Military Heavy

Chapter 392 Xiangjiang Shipyard

Chapter 392 Xiangjiang Shipyard

After thinking about it for three or five seconds, Yang Fan made up his mind and gave Hu Yong some advice. After all, he has a good impression of him and he is very warm, so now he is more polite and invites you to drink afternoon tea.

Yang Fan said: "Mr. Hu, I have a little suggestion, do you want to listen to it?"

Hu Yong immediately said: "Of course, Master Yang, please tell me."

Yang Fan said: "Although Hongtai Real Estate's houses are a bit more expensive now, but the location is good, the environment is good, and it is comfortable to live in. I suggest you buy a house."

Hu Yong said: "The price is a little expensive, and we are under a lot of pressure."

This is true, these days it is indeed a certain pressure to spend tens of thousands of dollars. Fortunately, this is GZ City, and there are quite a lot of rich people. Otherwise, it would be difficult to sell a house worth two or three thousand dollars.

As the deputy general manager of Xiangjiang Shipyard, Hu Yong has a relatively high income. The tens of thousands of yuan should be his savings for many years, so he is so cautious.

Yang Fan said: "The future appreciation of Hongtai's house is huge. Now it is two or three thousand per square meter, and the price can rise to tens of thousands or even 10,000+ per square meter in the future."

10,000+ per square meter!

Hu Yong was almost stunned!

Fortunately, as the deputy general manager, he is used to big scenes, and his psychological quality is relatively strong. The expression on his face is not very obvious, but the shock in his heart cannot be overstated.

Han Jiang mainly showed his shock on his face.

It's unbelievable!

"Brother Fan, the housing prices in the future won't be so scary, right? 10,000+ per square meter, wouldn't that house cost more than 1000 million? Who has so much money to buy a house!"

Yang Fan smiled disdainfully, "What is 10,000+? In 20 years at most, in megacities like GZ City and Shenhai City, the house price in prime locations can exceed 20 yuan."

More than 20 million!

Han Jiang didn't hold the spoon in his hand and fell to the ground. He fell into a state of sluggishness. He estimated in his mind how much a house would cost and how many months' salary it would take to buy a toilet.

Hu Yong quickly came to his senses, his tone was not very calm, "Mr. Yang, the future housing prices will really be terrifying."

Yang Fan said affirmatively: "It will definitely reach this level, so if you want to buy a house, you should buy it as soon as possible. Great money."

"Okay, okay, I will discuss with my wife as soon as possible, and buy a set as soon as possible." Hu Yong agreed.

A few years later, when his house really rose to 10,000+ one square meter, he admired Yang Fan, and said in his heart more than once, Mr. Yang, a god-man, who knows things like a god, said that it will rise to 10,000 +, it really rose to 10,000+.

At that time, apart from admiration and gratitude to Yang Fan, I also felt that I had made a lot of money, and even patted my thigh and said, why did I buy another set, regretting it.

Seeing that Hu Yong adopted his suggestion, Yang Fan was relieved for a while.

Glancing at Han Jiang, he also reminded: "Han Jiang, you should also consider buying a commercial house as soon as possible. Hongtai Real Estate has developed several real estate projects in Donghai City, and they are all good."

Han Jiangdao: "Brother Fan, the house price in Donghai City will not rise like this, will it reach tens of thousands, or even 10,000+ per square meter."

Yang Fan said: "That's for sure. In less than ten years, the housing prices in Donghai City will reach this level. Tens of thousands of square meters are considered cheap."

Han Jiang was stunned!
The couple haven't bought a commercial house yet, and currently live in a welfare house allocated by the work unit, with a square meter of more than [-] square meters, two bedrooms and one living room.

Han Jiang knows that with the development of the times, housing conditions will gradually improve. At present, a house of more than [-] square meters is acceptable, but it may not be enough in a few years, and it will be a little crowded.

He also wanted to buy a house in the past, but the price was basically more than 1000 per square meter, and he was a little hesitant. He was going to wait for it to be cheaper before buying. In addition, the money was not enough, and he had to save money for another two or three years.

Yang Fan's words frightened him.

With such an increase, the speed at which he saves money cannot keep up with the speed at which the price of the house rises, and it may be difficult to buy a house in his life.

After a daze, he finally came to his senses. Han Jiang said in a bit of embarrassment: "Brother Fan, if I buy a house now, I will be at least tens of thousands of yuan short, or you can say hello to Hongtai Real Estate for me. It’s tens of thousands of dollars cheaper than me.”

Yang Fan waved his hand, and said proudly: "It's a small matter, I can call you right now."

After finishing speaking, he took out his mobile phone, made a phone call in front of everyone, and said: "Han Jiang, I'll go to Hongtai Real Estate's real estate 'Hongtai Yipin' which is the closest to us. The internal price can be 300 yuan cheaper per square meter." dollars."

Good guy!
Each square meter is 300 yuan cheaper!

A house with an area of ​​more than 3 square meters can save more than [-] yuan.

Immediately, Han Jiang was extremely pleasantly surprised.

What surprised him even more was that Yang Fan continued: "If the money is still enough, you can come to me to get the money, and there will be no problem with one hundred and eighty thousand."

Han Jiang was a little moved, and his eyes were a little moist.

Yang Fan patted him on the shoulder lightly, "We are good brothers, I can still help with this. After returning, I quickly bought the house."


Han Jiang nodded gratefully, took out a tissue and gently wiped his eyes, he almost burst into tears just now.

Hu Yong was surprised!
I thought in my heart, why is Mr. Yang so awesome, Hongtai Real Estate can be settled with one phone call, and each square meter can be 300 yuan cheaper. In addition, is Donghai Institute so rich? Are the leaders in their office equipped with big brothers? ?

At least their Xiangjiang Shipyard has not reached this level. As the deputy general manager, he is only equipped with a Chinese pager.

His face was full of doubts.

Very puzzled.

Han Jiang obviously noticed Hu Yong's confusion, and proudly said: "Mr. Hu, you may not know that Brother Fan's own sister is the boss of Hongtai Group, and the entire Hongtai Group belongs to his sister."

Master Yang has such an arrogant sister!

This time, he didn't come back to his senses for a long time.

Yang Fan smiled. This is almost an undisclosed secret. Many people know about this relationship, and it's nothing. Yang Fang's business does not have much influence on Yang Fan.

Now that Hu Yong knows about this relationship, let’s give him another favor. Yang Fan said: "Boss Hu, if you go to Hongtai Real Estate to buy a house, it will be [-] yuan cheaper per square meter."

And such a good thing!
Hu Yong was extremely happy and quickly expressed his thanks.

Afternoon tea lasted for almost two hours, during which Hu Yong expressed his thanks several times.Seeing that it was almost time, he suggested, "Master Yang, let's go to the hotel first, how about it?"

Yang Fan got up and said, "Okay, it's getting late, we should go and settle the place where we will live tonight."

Everyone laughed happily.

A group of four people left the store, got in the car and drove towards the Xiangjiang Shipyard. It took about four to five or 10 minutes, not far from the Xiangjiang Shipbuilding, and the car stopped at the entrance of a star hotel.

This is a four-star hotel with a good environment. The key point is that it is only a few kilometers away from the Xiangjiang Shipyard. It is the closest four-star hotel to the shipyard.

Yang Fan and Han Jiang each have a standard room.

It's not that the two are crowded in the same room, which shows Hu Yong's politeness.

After arranging to stay in the room, Hu Yong said politely: "Master Yang, take a rest first, and we will have dinner together in two hours, that is, at about seven o'clock in the evening."

"President Hu, you're welcome."

After temporarily separating from Hu Yong, Yang Fan took a rest in the room and made several phone calls during the period, one of which was to report to Jiang Yan that she was safe and told her that she had arrived and checked into the hotel.

The next day.

After breakfast, accompanied by Hu Yong's enthusiasm, both Yang Fan and Han Jiang walked into Xiangjiang Shipyard for the first time.

This is an old shipbuilding company with a history of more than 100 years, and it is also a very powerful military shipbuilding company. Hu Yong has introduced the relevant situation to Yang Fan more than once.

Hu Yong walked in front with Yang Fan, introduced and showed Yang Fan around.

Several people followed the two of them. Except for Han Jiang, the others were all middle and senior leaders of Xiangjiang Shipyard.

You could tell they were happy.

Also full of hope!

The chief designer of the Type 054 guided missile frigate came to Xiangjiang Shipyard for a visit and inspection. They had a hunch that the second Type 054 ship might be handed over to them for construction.

This is what the entire Xiangjiang Shipyard is looking forward to.

This is an extremely honorable task!

Someone quietly glanced at Yang Fan in front of him, and thought in his heart, the chief designer Yang is really young, and it is amazing that he led a technical team to complete such an advanced frigate design at such a young age.

Hu Yong took Yang Fan to a "small pond".

If you look closely, it is not a small pond, but a dock.

Hu Yong introduced: "This is the most historic dock in our factory, called the Kebai Dock. It was built here by the British Kebai, and it has a history of more than 100 years."

Yang Fan looked at the dock.

I thought to myself, more than 100 years ago, the British built shipyards in our country. It was a shameful history. Fortunately, that period of history has finally passed, and our current shipbuilding industry has gradually become stronger.

After looking at this small dock, under the leadership of Hu Yong, everyone came to a large horizontal slipway. Yang Fan's eyes lit up slightly when he saw this slipway.

Hu Yong introduced: "This is the largest horizontal berth in our shipyard, and it can build ships up to 054 tons. There is no problem in building the [-] ship here."

While listening to Hu Yong's introduction, Yang Fan observed the dock very carefully and seriously, thinking in his heart, at least Dongjiang Shipyard does not have such a large dock now.

The first ship of the 054 ship will have to be built on an inclined berth in the future, and the 054 ship has strict requirements on the levelness. Undoubtedly, this will increase the difficulty of construction.

With such a good and large horizontal slipway, at least in this regard, they have an advantage over Dongjiang Shipyard.

The only regret is that the tonnage of the gantry crane of this slipway and the large tower crane next to it seems to be a little small.

They carry out the construction of the 054 ship, can the lifting capacity be competent?
There are two updates today, the first one is here!

(End of this chapter)

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