Military Heavy

Chapter 377 Countdown

Chapter 377 Countdown

Leader Zhu Chuandong, chief engineer and deputy general manager Gu Zhengxin, the chief and deputy directors of the test workshop, some technical backbones, etc., are all here. On the test bench, the diesel engine is working, making a deafening sound.

At this moment, no one could relax, and everyone felt the pressure. The closer to the end of the test run, the more nervous and worried they became.

The technician in charge of the test run came over and reported loudly: "Report, the test run has accumulatively reached 380 hours."

Only the last 20 hours left!
The cumulative test run has reached 380 hours, which is of great significance for the 400-hour long test, and it indicates that the countdown to the test run is about to begin.

Many people felt relieved and let out a long sigh of relief. Some even said with joy: "Great, finally 380 hours have passed, and only 20 hours are left."

"If there are no accidents, the 400-hour long test can be completed tomorrow."

"It's really not easy. In the past 20 days, my nerves have been tense."

"Me too, when I sleep at night, I dream about the test drive."


A lot of technicians and managers chatted happily after their hearts were relieved, and they seemed to see the hope of victory, and they will successfully complete the 400-hour long-term test drive tomorrow.

They were relieved!

Zhu Chuandong, Gu Zhengxin and others couldn't see any relief on their faces. At this moment, their nerves were still tense, and they dared not feel at ease in the slightest.

In less than 400 hours, they dare not relax even if they don't see the diesel engine stop after the test run.

Since the lubricating oil temperature exceeded the standard last time, the two had always felt like sitting in the crater, worried that similar difficult problems would appear again.

Fortunately, the subsequent test run was okay. Although there were some bumps and bumps, and some small problems occurred one after another, they were all resolved smoothly. Even if it was necessary to stop for inspection, they were all resolved within two hours, and there was no real impact. to test drive.

As the leaders, the two dared not relax in the slightest.

Those technicians and administrators saw that the test drive entered the last 20 hours, and their mentality was naturally different, and most of them relaxed.

victory is in sight!

The 400-hour trial run will be successful soon.

Almost most of the people were chatting loudly about the test run with the people next to them, only a small number of people still did not dare to relax, and were closely watching the test run.


Many people stopped talking loudly, and their eyes turned to the working diesel engine on the test bench.

Hey, there seems to be something wrong!
This shouldn't be a normal sound.

More and more people discovered this, and they were already relaxed, but suddenly became tense again, looked at each other, and worried looks began to emerge again.

What's going on here?

Zhu Chuandong also noticed this, and looked at Gu Zhengxin with a questioning meaning.

Before Gu Zhengxin could answer, the technician in charge of the test run trotted over and reported loudly: "Report to the two leaders, there is an abnormality in the test run, and the noise and vibration exceed the standard."

Both exceeded the standard!

Zhu Chuandong's expression changed, and he was under tremendous pressure all of a sudden, and victory was in sight. In the last 20 hours of test drive, such a situation unexpectedly appeared.

Years of experience told him that once such a situation occurs, it will not be a small problem, and it is often a very difficult problem.

Blood pressure seems to be a little higher again.

Very uncomfortable.

Gu Zhengxin noticed something was wrong, and quickly comforted him: "President Zhu, don't worry too much, maybe it's a small problem, and it will be resolved soon."

Hope so.

At this moment, Zhu Chuandong could only think this way, he quickly took a few deep breaths, tried to calm his mind, and tried to think in a better way.

The technician in charge of the test run did not leave, and continued to say loudly: "Mr. Gu, the noise and vibration have exceeded the standard. In such a situation, the car needs to be stopped immediately for inspection, please approve."

Gu Zhengxin raised his hand and looked at the time. Since the last time he stopped the car, he has been testing the car for more than [-] hours. It is completely possible to stop and check first before troubleshooting.

So, he waved loudly and said: "Stop the car immediately for inspection, find out the cause of the failure as soon as possible, and try to resume the test run as soon as possible."

According to the technical outline of the test run, once the car is stopped, there is only two hours, and the test run must be restarted within two hours, otherwise all previous efforts will be wasted.

With Gu Zhengxin's approval, the diesel engine on the test bench stopped working, and the huge test workshop seemed to be quiet all of a sudden.

But within a few seconds, the workshop became noisy again.

"God bless, don't make any problems at such a critical moment."

"They have all entered the countdown of the 400-hour long test, and it is fatal for such a situation to occur."

"The Chinese New Year will be in a few days. If something really goes wrong, I don't think there will be any peace this year."


The test workers, technicians, and managers were all worried, and their hearts were completely suspended, praying that there would be no major problems.

On the test bench, Gu Zhengxin led a group of technicians to conduct inspections there, hoping to find out the cause as quickly as possible, troubleshoot the fault as soon as possible, and resume the test run as soon as possible.

They were professional, and under the leadership of Gu Zhengxin, they carried out a series of inspections. Of course, the time passed minute by minute.

Soon, more than 20 minutes passed like this.

Zhu Chuandong had no choice but to ask, "Old Gu, how is the situation, is there any clue?"

Gu Zhengxin shook his head with a serious expression, and said slowly: "There is no clue yet, everything seems to be normal, but the noise and vibration are indeed beyond the standard."

Fortunately, there is no clue!

Zhu Chuandong's face was unusually serious, and the people next to him were even more worried about his happiness. They all thought in their hearts, don't let Mr. Zhu's high blood pressure happen again. The last time it was more than 200, he fainted directly, which was frightening Many people.

Seemingly aware of the worries of the people next to him, Zhu Chuandong took a few deep breaths, trying to calm down his heart, and then said: "Be careful, I'm not that fragile yet, I have no problem."

A vice president next to him comforted: "Old Zhu, you have to trust Lao Gu's technical level and give them a little more time. I believe the problem can be solved."


Zhu Chuandong nodded lightly, looked at Gu Zhengxin and the others who were busy on the test bench, and said in his heart, "Old Gu, please take care of everything. I hope you can find out the problem as soon as possible."

The test drive went wrong again!
Noise and vibration double exceeded!

Hearing the news, many people entered the test car workshop, including some workers or managers who were originally from the test car workshop, and some people from other workshops and departments.

Many people were watching, all of them were full of worry, looking at Gu Zhengxin and the technicians who were troubleshooting.

"God bless, find out the reason as soon as possible."

"I'm really anxious. It seems that the Chinese New Year will be in a few days, but don't make any more problems."


The scene was full of noise, and various voices came into Zhu Chuandong's ears. He frowned slightly, and wanted to wave his hands to disperse these onlookers, but in the end he sighed softly, knowing that they were also concerned. Test run situation.

The time passed by minute by minute, and it seemed that thirty minutes had passed, and there was still no clue, no eyebrows.

There is a technician who is already sweating profusely, and he is probably already anxious.

When many people were stressed and pessimistic, one of the technicians in charge of the test yelled loudly, and his voice was full of excitement.

"Found it, found the reason, this mounting screw is loose."

Soon, several technicians surrounded him, including Gu Zhengxin. After a few steps, he hurriedly asked, "Xiao Ling, what's going on."

Technician Xiaoling pointed to the problematic bolt and said, "Mr. Gu, look, this bolt is obviously loose, as you can see from its anti-loosening mark."

Sure enough, the bolt came loose!

There are red anti-loosening marks on it, but the marks on the nuts and bolts have obviously moved and are no longer aligned in a straight line.

Problem found!
Both noise and vibration exceed the standard, which must be the reason!

Gu Zhengxin was almost certain, he immediately felt relieved, waved his hand and said: "Take it apart and see why it is loose, then re-tighten it, and continue the test run."

Good bolt, how can it loosen?

Generally speaking, full consideration will be given to the design, and various methods will be adopted to prevent the bolts from loosening and failing during work. Some adopt lock nut design, some use lock plate to fasten, and some use ammunition washer Method.

There should be washers and spring washers under the nut. After tightening, due to the elastic force of the spring washers, the nut will be very tight, and it will not loosen and fail even during work.

Seeing Gu Zhengxin and several technicians gathered together, it seemed that something had been discovered, Zhu Chuandong took a few steps forward, approached and said: "Old Gu, have you found the cause of the malfunction?"

Gu Zhengxin replied loudly: "Mr. Zhu, the root of the problem has been found. A bolt has loosened and failed."


Zhu Chuandong said two "good" words in a row, and his originally very serious face suddenly eased a lot. Soon, everyone knew that the root of the problem had been found.

"Great, finally found the cause of the problem."

"I was so worried just now, I thought there would be a situation like the problem of lubricant exceeding the standard last time."

"Good bolt, how could it come loose?"

After learning that the cause of the fault had been found, almost everyone felt relieved, and their high-hanging hearts were finally relieved.

There are also a small number of people who are at a loss, especially those technical and quality personnel. They are very confused and do not understand why such things as bolt loosening occur.

At the third watch today, nine thousand words are sent, good night everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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