Military Heavy

Chapter 383 Yang Fan's Suggestion

Chapter 383 Yang Fan's Suggestion

How did that happen?

Wu Mingze couldn't understand a little bit, so he was stunned for a while.

Thinking about the situation during the welding just now in my mind, I thought about it seriously, not letting go of any detail.

The place quieted down.

Very quiet.

It is estimated that everyone has not thought about why the situation is the same.Originally placed great hopes on Wu Mingze and the others. After all, they have relevant experience and foundation, and they have experienced the problem of unqualified welding at the beginning.

After thinking about it, Wu Mingze made a request: "Mr. Sun, can you show me the film you just took?"

"Of course no problem."

Sun Baoguo waved his hand, and someone sent over the film he just took.There are not only welded pieces, but also detailed inspection reports.

Taking these materials to read carefully, and combined with the situation when he was welding just now, Wu Mingze thought for a while, and proposed to weld another test piece and try again.

Sun Baoguo agreed to the request without hesitation.Of course, you have to try again, one welding can't explain the problem at all.

He was going to give Wu Mingze and the others a few more chances to weld a few more times, perhaps, after a few more experiments, in case the welding was successful.

It's just that the ideal is full and the reality is very skinny.

Wu Mingze welded several test pieces in a row, and without exception, all of them were unqualified.Inspection found that welding micro-cracks still exist in the weld.

At this moment, Wu Mingze also felt helpless, and said apologetically, "Mr. Sun, I can't figure out what's going on for the time being. Maybe I need to think about it carefully and summarize it."

Sun Baoguo was very polite and arranged a special lounge.Wu Mingze and the three of them rested there, and they could discuss and summarize the few test pieces welded just now.

Zhang Yi of Dongjiang Shipyard continued to weld the test pieces, and there were technicians or welding experts to guide him.

Yang Fan came to Dongjiang Shipyard again.He is more worried about welding, and he also knows that Donghai Shipyard's welding experience may not be suitable for Dongjiang Shipyard.

Sun Baoguo politely invited Wu Mingze and the others over, but he probably still couldn't solve the problem.

The most important thing is that after trying hard to remember, Yang Fan finally remembered something.

In history, the welding of the 054 ship encountered a big problem. At that time, it seemed that the problem was finally solved perfectly after adjusting the welding parameters and repeated tests.

As for the specific welding parameters, of course Yang Fan can't remember, this requires Dongjiang Shipyard to go through repeated tests.

When he walked into the welding workshop, Yang Fan felt that the atmosphere was a bit dull, which could even be described as pessimistic, as if the air was full of depression.

There are still many people beside the welding station, some are experienced welders, some are technicians, and some seem to be senior welding experts of Dongjiang Shipyard.

All of them were not relaxed, and their expressions were very serious. Of course, Sun Baoguo was also at the welding site.

Seeing Yang Fan approaching, Sun Baoguo greeted him and shook hands with Yang Fan.

"Master Yang, you are here again."

"Come and see, how is the situation now?" Yang Fan asked with concern.

Although you know the situation may not be ideal, you still have to ask first and understand the situation before speaking.

Sun Baoguo shook his head with a wry smile, and said in a low tone: "The situation is still not ideal. We have welded dozens of test pieces, but all of them failed without exception."

"Wu Mingze from the Shanghai Shipyard also came to try a few test pieces, and the result was the same, and there were also welding cracks."

Yang Fan also learned about the welding situation in detail, especially asked what kind of welding process, what kind of welding method, especially what adjustments were made to the welding parameters and so on.

After understanding these things clearly, Yang Fan made a suggestion: "Mr. Sun, I have also thought about the welding problem for a long time. I personally think that the key lies in the adjustment of welding parameters. You can work hard from this aspect."

Focus on adjusting welding parameters.

Sun Baoguo was thoughtful.

Yang Fan patted him on the shoulder lightly, and said more formally: "Listen to me, and focus on adjusting the welding parameters. After repeated trials and trials, I think it will definitely succeed."

Seeing that Yang Fan said it so formally, Sun Baoguo finally nodded solemnly, determined to adopt this suggestion.

He made an invitation and said: "We are about to hold a welding technology seminar to analyze the reasons for the unqualified welding and come up with countermeasures. Mr. Yang, how about joining our meeting?"

Anyway, they have already come here, so it is okay to attend the meeting of Dongjiang Shipyard and listen to what they have to say.

So, Yang Fan readily agreed.

In a meeting room of Dongjiang Shipyard, a technical analysis meeting was held again to discuss the reasons why the welding test pieces have been unqualified.

After listening to the introductions of these technicians in charge, Yang Fan has a better understanding of the welding situation in the past two days, and also has a better understanding of the huge pressure in their hearts.

Welding has been unqualified, and even ordinary technicians feel the pressure, which can be felt from their tone and expression.

Yang Fan has been listening, looking very quiet, occasionally taking notes and recording some things in his notebook.

Originally, I just planned to attend the meeting as a non-voting delegate to understand the situation, and I was not prepared to speak.

When the meeting was about to end, Sun Baoguo said enthusiastically, "General Master Yang, would you like to talk to everyone and give us some suggestions."

Yang Fan stood up, looked around everyone, and said loudly: "Everyone has worked hard and done a lot of work. I have also listened carefully to your speeches. I think the next focus should be on the adjustment of welding parameters. On. Every time the welding parameters are adjusted, one or two test pieces are welded for verification until the welding is qualified."

Seeing that Yang Fan once again proposed to focus on the adjustment of welding parameters, Sun Baoguo also paid full attention to it. He demanded: "We will follow Mr. Yang's suggestion, focus on adjusting welding parameters, and conduct repeated tests."

That's how things basically settled down.

After the meeting, the welding technicians of Dongjiang Shipyard made a test plan, focusing on adjusting welding parameters and conducting a series of welding verifications.

We all know that welding quality is related to temperature, humidity, welding current and so on.

In the welding workshop, Zhang Yi still performed the welding himself. The technicians measured the temperature and humidity of the site, then set the welding current, specified a series of parameters such as the welding speed, and signaled that the welding could start.

Soon, the welding of the first test piece was completed, and the welding parameters were adjusted according to the welding results, and then the welding of the second test piece was carried out.

This has been done all the time.

Yang Fan's suggestion was almost completely adopted, and the emphasis was placed on the adjustment of welding parameters.

Yang Fan and Sun Baoguo stayed at the welding site for at least an hour, and personally watched the welding of several test pieces.

Unfortunately, for the time being, there has been no qualified welding.We also know that this is not a successful welding in one or two strokes, and it may require a lot of welding verification.

Knowing this, everyone was not discouraged when several welding test pieces failed to pass the test. They still adjusted the welding parameters according to the welding conditions, and then carried out welding verification.

After staying at the welding site for more than an hour, Sun Baoguo invited: "Mr. Yang, it may take two or three days to get the results. We are not in a hurry. Let's go and sit in my office and have a cup of tea. Sample."

Yang Fan looked at the time, and said, "It's a waste of time to drink tea now, why don't you take a walk with me and take a look at the berth you prepared for the construction of the 054 ship."

"Okay, let's go now."

The two left the welding workshop together, and it didn't take long to arrive at the slipway prepared by the Dongjiang Shipyard for the construction of the 054 ship.

Obviously, according to Yang Fan's suggestion, this place has undergone some technical transformation and is qualified for the construction of the 054 ship.

But Yang Fan felt that there was still a fly in the ointment.

Noticing Yang Fan's expression, Sun Baoguo said a little worriedly: "Mr. Yang, our berth should be fine."

After pondering for a while, Yang Fan said slowly: "How should I put it, there is no problem in the construction of the 054 ship, but strictly speaking, there are some problems."

Sun Baoguo's expression changed slightly!
I thought in my heart that the problem of welding has not been solved, and there must be no more problems in building the slipway.


Today is the third update, and the third update is sent, thank you everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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