Military Heavy

Chapter 386 Everyone Needs Training

Chapter 386 Everyone Needs Training

The big problem of welding has been truly solved, and this stumbling block has been completely removed.


Feng Wangdong, the head of the Dongjiang Shipyard, was the host, and Sun Baoguo personally selected the best restaurant near the shipyard, and everyone sat together.

Before, everyone was under a lot of pressure, but now it is different, they are all very relaxed, and the atmosphere in the box is warm.

Knowing that it was because of adopting Yang Fan's suggestion and focusing on the welding parameters that the welding problem was finally solved, several leaders of Dongjiang Shipyard toasted Yang Fan one by one.

Feng Wangdong was the first to stand up with a full glass of wine, and said very gratefully.

"Master Yang, thanks to you this time, without your advice, we don't know how long the welding problem would have troubled us."

Yang Fan smiled happily, still very modest, "President Feng, you are being polite, even without my suggestion, I believe you will solve this problem sooner or later."

Sun Baoguo also stood up and offered a toast to Yang Fan.He also held the wine glass, full of gratitude.

"Mr. Yang, I won't say more about thanking you. Everything is in this glass of wine."

A glass of baijiu was full, about two taels in size, and he drank it cleanly in one gulp, very boldly.

Yang Fan felt that he had more face.

After Sun Baoguo made such a start, the other leaders who toasted to Yang Fan also basically had a full glass of wine, and they all drank it clean in one gulp.

With such a big face, it is estimated that Yang Fan is the only one.

Some people even thought enviously that Master Yang's face was too great.

From the top leader down, so many leaders toasted one by one!
This meal was eaten in a lively atmosphere for nearly two hours, and Yang Fan drank at least half a catty of white wine.

Knowing that Yang Fan had to go back tonight, Feng Wangdong specially arranged for a driver in the small car class to help Yang Fan drive back.


The big problem of welding is solved.

Dongjiang Shipyard went up and down for a while, the pressure disappeared temporarily, and it was the welding that would start the first steel plate in a few days.

Out of consideration for welding quality, the military representative of Dongjiang Shipyard made a rule that all workers who welded the 054 ship must be trained by Zhang Yi.

In the process of solving this welding problem, Zhang Yi also contributed a lot. Whether it was day or night, he stuck to the welding station and welded at least nearly a hundred test pieces.

Without Zhang Yi's dedication, it is estimated that the welding problem would not have been solved so quickly.

As soon as this regulation came out, many workers were stunned for a while, and then envious to death.

The regulations made by the military representative himself!
All welding workers have to go through Zhang Yi's training.

Master Zhang is so arrogant!

Zhang Yi himself is also very honored. It is probably the first time in his career that he will provide welding training to the workers on duty.

He attached great importance to it, and took the initiative to contact the training department to prepare the training classroom, and prepared the class himself.

There were dozens of workers in the first batch of training, and they were all workers who were about to start the welding of the 054 ship.

When there is time, it is estimated that the second batch of training will be carried out. At that time, the main training will be for workers who weld on the berth.

Dozens of welding workers sat straight in the huge training classroom. On the podium, Zhang Yi wanted to tell everyone the points that need to be paid attention to when welding the new steel type of the 054 ship.

As well as the welding method and process parameters used for welding this new steel type, he was well prepared and his explanation was very clear.

Liu Minggang is a veteran welder who has been engaged in welding for more than 20 years. He is skilled and has two brushes. He has also obtained the welding certification of the International Classification Society.

He didn't go to training.

It happened that a manager saw him in the welding workshop and felt a little strange, so he couldn't help asking: "Master Liu, everyone has gone to participate in welding training, why are you still here?"

Liu Minggang said indifferently: "I have been doing electric welding for more than 20 years, and I have also obtained the welding certification of the International Classification Society. There is no need for further training."

The manager didn't ask any further questions, but just smiled helplessly.

How did I know that the matter quickly reached the military representative.

The military representative was very angry, criticized Liu Minggang by name, and made a rigid rule that any welder who boarded the 054 ship, even if he had obtained the welder certification of the International Classification Society, had to go through Zhang Yi's training.

Soon, Liu Minggang obediently sat in the training classroom and listened carefully to Zhang Yi's lecture.

There are actually five people like Liu Minggang. They are all experienced old welders, and they all think that it is unnecessary to participate in the training. Two of them have also obtained the welder certification of the International Classification Society.

"My God, even people who are certified in welding by the International Bureau of Shipping have to go to the training."

"The welding standards of the 054 ship are so high that they have to go through training before they can work."

"Master Zhang is estimated to be able to brag for a lifetime, and all welders must go through his training."

Many people in Dongjiang Shipyard are talking about this matter, and Zhang Yi's name is also familiar to everyone in the factory.


Donghai Ship Design Institute.

Yang Fan just finished chairing a meeting and returned to his office.

In the meeting just now, Yangfan once again emphasized the improvement of the design of the 054 ship.

Any unreasonable design problems that arise during the construction process must be improved, and a special technical team has also been established to prepare to stay at Dongjiang Shipyard to closely follow the construction process of the first ship and provide technical support and services for the first ship.

After returning to the office, Yang Fan picked up the phone and called Sun Baoguo, and the two communicated on the phone.

I heard that the East China Sea Institute was going to send a technical team of more than ten people to station in their shipyard, and Sun Baoguo almost welcomed it with his hands up.

It is of course a good thing to have designers closely follow up.

If there is any problem in the design, the technicians of their factory can communicate, negotiate or deal with these designers very conveniently.

Regarding Yang Fan's request, Dongjiang Shipyard prepared one or two large offices for these dozen or so designers to work in, and Sun Baoguo agreed without even thinking about it.

"Mr. Yang, there is no problem with this. I will arrange for someone to prepare the office immediately."

After the two discussed the matter, Yang Fan also asked with concern when the formal welding of the first steel plate would start.

The first steel plate was officially welded, which is a very important thing for the construction of the 054 ship, and it is also an important node, which is of great significance.

When welding, Yang Fan will definitely go over and have a look in person.

It was originally planned to start the formal welding of the first steel plate next Monday, but this plan was delayed a little because of the welding problems faced before.

Sun Baoguo said: "We are going to start the welding of the first steel plate next Tuesday, which is only one day behind the original plan."

It was only one day late, and for Sun Baoguo, this was a very good result.

Originally, he had been mentally prepared to decline for several days, but he thought that it was only one day later than planned, which gave him a small surprise.

He also talked about welding training. All welders on the 054 ship have been trained by Zhang Yi.

Yang Fan has a good impression of Zhang Yi.He is dedicated, hardworking, and has a very good technical level.

Yang Fan said: "After Master Zhang's training, then we can feel more at ease. We don't need to think about knowing that the welding quality of the 054 ship will definitely be very good in the future."

Sun Baoguo also laughed happily.


In a few days, Dongjiang Shipyard will start the formal welding of the first steel plate.

Thousands of miles away, Xiangjiang Shipyard is holding a high-level meeting.

Originally, the construction of the first ship of the 054 ship was inevitable, but it was a pity. After some weighing and consideration, they especially adopted Yang Fan's suggestion, and the construction of the first ship was placed in Dongjiang Shipyard.

No one has undertaken the task of building the first ship, and Xiangjiang Shipyard has not given up. They have been paying attention to the progress of the construction of the first ship of the 054 ship.

Their top management is also thinking about whether it is possible to win the construction task of the second ship.

The topic of this office meeting is mainly to discuss the possibility of winning the construction task of the second ship.

The meeting lasted for more than an hour, and almost all the leaders believed that it was entirely possible to win the construction task of the second ship.

How to fight for the construction task, they also thought of some methods and countermeasures.

One of the countermeasures is to send someone to first visit Yang Fan, the chief designer of the 054 ship.

Because Yang Fan's opinion is very important.

In addition to visiting Yang Fan, he must also go to high-level activities, including visiting the commander-in-chief Luo Jianguo.


As usual, Yang Fan walked into his office on time, and first took a look at his desk habitually.

If there are documents that need to be processed, generally the documents on the desk will be processed first.

After becoming the deputy director, some relevant documents in the institute are usually sent to Yang Fan's desk.

I just finished processing a few documents, looked at the time, and thought about going to the design room below to take a look.

There was a knock on the door, and Li Zhengjun, director of the model office, came in to report.

"Master Yang, a guest came outside. He claimed to be Hu Yong, the deputy general manager of Xiangjiang Shipyard, and said he came here to visit you."

Hu Yong!

The deputy general manager of Xiangjiang Shipyard!
Yang Fan has the impression that he met him last time when he held a meeting in Beijing to discuss the construction of the first ship.

When having breakfast at the hotel that morning, Hu Yong came over to say hello and sat at the same table to have breakfast with him.

Interestingly, Hu Yong also introduced the situation of Xiangjiang Shipyard in detail at that time.

He actually came all the way to visit me? ?

Yang Fan was a little startled at first, which was completely beyond his expectation, but gradually he seemed to understand a little bit.

Going to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing, Hu Yong probably came over because of the construction of the 054 ship.

Well, it must be so, maybe Xiangjiang Shipyard has taken a fancy to the construction task of the second ship.


Today is the third update, and the third update will be sent, thank you for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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