Military Heavy

Chapter 394

Chapter 394
Han Jiang was obviously happy for a while, thinking in his heart, that's great, I can stay in a five-star hotel tonight, I have never stayed in such a high-end hotel since I grew up.

Well, it's better to hang out with Brother Fan, it tastes delicious and spicy, so cool!
However, Han Jiang was soon taken aback, with a look of disappointment on his face.

It's the same with Yang Fan, I didn't expect such a situation, beauty, your place is not a small five-star hotel.

The lady at the front desk immediately said, "Sorry, there are no more standard rooms."

The attitude was neither cold nor cold, almost completely publicized, and returned the ID card to Yang Fan.

Standard rooms are gone!

Yang Fan was stunned, and even forgot to take the returned ID card.

The ID card was directly thrown on the table by the front desk lady instead of being handed over to Yang Fan.

what's going on!
Yang Fan was stunned for two or three seconds before he came back to his senses. Seeing the ID card thrown on the counter, he looked at the not-so-enthusiastic front desk lady, and thought in his heart, the service awareness is a bit low.

Of course, the service awareness of the 90s cannot be compared with the present, but this is the window city of reform and opening up, and it is also a five-star hotel. Such a service attitude surprised Yang Fan a little bit.

Well, you are neither cold nor cold, so I won't bother you, I will try again with another person.

Seeing that another lady at the front desk was free, Yang Fan walked over a few steps and asked, "Hi, what room do you have here?"

The front desk is much more enthusiastic and smiling, that's right.

She looked it up, and then said enthusiastically: "Sir, we are about to hold a large meeting here. Most of the standard rooms have been booked, and they are gone now, but there are still business rooms and presidential suites."

After finishing speaking, he kindly reminded: "However, business rooms are more expensive."

Needless to say, the presidential suite was even more expensive, and she was a little worried about Yang Fan's financial strength.

Han Jiang hastily tugged at Yang Fan's sleeve, and said softly, "Brother Fan, it's too expensive, let's change to a hotel and find a cheaper place to stay for just one night."

Don't change places, just here.

Not bad money!
With Yang Fan's worth, what hotel can't afford it?
Yang Fan said, "Help us open two business rooms."

The front desk lady was slightly startled. Two business rooms are not cheap, and the two young men in front of her don't seem to be particularly rich.

Han Jiang was a surprise!

Even a little cheer up!
I have never stayed in a five-star hotel before. I thought that I would be very satisfied if I could live in a standard room. I never thought that I could actually stay in a business room.

Business room!

Han Jiang was very excited, and thought in his heart, it's really possible to hang out with Brother Fan, and he has a head!

The check-in was completed soon, and Yang Fan got two room cards. The lady at the front desk was very enthusiastic and presented the two room cards with both hands.

Yang Fan waved and said, "Let's go, let's pack our luggage first, and then go to eat."

Han Jiang was so happy that he rubbed his hands together, as if in a dream, that one day, he would actually be able to stay in a business room of a five-star hotel.

"Brother Fan, it cost you money."

He knew that such a check-in fee must not be reimbursed at public expense, and it should be paid by Yang Fan privately.

Yang Fan didn't care, this money was nothing to him, he waved his hand and said, "Come on, let's go to the room first."

Before they took two steps, a tentative voice rang in their ears, "Are you Mr. Yang?"

Yang Fan looked over, it was a middle-aged man, followed by several people, very dignified and imposing.

I seem to have seen it somewhere, and it looks a little familiar, but I can't remember it.

"I am Yang Fan, you are..."

The middle-aged man was overjoyed, looking very happy, took the initiative to take a few steps forward, held Yang Fan's hand tightly, and introduced himself: "Mr. Yang, I am Cai Xiande from Hongtai Group."

Yang Fan knew the other party's identity.

One of the deputy general managers of Hongtai Group also serves as the general manager of Hongtai Real Estate Company.

Unexpectedly, he was not in Donghai City, but in Shenhai City.

As one of the senior executives of Hongtai Group, Cai Xiande met Yang Fan two or three times, but the last time was more than a year ago, so he was not sure about something just now, so he asked tentatively first.

It's really Yang Fan!
Cai Xiande was a little excited!
This is the boss's brother.

A little excited, he chatted with Yang Fan for a few words, and then introduced the people around him to Yang Fan one by one.

This is the front desk of the hotel, and there is so much movement, several reception ladies have noticed the situation here.

The lady at the front desk just now recognized Cai Xiande, she was a little surprised, that is the deputy general manager of Hongtai Group, and this is Hongtai Plaza, which belongs to Hongtai Group's property.

Seeing Cai Xiande shaking hands with Yang Fan warmly and humbly, she secretly rejoiced, thinking in her heart, I was quite enthusiastic just now and did not offend the guests.

More people recognized their big boss, the general manager of the hotel.

He was one of the people who came in with Cai Xiande. Their hotel rented this building, and Hongtai Group was their landlord.

In his mind, Cai Xiande is someone who must not be offended and must have a good relationship with him.

Cai Xiande introduced: "President Yuan, this is Mr. Yang, the younger brother of our boss."

Mr. Yuan was very pleasantly surprised, not having the honor to know Yang Fang's younger brother, this is simply unthinkable!
So happy!

He immediately shook hands with Yang Fan excitedly, "Mr. Yang, I didn't expect you to stay in our hotel. We are very honored."

Yang Fan said: "President Yuan, you are welcome. I happened to come to Shenhai City to take a look. I happened to have not checked into the hotel yet, so I will stay here tonight."

Mr. Yuan was very happy, as if he was afraid of neglecting Yang Fan, he asked: "Mr. Yang, how is our hotel, comments and suggestions are welcome."

I didn't want to say anything at first, but since I asked this question, Yang Fan couldn't help looking at the front desk.

The front desk lady who had a neutral attitude and lacked enthusiasm for service just now was startled, and said in her heart, it's over, it's over.

If they knew that Yang Fan was so good, their bosses would all be fawning on her face, and she would not neglect Yang Fan even if she had the guts to do so.

She despaired.

After finally finding a job at the front desk in this five-star hotel, in less than a month, it is estimated that he will lose this job.

She almost cried.

His eyes were full of help, as if to say, sir, I was wrong, I was wrong...

Yang Fan finally didn't say anything to her, it was just a trivial matter, since she has already realized the mistake, let's forget it.

Yang Fan withdrew his gaze and said heartily: "The hotel looks good, I'm going back to my room now, we haven't eaten yet."

"Mr. Yang, I'll take you up."

General Manager Yuan was very enthusiastic, and personally sent Yang Fan to the elevator. Cai Xiande and the others were similar, and a group of people sent Yang Fan to the elevator.

This is equivalent to shouting and hugging!
Han Jiang was secretly dumbfounded at first, and then, admiringly, he said in his heart, he really deserves to be Brother Fan, really awesome!
It was just staying in a hotel, and the owner personally accompanied him to the room, and he was so enthusiastic.

When the front desk ladies saw this scene, they were shocked and curious, thinking to themselves, who is this young man?

Because of the distance, they didn't hear clearly what Yang Fan and the others had just said.

In their eyes, a group of people accompanied Yang Fan into the elevator, and soon arrived at the door of the two business suites where they stayed.

"Everyone please come back, thank you everyone!"

The other party was enthusiastic, and Yang Fan was also very polite, indicating that everyone can go about their own business and don't worry about him anymore.

Cai Xiande first shook hands with Yang Fan, "Mr. Yang, if you need anything, you can call me at any time."

After speaking, he gave his business card with both hands.

General Manager Yuan also shook hands with Yang Fan again, and said warmly: "Mr. Yang, you haven't had dinner yet, the chef in our hotel is not bad, and the dining environment is not bad, you can have dinner in our hotel."

This is a five-star hotel, it should be nice to have dinner here.

Yang Fan nodded and said, "Okay, let's go to the hotel for dinner later."

After seeing off these enthusiastic people, Yang Fan and Han Jiang went into their respective rooms.The two rooms are next to each other and belong next door to each other.

Han Jiang entered his business suite, and he shouted excitedly!

I can't help it!
So excited!

This is the first time in my life to stay in a five-star hotel, and it is still a business suite.

Whoa, whoa, whoa...

His exclamation never stopped, he took a look here and there, he was [-]% satisfied with the environment of the room he stayed in.

Yang Fan also entered his room, put his luggage away, and looked at the environment of the room. It was not as exaggerated as Han Jiang's, but he was very satisfied.

After looking at the room he stayed in for a while, Yang Fan went to the room where Han Jiang stayed next door.

The door of the room was not closed, and the guy was still yelling there.

Yang Fan smiled and said, "It's ok, stop shouting, let's go eat now."

Han Jiang scratched his head and grinned, "Hehe, I'm so excited that I can't control it."

The two of them went out together and went to the hotel to eat. As General Manager Yuan said, the environment is really good, and there are many dishes, which look very delicate.

Yang Fan was in a good mood: "Han Jiang, I'll treat you to order."

Han Jiang was very happy, and he was not polite. He ordered three dishes and one soup.

Yang Fan said: "I won't order any more, the dishes here look good."

Han Jiang said: "Enough, enough, I found that the food here is mainly expensive."

Yang Fan didn't mind the price, so he took the initiative to add two more dishes and drinks, which made it very rich.

I was really hungry, and the two had dinner together. Han Jiang was full of praise and said it was delicious.

"Brother Fan, it's no wonder everyone is willing to come out with you, it's simply delicious and delicious!"

Yang Fan smiled happily.

Take it easy, the two talked and laughed, and it took about three to four 10 minutes to finish the dinner.

Satisfied with the dinner, Yang Fan was about to pay the bill, but was surprised soon.


Today is the third update, and the first update is sent.

(End of this chapter)

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