Military Heavy

Chapter 396 Handover of Design Drawings

Chapter 396 Handover of Design Drawings
Luo Jianguo's phone call!

Qin Jianchun didn't dare to be negligent, and immediately suspended the meeting, and hurried out of the meeting room to answer the call, and the others became agitated.

"Commander Luo personally called. Could it be related to the construction of the 054 ship!"

When someone reminded him like this, everyone became uneasy and felt that it was very possible. Otherwise, why would Commander Luo call himself.

"I guess he wants Mr. Qin to go to the capital for a meeting."

"It is estimated that the construction of the second ship is on the horizon."

"It should be like this. It is estimated that they are discussing the construction of the second ship."

"It looks like our factory has great hopes."


Everyone was talking like this, and the meeting room became lively, full of excitement and hope. Of course, everyone hoped that their factory could undertake the construction task.

Hu Yong sat there without speaking. At this moment, he couldn't calm down at all. He thought in his heart, if it really had something to do with the construction of the No. [-] ship, how wonderful it would be!

In just a few minutes, Qin Jianchun walked in.

Everyone noticed that his expression was completely different from just now, it seemed that his whole body was full of joy, his heart was full of agitation, and it seemed that his steps were more vigorous when he walked in.

The conference room fell silent, and everyone looked at Qin Jianchun.

One of the deputy general managers finally couldn't bear it, and asked tentatively, "President Qin, are you really being asked to go to the capital to discuss the construction of the No. [-] ship?"


Qin Jianchun's voice was loud and he shook his head.

It's not to discuss the construction of the No. [-] ship. What is the reason for the call from Commander-in-Chief Na Luo?

But everyone clearly noticed that Qin Jianchun exudes joy all over his body. Is there anything else that can make him so happy?
Qin Jianchun looked around the entire meeting room, his eyes swept over everyone's faces, and he no longer kept it secret, but was ready to share the joy with everyone.

"Comrades, there is no need to discuss the construction of the No. [-] ship. Commander Luo just informed us that the construction of the No. [-] ship will be entrusted to us!"

You heard me right!
After the sound fell, the meeting room was actually quiet.

Because everyone was stunned!

The surprise came too suddenly!
too suddenly!

It took several seconds before someone took the lead and applauded with surprise. Immediately, warm applause rang out. The long-awaited thing finally came true.

so happy!

Feeling relieved.

Especially Hu Yong, the stone hanging in his heart finally fell to the ground completely, and the construction of the No. [-] ship was decided in this way, and it was handed over to Xiangjiang Shipyard.

Qin Jianchun was in high spirits and continued to preside over the meeting. The previously arranged work could basically be voided and had to be rescheduled.

The content of the job is only one, to start the construction of the second ship.

Qin Jianchun said: "The construction work will start immediately, and the mobilization meeting of the whole factory will be held. This news should also be told to everyone, so that everyone can be happy."

Hu Yong nodded in agreement, and at the same time reminded: "A lot of preparatory work must be carried out based on the design drawings. Our top priority is to have Donghai Institute hand over a complete set of design drawings to us as soon as possible."

Indeed it is.

Without design drawings, many works cannot be carried out.

Only the most basic preparatory work can be done, such as mobilization meeting, personnel arrangement, equipment preparation, etc. For further preparatory work, design drawings must be required.

Someone reminded: "There are quite a lot of design drawings for the Type 054 guided missile frigate. There may be 20 to [-]. With so many drawings, it will take at least [-] days for the East China Sea to dry them out."

Yeah, it takes time.

That would be a pity.

It would take such a long time, wouldn't it be the only way to wait and wait for the design drawings to be in place before starting further work.

Unexpectedly, Qin Jianchun laughed, "You guys are worrying too much, chief designer Yang has thought of this step a long time ago, and prepared the whole set of design drawings early."

God, there is such a good thing!

All the worries in my heart are gone!
Everyone relaxed again and smiled.

"Master Yang is amazing, he has thought of this a long time ago."

"It's all about planning ahead and saving us a lot of time."


Several vice presidents were chatting happily. There was no problem with the design drawings, and they were happier than each other.

Hu Yong even took the initiative to invite Ying, and said proactively: "President Qin, I will go to Donghai Institute immediately and bring back the whole set of design drawings by myself."

"Okay, I'll leave this matter to you." Qin Jianchun agreed.

Hu Yong walked into Donghai Institute again. At this moment, his mood was relaxed and happy.

Pushing open the door and coming in, he immediately said with a happy face: "Mr. Yang, I really want to thank you this time!"

He has two points to thank Yang Fan. One is that Yang Fan suggested that the construction of the No. [-] ship be handed over to Xiangjiang Shipyard. This suggestion played a key role.The second is that Yang Fan prepared the whole set of design drawings early, saving Xiangjiang Shipyard a lot of time.

"Where, there."

Yang Fan looked humble.

The two shook hands and exchanged a few polite words. At Yang Fan's invitation, Hu Yong sat down on the sofa and said straight to the point: "Master Yang, I only have one thing to do this time, and that is to arrange the complete set of the 054 ship. Bring back the design drawings."

"No problem, we have prepared a complete set of design drawings, and we can ship them away now."

In front of the office building, there was an army-green truck parked. The driver and escort were all soldiers in military uniforms, brought by Hu Yong.

The truck was parked in front of the office building and attracted the attention of many people.

"This is a military vehicle, and the people driving it are from the army."

"I heard that the No. [-] ship will be handed over to Xiangjiang Shipyard for construction. It is estimated that they will come here to transport the design drawings."

"Is the whole set of design drawings ready so soon?"

"It's been prepared a long time ago. Chief Master Yang has prepared the entire set of design drawings, and they can transport them away at any time."

The efficiency of Yang Fan and Hu Yong was very high. It didn't take long for the two of them to discuss the handover of the design drawings and start to go through the relevant procedures.

Under the leadership of Yang Fan, Hu Yong came to the archives room of Donghai Institute. When he saw the neatly arranged and prepared design drawings, he was a little excited.

Irrepressible excitement!
Open one of the iron boxes containing the design drawings, take out a design drawing from it, look at it roughly, and then put it back into the box.

Careful people noticed that Hu Yong's hands were trembling slightly, which showed that he was not at all calm at the moment.

The blueprints of your dreams are right in front of you, ready to be shipped away.

After closing the iron box, Hu Yong held Yang Fan's hand tightly again, and said gratefully: "Master Yang, thank you, thank you, next time you come to our Xiangjiang Shipyard, I treat you, let's have a good drink Two cups."

"Okay, I must drink two glasses." Yang Fan readily agreed.

Boxes of design drawings were moved out of the archives and onto the truck parked in front of the office building, and the boxes were stacked neatly.

Hu Yong looked at the design drawings of these boxes, as if he saw boxes of treasures, they were priceless and priceless.

A complete set of design drawings of the Type 054 guided missile frigate was loaded onto the truck, and the inventory was correct. Hu Yong signed the handover list, and then shook hands with Yang Fan tightly.

"Master Yang, I'm leaving first, you are welcome to go to our Xiangjiang Shipyard again."

"Okay, walk slowly all the way."

Yang Fan did not persuade him to stay, knowing that Hu Yong wished to go back earlier, and immediately started the construction of the second 054 ship.

Watching the truck leave, Yang Fan thought to himself, the second ship will be built in Xiangjiang Shipyard!
The Xiangjiang Shipyard was full of joy and enthusiasm, and the whole factory was working hard with only one goal, which was the construction of the No. [-] ship.

After the design drawings were shipped back, their technical team began to digest and understand the design drawings and convert them into process drawings on this basis.

Under the guidance of the design drawings, further preparatory work will be started. Hu Yong hopes to carry out the lofting and numbering of the hull earlier.

Materials related to the construction of the No. [-] ship also began to be collected at Xiangjiang Shipyard.
However, Hu Yong soon discovered the problem.

Today is the third update, and the third update will be sent, thank you for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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