Military Heavy

Chapter 390 Chinese Pager

Chapter 390 Chinese Pager

Hu Yong was inexplicably surprised!
Yang Fan and Luo Jianguo looked at each other and smiled.

Hu Yong said enthusiastically: "Master Yang, we will definitely sweep the couch and welcome you."

Yang Fan said modestly: "It's too polite."

The two shook hands happily.

Looking at Hu Yong who was full of joy, Luo Jianguo smiled and told him a piece of news, which made him even more inexplicably surprised.

"Comrade Hu Yong, you really want to get the task of building the second ship of the Type 054 guided missile frigate."

"Yes, we really want to get this honorable task." Hu Yong admitted.

Since Commander Luo always asked this question, there was no need to hide it at all. He admitted it very readily, as if he had a premonition in his heart, and looked at Luo Jianguo hopefully.

Luo Jianguo said: "Let me tell you one thing. The leadership above intends to start the construction of the second ship. It should be a recent matter, and there will be results soon."

Very good!
Hu Yong was even more pleasantly surprised and even cheered up. This was something they were looking forward to very much, and this was definitely good news.

His first thought was that I should call back immediately to tell my comrades the exciting news, and then he was full of gratitude.

"Commander Luo, thank you for telling me such good news."

Luo Jianguo said: "You don't need to thank me, even if I don't tell you, the news will reach a shipyard in a few days."

Hu Yong was in a good mood, raised his hand to check the time, and said enthusiastically: "I'm the host tonight, so you must give me this face. The three of us must have two drinks."

Yang Fan and Luo Jianguo laughed happily, and agreed almost at the same time, no problem, we will give you this face, sit down and have a drink tonight.

In the evening, Hu Yong happily played host.

I chose a good restaurant near the East China Sea Ship Design Institute, specially asked for a private room, ordered a large table of dishes, and ordered a bottle of good wine.

Such a rich dish, Yang Fan called it too wasteful, and the three of them couldn't finish it.

What is waste, he Hu Yong is happy.

The atmosphere was good. After eating a meal for more than an hour, when leaving the restaurant, Hu Yong held Yang Fan's hand tightly again, full of gratitude, "Master Yang, I'm waiting for you at Xiangjiang Shipyard, I hope you Come here sooner."

Yang Fan said: "No problem, I will come over as soon as possible."

After sending Hu Yong away, Yang Fan specially sent Luo Jianguo to Donghai International Airport, his plane tonight.

in the office.

After going to work today, Yang Fan first read the design drawings and processed several documents on his desk, thinking in his heart, let's go to Xiangjiang Shipyard tomorrow.

Who will you take with me?

Yang Fan thought about Han Jiang, and planned to take him to Xiangjiang Shipyard to inspect this historic shipyard, and also to the south by the way, especially to Shenhai City.

While thinking about these things, there was a knock on the door, and Li Zhengjun opened the door and came in, holding a small box in his hand.

"Master Yang, the comrades in charge have told you to pick up the pager, and I'll get it for you."

After speaking, put this small box on Yang Fan's desk.

"Oh, you can get it so soon."

Yang Fan was a little surprised, thinking it would take a few more days.

Of course Yang Fan knew about this.The old director Liang Zhiquan has retired, and Pan Jinfu takes over as the director.

The first thing he did when he took office was to propose to install pagers for everyone. Last time he specifically proposed it in the office meeting. Most of the leaders, including Yang Fan, voted for it.

In order to facilitate the development of the work, it is indeed necessary to have a pager. It is really inconvenient to only have a fixed phone. As for the mobile phone, Donghai Institute does not have the financial resources.

A mobile phone costs as little as 1 yuan, and a little more expensive one costs 3000 to [-] yuan, which is too expensive.Pagers are much cheaper, digital ones are only in the early [-]s, and Chinese ones only cost [-]-[-] yuan. One mobile phone can buy ten pagers.

A pager is also called a BP machine, or a buckle machine.

In 1995, this was a very fashionable thing. If you put it on the belt at the waist, it would make your waist straighter.

Yang Fan happily opened the packing box. Inside was a black pager. Looking at this small thing, he was full of thoughts. He never thought that one day he would use this thing himself.

Before rebirth, I was used to a high degree of informatization. The mobile phone is powerful, and almost any software can be installed on it, and the communication between people is very convenient.

I thought the pager was an antique thing, but I really used it. It is still very fashionable now, and it is something that others are very envious of.

Li Zhengjun was very envious and reminded: "Mr. Yang, your machine is in Chinese, which is much better than our digital machine."

The leaders of the East China Sea Institute all use Chinese phones, and the chief and deputy directors of each design room use digital phones. As for the team leaders of each design team, they have not been equipped with pagers for the time being, and they don't even have digital phones.

Digital machines are cheaper and have much simpler functions. They can only display phone numbers, while Chinese phones are more powerful. They can not only display phone numbers, but also leave messages.

Feeling Li Zhengjun's envy, Yang Fan said: "Don't be jealous, you can also be equipped with Chinese phones in one or two years, and after three or four years, the office will provide you with mobile phones."

No way!
Li Zhengjun was a little frightened.

Secretly speechless.

A mobile phone can range from ten thousand to several thousand, and it can be as expensive as twenty or thirty thousand. It is simply an unattainable thing, and he, Li Zhengjun, dare not even think about it.

Yang Fan patted him on the shoulder lightly, and said with a smile: "Maybe in three or four years, every director and deputy director in the institute will be equipped with a mobile phone."

Li Zhengjun was taken aback again.

This is simply unthinkable!

Yang Fan thinks it is very normal. In three or four years, the 21st century will be approaching. At that time, it will no longer be called a mobile phone, but a mobile phone.

The price has also plummeted, and a mobile phone only costs more than 1000 yuan, and its functions are much more powerful than the current [-] to [-] brick mobile phones, and the signal is much better.

But Li Zhengjun didn't know, he was scared to death.

Every chief and deputy director of the design office was equipped with a BP machine. Suddenly, this matter became a hot topic in Donghai Institute, and many designers looked envious.

"Look at the BP machine on our director's waist, how handsome it is."

"It would be nice if I had one too!"

"I saw it at the counter of the post office a few days ago. Our director's one costs more than 1000, which is worth two months' salary of mine."


The designers looked envious, and the middle-level employees of Donghai Institute looked proud and elated. Finally, they had a fashionable BP machine attached to their waists, which was envied by others.

Some middle-level people deliberately unbuttoned their jackets to expose the BP machine at their waist, especially when walking, as if they were afraid that others would not know that they had a BP machine with more than 1000 yuan attached to their belt.

Yang Fan is much more low-key.

Others are extremely jealous and envious of the Chinese pager. He put it on the desk casually as if it was just a gadget, and it was not on the belt around his waist at all.

Han Jiang's eyes are straight.

He received a call just now, and immediately entered Yang Fan's office, keeping his eyes on the Chinese pager. As for Yang Fan's business trip to Xiangjiang Shipyard, he didn't know how much he heard.

Yang Fan was speechless for a while.

Shaking his head wryly.

Han Jiang stood up, took two steps forward, took this brand new Chinese machine and looked at it again and again, and then said: "Brother Fan, how about using it for a few days?"

Yang Fan scolded with a smile: "It's just playing the piano like crazy, can I borrow this thing from you for a few days?"

It is true that they cannot be borrowed.

The number of each BP machine is registered in the office, and a palm-sized up-to-date address book is specially made. Everyone's BP machine number and the fixed-line phone number of each office will all be listed on it.

This BP machine was allocated to Yang Fan for office use by the unit, and if others called for something, if the BP machine was in Han Jiang's hands, it would be a mess.

Han Jiang was just saying this casually, and he didn't know that it was impossible to lend him a few days. He took this Chinese machine and looked at it again and again, and even took out his digital machine for comparison.

Now he has been promoted to the deputy director of the power design room, and he happened to be equipped with a digital machine. After receiving this BP machine, he was simply ecstatic. After watching it again and again, he couldn't put it down. .

He specifically said to several team leaders in the power system design room, if there is anything to call him, there is no one who looks so complacent.

Brother Fan's is a Chinese machine, which is a higher level, has more functions, and the price is almost twice as expensive. Han Jiang's eyes turned red with envy.

Yang Fan smiled and said: "Okay, don't read it, did you listen to what I told you about the business trip to Xiangjiang Shipyard tomorrow?"

It was only then that Han Jiang put down the Chinese phone with some reluctance, as if he still couldn't get enough of it, "Brother Fan, I've heard it. We will depart from the institute at 11:[-] tomorrow morning, and the plane will depart at [-]:[-]."

Even if you still listened to it.

Yang Fan said: "Go back and prepare. We will leave on time tomorrow. We will probably stay in the south for a few days, and we will go to Shenhai City to take a look."

"It doesn't matter if you stay for a few days, anyway, following Brother Fan is sure to be delicious, and Brother Fan will pay for everything."

Yang Fan laughed and scolded again: "You have a good idea, the two of us will make an AA system, and all expenses will be shared equally."

"do not!"

Han Jiang had an exaggerated expression, "I'm shy with a cyst now, and I hand over all my monthly salary to my wife, and I only have 50 yuan a month as pocket money."

Yang Fan laughed out loud.

Very happy.

It's easy to be with Han Jiang, which is why I took Han Jiang to Xiangjiang Shipyard on a business trip.

The next day.

The two were going on a business trip together. Before nine in the morning, Han Jiang dragged his suitcase into Yang Fan's office. Obviously, everything was ready for him.

After entering, Han Jiang was stunned when he saw the mobile phone on Yang Fan's desk, his eyes straightened!

No way!
Today is the third update, and the second update will be delivered!

(End of this chapter)

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