Military Heavy

Chapter 384

Chapter 384

Is there a problem with building the slipway?Sun Baoguo was full of astonishment, and looked at Yang Fan in puzzlement.

He said anxiously: "Master Yang, is there something wrong with this berth?"

Yang Fan nodded: "It does have a little problem. For the Type 054 guided missile frigate, the best way is to build the berth horizontally, but this front is inclined."

Building the berth at an incline also has its advantages, that is, it is easy to launch the ship after it is built, because it is inclined and can be launched with the help of the gravity of the ship.

But just because it is inclined, the ship is also inclined during construction, which is not a big problem for ships with low construction accuracy.

However, the 054 ship has high requirements and high construction precision, especially the installation of a lot of equipment has angle requirements, and the inclined berth is obviously not the best.

Under such circumstances, the horizontal slipway is undoubtedly the most suitable, which greatly reduces the difficulty of installing these devices.If the berth is inclined, the installation difficulty of the equipment will naturally increase.

After listening to Yang Fan explain the reason, Sun Baoguo understood what was going on.

He seemed a little helpless, and explained: "Our Dongjiang Shipyard also has a horizontal construction platform, but it is a bit small for the tonnage of the 054 ship, so we can only build the first ship on this inclined platform.

Of course, there is no problem in building on this inclined slipway, but the difficulty of construction has increased invisibly, and the corresponding construction period may also increase. Yang Fan gave an appropriate reminder.

Yang Fan suggested: "It seems that the first ship can only be built on this inclined berth, but for long-term considerations, I suggest that you build a horizontal berth suitable for the construction of the 054 ship."

Sun Baoguo said: "In fact, we also have a plan to build a large-scale horizontal slipway, but it is not possible to implement it in the future. The first ship of 054 will start construction. It is too late. For the time being, we can only use this inclined slipway. The follow-up ships will definitely be level. On the berth."

Yang Fan is also relieved that the horizontal berth will be used for ship construction in the future.

Accompanied by Sun Baoguo, he carefully looked at the inclined slipway.

In fact, I have visited it a few times before and made some suggestions. Except that it has a certain angle of inclination, it is not a big problem to build the first ship of the 054 ship here.

After looking around, Sun Baoguo said modestly: "General Master Yang, what aspects of improvement do we need to carry out on this slipway?"

Everything that needs to be remodeled has been completed. In Yang Fan's view, the berth is basically finalized, and there is no need to continue to remodel.

Yang Fan said: "There is no need to renovate for the time being. After the construction of the first ship is completed, I suggest that you transform this inclined berth into a horizontal berth."

This is a large project that requires a certain period of time. It must be too late before the construction of the first ship of the 054 ship starts, and we can only wait for the construction of the first ship to be completed.

At the same time, Yang Fan suggested that if Dongjiang Shipyard wants to become the cradle of specialized frigate production, it is not enough to have only one horizontal slipway, at least two horizontal slipways.

Double level slipway.

Sun Baoguo's eyes lit up slightly, and he asked a little excitedly: "Master Yang, do we need two horizontal berths for our factory?"

Yang Fan replied affirmatively: "Two horizontal berths are definitely needed, and the military will have a large demand for Type 054 guided missile frigates in the future."

"Maybe in a few years, the number of constructions will increase significantly. I even predict that the dumpling mode may be started in the future, and several Type 054 guided missile frigates will be built every year."

Oh my God.

Under dumpling mode!
Sun Baoguo, who was only a little excited at first, could not hold back his emotions at all at this moment, and the expression on his face was completely different.

He said in an almost unbelievable tone: "Will there really be so many Type 054 guided missile frigates built in the future?"

For the future development, no one knows better than Yang Fan.He said very affirmatively: "Our economy is developing faster and faster. In the future, we will have economic interests all over the world. All of these require us to have sufficient military power to protect them. The military's demand for Type 054 guided missile frigates must be huge. of."

The demand for Type 054 guided missile frigates is definitely higher than Type 052 guided missile destroyers.

There are mainly two factors.First, the tasks that the Type 052 guided missile destroyer can accomplish can basically be performed by the Type 054 guided missile frigate.

Second, the cost of the Type 054 guided missile frigate is much cheaper, and the cost performance is much higher. The military's future focus will definitely be on the construction of the Type 054 guided missile frigate.

After listening to Yang Fan explain the reason, Sun Baoguo was even more excited in his heart.

He is full of ambitions, ready to do a big job, and must build the Dongjiang Shipyard into the cradle of frigates.

That means that two berths are essential, and after a few years, three berths may be needed.He made a decision in front of Yang Fan.

"Master Yang, we will start the construction of a new horizontal berth as soon as possible. After the construction of the first ship is completed, this inclined berth will also be transformed into a horizontal berth. In the future, we will definitely use the model of double berths."

Double berth!
Of course, this is what Yang Fan is very willing to see. He knows that in the future, the number of Type 054 guided missile frigates will be built in a large number, and at least two horizontal berths are needed to meet the construction requirements.

The two watched the slipway for a long time, and then, at Sun Baoguo's invitation, went to his office to take a rest.While drinking tea, we chatted for a while about the construction of the first ship.

It's just that when it comes to the welding technical problems we are currently facing, Sun Baoguo's mood suddenly drops a little.It can be seen that he is still very worried about the welding problem he is currently facing.

He even said a little bit disappointed: "Master Yang, to be honest, we originally planned to start the formal welding of the steel plate next Monday, and then start the welding and manufacturing of some sections."

Now it seems that it may have to be postponed, and the welding of the formal steel plate can only be started after the welding test piece is passed.

When will the test piece be qualified for welding? To be honest, he has no idea.

It's just that with the understanding of Yang Fan, I know that Chief Designer Yang generally does not do things that are not sure. Since he proposed to focus on the adjustment of welding parameters, it must be reasonable.

Sun Baoguo has relatively strong confidence in this, and hopes to successfully solve the welding problem in a few days.

Yang Fan encouraged: "Focus on the adjustment of welding parameters. There is definitely no problem in this direction. The key lies in persistence. In a few days, I think it will be successful."

I spent almost a day at Dongjiang Shipyard.In addition to personally watching the welding of several welding test pieces, Yang Fan also visited Dongjiang Shipyard again.

I am quite relieved about their hardware facilities and feel very gratified.As early as a few years ago, they carried out a series of technical transformations and upgrades under Yang Fan's suggestion.

The construction of the 054 ship should be no problem. Their hardware conditions fully meet the requirements. If there is only one thing that is not ideal, it is the tilting berth.

The most ideal way to build the 054 ship is the horizontal berth, because the Type 054 missile frigate has high precision and high requirements in all aspects, so it is more convenient to build on the horizontal berth.

Leaving the Dongjiang shipyard, Yang Fan returned to the Donghai Ship Design Institute. Although he was still busy with the design perfection and improvement of the Type 054 guided missile frigate, he urged the following design offices to improve and rectify some design problems found during the construction process. However, we are still paying close attention to the welding progress of Dongjiang Shipyard.

He talks to Sun Baoguo on the phone almost every day.Either Yang Fan called in person, or Sun Baoguo called to report, no matter it was morning or afternoon, the two of them would call at least once or twice.

Although Yang Fan didn't go to Dongjiang Shipyard these two days, he still has a good understanding of the welding progress there.

My own suggestion focuses on the adjustment of welding parameters, and practice has proved that there is no problem.After welding dozens of test pieces and adjusting welding parameters dozens of times, the welding situation has been greatly improved.

Sun Baoguo called just now and happily told Yang Fan that not long ago, they welded a test piece according to the new welding parameters, and it was almost qualified.

Just a small, very inconspicuous micro-crack in the weld.

However, a few days ago, microcracks in welds were very common, usually in several places, which seriously affected the welding strength.


Dongjiang Shipyard, welding workshop.

Welding experiments have been going on, whether it is morning or afternoon.

The three of Wu Mingze from Donghai Shipyard have gone back, Zhang Yi and other experienced welders are staying at the welding site, in addition, there are also welding technicians from Dongjiang Shipyard, including supervisor-level technicians and senior welding technicians. expert.

They saw hope, their faces looked much better, and their pressure seemed to be less.

According to the situation of the last welding test piece, several technicians revised the welding parameters after discussion.

According to the new welding parameters, Zhang Yi personally welded another test piece.

Taking advantage of the welding time, several welding technicians were discussing.

"It seems that No.30 has adjusted the welding parameters at one time. We have welded at least [-] or [-] test pieces in the past few days."

"This is not No.30 once, but No.30 twice. I have records here."

"No.30 has adjusted the welding parameters for the second time. A few days have passed without knowing it. I hope it will be successful as soon as possible."

"I think it should be soon, I suddenly have this premonition."


The technicians were talking hopefully, and Zhang Yi had finished welding the welding test piece.

Everyone gathered around one after another, and quite a few people still nodded in admiration. Master Zhang's craftsmanship is really second to none, and the welded seams are still so beautiful.

The technician in charge of welding also looked at the very beautiful weld, and then said loudly: "Let's check it ourselves first, and then follow the old rules and immediately send it to the welding laboratory for film inspection."

As soon as the sound fell, everyone got busy, and several technicians checked the welds together.


Today is the third update, and the first update is here!

(End of this chapter)

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