Military Heavy

Chapter 382 One Unqualified

Chapter 382
Sun Baoguo replied with a nod, and immediately took this as a major matter. The welding technicians above the supervisory level in the entire Dongjiang Shipyard were notified and went to the welding workshop. There was a problem with the welding of the test piece.

The news quickly spread throughout the entire technical system, and then, even many workers and managers knew that the welding of the steel plate of the 054 ship was difficult, and the welding of the test piece failed twice.

Many people showed worried faces, especially those old employees, who were even more worried because they heard about the problems that occurred when the 052 ship test pieces were welded back then.

"Why did we have welding problems in the welding of our 054 ship? When the first ship of the 054 ship was built in the East China Sea Shipyard, we encountered a stumbling block in welding. It was quite a toss."

"I've also heard about this incident, but I still don't know what the specific details are like. Who can explain it in detail."

Immediately, an old employee who was familiar with the details at that time said: "It's a long story, roughly like this. The Type 054 guided missile destroyer was built in Donghai Shipbuilding. The welding of the test pieces has always been unqualified. Hundreds of test pieces have been welded. It was still unqualified, and the impact at that time was great, not only the commander-in-chief of the 052 ship was alarmed, but many leaders began to pay attention to this matter."

"Then how was it resolved?"

Many people want to know, especially those young people, they want to know how to solve this difficult problem in the end.

The veteran employee continued: "It took more than ten days to repeatedly weld hundreds of test pieces, and even invited several authoritative experts in welding, but they were still helpless. clue."

Many people were gasping for air, secretly speechless!
It took more than ten days and hundreds of test pieces, which obviously scared some people a little.

Even authoritative experts can't solve this problem.

"Later, Master Yang was the one who solved this thorny problem. It turned out that the problem was on the inconspicuous welding pad. After the pad was improved, the welding was qualified."

Hearing that the problem was solved, many people let out a sigh of relief.

But when they thought about the problems faced by their factory and didn't know how to solve them, they became worried again. Some people even thought in their hearts, this time, can Mr. Yang help us solve the welding problem?

Welding site.

It was already afternoon, and four test pieces were welded in the morning, but none of them were qualified. The whole welding site was shrouded in a dark cloud.

The most anxious one was undoubtedly Sun Baoguo.

It was originally planned to start the welding of the first segment next Monday, but now it seems that it may have to be postponed, and it is not known when the welding will be qualified.

Next to this welding station, several of the most powerful welding workers of Dongjiang Shipyard, almost all the welding technicians and welding experts at the supervisory level came to the site to guide the welding of the test pieces.

Yang Fan stayed at the scene all the time, but seldom said anything.

To be honest, he is really not an expert in welding. The welding professional level of these technicians is much higher than his, so there is no need to give any suggestions.

Not only did Zhang Yi weld several test pieces himself, but also tried two other experienced welders, and each time they corrected the welding parameters and changed the welding method according to the inspection results, but the results were still not ideal. .

The leader, Feng Wangdong, came in person.

The representative of the general army stationed in Dongjiang Shipyard also came in person.

More and more people gathered in the welding workshop. Everyone analyzed and discussed the problem on the spot, and tried again. Unfortunately, it has not been successful.

In the evening, the situation remained the same.

Yang Fan raised his hand to check the time, and knew that he was going back for the time being, and Dongjiang Shipyard did not intend to continue welding like this. They will hold a technical analysis meeting tonight, and many technicians will discuss countermeasures together, come up with a plan, and continue tomorrow try.

"Master Yang, let me see you off."

Yang Fan nodded lightly, and accompanied by Sun Baoguo, he walked out of the welding workshop and walked to the front of the big off-road vehicle.

Yang Fan was about to get in the car, and at this moment, his heart was heavy, which should be similar to that of Sun Baoguo.

Before getting into the car, Yang Fan lightly patted Sun Baoguo on the shoulder, and encouraged him: "Donghai Shipyard spent a total of more than ten days. We have just started. Don't be discouraged. Maybe this problem will be resolved in a few days." will be resolved."

Sun Baoguo said: "Don't worry, Chief Master Yang, we will not lose heart. We will definitely overcome this problem as soon as possible and start formal segmental welding as soon as possible."

Feeling Sun Baoguo's confidence, Yang Fan was slightly relieved.

He opened the door, sat in the driving seat, nodded to Sun Baoguo, and then started the car to leave Dongjiang Shipyard.


Whether it is the welding workshop of Dongjiang Shipyard or their office building, they are all brightly lit.

At the welding site, several experienced welders such as Zhang Yi continued to try, and in a large conference room in the office building, there were dozens of people sitting.

Not only Feng Wangdong and Sun Baoguo, but also the technical person in charge of Dongjiang Shipyard, the technician in charge of welding, and even the main management personnel in charge of shipbuilding all sat here.

There is only one topic, and that is to discuss the current welding problems.

The meeting was held until very late, and some opinions were formed, and some countermeasures were proposed, and we are going to try again tomorrow.

The next day.

Yang Fan did not go to Dongjiang Shipyard again, knowing that such a problem could not be of much help, so he simply waited for the result at Donghai Shipyard.

In the afternoon, to Yang Fan's surprise, Sun Baoguo did not stay at the welding workshop, but went to Donghai Institute, knocked on the door and entered Yang Fan's office.

Seeing Sun Baoguo's dejected expression, Yang Fan knew that today's welding situation must not be ideal, so he shook his head lightly, made a cup of coffee and served it to Sun Baoguo.

Yang Fan didn't ask, and Sun Baoguo poured out the bitter water on his own initiative.

He sat down on the sofa with a cup of coffee, and said sadly: "Mr. Yang, we tried to weld more than a dozen test pieces this morning, but none of them passed the test. It was a fatal blow to our confidence." ah."

Yang Fan comforted: "Don't worry, we still have time, maybe we will solve this problem in a few days."

Hope so.

The two chatted about welding for a while, and Sun Baoguo said, "I'll sit with you and tell you about the welding situation, and I'll go to Donghai Shipyard soon."

"Oh, are you going to Donghai Shipyard?"

"Yes, go to the Donghai Shipyard." Sun Baoguo said: "The first ship of the Type 052 guided missile destroyer was built at the Donghai Shipyard. They also encountered similar problems when welding the test pieces. They have experience in this area. I will ask Mr. Chen for help, and let their "Donghai Welding King" come to our factory for a try."

Yang Fan still had an impression of the welder in front of him. It seemed to be Wu Mingze, the best welder in Donghai Shipyard.

"You can try it."

However, Yang Fan also reminded: "The steel types of the 052 ship and the 054 ship are different. The experience of Donghai Shipyard may not be suitable for you. You must be prepared for this."


Sun Baoguo nodded, "Take a dead horse as a living horse doctor, what if the experience of Donghai Shipyard is suitable for our Dongjiang Shipyard."

"Then go and have a try."

To be honest, Yang Fan doesn't have much hope for this.

Sun Baoguo just sat here for 10 minutes or 054 minutes, and then left for the Donghai Shipyard. After he left, sitting in his office chair, Yang Fan was thinking about the technical problems of welding the steel plates of the [-] ship before his rebirth. How is it solved.

At that time, we also encountered welding problems. On this point, history has not changed, but Yang Fan did not personally participate in welding at that time. He just heard about this matter. He really doesn’t know how to solve it. He can only work hard. Memories, trying to remember something.

Sun Baoguo went to Donghai Shipyard.

Soon I met Chen Shaohua, and the two sat together and chatted for a long time. Chen Shaohua sympathized with the current welding problems encountered by Dongjiang Shipyard.

In this regard, he was deeply touched.

At the beginning, the problem of welding was tormenting him enough, and the hardships of that period of time have been deeply burned in his mind.

Facing Sun Baoguo's request, he did his best to help without any hesitation.

They agreed straight away, there was no problem, and they provided all the support Dongjiang Shipyard wanted. It was no problem for Wu Mingze to go there, and there was no problem for the two welding experts who wanted to solve the welding problem that year.

Sun Baoguo was very happy, and shook hands with Chen Shaohua gratefully.

In order to save time and solve the problem as soon as possible, Sun Baoguo took Wu Mingze and two welding experts from Donghai Shipyard to Dongjiang Shipyard that afternoon.

It was already evening when we arrived at Dongjiang Shipyard, so we politely invited Wu Mingze and the other three to dinner, and arranged their accommodation in person.

Being so polite and enthusiastic, it can be seen that Sun Baoguo has great hopes.

Early in the morning.

Wu Mingze and two welding experts appeared at the welding site. After watching Zhang Yi's welding first, Wu Mingze welded a test piece himself.

As soon as the test piece was welded, there was a burst of exclamation at the scene.

"It's beautifully welded!"

"It's a beautiful weld, not a bit worse than Zhang Yi's weld, and each has its own merits."

Wu Mingze showed his skills, and soon convinced many people in Dongjiang Shipyard, and their hopes rose.

The same is true for Sun Baoguo, hope rose in his heart, he is indeed the welding king of the East China Sea, his level is really good, this test piece should be able to pass.

Well, he should be qualified, he has the experience and foundation in this field.

Soon, the test piece was sent to the laboratory for film examination, and the film was taken quickly, and the results came out soon.

After knowing the results of the examination, Sun Baoguo felt as if a basin of cold water had been poured on his head, and his heart was chilled.

The same unqualified, the same welding micro-cracks.

(End of this chapter)

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