Military Heavy

Chapter 398 Special Guest

Chapter 398 Special Guest

Han Jiang talked about the type of house he wanted to buy.

The sales lady looked apologetic, "I'm sorry, all of our units have been sold out, or you can consider two-bedroom or four-bedroom, we still have some two-bedroom."

Are the three-bedroom and two-living room types gone?
Han Jiang looked disappointed.

There is no need to buy a two-bedroom and two living room. The welfare house in the unit is a two-bedroom house. The two-bedroom house here is only a little more spacious, and a set is about [-] square meters.

As for the four-bedroom, it was too expensive. Han Jiang liked such a large area, but he couldn't afford it. Even if he borrowed 5 yuan from Yang Fan, he probably couldn't afford it.

Seeing Han Jiang's disappointment, the sales lady comforted: "Sir, our two-bedroom unit is really nice. Look, this is its floor plan. The north and south are transparent. The unit is square."

Han Jiang shook his head.

Wu Hongxia said softly: "Husband, why don't we go to other real estate to have a look, maybe there is the type of room we need."

Seeing that the client in her hand was about to run away, the sales lady became a little anxious and said quickly, "Sir, wait for me, I'll ask the manager."

Is it still famous?

Han Jiang was at a loss.

Didn't it mean that all the three-bedroom units have been sold out?Does your manager still have a few sets in hand?

You guessed it, there are indeed a few sets.

Not long after, the sales lady came back and confirmed: "Sir, are you sure you want to buy a three-bedroom apartment?"

"Well, I'm sure." Han Jiang replied affirmatively.

The sales lady said: "Okay, then follow me."

Under the leadership of the sales lady, I found a table at the side of the sales hall and sat down. The sales lady gave a signal, and a young man in his thirties came over.

"This is our manager Yan, the specifics will be discussed with you by our manager."

The young man is also very enthusiastic. In terms of service, Hongtai Real Estate is still very good at it, and it is definitely first-class in China.

"Sir, we don't have many units of this type of apartment, and we plan to release them after a while. Since you really want it, I can spare one, but the price may be a little more expensive."

This is the basic routine.

In a certain real estate, when a certain type of apartment is relatively popular and the quantity is not much, the sales department will announce that this type of apartment has been sold out, and ask customers to choose other types of apartments, so as to drive the sales of those non-best-selling apartment types.

When the entire real estate is almost sold, these houses will be released, and then a liquidation operation will be carried out, which will drive all other remaining house types to be sold out.

Han Jiang's heart tightened slightly, and he asked a little worriedly: "Then how much do you want per square meter?"

Manager Yan said: "2480 yuan per flat."

So expensive!
It's really expensive.

Han Jiang has already learned that the average price of Hongtai Yipin is about 2200 yuan, which is about 300 yuan more expensive than the average price.

Wu Hongxia tugged Han Jiang's sleeve lightly, which meant that it was too expensive, so she had to think about it carefully.

Han Jiang hesitated for a while, thinking in his mind, Brother Fan said, if you report his name, you can save 300 yuan per square meter.

Han Jiang was about to give it a try, so he said, "Manager Yan, I was introduced by Mr. Yang Fan. Brother Fan said that each square meter can be 300 yuan cheaper."

The sales lady next to her heard it clearly, and immediately said in her heart, it's impossible, who would have such a big face, 300 yuan cheaper, even 30 yuan cheaper.

How did she know, she was immediately amazed!

Manager Yan was taken aback for a moment, then seemed to remember something, and immediately confirmed, "Are you Director Han Jiang of Donghai Design Institute?"

"Yes, I am Han Jiang, the deputy director of the Power System Design Office of Donghai Research Institute."

It's really you!

You should say it earlier!

I have been waiting for you for several days, why did you come today?
Manager Yan had been notified a few days ago that his immediate superior personally called him over, and specially ordered him to temporarily keep the remaining three-bedroom units and not sell them to the outside world. When Deputy Director Jiang came to buy a house, he was given a choice, and the price was only 1700 per square meter.

Who is this!

It's too awesome!
The general manager of Hongtai Yipin real estate personally ordered all the remaining three-bedroom units to stay, and the price is at least 300 yuan cheaper than the cheapest house.

The price of 1700 is unique!

After confirming his identity, Manager Yan quietly let out a sigh of relief. Although he didn't know Han Jiang's background, the right owner was confirmed.

He became more enthusiastic and shook hands with Han Jiang proactively, "Mr. Han, I have been waiting for you for several days. We have specially reserved a house for you. Let me introduce it to you."

The sales lady opened her eyes wide, what's going on!
Wu Hongxia was also shocked for a while!
Only Han Jiang is very clear in his heart, this is the reason of Brother Fan, he must have said hello to Hongtai Yipin, my God, can it really be cheaper by 300 yuan per square meter.

Han Jiang asked, "Manager Yan, what's the price?"

Manager Yan glanced at Han Jiang enviously, and thought in his heart, how much background does this have? Even if I bought the house myself, it probably wouldn't be at such a price.

Aside from envy, he still said, "Mr. Han, our general manager has personally said hello. If you buy a house, no matter which floor it is, it only costs 1700 yuan per square meter."

so cheap!

Han Jiang and Wu Hongxia were pleasantly surprised!
The sales lady next to her was stunned. She has been selling houses here, and she has never had such a price. Even for those special rooms, the price is nearly 2000 yuan per square meter.

1700 a square!
This is the situation? ? ?

Although she was dumbfounded, it was the truth. Manager Yan politely introduced those houses to Han Jiang, one of which was located on the 28th floor, and both Han Jiang and his wife liked it very much.

In the center of the sales department is a real estate model with an area of ​​about [-] square meters, and the situation of the whole real estate is clear.

Han Jiangdao: "Is this 11-story house on the 28th floor also 1700 square meters?"

"Of course." Manager Yan said, "No matter which suite, it's the same price for you."

Hearing this, Han Jiang felt relieved. Judging from the real estate model, the location of this house is very good. It is located in the inner part of the real estate. It should be relatively quiet, not as noisy as the houses facing the street.

Some people like enthusiasm, but Han Jiang likes to be quiet.

"Can you take us to have a look?"

"Of course, I'll take you there."

Manager Yan took Han Jiang and his wife to see this house in person. Building 11 has 32 floors in total, and it is located on the 28th floor, which is considered a very good floor.

Opening the door and walking into the house, the couple's eyes lit up.

Sitting facing south, the north and south are transparent, the house type is also very satisfactory, and the vision is also very wide. Both Han Jiang and his wife are very satisfied.

The key is that the price is cheap, only 1700 yuan.

on Monday.

Not long after Yang Fan went to work, just sitting in the office and reading a few documents, Han Jiang came in happily, with a happy expression on his face.

Yang Fan asked with concern: "The house is ready."

Han Jiangdao: "I've bought it. 11 in Building 2802 of Hongtai Yipin. It has three bedrooms and two living rooms. The area is 116 square meters. The third bedroom is big and very spacious."

"That's not bad."

Yang Fan is also happy for him. Now this apartment is about 20 yuan, which seems to be relatively expensive. In fact, it will increase in value dozens of times in more than ten years, making a big profit!
It is difficult for any investment to have such an increase in value. Investing in real estate is indeed a very good choice.

Han Jiang is his good brother. Of course, Yang Fan hopes to live a better life, so he secretly helps him to buy a house with great appreciation potential, so he doesn't have to worry about housing in the future.

In addition to being happy, Han Jiang expressed his gratitude, "Brother Fan, thank you, you have helped me a lot this time."

Yang Fan said: "It's a trivial matter, there is no need to be polite between us."

Days go by.

The first ship has fully entered the production and manufacturing of components at Dongjiang Shipyard, preparing for the start of segmental manufacturing.The construction of the No. [-] ship started at the Xiangjiang Shipyard, and began to enter the stakeout and numbering of the hull.

At this time, a special guest came to Donghai Institute.

This even surprised Yang Fan himself.

Mo Xiaoping, chief designer of a new domestic amphibious armored combat vehicle, walked into Yang Fan's office.

The design of the ship seems to have little to do with the design of the amphibious armored combat vehicle.

There are two updates today, and the second update will be delivered!

(End of this chapter)

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