Military Heavy

Chapter 376 Comrade Yang Fan, You Are Really A Friend!

Chapter 376 Comrade Yang Fan, You Are Really A Friend!

The place to eat is not far from the Dachang Gate of Dongjiang Shipyard, a restaurant with a very good environment, the top leader of Dongjiang Shipyard, and several factory leaders have arrived there and are already waiting.

In the huge private room, there was a big round table. Everyone sat down around the table and began to eat lunch.

The food is rich and the atmosphere is very warm.

There was joy in the whole box.

Feng Wangdong, the leader of the Dongjiang Shipyard, was very happy. Holding a cup, he said loudly: "Everyone, we will use tea instead of wine to celebrate the first steel plate of the 054 ship starting to be cut in our Dongjiang Shipyard."



Everyone's glasses touched each other lightly. Because it was noon, there was no drinking, only tea and drinks.

Even without wine, the atmosphere is very warm.

Everyone enjoyed this meal, especially Feng Wangdong. He always had a very happy look on his face. He was obviously in a good mood and very enthusiastic. He clinked glasses with Luo Jianguo and Yang Fan respectively.

He has been in Dongjiang Shipyard for less than half a year. He is in his forties and has very rich experience in shipbuilding. He was transferred from another large shipyard in China.

He won the construction of the first 054 ship within a few months of taking office. He felt very honored and made up his mind to complete the construction task of the first ship with excellence.

In just over a month, the first steel plate was officially cut, and he was so happy!

In the warm atmosphere, after eating the meal for about an hour, everyone got up and prepared to leave. Of course, Luo Jianguo was going to Donghai Institute.

Yang Fan was also ready to get up.

What was more surprising was that Feng Wangdong gently pulled Yang Fan, and said in a low voice: "Master Yang, let's talk about something."


Yang Fan was really a little surprised. He didn't expect Feng Wangdong to talk to him about something quietly, so what would he talk about.

They are no strangers to each other, but they are definitely not very familiar like old friends, because Feng Wangdong has only been in office for a few months, and Yang Fan has only dealt with him a few times at work.

Seeing this, Luo Jianguo said loudly: "Comrade Yang Fan, please talk slowly, I will wait for you in the car, and we will go to Donghai Office together later."

Yang Fan nodded.

Everyone walked out of the box, leaving only Feng Wangdong and Yang Fan.

Feng Wangdong seemed a little bit embarrassed and embarrassed, "Master Yang, that's really too abrupt."

Yang Fan had a good impression of Feng Wangdong, and he didn't feel bad at all.

He said very generously, "Boss Feng, you are being polite. You must have something to discuss with me. Why is it so abrupt?"

Seeing Yang Fan like this, Feng Wangdong was a little relieved, knowing that Commander Luo and the others were waiting in the car, he stopped beating around the bush and said directly: "I heard that you have made a batch of ship models of the 054 ship. I will look at it on Mr. Sun's desk. Been there, it's very beautiful."

In an instant, Yang Fan knew what was going on.

Although people didn't open their mouths to ask for it directly, the meaning is almost the same.

The leader of a large shipyard probably couldn't save face and asked for it directly, mainly because the two of them didn't know each other very well.

He was able to pull Yang Fan and talk about it in private, but he actually lost face. It can be seen that he also likes this kind of ship model very much and wants one very much.

At this moment, Feng Wangdong suddenly felt a little nervous.

If Yang Fan refuses, saying that there are no more and all have been delivered, it will be so embarrassing and shameless.

How did you know, Yang Fan was very straightforward, "It's a small matter, we still have it over there, Mr. Sun just happens to be going to my place this afternoon, I'll ask him to bring one back for you, how about it?"

Very good!
Feng Wangdong was so happy that he rubbed his hands. Originally, he was a little worried about being rejected, but now he was only happy, and knew that he owed Yang Fan a favor.

"Master Yang, thank you so much, I really don't know what to say."

Yang Fan said: "It's nothing, even if you don't open your mouth, I will ask Mr. Sun to bring you a model of the 054 ship this afternoon."

This is not a lie, there are still a few ship models left, Yang Fan can't keep them in his hands, but he considers giving them to those who want them, such as Luo Jianguo, Feng Wangdong of Dongjiang Shipyard and others.

After shaking hands with Yang Fan again to express their gratitude, Feng Wangdong and Yang Fan went out of the box together, chatting and laughing, as if the distance suddenly shortened a lot.

There were two cars parked outside the restaurant, one of which was Yang Fan's big off-road vehicle, and the other was Sun Baoguo's black Poussin.

Yang Fan was going to get in his own car and drive himself. When he arrived at Dongjiang Shipyard in the morning, Yang Fan drove over by himself.

Just about to open the car door, Luo Jianguo, who was waiting in the back seat, said, "Comrade Yang Fan, let Xiao Liu drive, let's sit down and chat."

This is better.

Instead of driving by yourself, you can easily sit in the back seat.

When they left the box first, Yang Fan had already given Luo Jianguo the car key, and now it is in Xiao Liu's hands.

Xiao Liu was sitting in the driver's seat, and the co-pilot was a major. He was also a member of the 054 ship's headquarters, and he was Luo Jianguo's subordinate. Coordination of some affairs.

Yang Fan and Luo Jianguo sat in the back seat, very relaxed, and the car started to go to Donghai Station.Feng Wangdong waved goodbye with several comrades from Dongjiang Shipyard, and watched the two cars leave.

Luo Jianguo was a little curious and asked casually, "Comrade Yang Fan, what did Mr. Feng tell you just now?"

Everyone left the box first, only Yang Fan and Feng Wangdong were there, they came out after a few minutes, and no third person knew what they talked about.

Luo Jianguo was also a little curious and just asked casually.If it weren't for the excellent relationship, he probably wouldn't ask such a question.

Yang Fan didn't hide anything, and said truthfully: "I know I still have a few ship models, and Mr. Feng also wants one. I promised him that I will get one later and let Mr. Sun take it back for him."

That's what happened.

What, how many pieces do you have, not one or two!
After Luo Jianguo came to his senses, he was slightly eager, thinking in his heart, should he ask for two more, and only take one back with him, in case other people want it after seeing it, especially those leaders.


I have to ask for a few more pieces, and it is definitely not enough to bring only one back to the capital.

Forty minutes later, the car arrived at the East China Sea Ship Design Institute. The two cars were parked in front of the office building. The others were received by Li Zhengjun from the model office. Luo Jianguo and Sun Baoguo entered the office together with Yang Fan.

"Try my coffee, my sister brought it back from America."

While talking, Yang Fan served the brewed coffee to the two of them. He also had a cup of coffee himself, and sat down on the sofa in the reception area of ​​the office.

Since becoming the deputy director, the office has been changed to a larger one, and the conditions are much better. It not only has a complete set of office equipment, but also has a reception area with several sofas and coffee tables.In addition, there is a large rectangular table with a dozen or so chairs next to it. Usually, a small meeting of a dozen or so people can be held there, and design drawings can also be reviewed there.

With such a large table, even the design drawings of No. 0 can be completely spread out, which is very convenient.Yang Fanju often looks at the design drawings of the 054 ship there, and often calls some personnel to hold meetings.

Both of them knew that Yang Fan had a big business and very rich sister, after receiving the coffee, Luo Jianguo took a sip and praised, "Well, it's really good, very authentic, such a Coffee is probably not cheap in the US either.”

After chatting casually for a few words, Luo Jianguo got to the point and asked hopefully, "Comrade Yang Fan, how many models of Ship 054 do you have?"

As soon as he heard it, Yang Fan knew what it meant. He guessed that Commander Luo should have taken a fancy to these ship models in his hand. He probably wasn't satisfied with just having one of them himself, and might want to bring a few more back to the capital.

Knowing what was going on in his heart, Yang Fan replied: "A total of 30 pieces have been ordered in this batch, which is almost done. I still have a few pieces left."

There are really a few more.

Although it is not clear how many pieces it is, at least the number is greater than three, otherwise it will not be said how many pieces.Luo Jianguo tentatively said: "Comrade Yang Fan, how about giving me five pieces? I'll take them back and give them to the relevant leaders. I think they will like them very much."

no problem.

Yang Fan also wanted to send a few pieces to the relevant leaders, so that they could enhance their understanding of the Type 054 guided missile destroyer more intuitively, and let them support this guided missile frigate more.

Very straightforward, he agreed: "Okay, I will give you five pieces."

There are five pieces in total!
This is really a bit of a surprise, anyway, Luo Jianguo immediately felt a sense of surprise, he suddenly became happy, stood up immediately, held Yang Fan's hand tightly, and said loudly.

"Comrade Yang Fan, you are really a friend, thank you, thank you so much!"

Sun Baoguo next to him was envious for a while, thinking in his heart, my God, there are five pieces in total, and our Dongjiang Shipyard only has one piece, and it is now placed on his desk.

I am so envious of Commander Luo.

Noticing Sun Baoguo's expression, Yang Fan smiled and said, "Mr. Sun, you also have a share. I will take one for you to bring back to Mr. Feng."

Lying on the grass!

It turns out that I have one too, and I brought it back to Mr. Feng.

Sun Baoguo was so happy that he almost exploded with a "lying grass", but fortunately he reacted quickly and held back all of a sudden.

However, he was as happy as Luo Jianguo.

The three of them were in a good mood. They sat down, drank coffee, and chatted about the model of the 054 ship. Gradually, they talked about the 054 guided missile frigate under construction.

a long distance away.

Hongqi Diesel Engine Heavy Industry Group is filled with a tense atmosphere, and the test run of the first diesel engine has entered the most critical moment.

Today's third update, nine thousand words, the second update is here!

(End of this chapter)

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