Military Heavy

Chapter 393 Each has its own autumn

Chapter 393
Yang Fan looked at the gantry crane.

In the modular construction method of the general section, the large gantry crane on the berth is undoubtedly very important construction equipment. If the tonnage is not enough, it will be a pity.

Yang Fan asked about it.

Soon I was relieved that this gantry crane basically met the construction requirements of the 054 ship, and it was competent. I also asked about the situation of the tower crane, and it was still in good condition.

After learning about the situation, Yang Fan finally nodded in relief, "Yes, there is no problem with the construction of the 054 ship here."

Immediately, Hu Yong felt relieved.

A burst of secret joy!
This is the affirmation from Chief Designer Yang that their berth is fully capable of building Type 054 guided missile frigates.

After carefully viewing the horizontal construction of the berth, under the leadership of Hu Yong, he went to see many other places, including several large workshops, such as cutting workshop, welding workshop, parts manufacturing workshop and so on.

In addition to the visit, Yang Fan also asked Hu Yong about the promotion of the modular construction method of the general section and the use of computer-aided drawing in ship construction.

Wei Wei has a little regret.

They are relatively deficient in these two aspects. All the ships currently under construction are built using the traditional tower construction method, and the computer usage rate is relatively low. Many technicians are still drawing drawings by hand.

Yang Fan said a little worriedly: "This is not allowed!"

Hu Yong's heart immediately hung up.

The word "No" not only frightened Hu Yong, but even the middle and high-level executives of Xiangjiang Shipyard who followed behind him were startled.

No way!
Could it be that Mr. Yang is not satisfied with our factory?

It's broken, it's broken!
Commander Yang has a veto right. If he says no, then the 054 ship will never be built in our factory.

I have said a long time ago that we must keep up with the times, promote computer-aided drawing as soon as possible, and implement the modular construction method of the general section as soon as possible.

These people thought so worriedly in their hearts, and even secretly looked at Yang Fan several times, for fear that Master Yang would deny Xiangjiang Shipyard.

The atmosphere suddenly became tense!

The people at Xiangjiang Shipyard felt the pressure all of a sudden!
Anxiety seems to be pervasive.

Fortunately, Hu Yong is smarter and can turn his head faster, and immediately said modestly: "Master Yang, we can learn all these things and promote them as soon as possible."

Yang Fan nodded and said: "It is really necessary to learn as soon as possible. I suggest sending a group of people to Donghai Shipyard or Dongjiang Shipbuilding to learn the modular construction method of the general section immediately, and promote computer-aided drawing among the technicians in the whole factory. "

"Okay, okay."

Hu Yong quickly agreed.

At noon, Xiangjiang Shipyard warmly hosted a banquet in honor of Yang Fan and Han Jiang. Not only their main factory leaders attended the luncheon, but the top leaders also attended in person.

Xiangjiang Shipyard is very enthusiastic!
Almost everyone made a toast to Yang Fan.

They all knew that Yang Fan's opinion was very important, and they also lobbied to hand over the construction of the second 054 ship to their factory as much as possible. .

Yang Fan did not express his opinion, but only praised Xiangjiang Shipyard with a long history and strong strength, which fully meets the construction requirements of the 054 ship.

After dinner.

Hu Yong personally sent Yang Fan to the hotel where he was staying. He knew that Chief Master Yang had drunk some wine, and told him, "General Master Yang, you should rest first. The train at five o'clock in the afternoon, I will come one hour earlier, before four o'clock."

Yang Fan said: "Mr. Hu, then I will trouble you."

Back in the room, Yang Fan fell on the bed and fell asleep.

After sleeping for nearly two hours, the wine has completely woken up.

After waking up, I took a hot bath, lay comfortably on the bed, and turned on the TV to watch the news of GZ City.

After not looking for a long time, the BP machine rang, picked it up and looked, it was a message from Luo Jianguo, asking how the inspection of the Xiangjiang Shipyard was going, and if it was convenient, he could call back.

Yang Fan picked up the fixed phone in the room and dialed a number, and when he returned, the call was connected quickly, and Luo Jianguo's familiar voice came.

"Comrade Yang Fan, you have already visited Xiangjiang Shipyard."

Yang Fan talked about the situation in the morning, and accompanied by Hu Yong, he visited the entire shipyard and learned a lot about it.

Luo Jianguo asked, "How does Xiangjiang Shipyard compare with Dongjiang Shipyard?"

Yang Fan paused for a while, and after thinking about it, "Both shipyards are good, each has swings, and they are comparable."

Luo Jianguo said: "In other words, Xiangjiang Shipyard can undertake the construction of the 054 ship, and they have no problem."

Yang Fan said: "They have no problem. If you want to ask for my opinion, I agree to hand over the task of building the No. [-] ship to Xiangjiang Shipyard."

Luo Jianguo said: "Then I know, I will reflect your opinion to the leaders."

As the chief designer of the 054 ship, Yang Fan's opinion is very important.

Luo Jianguo made this call to ask for Yang Fan's opinion. Now, he already understood what Yang Fan meant.

in the afternoon.

After a short rest, Yang Fan left the Xiangjiang Shipyard. After a morning of visits and investigations, he already had a basic idea of ​​the shipyard.

Hu Yong politely sent Yang Fan and Han Jiang to the train station.

Boarding the train is not to return to Donghaisuo, but to go to Shenhai City next to it. It only takes two hours. The two cities are almost adjacent and not far away.

Sitting on the train, Yang Fan thought to himself, in more than ten years, it will basically be bullet trains, and it won’t take long to arrive. Now there are only trains, and there is no speed increase, which takes about two hours.

Han Jiang sat beside Yang Fan and asked, "Brother Fan, what are we going to do in Shenhai City?"

Yang Fan jokingly said: "Shenhai City is a huge city with rapid development, let's go there to play and relax."

Han Jiang had an expression of "I don't believe it".

Yang Fan smiled, of course he didn't go for fun, but to see the development of Hongtai Real Estate and Hongtai Supermarket in Shenhai City.

Busy with the design and development of the Type 054 missile frigate, Yang Fan has not been to Shenhai City for two or three years. Hongtai Group's development here is only what Yang Fang said.

I learned from Yang Fang that Hongtai Group has developed very well in Shenhai in the past few years, and has built two Hongtai Plazas, which are now the city centers of Shenhai City, extremely prosperous.

Several real estate projects have also been developed, all of which are high-end residential communities. The hardware facilities, management, and environment of each community are first-class.

Hongtai Real Estate has almost become a myth in the industry in Shenhai City. The value-added potential of each property developed is huge, and the growth rate is also the fastest. The speed of value-added is so fast that it almost completely leads the real estate market in Shenhai City.

With Shenhai City as the center, Hongtai Group has begun to develop into several surrounding cities, and the situation is gratifying.As the real boss of Hongtai Group, he happened to be in GZ City on a business trip this time, so he must come to Shenhai City to take a look.

Arriving in Shenhai City, when they walked out of the train station, it was already dark, with thousands of lights and bright neon lights, the two pulled their suitcases out of the train station.

It was Han Jiang's first visit to Shenhai City, and he said loudly, "Brother Fan, as expected of Shenhai City, it is much more prosperous than Donghai City."

Yang Fan smiled, of course the current Shenhai City is more prosperous than Donghai City, but in another ten or 20 years, it will be uncertain, the city of Donghai City will be ranked above Shenhai City.

Raising his hand to check the time, Yang Fan said, "Let's go eat first, and then check into the hotel."

Han Jiang only followed Yang Fan's lead. He followed what Brother Fan said, and agreed: "Okay, no problem. I just happen to be a little hungry."

It was already past seven o'clock in the evening, just in time for dinner.

Yang Fan took Han Jiang into a taxi, and said to the driver, "Take us to Hongtai Plaza."

The driver said: "There are two Hongtai Plazas, which one do you want to go to?"

Yang Fan said: "Then go to the nearest one."

It took about ten minutes to arrive at the destination. This is one of the Hongtai Plazas in Shenhai City. It is relatively close to the train station. This is the absolute city center and extremely prosperous.

All of a sudden, Yang Fan felt the prosperity here.

People flow like weaving!

What a lively scene.

The huge Hongtai Plaza looks very well constructed. Apart from a large square, the most eye-catching thing is a 42-story beautiful building with glass exterior walls.

Such a building can be regarded as a landmark building in Shenhai City.

The first to fifth floors are the podium, which is Hongtai Supermarket with a total area of ​​tens of thousands of square meters, integrating shopping, leisure and catering.

Above the sixth floor, until the No.40 floor is a five-star hotel, No.40 first and No.40 second floors are Grade A office buildings, where Hongtai Group Shenhai City Branch is located.

Yang Fan nodded in satisfaction, and said, "We will stay in this hotel tonight."

Han Jiang said in surprise: "This hotel looks very good, it should be a five-star hotel."

Yang Fan has already seen the five stars, "Well, it should be a five-star hotel, I treat you privately, and you don't need to pay a penny."

Han Jiang was so happy that he rubbed his hands, what a five-star hotel!

He has never stayed in such a nice hotel in his life.

Yang Fan said: "Come on, let's go in and open the room first, put away the luggage, and then go have dinner together."

The two of them dragged their suitcases and walked into the hotel together. They soon reached the hotel lobby and started consulting at the service desk.

Taking out his ID card, Yang Fan said loudly, "Miss, open two standard rooms."

There were several ladies at the service desk, all of whom looked busy. The one in front of Yang Fan had just finished making a phone call. She glanced at Yang Fan, and instead of rushing to help take the ID card, she picked up a document, as if checking Within the phone number, it seems that they will continue to call.

Well, you go first.

It doesn't matter if I wait.

Yang Fan's mentality was very calm, and he was not in a hurry. He patiently waited for her to make another phone call, and then said again: "Miss, help us open two standard rooms."

The lady at the front desk took a look at Yang Fan and took the ID card.

There are two updates today, and the second update will be sent, thank you everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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