Military Heavy

Chapter 397 Han Jiang Buys a House

Chapter 397 Han Jiang Buys a House
Hu Yong was appointed as the chief builder of the Type 054 guided missile frigate, responsible for all construction work.

Only a few days later, some steel plates arrived at Xiangjiang Shipyard.

After the design drawings were in place, a series of preparatory work began, and the technicians of the entire technical system were ready to draw the process drawings.

Including the stakeout of the hull.

This is a huge workload for the entire technical system, and almost all technicians know that they start working overtime.

Even at night, the offices of every technical department are brightly lit.

In the evening, Hu Yong walked into the office of a certain technical room and was relieved to see all the technicians busy.

When I saw the technicians laying out the drawing boards, holding the T-square and pencils, and meticulously drawing the technical drawings, I felt relieved and felt a little heavy.

This is a problem!
The efficiency of manual drawing is too low!

Mr. Yang is right in saying that computer graphics and computer lofting must be popularized.

Well, the modular construction method of the general section should also organize relevant personnel to learn...

He thought a lot while watching the technicians draw the technical drawings.

In particular, the popularization of computer-aided drawing is a top priority and cannot be delayed any longer.

I also have a little bit of regret. For a while, I focused my energy and thoughts on the task of building the No. [-] ship, and I didn't have time to promote and train computer-aided drawing.

He secretly said, it is not too late, these things must be done immediately...


It's the weekend again, and tomorrow is a holiday. After getting off work, Han Jiang went home directly, and politely declined the invitation for a dinner with a certain design team in the design studio.

He has an important matter to discuss with his wife Wu Hongxia.

As I walked, I thought, Brother Fan is really kind, I asked to borrow 5 yuan, and he lent it to me without saying a word.

Not only that, there is no mention of when to pay back the money, let alone an IOU.

Brother Fan is a good friend!
Han Jiang thought in his heart, Brother Fan has done me a great favor, and I will pay back the money as soon as possible.

He walked into the community where he lived. This is one of the family areas of Donghai Institute. There are gates and walls. The area inside is not small, with more than ten houses.

Of course, they are all stair houses with four or five floors, and each house has [-] to [-] households. Some are old tube buildings, and some are newly built unit buildings in recent years.

Han Jiang was assigned a unit of more than [-] square meters, but the floor was a little higher, on the fourth floor, and he had to climb up and down every day.

It's okay for young people to climb up to the fourth floor, but it's more difficult for old people.

Han Jiang climbed up to the fourth floor, and when he reached the door of his house, he knew that Wu Hongxia hadn't come back when he saw that the door wasn't open.

He took out the key to open the door, changed his slippers, and sat on the sofa to watch TV.

A few minutes later, Wu Hongxia came back, and she was slightly surprised to see Han Jiang sitting on the sofa watching TV.

Generally speaking, the two of them have an unwritten agreement that whoever comes back from get off work first will cook first.

"Husband, is the rice cooked yet?"

If she hasn't cooked rice yet, she is going to cook it first, and then prepare the dishes for tonight.After asking this question, she was going to the kitchen.

Han Jiang quickly stopped, "Honey, we're going out to eat today, come here, I'll discuss something with you."

It seems that there are important things to discuss. The two have been married for several years and know each other very well.

Wu Hongxia came over and happily sat on the sofa, "Husband, what do you want to discuss with me?"

Han Jiang said: "Are we considering buying a house?"

buy house!
This is really a big deal!
Wu Hongxia said: "Why do you suddenly want to buy a house? The welfare housing allocated to our unit is pretty good. Some colleagues are still living in Tongzilou."

Han Jiang persuaded: "For the time being, our housing conditions are indeed not bad, but we need to look at it in the long run. We will have children in the future, and our parents will come to visit occasionally, so our house is a bit smaller. .”

The area is only in the [-]s, and the small two rooms are really not enough.

Wu Hongxia was thoughtful.

Han Jiang continued: "Don't look at the current housing prices that seem a little expensive. Generally, they cost more than 1000, and some properties cost more than 2000, but they will be more expensive in the future."

Wu Hongxia didn't believe it a little bit, "Impossible, will it be more expensive in the future, then who can afford a house."

Before, Han Jiang didn't believe it. Now the house price of one or two thousand is relatively high. If it goes up again, where can it go?
Did it rise to more than 2000 or more than 3000?
He once guessed that if it rises to more than 3000, it will be the sky!

But Yang Fan's words shocked him. The house price in Donghai City may rise to 10,000+ per square meter in the future.

10,000+ ah!

Yang Fan said it would take at most ten years.

Han Jiang was frightened, and he also strengthened his determination to buy a house as soon as possible.

Seeing that his wife didn't believe it, Han Jiang expressed his understanding. If he didn't listen to what Yang Fan said, he wouldn't believe it either.

"Honey, the house price in Donghai City will rise sharply in the future. Brother Fan said that after more than ten years, it will rise to tens of thousands, or even 10,000+ per square meter."

Wu Hongxia was stunned!

My God, 10,000+ a square meter.

It's too scary that the increase is so big, she was really frightened, she didn't make a sound for a long time, completely in a state of sluggishness.

After a long time, he finally came back to his senses and asked in disbelief, "Will it really rise to that level?"

Han Jiang said with certainty: "This is what Brother Fan said, there is absolutely nothing wrong."

Brother Fan said it!

Then there will be no problem.

It was the same in Wu Hongxia's mind, Yang Fan's image was extremely tall, and what he said was extremely effective.

Once Han Jiang and his wife had a little misunderstanding, and then had a quarrel. After Yang Fan found out about this matter, just a few words made the couple reconcile as before.

Brother Fan said that the house price in Donghai City may rise to 10,000+ in the future!
Wu Hongxia is convinced!
Immediately became anxious, "Husband, what should we do, it is impossible to really live in the welfare housing of the unit for the rest of our life."

Han Jiang had already thought about it, and suggested: "Honey, if I want to buy a house as soon as possible, the house of Hongtai Group is good. The Hongtai Yipin closest to our unit, I think it will be fine."

"However, we don't have that much money in hand, at least we are still short of thirty or forty thousand."

Wu Hongxia was so anxious that she almost cried.

She is the head of the family, and Han Jiang has to hand over her monthly salary. She knows the family background best. If she wants to buy a house now, there is simply not enough money.

She was so anxious that she almost burst into tears.

The future house price in Donghai City is so scary that it will reach 10,000+ square meters. If you don’t buy the house as soon as possible, it will be even more difficult in the future.

How to do how to do……

Wu Hongxia was in a hurry, "Husband, how about this, the two of us will go to our colleagues and friends to borrow money separately, and we will buy a house as soon as we have the money together."

Seeing his wife in such a hurry, Han Jiang felt pity for a while, and thanked Yang Fan even more in his heart.

Brother Fan, you lend me 5 yuan without paying any interest, and you don't even need to type an IOU. It really helped me a lot.

After thinking this way in his heart, Han Jiang gently held Wu Hongxia's hand, and said relaxedly: "Honey, we don't have to worry about money, we have enough money."

Is there enough money?

Wu Hongxia didn't react for a while.

Han Jiangdao: "Brother Fan lent me 5 yuan, and he didn't ask for a penny of interest, and we don't need to rush to pay it back."

is this real? ? ?
For a moment, Wu Hongxia was so pleasantly surprised that she couldn't even believe it, "Husband, Brother Fan really lent us 5 yuan."

"Well, really, the money has already arrived, and I even took time to check it at the bank this afternoon."

Very good!
Enough money to buy a house!

Wu Hongxia was very happy, "Husband, let's go out for dinner, and go to Hongtai Yipin to look at the house early tomorrow morning."

"Okay, let's go to the restaurant now. I want to order some good dishes and drink a few taels of wine."

Wu Hongxia smiled and said, "It's fine to drink two or three."

The two held hands and walked out happily.

The next day.

The two went out early in the morning and waited for the bus at the gate of Donghai Institute.

When I met a colleague with a good relationship, they greeted me enthusiastically: "Director Han, you two are so happy, where are you planning to go?"

Han Jiang replied proudly: "We are going to buy a house and go to Hongtai Yipin to have a look."

Immediately, several envious eyes looked over from all around.

"Director Han, congratulations!"

"Director Han, you have taken a big step, so you are considering buying a second apartment."

They were all familiar colleagues, and Han Jiang felt very honored in the face of their words.

When the bus came, Han Jiang took Wu Hongxia to get on the bus, and after only a few stops, she got off the bus in about ten minutes.

As soon as I got out of the car, I saw a large-scale and very imposing real estate. The four huge gold-plated characters of "Hongtai Yipin" were very eye-catching.

Hongtai Yipin has arrived.

Wu Hongxia looked at the real estate in front of her, and felt extremely satisfied before entering it.

It's so big!

The inside is completely garden-style, and the elevator bungalows look very beautiful!
The key is the convenient transportation. The bus station is at the door, and it is more convenient to get to Donghaisuo. Get on the bus at the door, and you will arrive at Donghaisuo in a few stops.

Wu Hongxia said: "It's not bad here, I fell in love with it right away."

"Yeah." Han Jiang nodded vigorously. He also liked it here, and waved his hand: "Come on, let's go to the sales department to have a look."

The sales department is at the gate, and the two walked in here.

The salesman of Hongtai Yipin is really nice, and he warmly received Han Jiang and the other two.

"Sir, let's take a look at the house. How big a house do you like? I will introduce it to you, and I can also show you the existing house."

How big a house to buy, Han Jiang has already planned it out, and told Yang Fan about it.

Han Jiangdao: "I want to buy a house with three bedrooms and two living rooms, about 100 square meters."

Soon, Han Jiang became a little disappointed!

There are two updates today, and the first one will be delivered.

(End of this chapter)

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