Military Heavy

Chapter 389

Chapter 389

The first steel plate of the 054 ship was welded at Dongjiang Shipyard. The first weld was very beautiful and the welding quality was first-class.

The warm applause rang for a long time.

Everyone is happy!
Almost everyone's faces were filled with happy smiles, and Zhang Yi felt very proud. He kept saying in his heart, I welded the first seam, and I welded it myself!
After a long time, the applause gradually died down.

Luo Jianguo looked at the weld again with satisfaction, and then said: "Comrade Wangdong, Comrade Baoguo, the Type 054 guided missile frigate has entered welding, and the future construction work will be hard on you."

"Should be."

"It's not hard, we must ensure the quality and quantity, and complete the construction task on schedule."

The two answered in this way, full of confidence in the future construction work.

The construction of the 054 ship has entered the welding process, and Yang Fan is also very happy in his heart. He even imagines what a grand occasion it will be when the first ship is delivered two years later.

The previous lofting and numbering can only be said to be the preliminary process, and it is completely different when it comes to welding, which means that the construction has completely entered the substantive stage.

Welding of components, welding of segments, welding of total segments, etc...

Everyone stayed at the welding site for about three or four 10 minutes. After the first weld was completed, the other welding platforms were also busy, and the welders began to weld each part.

What a lively scene!

What a gratifying sight!

Accompanied by Feng Wangdong, Sun Baoguo and other leaders of Dongjiang Shipyard, everyone happily left the welding site talking and laughing.

At noon, Dongjiang Shipyard prepared a sumptuous lunch.

This lunch has two meanings.One is to entertain Yang Fan and Luo Jianguo, and the other is to celebrate the welding of the first steel plate of the 054 ship today.

After lunch, everyone thought that Luo Jianguo would return to the capital, because he was busy with work and time was precious.

How did he know, he took the initiative and said, "Comrade Yang Fan, let me sit with you and let's talk about something."


Yang Fan was slightly surprised, but he quickly realized that Commander Luo should have something very important to talk to him face to face.

Why didn't you specifically say what it was? It might not be convenient for the leaders of Dongjiang Shipyard.

Yang Fan enthusiastically said: "Okay, I still have some coffee at my place, let's sit down and have some coffee together."

The two made an appointment like this, and walked out of the restaurant where they had dinner together. The leaders of Dongjiang Shipyard watched them get into the car.

After the car went away, a leader couldn't help but said: "Commander Luo took the initiative to find Commander Yang, what will they talk about?"

Feng Wangdong said: "Don't be curious about other people's affairs. Our main job now is the construction of the 054 ship."

Yang Fan warmly invited Luo Jianguo into his office, and made two cups of coffee by himself. The two sat down on the sofa in the reception area, chatting while drinking coffee.

First, we talked about the construction of the first ship at Dongjiang Shipyard, and then we talked about the design of the Type 054 guided missile frigate.

Luo Jianguo said with a serious face: "Comrade Yang Fan, tell me, is the design of the Type 054 missile frigate temporarily stable, and there will be no major changes in recent years?"

Ask such a question?

What is the intention?
Yang Fan's mind was spinning quickly, and soon he thought of a possibility.

It is estimated that the military is beginning to consider the construction plan of the second 054 ship.If the design is basically stable and there are no major changes, construction of the second ship may start in the near future.

"Well, it's probably like this." Yang Fan said in his heart.

After understanding what was going on, Yang Fan said: "I can clearly say that the design of the Type 054 guided missile frigate is basically stable, and there will be no major changes, let alone subversive problems. Replacement."

The replacement of weapons and equipment will not change much, because Yang Fan has fully considered this point in the design. The whole design is very convenient for the replacement of weapons and equipment.

Added: "Of course, there must be small improvements. The design of the 054 ship is a process of continuous improvement and improvement."

After hearing Yang Fan's words, Luo Jianguo was relieved.

The design of the Type 054 guided missile frigate is basically stable, and no major changes will be made in the next three to five years.

Noticing Luo Jianguo's relieved expression, Yang Fan asked tentatively.

"Commander Luo, has the higher-ups already considered the construction of the second ship?"

Without concealing it, Luo Jianguo said: "There are indeed considerations in this regard. I came to Donghai City today. In addition to seeing the welding of the first steel plate with my own eyes, more importantly, I want to talk to you about the construction of the second ship. .”

Yang Fan is familiar with history.

Historically, only a few months after the first ship was built, the construction of the second 054 ship started at the Xiangjiang Shipyard.

Yang Fan said: "I would like to hear the details."

First listen to Luo Jianguo's speech before speaking.

Luo Jianguo admitted: "Since the design of the 054 ship is basically stable and no major improvements will be made, I will bring this situation back."

"After considering this situation above, I estimate that the construction of the second 054 ship will start soon..."

Yang Fan listened carefully.

After Luo Jianguo spoke, he asked for Yang Fan's opinion, "Comrade Yang Fan, if the construction of the second 054 ship starts, which shipyard do you think is more appropriate to assign the construction task to?"

Certainly no longer Dongjiang Shipyard.

This is the basic consensus.

Yang Fan knew that if history did not deviate on this point, the second ship should have been built at Xiangjiang Shipyard.

But you can't predict the future!

To be honest, Yang Fan has not been to this shipyard since his rebirth, and his understanding of it is limited to Hu Yong's introduction, and he has not even had time to take a look at the introduction materials he sent over.

Yang Fan did not directly suggest that the construction of the second ship should be placed in Xiangjiang Shipyard. Without investigation, he has no right to speak.

Yang Fan did not answer directly, but said: "There are several shipyards in China that are good. We need to investigate and understand, and we can make a decision after repeated weighing."

The two were chatting about the construction of the second 054 ship, while Hu Yong walked into the East China Sea Ship Design Institute again.

Now he is both happy and a little nervous.

Happily, Commander Luo is at Donghai Institute, and should be in Yang Fan's office.What is disturbing is that I am not sure of convincing Commander Luo.

How to do it?

For the construction of the second 054 ship, their Xiangjiang Shipyard is bound to win, and this construction task cannot be lost.

While walking towards the office building of the East China Sea Institute, Hu Yong thought in his heart, how should he speak, how should he speak, and what should he say when he sees Commander Yang and Commander Luo later.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

There was a knock on the office door.

Yang Fan and Luo Jianguo were chatting about the second 054 ship, when they heard a knock on the door, they thought it was Li Zhengjun or someone from the design office below.

Yang Fan said loudly: "Come in."

The door of the office was pushed open, and Yang Fan was surprised to see someone coming, but he didn't expect it to be Hu Yong.

Luo Jianguo was also surprised that he saw Hu Yong at Yang Fan's place. You must know that Xiangjiang Shipyard is thousands of miles away from Donghai City.

"General Manager Hu?"

Luo Jianguo looked surprised, and looked at Yang Fan with a little astonishment.

Hu Yong opened the door and came in, with a smile on his face and a very humble attitude, "Commander Yang, Commander Luo, I'm sorry to bother you."

Don't reach out and hit the smiling face.

He was full of smiles, and his attitude was so good. Of course, there was no anger in his heart. Yang Fan said enthusiastically: "Mr. Hu, please sit down and try my coffee here."

Hu Yong quickly thanked, "Master Yang, you are too polite, thank you, thank you."

After saying "thank you" twice, he sat down on the sofa.

All three drank coffee.

Soon we talked about the construction of the 054 ship. Hu Yong said: "I really envy Dongjiang Shipyard. The construction of the first ship has begun to enter the welding stage."

Luo Jianguo smiled and said with satisfaction: "Dongjiang Shipyard is really good, and it didn't disappoint me."

Hu Yong said: "Commander Luo, our Xiangjiang Shipyard is also good, I don't think it is any inferior to Dongjiang Shipyard..."

He simply seized the opportunity and introduced Xiangjiang Shipyard to Yang Fan and Luo Jianguo again.

Such as their shipyard's history, development process, current scale, strength, hardware conditions and so on.

The introduction is very detailed!
Although it is not stated clearly that Xiangjiang Shipyard can undertake the construction of the Type 054 guided missile frigate, the meaning is almost the same.

It is very obvious that Hu Yong's detailed introduction of Xiangjiang Shipyard is obviously a ulterior motive.

Yang Fan and Luo Jianguo looked at each other and smiled!
The two of them understood very well.

Introducing the Xiangjiang Shipyard, Hu Yong warmly invited: "Commander Luo, Commander Yang, you two are very welcome to visit and investigate our factory."

Luo Jianguo thought for a while, and then said, "I may not have time in the near future."

That's it!
Hu Yong was obviously a little disappointed.

Luo Jianguo did not lie. He is indeed busy recently. After returning from Donghai City, he has to report to his superiors, especially the report that the design of the 054 ship is basically stable, and the construction of the second ship can be considered.

Noticing Hu Yong's disappointment, Luo Jianguo seemed a little unbearable, and looked at Yang Fan.

Yang Fan was very straightforward, and agreed immediately: "I have long wanted to go to Xiangjiang Shipyard to take a look, just in a few days, I will go to your place."


Hu Yong was instantly inexplicably surprised!
Commander Luo was very busy and couldn't come. He was a little disappointed at first, but now that little disappointment is gone.

Master Yang can go over and take a look, it's great!
In particular, he knows that if the construction of the second Type 054 guided missile frigate is carried out in the future, Yang Fan has a lot of say in which shipyard will be given the construction task.

Because he is the chief designer of the Type 054 guided missile frigate, Yang Fan suggested which shipyard should build the second ship, and the above will basically adopt it.

Hu Yong was instantly pleasantly surprised!

What surprised him even more was yet to come.


Today is the third update, and the first update is sent.

(End of this chapter)

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