Military Heavy

Chapter 378

Chapter 378

A good bolt, why does it loosen during work?
Not only those technical and quality personnel, but even Gu Zhengxin wanted to know the reason, so he waved his hand loudly and said, "Bring a wrench here, and take a look at this bolt."

After thinking for a while, he simply said, "Turn on the light to illuminate this bolt, bring the camera over, and prepare to take pictures."

The camera has been prepared all the time, mainly to take some photos during the test run, and also to take pictures after problems occurred during the test run.

The light came on, and the light was very bright. The condition of the problem bolt was seen more clearly, and even the area around it was very clear.

The camera was also brought over.

The wrench was also brought over.

Gu Zhengxin said loudly: "Take apart the bolts and take pictures while removing them. Be sure to take pictures of the cause of the failure."

This is definitely going to be photographed.

It is not only a record, but also has information that can be queried when fault analysis is performed afterwards.A technician started to remove the bolt with a wrench, and the nut was easily removed because it was already loose. Another technician took a photo with a camera.

He took a picture of what the bolt looked like before it was removed.He also took a photo of what the bolt looked like after the nut was removed.

Several other technicians were watching the whole process. Others, such as those test workers and other management personnel, also wanted to take a closer look, but they knew that this would only get in the way, affecting the removal of the bolts and taking pictures.

They kept a certain distance and watched the whole process. A little further away were Zhu Chuandong and other leaders, including the chief and deputy directors of the test workshop. manager.

The nut was easily removed, and immediately, a burst of exclamation sounded.

How did that happen?

Several technicians were collectively stunned. This is actually the case. No wonder the bolt would loosen and fail during work.

It turned out that the spring washer was missing during the assembly process, which was a very low-level quality accident. Gu Zhengxin had thought of various possibilities of bolt loosening and failure, but he did not expect this to be the case.

Such a low-level mistake made Gu Zhengxin's face turn green all of a sudden, which was very ugly. At this moment, he must be full of anger, wishing to tear the assembly worker who made such a low-level mistake alive.

That's abominable!

To make such a low-level mistake.

Gu Zhengxin is the chief engineer, responsible for the technical and quality work of the whole factory. It has been a long time since he has encountered such a low-level mistake, and he is simply furious.

This happened because the spring washer was missing.

Even these test workers found it incredible that such a situation, which is estimated to be rare twice a year, actually appeared during the 400-hour long test run.

"It's just hurting people."

"Too irresponsible, must be severely punished."


Many workers looked filled with righteous indignation, wishing to find out that irresponsible assembly worker and see who he really was.

If you make such a low-level mistake, please come out and take two steps.

Zhu Chuandong came over, and after understanding the situation, his heart dropped to the ground. At least the real cause of the failure was found, and he reminded: "Old Gu, the most urgent task is to resume the test run. .”

Yes, that is indeed the truth.

Right now, nothing is more important than resuming test runs.

Gu Zhengxin forcibly suppressed the anger in his heart, tried to calm down a little, waved his hands and said loudly: "Bring the spring pad here, reinstall it, and continue to test the car."

Soon, a technician brought the supporting spring washer, installed the washer and the spring washer, and then installed the nut on it, tightened it to a certain torque requirement, and marked it with a marker to prevent loosening.

"Mr. Gu, you can test the car again!"

Gu Zhengxin ordered in a loud voice: "Restart the test run!"

Soon, the diesel engine on the test stand started working again, making a deafening sound.

In the whole scene, no one spoke for the time being, and almost no one made a sound. Everyone listened carefully to the sound of the test run, or looked at the working diesel engine on the test stand, and the test technicians paid attention to the test run. various instruments and meters.

"Report, the noise value is within the acceptable range, and the vibration value is normal!"

Hearing this, Gu Zhengxin felt relieved, and raised his hand to check the time. It took forty minutes from stopping the car to check for faults to resuming the test drive, which was completely within the required range of two hours.

There was joy at the scene!
"I'm so happy to start testing again!"

"I was worried to death just now!"

"I was relieved to hear that the diesel engine was working again."


The excited voices of the workers drifted into his ears, and Zhu Chuandong quietly breathed a sigh of relief, and gradually felt relieved.

The test run continues, moving towards 400 hours.

The onlookers, managers, and technicians gradually dispersed, leaving only the necessary people here. Zhu Chuandong and other leaders stayed for nearly an hour before leaving.

Seeing that everything was normal during the test drive, they left with confidence.

At night, the test workshop is brightly lit!

Zhu Chuandong and other leaders of Hongqi Factory were all wearing thick military overcoats, no doubt absent, and all arrived at the test workshop.

Seeing this scene, Gu Zhengxin, who was sticking to the test platform, was slightly taken aback for a moment, and after understanding what was going on, he said: "Mr. Zhu, there is no need for you to stay here. It will be the same if you come back tomorrow."

The test drive will not be completed until about ten o'clock tomorrow morning. It is possible to come here at that time, and you can see the end of the 400-hour long test.

Zhu Chuandong said: "We are destined to not be able to sleep tonight, so why not stay here and watch the test drive with our own eyes."

Throughout the night, the test workshop was very lively.

Not only the leaders of Hongqi stood firm here, some backbone technicians and management personnel, a total of 30 to [-] people were here, from the first half of the night to the second half of the night, and until dawn.

The rising sun is rising!

The morning sun shines on the ground, bringing a little warmth to the cold northwest region. In the test workshop, everyone is full of energy.

Even after staying up all night, no one felt any tiredness. The cumulative test drive time has exceeded 398 hours, and it is not far from 400 hours.

The breakfast is delivered directly to the workshop by the masters in the staff canteen, and everyone eats breakfast next to the test bench.

The workers started to go to work, but they were not in the mood to work for the time being. Many workers were watching and knew that 400 hours had entered the countdown stage.

Ten minutes past ten in the morning.

Gu Zhengxin raised his hand to check the time, and then looked at the diesel engine that was still working on the test bench. Suddenly, he felt his eyes a little wet.

It's not easy!

It's not easy!
From the parts processing of the first diesel engine of the 054 ship, to the assembly of the whole machine, and then to the 400-hour long-term test run, the scenes unfolded in his mind like a movie.

"Report, the cumulative test run time has reached 400 hours!"

The loud report of the technician in charge of the test drive interrupted Gu Zhengxin's thoughts. After recovering, he walked over and pressed the stop button himself.

On the test stand, the working diesel engine stopped, and the whole site became quiet.

Very quiet!
No one made a sound, and all eyes were on Gu Zhengxin.

Amid so many eyes, Gu Zhengxin tried his best and shouted loudly: "The 054-hour long-term test run of the first diesel engine of the Type 400 missile frigate was a complete success!"

The sound echoed in the test workshop!

After three or five seconds, earth-shattering cheers broke out in the workshop, and the whole test workshop was boiling, everyone shouted, shouted!

Some people even hugged each other and cried loudly.

Seeing this scene, Gu Zhengxin felt his nose sore. This man in his forties from Northwest China shed two lines of tears!
A voice in my heart shouted, we succeeded, we succeeded!

The first diesel engine of the 054 ship successfully passed the 400-hour long-term assessment test run!

Gu Zhengxin quietly took out a handkerchief, turned his head away, and gently wiped his tears. Suddenly, he saw Zhu Chuandong also shed tears, and wiped them gently there.

The test drive was successful, and many people couldn't help but burst into tears.

This day is April 1995, 1.

The Lunar New Year is only two days away.

Donghai Institute.

Yang Fan was reading a technical document, looked at the calendar on the table, and thought to himself, the 054-hour test run of the first diesel engine of the 400 ship should be over soon.

As the chief designer of the 054 ship, Yang Fan is of course very concerned about the test run of the first diesel engine. Successfully passing the 400-hour test run means that he has taken a big step towards success and can start the formal production of the first batch of diesel engines.

If the test run fails, it will be troublesome. It is necessary to analyze the cause of the failure, make corrections, and then start the test run again, which will consume a lot of time.

For the 054 ship, the most precious thing at present is time. The construction of the first ship has started cutting the first steel plate a few days ago. In about a year, it will need at least four diesel engines. No delay.

If there is no diesel engine, the construction of the first ship of the 054 ship will inevitably stagnate, and the impact will be relatively large. Yang Fan does not want to see such a situation.

"I hope that the Hongqi factory will live up to expectations and pass the 400-hour long-term test run smoothly."

At about 10:30 in the morning, the phone on the desk rang quickly. As soon as Yang Fan picked up the phone, the excited and uplifting voice of Gu Zhengxin from Hongqi Factory came from inside.

"Chief Designer Yang, on behalf of Hongqi Diesel Engine Heavy Industry Group, I wish you good news!"

Hearing this voice, Yang Fan was more than half relieved.

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(End of this chapter)

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