color picture of the 054 ship.

Suddenly, he saw the cardboard box in Yang Fan's hand, so he didn't say anything about helping to paint the picture, but asked, "Comrade Yang Fan, what is this?"

"This is a good thing, Director Liang, you must like it."

"Oh, open it and let me take a look."

Yang Fan opened the cardboard box and took out the metal model of the 054 ship.

Liang Zhiquan couldn't help but let out a soft "ah". He never thought that Yang Fan gave him such a good thing, which is more intuitive than the color picture of the 054 ship.

Holding this ship model, I looked at it with a little excitement, and my heart was full of gratitude, "Comrade Yang Fan, thank you, I will put this in my study, look at it every day, I can think of everyone, I think of everyone who has worked hard for more than 700 days and nights to design and develop the 054 ship."

After finishing speaking, he shook hands with Yang Fan tightly.

At this moment, he felt no regrets.

The whole career is perfect. During his tenure, Donghai Institute successfully designed the Type 052 guided missile destroyer and the Type 054 guided missile frigate.

He can leave his post and enjoy his old age, especially if there is such an exquisite ship model. When he looks at it in the future, he will think of his colleagues at the East China Sea Institute and the Type 054 guided missile frigate.

Yang Fan was very happy. It could be seen that Director Liang liked the model ship very much. He even felt Director Liang's hands trembling slightly through the handshake. He probably was not at peace in his heart.

Yang Fan, the leaders of several offices, all sent ship models, so each leader had an exquisite ship model of the 054 ship on his desk, which was very eye-catching.

The quantity is limited, it is impossible for everyone to have it.

Those who know about this matter, or have seen ship models from leaders, want one very much, especially the chief and deputy directors of those design offices.

They all dream of having one.

The idea is very strong!
Some people found Yang Fan's place, others found Pan Jinfu's place, and some people went to Li Zhengjun's place to try their best.

The model of the 054 ship is so popular!
Absolute hit!
After thinking about it, Yang Fan distributed one to every middle-level principal. Immediately, they were overjoyed, and they almost shouted Long live Chief Master Yang.

There are middle-level principals, what about middle-level deputies, those design team leaders, and those senior designers.
This is a headache.

Soon Yang Fan thought of a good way.

There are only two updates today, the first update will be delivered!

(End of this chapter)

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