Military Heavy

Chapter 391 Afternoon Tea

Chapter 391 Afternoon Tea

Han Jiang couldn't believe his eyes!
As if being tapped on an acupuncture point by someone else, the whole person freezes in an instant!
Noticing Han Jiang's reaction, Yang Fan said, "What's wrong, you've been frightened by a phone call."

Only then did Han Jiang react.

With an excited expression on his face, he dropped the suitcase in his hand, walked to the big desk in a few steps, and picked up the phone in one go.

"Wow, it's still new, at least 2 yuan."

Yang Fan smiled and thought in his heart, I really like that you have never seen the world, it's just a phone, and you have such a big reaction.

Han Jiang didn't care so much, the expression on his face was very exciting, and he looked and looked at the phone even more, as if he completely forgot that the two of them were going on a business trip soon.

After a few minutes, Yang Fan finally couldn't bear it anymore, and reminded: "It's almost nine o'clock in the morning, we can set off."

Only then did Han Jiang recover from the excitement, and said expectantly: "Brother Fan, how about I help you get this phone."

I have convinced you.

Feeling his flattering expression, Yang Fan smiled and said, "Okay, let's play with you for a while, remember, after you get on the plane, you must give me this phone number."

"Okay, okay, definitely."

Han Jiang was extremely happy, holding the mobile phone in one hand and his suitcase in the other, and followed behind Yang Fan, the two left the office and the office building one after the other.

Yang Fan rarely brought this phone to his unit, and Jiang Yan usually used it a lot.

Who knows, just a few days ago, Yang Fang bought another phone of the same model and sent it over, so this phone returned to Yang Fan's hands.

Today, he was going on a business trip. Considering the convenience of communication, Yang Fan still brought this phone with him so that he could contact Xiangjiang Shipyard and report to Jiang Yan that he was safe when he arrived.

Holding the phone in his hand, Han Jiang was so happy!
After leaving the office building and getting into the car, he was still fiddling with it, with a strong interest, as if he would not stop until he studied it thoroughly.

Yang Fan curled his lips.

He studied the function and operation of this phone thoroughly in a few minutes. Compared with the smart phone one or twenty years later, there is simply no comparison, and the function is too single.

But such a phone with a single function is now a symbol of the status of a rich person. Those who have such a phone are definitely not ordinary rich people.

At the airport, Han Jiang was still "studying" the phone.

While waiting for the flight in the waiting hall, Han Jiang's shirt was draped open, revealing the BP machine pinned to his waist belt, holding the phone in his hand, full of style, which attracted a lot of attention.

His vanity was greatly gratified.

He even deliberately held the phone, pretended to make a call with a loud voice, and felt the envious eyes of those around him, especially the eyes of those young women. Han Jiang was extremely proud, as if he was really a successful big boss .

Seeing this, Yang Fan shook his head lightly.

But it didn't break the point, which gave him enough opportunities to pretend to be X.

After getting on the plane, Han Jiang didn't take the initiative to return the phone to Yang Fan, but gestured with the phone, and said loudly: "Stewardess, come here, it's a bit cold, give me a blanket."

After speaking, he deliberately opened his shirt to reveal the BP machine at his waist.

With a BP machine on his waist and a big phone in his hand, he looks like a rich man. In addition to being young, the attitude of the stewardess is very enthusiastic.

Han Jiang felt complacent again.

Seeing him being so coquettish, Yang Fan simply turned sideways, with a look of "I don't know him".Of course, he didn't take down Han Jiang's station, nor did he take over the phone.

The plane landed successfully in GZ city.

When he was walking out with his luggage, Yang Fan finally said, "Comrade Han Jiang, can you give me this phone?"

Although he was still a little bit reluctant, he knew that Brother Fan had given him enough time to pretend to be X, and it was time to return the phone.

"Brother Fan, thank you."

Yang Fan took the call and said jokingly: "If you really want to thank me, it's very simple. The afternoon tea in GZ City is very famous. Let's have an afternoon tea and then go to Xiangjiang Shipyard. Of course, you treat me. "

"Don't, Brother Fan, show mercy."

Han Jiang hurriedly begged for mercy. He only had pocket money of 50 yuan a month. Where would he have spare money to buy afternoon tea? He was completely fooling around with Yang Fan.

Yang Fan was just joking, and said with a smile: "Okay, I was just joking with you, I guess Mr. Hu is already waiting outside the airport."

Hearing this, Han Jiang felt relieved, took a long breath of relief, and patted his chest lightly.

Early this morning, Yang Fan called Hu Yong and told him that he was going to GZ City this afternoon, and told him which flight it was.

Sure enough, as soon as Yang Fan got out of the airport, he saw Hu Yong who came to greet him personally. It seemed that he had been waiting for a long time and was looking around.

"Mr. Hu, you are too polite!"

"Master Yang, welcome to GZ City!"

When the two met, they were happy and shook hands tightly.

At this moment, Yang Fan could fully feel Hu Yong's heartfelt joy and his incomparable enthusiasm.

Soon after, the construction of the second ship will start, and before that, Yang Fan will go to GZ City to visit and inspect the Xiangjiang Shipyard. This is undoubtedly an extremely exciting thing, not only for Hu Yong, but also for the entire Xiangjiang The same goes for shipyards.

After shaking hands, Yang Fan introduced: "This is Comrade Han Jiang, the deputy director of our power system design department, and my best friend."

Master Yang's best friend!

That must not be neglected!

Hu Yong took the initiative to shake hands with Han Jiang enthusiastically, and said: "Director Han, welcome, welcome!"

After exchanging polite greetings, at Hu Yong's invitation, everyone got into a car parked not far away. The driver was a young man who should be Hu Yong's full-time driver.

After putting away the luggage, Han Jiang sat in the co-pilot's seat, and Yang Fan and Hu Yong sat in the back seat. Although the two had only met a few times, they were like old friends at the moment, chatting and laughing, and the atmosphere was relaxed.

Gradually leaving the airport, the car didn't go to the Xiangjiang Shipyard, but to the famous old street in GZ City, where the city's heritage is more abundant.

Of course, there are also many century-old shops.

Hu Yong said politely: "Let's drink afternoon tea first, and then go to the hotel. I will pick you up tomorrow to visit our shipyard."

He has basically arranged everything.

Happy Yang Fan!
Just now, I was joking with Han Jiang, saying that I want him to treat guests to drink afternoon tea. Unexpectedly, Hu Yong thought very carefully, knowing that he only had lunch on the plane, and it was too early for dinner, so he simply brought him to the Came here for afternoon tea.

Drinking afternoon tea is a major feature of GZ City.

Hu Yong was obviously very familiar with this area, and took Yang Fan into a shop that seemed to have been open for at least decades. It was very clean, and he felt very comfortable as soon as he entered.

Afternoon tea is more than just drinking tea.

It has a lot of things, including snacks, desserts, pastries, porridge, fruits, etc., which can be no less than a dinner.

Guessing that Yang Fan and the others are from Donghai City and are not very familiar with GZ afternoon tea, Hu Yong took the initiative to order a lot of things, which were very rich.

Han Jiang's eyes lit up.

He thought that afternoon tea was just a real drink of tea and a chat, with a few snacks at most, but he didn't think of so many things.

Hu Yong enthusiastically said: "Master Yang, you have a taste, if it is not enough, we will order more."

Yang Fan quickly said: "Enough, enough, the four of us simply can't finish it, and ordering more is a waste."

The four of them settled down and chatted while drinking afternoon tea and enjoying the leisure time in the afternoon.

The protagonists are of course Yang Fan and Hu Yong. Han Jiang occasionally interjects a sentence or two. As for the young driver, he basically keeps quiet throughout the process.

Hu Yong did not introduce the Xiangjiang Shipyard, nor did he mention the construction of the second ship, but introduced the customs and current affairs of GZ City to Yang Fan.

Time seemed to slow down.

The rare quiet hour, it seems that I don't want to leave once I stay.

After chatting for a long time and talking about a lot of content, Hu Yong finally mentioned the Shenhai City not far next door, and said with envy.

"Deep Sea City is indeed a window city for reform. The speed of development in these years is unbelievable, especially with the rise of Hongtai Plaza, this city has come to the front of GZ City."

Yang Fan said: "Mr. Hu, do you also know Hongtai Plaza?"

"of course I know."

Hu Yong said without hesitation, "Many people in GZ City know Hongtai Plaza. It is a complex integrating leisure, shopping, and office, and it is also the center of Shenhai City. , is a very prosperous place”

When he talked about Hongtai Plaza in Shenhai City, he was not stingy with words of praise. In his words, he deeply admired Hongtai Group, which launched this model.

Yang Fan felt happy for a while, thinking, if he told Hu Yong that the model of Hongtai Plaza was his suggestion, what kind of reaction would he have?

Of course, it's just thinking about it in my heart, Yang Fan won't talk about his relationship with Hongtai Group with anyone, even his best friend Han Jiang, he doesn't know about it either.

After admiringly talking about the situation of Hongtai Plaza in Shenhai City, Hu Yong said: "In our GZ city, Hongtai Group is also preparing to build Hongtai Plaza, and the construction has already started. I went to see their planning renderings, and it is really good."

Yang Fan knew about this matter. Yang Fang told him that Hongtai Real Estate has already developed in GZ City. Apart from Hongtai Plaza, it has also developed and constructed the first large-scale real estate.

Hu Yong mentioned this real estate project, "It is not far from Hongtai Plaza, only a few three or four kilometers away. Hongtai Group is developing a large-scale high-end residential area. I originally wanted to buy a house there, but the price of two to three thousand , really made me retreat."

In 1995, even in GZ City, the price of [-] to [-] was indeed a high housing price.

Yang Fan doesn't think so.

That place is definitely the center of GZ City. In the future, every inch of land will be worth every dollar, at least 10,000+ per square meter. If you buy it now, you will definitely make a lot of money.

Do you want to remind Hu Yong and suggest him to buy a house as soon as possible?

Yang Fan thought so in his heart.

Today is the third update, and the third update is sent, thank you everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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