Military Heavy

Chapter 385 Welding Difficulty 1 Jump Over

Chapter 385 Overcoming Welding Difficulties
After some inspection.

"I don't think there is a problem, there is no defect from the outside."

"Based on my years of experience, I should be able to pass this time."

"I don't see any problems either, send it to the welding lab for further inspection."

The visual inspection was completed quickly, and everyone agreed that there was no problem, and agreed to send it to the welding laboratory for inspection.

The test piece was quickly sent to the welding laboratory.

The welding problem is currently the biggest technical problem in Dongjiang Shipyard, and it needs to be solved urgently. There is nothing more important than this.

The inspectors in the welding laboratory know this very well. They are almost on call at any time. As soon as the welding test piece arrives, they will arrange for inspection immediately, and all other things will be put aside.

The efficiency of this kind of examination is very high, and it didn't take long for the film examination to be completed.

The technician in charge of the inspection looked excited, and shouted loudly: "Everyone, come and have a look. It finally succeeded. This weld is very perfect."

It worked!
It's been days and it finally worked!

Almost all the people in the welding laboratory came over, and everyone's eyes were fixed on the film taken by this weld seam.

Soon there was a burst of exclamation.

"Wow, it's so perfect, without any flaws, it finally succeeded."

"I'm so happy. It's been several days, and I finally saw such a result."

The film was sent to the welding site with the inspection report, and it was in the hands of these technicians.

Immediately, the whole scene was boiling, and some people couldn't help cheering loudly, we succeeded.

We finally made it!
Several technicians showed happy smiles on their faces, Zhang Yi and several welding workers also let out a long sigh of relief, and a stone that was weighing on their hearts finally fell to the ground.

The film of this welding seam circulated in everyone's hands, and everyone looked at it again and again with great interest.

On the contrary, there was a senior welding expert who seemed more cautious.

He suggested: "The successful welding of the test piece shows that our welding parameters are basically correct, but for further verification, I suggest welding another test piece and checking again."

The reason is obvious, if the same parameters are continuously welded and both test pieces are completely qualified, it means that there is no problem with such welding parameters.

Several other technicians nodded in agreement, so the second test piece began to be welded again.

The welding of this test piece is no longer done by Zhang Yi, but by another experienced welder.

After this test piece was welded, it was first visually inspected and then also sent to the welding laboratory for further inspection.

Soon after, the inspection results came out and were sent to the welding site.

Wei Wei has a little regret.

The same welding parameters, just changed a welder, there are a little bit of small flaws in the welded seam.

Judging from the photos taken, there is an inconspicuous tiny crack in the middle of the weld.

Although it is only a small microcrack, it is still unacceptable.

The whole welding site gradually calmed down. Several welding technicians discussed with Zhang Yi and other welders to analyze why this happened.

At this time, Sun Baoguo accompanied Yang Fan into the welding workshop again.

Hearing that after continuous adjustment of welding parameters, repeated tests and explorations, the welding situation has been greatly improved, so Yang Fan went to Dongjiang Shipyard again.

After walking into the welding workshop and learning about the situation, Yang Fan was very happy.

Loudly said: "Mr. Sun, our direction is not wrong, at least we saw the first test piece that passed the welding."

Finally seeing that a test piece was welded qualified, Sun Baoguo felt relieved and fully agreed: "Thanks to your suggestion, if we don't focus on the adjustment of welding parameters, we don't know when we will see the first test piece. One piece of welding is qualified."

Yang Fan looked modest: "I just made a little suggestion, and it is you who really work hard and work hard."

After some discussion or analysis, several technicians adjusted the welding parameters again, preparing to weld another test piece to have a look.

Yangfan suggested that two welders follow the same welding parameters and welding methods to weld the test piece at the same time. After the two test pieces are welded, they should be sent to the welding laboratory for inspection.

This is undoubtedly the most efficient way to verify the rationality and scientificity of welding parameters.

As for the waste of two welding test pieces in case of unqualified welding, that is secondary.

Welding test pieces are not worth much, so such a little waste is completely irrelevant to Dongjiang Shipyard.

Sun Baoguo waved his hand and said, "According to Master Yang's suggestion, start welding the two test pieces at the same time, and then send them to the welding laboratory for further inspection."

Therefore, Zhang Yi and another welder started to weld the test piece at the same time, using the same welding method and the same welding parameters.

After welding, both test pieces were carefully visually inspected.

"I don't see any issues, the welds look great."

"Master Liu, your level has improved a lot. The test piece you welded is placed next to Master Zhang's test piece. It is almost difficult to tell which test piece you welded."

Master Liu, the welder, grinned. He was also a very experienced old welder, and the welds he welded were also typical fish-scale welds. Compared with Zhang Yi, the gap was not very obvious.

There was no problem with the visual inspection, and the two test pieces were sent to the welding laboratory at the same time.

Sun Baoguo even waved his hands and said loudly: "Let's all go to the laboratory to see the test results."

He really wanted to know how the welding was doing this time.

He accompanied Yang Fan at the front, followed by the welding technicians.

Zhang Yi and Master Liu looked at each other, exchanged glances, nodded slightly, followed by Ye Ye out of the welding workshop.

A group of people went to the welding laboratory and paid attention to the inspection situation.

Soon the inspector in charge of filming and checking shouted excitedly again.

"My goodness, it's hard to believe yet another test piece has a perfectly acceptable weld."

Hearing this excited shout, almost all the people gathered around, their eyes focused on the film that had just been shot.

Judging from the film, this weld seam is very perfect, without any defects.

"Great, qualified again!"

"This is the second test piece that we have qualified for welding."

"It seems that the welding parameters are completely correct this time."


Hearing the excited voices of the technicians, Sun Baoguo and Yang Fan also smiled happily, feeling a burst of relief in their hearts.

Another fully qualified test piece came out, which is a good sign.

Yang Fan even suggested: "We have welded two test pieces in total, and check the other one quickly. I want to see the results."

Sun Baoguo said: "Yes, yes, quickly check the second test piece, I hope it is also qualified."

If both test pieces are qualified, it fully proves that the welding parameters just now are very reasonable and scientific, and it also means that the welding problem has been successfully solved.

As long as the welding method and welding parameters are the same, even two different welders, the welds produced by them are qualified.

This fully proves that the welding problem has been successfully solved, and the formal welding of steel plates can be started.

The inspection of the second test piece was carried out immediately, and the whole scene was completely quiet at once.

Soon, the film was shot out quickly.

Before the technician in charge of the inspection could open his mouth, the people beside him were ebullient.

Everyone is an expert, and you can know the quality of the weld seam just by looking at the film.

"Wow, that's great, the welds are perfect."

"There is no quality problem at all, and the welding problem has been solved by us!"

Some people even jumped up happily and shouted, and the joy was fully expressed in this shout.

Sun Baoguo and Yang Fan hugged each other tightly. He was very excited and said loudly, "Did you see that both cases are qualified."

Yang Fan nodded vigorously, and said a little excitedly: "I saw it, I saw it!"

The stumbling block of welding was finally removed.

Once the difficulty of welding has been overcome, it is foreseeable that Dongjiang Shipyard will start the welding of the first steel plate at full capacity, and start the welding and manufacturing of each section.

After the film inspection of the weld seam, a strength inspection was carried out.

The results were surprising. The welding strength of the two test pieces exceeded the specified value.

The entire welding laboratory was boiling again, and this news also centered on the welding laboratory and quickly spread throughout the Dongjiang Shipyard.

When the workers in the welding workshop heard about it, some cried with joy.

It's not easy!
Several days and nights a year, whether it is day or night.

After the leader Feng Wangdong heard the news, he was in a meeting, so he immediately interrupted the meeting and led several leaders into the welding workshop excitedly.

At this time, Sun Baoguo and Yang Fan had just returned from the welding laboratory.

From far away, Feng Wangdong asked loudly: "Old Sun, is the problem of welding really solved?"

Sun Baoguo reported happily: "It has been solved, and it is a very perfect solution. With the same welding parameters and welding methods, our different welders welded two test pieces at the same time, all of which were qualified, and the welding strength exceeded the specified requirements. "

Feng Wangdong was completely happy, the stone hanging in his heart fell to the ground, and he shook hands with Sun Baoguo tightly.

Sun Baoguo said: "Mr. Feng, the one who needs to be thanked most is Master Yang. If Comrade Yang Fan hadn't proposed to focus on the welding parameters, we don't know when we will be able to solve this big problem."

It's Comrade Yang Fan!
Feng Wangdong was taken aback for a moment, then with a grateful look on his face, he held Yang Fan's hand tightly and thanked him again and again.

Yang Fan said modestly: "You are too polite, I just made some suggestions, and it is you who really work hard and hard."

"No, without your suggestion, there is no hope of solving the problem." Feng Wangdong held Yang Fan's hand tightly, even a little reluctant to let go.

He enthusiastically said: "We must have a good drink tonight, Mr. Sun, go and choose a place to eat and drink."

Sun Baoguo agreed: "It is indeed necessary to have a good drink or two. Don't worry, Mr. Feng, I will definitely choose a good place."


Today is the third update, and the second update will be delivered!

(End of this chapter)

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