Military Heavy

Chapter 395 Construction of the Second Ship Begins

Chapter 395 Construction of the Second Ship Begins

It tastes great!

Satisfied, it is a kind of enjoyment on the tip of the tongue, especially Han Jiang, who said it was delicious.

"Brother Fan, we will have dinner here tomorrow, the taste is really good, and the environment is also good."

Yang Fan nodded and signaled the waiter to come over to pay the bill. How could he know that a person who looked like a restaurant foreman came over.

He was very polite: "Mr. Yang, Mr. Yuan told us personally that your meals at the hotel are free these days and you don't need to spend money."

And such a good thing!
Yang Fan was surprised for a while, never expecting such a good thing.

At first, Han Jiang thought he had heard it wrong, but after confirming that he heard it right, he was surprised that it was free and there was no need to pay!

Bull batch!
Brother Fan is really awesome, you don't need to pay for meals in five-star hotels, it's really awesome.

Han Jiang looked at Yang Fan admiringly, and he almost shouted "666", or "Brother Fan Niubi".

Yang Fan knew in his heart that Mr. Yuan knew that his sister was Yang Fang, and this place was owned by Hongtai Group, and their hotel rented the floor of this building.

The other party is trying to show their goodwill and hope to have a good relationship.

"Then thank you, express my gratitude to President Yuan for me." Yang Fan said.

"Mr. Yang is polite, I will convey it to Mr. Yuan." The head waiter of the restaurant replied politely.

After the meal, Yang Fan and Han Jiang didn't go back to the room they stayed in immediately, but walked around nearby.

Worthy of being Hongtai Plaza!
Even at night, there is a lot of people here, and it is very lively. With the square as the center, there are everything in the surrounding area.

After ten o'clock in the evening, Yang Fan returned to his room, first talked with Jiang Yan, and then specifically called Yang Fang.

During the phone call, Yang Fan recounted what he saw and felt here, and he was very happy and satisfied.

Yang Fang said: "Our Hongtai Plaza is not bad. It was planned and designed completely according to your opinions. Without your suggestions, there would be no Hongtai Plaza now."

This is true.

At the beginning, Yang Fan really made a lot of suggestions, and personally selected some of the best locations. On a map of Shenhai City, he circled more than 20 places with a red pen and numbered them.

The places with the top ten numbers may have already been developed and become Hongtai Plaza or large high-end real estate.Or the land there has been bought and is ready for development.

The map of Shenhai City with more than [-] red circles is still treasured by Yang Fang.

The next day.

Yang Fan mainly went to look around Shenhai City, the focus of course was Hongtai Group's industries in Shenhai City, such as various real estate projects, such as Hongtai Supermarket.

I stayed in Shenhai City for two nights. If it wasn't for the construction of the 054 ship, Yang Fan might have stayed for a few more days.

There is no way, time is limited, it is very rare to be able to stay in Shenhai City for two days and see the development of Hongtai Group in this city.

It may be difficult to have such an opportunity in the future, and maybe there will be no time to come to Shenhai City again in one or two years.

Yang Fan took Han Jiang back to Donghai Institute very satisfied.

On the first day back, Yang Fan devoted himself to his work. He not only called everyone for a meeting, asked about the improvement and improvement of the design of the 054 ship, but also went to Dongjiang Shipyard.

Dongjiang Shipyard.

Accompanied by Sun Baoguo, Yang Fan walked into the welding workshop of Dongjiang Shipyard again, and his eyes lit up slightly as soon as he entered.

What a lively scene.

The workshop is in full swing!
A large number of workers are busy, busy, the sound of electric welding keeps ringing, and the strong light of welding keeps shining.

Yang Fan said: "Mr. Sun, you have entered the stage of comprehensive welding."

"Yes." Sun Baoguo said, "We are working all night long, and we work two shifts every day. There is only one purpose, which is to manufacture the first ship as soon as possible, so as to launch it into the water as soon as possible."

Many stations are welding, some stations are splicing the hull plates, and some parts are almost welded at some stations.

Yang Fan walked to the front of the bow parts and was welding, which is the assembly and welding of the bow.

According to the manufacturing method, the bow can be divided into several methods such as forged bow, cast bow, steel plate welded bow and bow composed of cast steel and steel plate welded mixture.

Considering the strength, the 054 ship uses a bow composed of cast steel and steel plate welding.

Yang Fan personally asked the welder, "Master, how is the welding process for such a bow design, and is there any design that needs to be perfected and improved."

The welding master is an old worker about 50 years old. It seems that he has rich welding experience. He happily replied: "Master Yang, your design is very good, and the welding process is very good. It is the first time I have encountered such Handy bow part."

Hearing this, Yang Fan smiled happily and felt relieved.

I looked around the welding workshop and asked the workers more than once about the welding situation. Seeing the parts of the 054 ship being welded, I felt happy.

After the parts are welded, it is segmented welding.

For example, the bow section is composed of several parts, including the bow column. These parts are welded and manufactured, and they can be combined to form the bow section. At that time, the welding of the bow section can begin.

After seeing the manufacturing status of the first ship and seeing that it was going well, Yang Fan returned to Donghai Institute with peace of mind.

a few days later.

Luo Jianguo personally called and told Yang Fan a very exciting news. On the phone, he seemed very happy.

Yeah, sure happy!
The second ship of the Type 054 missile frigate has decided to start construction. As the commander-in-chief, he must be very happy.

"Comrade Yang Fan, I have good news for you. The matter has been officially settled and the construction of the second 054 guided missile frigate has been decided."

Hearing this news, Yang Fan was extremely excited!
Second ship!

Just like in history, it started construction only a few months after the construction of the first ship. This is a great joy, and it is also what every ship owner hopes to see.

Yang Fan said happily: "Commander Luo, this is really exciting news."

Luo Jianguo said: "Yes, it is indeed extremely exciting. I will call you right away to tell you that the shipyard for the construction of the second ship has also been officially confirmed and handed over to Xiangjiang Shipyard."

On this point, history has not deviated.

The second ship is still under construction at Xiangjiang Shipyard!
Yang Fan was very happy for Xiangjiang Shipyard, and even thought in his heart how happy Hu Yong would be when he heard the good news.

It is estimated that a stone in his heart can completely fall to the ground, and then, with all his energy, start preparing for the construction of the second ship.

Luo Jianguo said: "The construction has been finalized. The most urgent task is to have your design office hand over a complete set of design drawings to Xiangjiang Shipyard."

To build the No. [-] ship, of course, a complete set of design drawings is required.

After these design drawings arrived at Xiangjiang Shipyard, they had to convert them on the basis of these design drawings to become individual technical drawings.

The design drawings of the Type 054 guided missile frigate have four to five thousand drawing numbers, a total of [-] to [-] thousand pages of design drawings. With so many drawings, all of them are published in one copy, which can be regarded as a large project.

Luo Jianguo even secretly regretted it a little bit, thinking in his heart that if he had known that the construction of the second ship would start, he should have reminded the East China Sea Institute earlier to prepare a complete set of design drawings.

Looking at it now, it is estimated that it will take about 20 days, or at least half a month, before Donghai Institute can dry out the entire set of design drawings.

Luo Jianguo said: "Master Yang, I regret it a little. I should have reminded you to prepare a complete set of design drawings earlier. Now it seems that there will be a delay in time."

Yang Fan smiled without saying a word.

Luo Jianguo asked: "Comrade Yang Fan, the construction schedule for the No. [-] ship is also very tight. Tell me how many days it will take you to prepare the complete set of design drawings."

It usually takes about 20 days, and he hopes that the orchid drying can be completed in about half a month, which can save a few days, and Xiangjiang Shipyard can spend a few more days in construction.

It is unnecessary and worthless to waste time on blueprinting of design drawings.

Yang Fan laughed, and said loudly: "We have prepared the complete set of design drawings for the Type 054 guided missile frigate, and we can hand it over to Xiangjiang Shipyard at any time."


Very good!
All of a sudden, Luo Jianguo was extremely pleasantly surprised and became happy, "Mr. Yang, it seems that I have made me worry for nothing. It turns out that you have already started thinking about the construction of the second ship, and you have already prepared a complete set of design drawings. .”

Yang Fan laughed happily again.

The two chatted on the phone for about a few minutes, which was not too long, because Yang Fan knew that Luo Jianguo would definitely call Xiangjiang Shipyard in person to tell them the good news.

Xiangjiang Shipyard.

The office meeting was being held, and the topic was the construction of the No. [-] ship. They got the news that the military would decide to start the construction of the No. [-] ship.

In order to win the construction task of the second ship, they are going to work harder. Some things need to be arranged. The leader Qin Jianchun even plans to go to the capital in person to try to get the construction task back.

After arranging a series of things, Qin Jianchun said: "Old Hu, I will leave the family affairs to you. Some construction preparations can be started in advance. In addition, you must contact Chief Designer Yang more often. His opinion is very important. important."

Yang Fan is the chief designer. Everyone knows that if Yang Fan says one or two words, it will be more effective than anyone else. If he suggests which shipyard to hand over the construction task, the military will definitely consider and weigh it.

Hu Yong replied: "Mr. Qin, don't worry, we will leave the family affairs to us, and I will also keep in touch with Mr. Yang frequently."

Qin Jianchun nodded lightly, and when he was about to arrange some more things, the door of the office was pushed open, and his secretary came in and said, "Leader, the phone number of Commander Luo of the capital."

Today is the third update, and the second update will be delivered.

(End of this chapter)

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