Military Heavy

Chapter 388 Welding of the first steel plate

Chapter 388 Welding the First Steel Plate

They were talking loudly, all of them looked extremely excited.

"The construction speed is really fast, and the welding of the first steel plate will start tomorrow!"

"This is a big deal. I heard that the chief designer and commander of the 054 ship will come here."

"Tomorrow, I don't know who will weld the first seam. If it's me, I can honor my ancestors."

"Forget it, it's almost ready, I guess it's Master Zhang Yi."

"That's not necessarily true. It may be Master Liu, and his level is not bad."

A few of them were eating while talking about the welding of the first steel plate tomorrow, and even fantasized about being able to weld the first weld.

However, this should be a luxury.Who will weld the first weld?
It is still unknown for the time being, and it may be produced among several high-level welders such as Zhang Yi.

The welding of the first steel plate is not only a major event in the construction of the first ship of the 054 ship, but also a major event in the Dongjiang Shipyard.

In the evening, Dongjiang Shipyard held another office meeting in order to ensure everything was safe and to do a better job.

In fact, as early as two days ago, a special office meeting was held, focusing on the welding of the first steel plate, and another office meeting was held, which shows the importance that Donghai Shipyard attaches to it.

The next day.

Early in the morning, Zhang Yi went out on his bicycle. It was a little different from usual. He specially wore the cleanest overalls, combed his hair carefully, and even shaved clean.

It is an exaggeration to say that when he was rated as a technical expert in the factory and received the award wearing a big red flower, it seemed that he was not as formal as today.

The whole person looks very energetic. The first steel plate of the 054 ship officially started welding today, which is a big event in his career.

"Will the factory let me weld the first weld?"

He thought about this question again in his heart, since yesterday, it was the nth time he thought about this question.

As a skilled welder, he certainly hopes to be able to weld the first weld of the 054 ship. If so, it will definitely be a highlight in his entire career.

But I was still a little nervous, and I was not absolutely sure. There were several welders in the factory who were not far behind his technical level, and even more people had obtained the welder certification of the International Classification Society.

Anyway, with hope in his heart, he arrived at the welding workshop early.

One after another, some workers also arrived, and the working hours had not yet arrived. Everyone chatted together, and the topic of course was waiting for the welding of the first steel plate to be started.

"It's like a dream, the welding of the first steel plate will start soon."

"You say, who will be arranged to weld the first weld later?"

"I think it should be Lao Liu, he won the advanced individual of the workshop last year."

"No, I think it should be Lao Xie. He has a good technical level. The key is that he will retire next year. He has worked hard all his life. The factory may take care of him."

Someone also said: "The most likely one should be Master Zhang Yi, he has the highest technical level."

Seeing someone mentioning himself, Zhang Yi just smiled and didn't say anything.

Could it be me?
Zhang Yi is really not sure. As everyone said, anyone has the possibility of welding the first weld, and they all have very good reasons.

Everyone was talking like this, and Zhang Yi felt a little uneasy.

At this time, the director of the welding workshop came over, and the workers who were talking loudly, gradually quieted down, only two or three were still talking in a low voice.

The workshop director came over and walked up to Zhang Yi, with a very loud voice: "Zhang Yi, wait a moment and you will weld the first seam, show your housekeeping skills, you must weld beautifully, and give it to our workshop. Put your face up in front of the leaders."

The scene was completely quiet in an instant!
Everyone was stunned and didn't react for a while!

Is this an official arrangement?

It wasn't until the workshop director had left that everyone realized it, including Zhang Yi himself.

At this moment, he is extremely excited!
A voice in my heart shouted, I will weld the first seam, it is me, not someone else!
After a short period of silence, the workers suddenly became commotion, none of them could calm down, and many of them were extremely envious.

Oh my God!

It really is Master Zhang Yi, I envy him so much!
If it were me, how wonderful it would be, this life is worth it!

In addition to envy, it is more congratulations. After all, we are all colleagues and have a good relationship.

"Master Zhang, congratulations!"

"Old Zhang, you must treat me after get off work."

"Master Zhang Yi, let me help you later, and show me my face in front of the leaders."

There was a burst of good-natured laughter from all around, and the stone in Zhang Yi's heart fell to the ground. After expressing his gratitude to those workers who congratulated him, he began to make preparations before welding.


Yang Fan also drove out early in the morning, instead of going to Donghai Shipyard, he went directly to Dongjiang Shipyard.

Today, the first steel plate of the Type 054 guided missile frigate began to be officially welded.

Arriving at Dongjiang Shipyard, there were already many people in the welding workshop, including Sun Baoguo.

Sun Baoguo also saw Yang Fan, and strode towards him, "Master Yang, you came so early!"

The two shook hands tightly.

They are all very happy!
Yang Fan glanced at the situation here, and asked: "How is the preparation work going? When can we start welding the first steel plate?"

Sun Baoguo raised his hand to check the time, and replied: "I'm making final preparations, and it will start in about half an hour. Commander Luo is already on his way, and should be here soon."

He arrived at Donghai International Airport early this morning. Feng Wangdong has already brought someone and a car to the airport to greet him in person, and he is already on his way back.

"Come on, let's go to the welding station to have a look." Sun Baoguo said.

Yang Fan nodded slightly.

There are several welding stations making preparations, and most of the preparations are almost done. Yang Fan also saw a few familiar faces, such as Zhang Yi who welded those test pieces back then.

Yang Fan said: "Old Sun, who will weld a seam?"

Sun Baoguo said: "Zhang Yilai will do the welding, he is our best welder."

Yang Fan agreed: "That's right, the welder with the best skills should indeed weld the first steel plate of the 054 ship."

Hull welding is divided into component welding, subsection welding, general section welding, etc., and the welding of components will start later.

First, the steel plate or steel that has been prepared and welded is welded into parts, and then the parts are welded into sections, and finally the general section. In ship manufacturing, the welding process runs through almost the entire ship construction. process.

In the welding workshop, there are multiple welding platforms, and each platform is almost a welding station, and the steel plates and steel materials that need to be welded have been prepared next to them.

The platform is divided into fixed platform and mobile platform. In the welding workshop, both platforms are available. The welding of components is generally on the fixed platform, the welding of sections is generally on the mobile platform, and the welding of the general section is generally Do it on the slipway.

According to the construction process, the Type 054 missile frigate is divided into three general sections, and their welding is on the berth. Dongjiang Shipyard is preparing an inclined construction berth.

Sun Baoguo took Yang Fan along and introduced these platforms while watching the preparations.

Soon after, Luo Jianguo arrived.

After he arrived, there was a little boiling in the huge welding workshop. The workers knew that the big leader had arrived, and some people even looked over here.

The chief designer is here, and so is the chief commander!

The several main leaders of Dongjiang Shipyard were quite a few, and all of them came to the welding site, including Feng Wangdong, the leader, and Sun Baoguo, the chief builder of the 054 ship.

Everyone shook hands and exchanged greetings.

Soon, the director of the welding workshop came to report: "Leaders, the preparations have been fully completed, and we can start welding."

Sun Baoguo nodded, waved his hand and said, "Everyone this way, please, we will start the welding of the first seam."

A large group of people arrived in front of one of the welding platforms. Zhang Yi and two welders were ready. Seeing so many people coming, the two welders seemed a little nervous.

Zhang Yi, on the other hand, seemed to have seen the big scene, and looked calm and confident.

Sun Baoguo said: "Start welding!"

Zhang Yi nodded, picked up the welding torch, and prepared to weld the first seam.As for the preparatory work, all the work has been done, and the two steel plates to be welded have been assembled, fixed, and leveled. Just pick up the welding torch and weld.

Many workers looked at this side, and many of them showed envy.

In the eyes of everyone, Zhang Yi held a welding torch in one hand and a welding mask in the other hand, and started welding the first seam of the 054 ship.

The sound of welding sounds!

The strong welding light almost illuminates the entire welding platform!
Soon after the first seam was welded, Zhang Yi put down the welding torch and did not continue welding the second seam. He knew that the leaders must have a look at the completed first seam.

The welding was completed, and the light came on, illuminating the weld seam.

Everything is clear.

"Wow, what a beautiful weld!"

"As expected of Zhang Yi, she really has two brushes."


The people of Dongjiang Shipyard were satisfied for a while, including several factory leaders, and some people even gave a thumbs up.Yang Fan and Luo Jianguo also took a close look at the weld.

The welding quality is really good!
Pretty standard "fish scale welding".

Luo Baoguo said with satisfaction: "Master Yang, this is the first weld of our 054 ship, it is really beautiful."

Yang Fan also said: "The welding quality is really good."

After everyone watched the weld, Luo Jianguo announced loudly, "The first weld of Ship 054 was successfully welded at Dongjiang Shipyard!"

Suddenly, there was a burst of warm applause at the scene!

Very loud!
Long lasting!

There are two updates today, and the second update will be sent, thank you everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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