Military Heavy

Chapter 381

Chapter 381

The first test piece has been welded, and it looks very beautiful from the outside. It is a typical "fish scale welding", and Zhang Yi's welding skills are undoubtedly revealed.

The test piece is sent to the welding laboratory for further inspection. If it is qualified, the welding of the test piece has passed smoothly, which means that the formal welding of the steel plate can be carried out.

"Master Yang, how about we sit in the lounge and have some tea?"

Guessing that it will take some time for the results to come out, Yang Fan nodded and said, "Yes, let's take a rest first."

Accompanied by the director of the welding workshop, several people walked into the lounge, sat down on the sofa, and soon someone made hot tea and brought it over.

Sun Baoguo seemed confident, and said with a very relaxed face: "I think there should be no problem, Zhang Yi is our best welder."

The director of the welding workshop also said: "Mr. Sun is right. The test piece should pass the welding. Zhang Yi has very rich experience. If he can't pass the welding, what about the others?"

Yang Fan took a sip of tea and said softly, "I hope so."

Inexplicably, Yang Fan was a little worried. This is a new type of steel. No surface ship has ever used this type of steel. It is the first time for Dongjiang Shipyard to weld this type of steel plate.

Hope the soldering is successful.

Yang Fan comforted himself like this in his heart, trying to make his worries less.

Apparently, Sun Baoguo seemed to have full confidence in the welding of the test piece, and he did not continue to talk about the welding of the test piece, but talked more deeply about the welding of each segment to be carried out.

The 054 ship adopts the modular construction method of the general section. During the construction of the slipway, three large general sections will be closed and welded together.

Each general section is composed of several subsections, and the welding workshop will first start the welding production of each subsection, and then the welding production of the general section.

Sun Baoguo said: "Master Yang, you are an expert in the modular construction of the general section. The construction process of the 054 ship is like this..."

He introduced the construction process of the 054 ship in detail, and Yang Fan listened carefully.

After the lecture, Sun Baoguo asked modestly, "Master Yang, do you think there is any problem with our construction technique?"

The director of the welding workshop next to him opened his eyes wide, showing an unbelievable expression, probably unable to calm down.

what's going on!
Mr. Sun himself is an expert in ship construction, how can he ask Mr. Yang for advice on the construction of the 054 ship?Even if you want to ask for advice, it is also a matter of design.

He can't figure it out!

Especially seeing Sun Baoguo asking for advice with a humble face, Yang Fan took it for granted, he said he couldn't bear it, and he didn't even play like this.

what's going on? ? ?
Maybe because he noticed his inconceivable expression, Sun Baoguo said, "Don't be surprised, Commander Yang not only has a high level of ship design, but also an absolute expert in ship construction."

"The Type 052 guided missile destroyer adopts the modular construction method of the general section. You should know this, but you certainly don't know. It was not only General Master Yang who suggested the modular construction method of the general section, but also General Master Yang who taught Donghai shipbuilding. factory."

There is such a thing!

The director of the welding workshop had a look of astonishment, and other people, such as the two deputy directors of the welding workshop and several technicians in charge, had similar expressions.

Sun Baoguo continued: "We started to try to promote the modular construction method of the main section a few years ago, and now we have a certain foundation and experience. It was also the suggestion of Master Yang at the beginning. In the actual process, there are some things that we don't understand. place, I often ask Master Yang for advice."

my God!

Mr. Sun also often asks Mr. Yang about the modular construction method of the general section!
If Mr. Sun didn't say it himself, who would believe it!

Master Yang, you are amazing!
Everyone looked at Yang Fan differently, with shock, admiration, and so on.

Yang Fan said modestly: "Mr. Sun is exaggerating too much. I only have a little research on the modular construction method of the general section."

Sun Baoguo said: "General Master Yang, you are still so modest, anyway, I don't care, you must give us some suggestions on the construction of the 054 ship."

Just now he had introduced in detail the construction process that Dongjiang Shipyard will adopt, and Yang Fan listened carefully.

Seeing that Sun Baoguo really wanted to make suggestions by himself, Yang Fan pondered for a while, and then made some suggestions.

Maybe he is not as experienced as Sun Baoguo in shipbuilding, but Yang Fan has the insight of the next few decades and is used to the advanced shipbuilding techniques and methods in the future. Combined with the reality of Dongjiang Shipyard, he casually put forward a few suggestions.

Yang Fan really just mentioned a few points casually, but it was different in Sun Baoguo's eyes.

Absolutely eye-catching!
As expected of Mr. Yang!

This level is really high!

Sun Baoguo quickly took out his notebook and carefully recorded what Yang Fan said.

The people next to them are not laymen, and they have some experience and research on ship building. After hearing these suggestions from Yang Fan, their eyes light up.

Got to the point!

Definitely very valuable few suggestions.

Someone even slapped his thigh fiercely, thinking in his heart, why didn't I think of it, Mr. Yang is really awesome, he is so skilled!

There was more admiration in everyone's eyes.

After memorizing these things and asking for advice, Sun Baoguo raised his hand to check the time, and said loudly: "It should be about the same, the result should have come out, let's go and have a look."

A total of several people went out of the rest room together, came to the welding site, and walked to the welding station.

Everyone walked over talking and laughing, very relaxed, including Sun Baoguo, who was basically sure that the welding of the welding test piece must be successful.

They know Zhang Yi very well and have full confidence.

However, after walking over, their expressions were different, the smiles on their faces faded, and Sun Baoguo asked in a deep voice, "What's going on?"

Zhang Yi was holding the checklist in his hand, and his expression was a little ugly. Faced with Sun Baoguo's question, he handed over the checklist, "Mr. Sun, take a look."

After receiving the list, Sun Baoguo frowned slightly and looked at it. After reading it, he sighed softly, "You all have a look, the welding is unqualified, and there are micro cracks in the weld."

Everyone was shocked!

How did the welding of the test piece that was very sure become like this?

Yang Fan was silent for a while, and the worry in his heart was finally verified. The welding performance of this new steel grade was poor, and even the most experienced welders fell on it.

This list was passed among the chief and deputy directors of the welding workshop, and several technical supervisors, as if it weighed more than a thousand catties, and it was extremely heavy.

How did that happen?

How can there be micro-cracks when the weld is so beautiful? ? ?

Everyone couldn't figure it out, including those technicians in charge of welding.

There was silence.

After a long time, it was Yang Fan who broke the silence and suggested: "Mr. Sun, try welding another test piece and adjust the welding parameters appropriately."

It can only be this way.

Sun Baoguo nodded, agreed to Yang Fan's suggestion, and said, "Zhang Yi, try again and try to pass the welding this time."

"Okay, I'll try again."

Zhang Yi replied, and then began to prepare for the second welding.When he was welding for the first time, he looked relaxed, thinking that it was pediatrics, but the second welding was obviously different, his expression was much more serious and serious, and he was meticulously doing related preparations.

The arc flashed again, emitting a blinding light.

Zhang Yi re-welded a test piece. After the welding was completed, he didn't feel any relief. Compared with the last time, he felt that it was about the same.

Everyone came over and looked at the weld that was still hot to the touch. It was still very beautiful, and it was still a typical fish scale weld. Some people thought in their hearts, if it passes the inspection and there is no problem, this is definitely one of the most beautiful welds.

"how is it?"

Sun Baoguo asked first. He cared about the welding result and hoped it would be successful, so that it would not affect the welding of subsequent sections, otherwise.
No, no.
Constantly comforting himself, Sun Baoguo said in his heart, if even Zhang Yi can't complete the welding task, then others won't be enough to watch.

However, Zhang Yi's answer made Sun Baoguo's heart sink slightly, and the face of the director of the welding workshop also changed slightly.

Zhang Yi shook his head lightly and said: "It feels similar to last time. I found that my welding experience seems to be ineffective. This kind of problem would not have occurred before."

Your welding experience is down!
This is not a good situation!

Everyone's mood was a little heavy, and pessimistic emotions even began to come out.

Yang Fan reminded: "Don't be too anxious, this is the welding of the second test piece, even if it fails, there is nothing wrong with it. Back then, Donghai Shipyard welded the test pieces of the Type 052 guided missile destroyer and welded hundreds of test pieces. , It took more than ten days."

Oh my God!

The two young technicians next to them were stunned. They didn't know that the welding of the 052 test piece was so difficult.

Difficult as it is!

Yang Fan continued: "Compared with the 054 ship, the steel plate of our 052 ship has more alloy elements, the steel plate is thinner, and the weldability is also worse. Try a few more times, and I firmly believe that you will succeed."

Maybe Yang Fan's encouragement played a role, everyone's mood was obviously better, and Sun Baoguo said loudly: "No matter what, the second test piece will be sent to the laboratory for inspection immediately, and we can see the situation before we talk about it."

The second test piece was sent to the laboratory immediately, and the result came out not long after, and it was still unqualified with micro cracks.

The scene fell silent.

Everyone stopped talking.

Yang Fan encouraged: "It's okay. Failure is the mother of success. Summarize the experience from each welding and continue to test welding, and you will definitely succeed."

Then he turned his head and said to Sun Baoguo: "Mr. Sun, it seems that you need to prepare more welding test pieces. In addition, all the supervisory technicians related to welding should come to the scene. Three cobblers are better than Zhuge Liang. The collective Wisdom can surely solve this problem."

"Okay, I'll arrange it right away."

Today is the third update, and the first update is here!

(End of this chapter)

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