Military Heavy

Chapter 399 found the right person

Chapter 399 found the right person
Yang Fan happened to be in the office.

Li Zhengjun, director of the Model Office, knocked on the door and came in, reporting: "Master Yang, Mo Xiaoping from XX Institute has come to visit you, and it has been arranged in the reception room."


Yang Fan was slightly surprised, he didn't expect that he really came, he thought it was just a joke.Just two days ago, Yang Fan received a call from Mo Xiaoping, saying that he would come to visit. At that time, he thought it was a joke.

The design of a ship and the design of an amphibious armored combat vehicle are completely different things, and they have no boundaries at all.

He really came!
Already arrived at the East China Sea.

Yang Fan smiled, "I'll go right away."

With that said, he got up and walked out of the office. Li Zhengjun hurriedly followed, and the two walked into the reception room not far next door one after the other.

Mo Xiaoping and his assistant were already waiting there. He was in his fifties, with short gray hair and looked very energetic.He is a well-known expert in the design of armored combat vehicles in China. In this field, he said that he is second, and no one dares to say that he is the first.

Such a well-known expert actually came to pay a visit in person, even Yang Fan himself felt a little inconceivable.

The two met and shook hands tightly.

Yang Fan said even more enthusiastically: "Mr. Mo, welcome to our Donghai Institute. I thought it was a joke. I didn't prepare anything. If I knew this, I should have sent someone to the airport to pick you up."

"Master Yang is too polite."

The two exchanged polite greetings, and at Yang Fan's invitation, everyone sat down on the sofa and talked while drinking tea.

Mo Xiaoping first praised the design of the Type 054 guided missile frigate, and then without beating around the bush, he went straight to the point and said, "Master Yang, I'm here to trouble you this time."

"What trouble is it? We are all for the military industry. As long as I can help, I will definitely go all out."

Everyone is from the military industry system and works hard for the cause of national defense. If the other party needs help, Yang Fan will never refuse.

Mo Xiaoping was very happy with this attitude.

I felt relieved for a while.

Mr. Yang is good, really enthusiastic.

Mo Xiaoping said: "We are designing a new type of amphibious armored combat vehicle. One of the important technical indicators is that the military requires the vehicle to travel at a speed of more than 25 kilometers in water."

More than 25 kilometers per hour!

Yang Fan was taken aback, and even thought in his heart, this is not a mistake, how could it be possible to reach such a speed?
The speed of amphibious armored combat vehicles in the world is generally about ten kilometers on the water surface, and a speed of 15 kilometers per hour is a watershed.Looking at the whole world, including a military power like the United States, there is absolutely no one with a speed exceeding 15 kilometers per hour.

As for the speed that can exceed 20 kilometers per hour, there is no such thing in the world.

The military proposed that it is almost impossible for this new type of armored combat vehicle under design and development to reach a speed of more than 25 kilometers per hour.

Probably seeing Yang Fan's doubts, Mo Xiaoping said: "The military's requirement is indeed a speed of more than 25 kilometers per hour. In fact, it is very easy to understand the military's requirement, because during the beach landing, the amphibious armored combat vehicle travels faster and faster. Faster, the lower the chance of being hit, which greatly improves the battlefield survivability."

Of course, Yang Fan understands amphibious armored vehicles quite well. Before rebirth, he participated in the design of the 075 amphibious assault ship. This kind of ship not only has a direct access deck and a huge hangar, but also has a huge dock. Equipped with amphibious armored combat vehicles and hovercraft and other weapons and equipment for beach landing.

Yang Fan said a little worriedly: "The speed of 25 kilometers per hour is almost an impossible task."

"That's not true." Mo Xiaoping said: "We designed dozens of models and conducted thousands of pool towing tests, but the theoretical speed has never exceeded 20 kilometers per hour."

The speed of 20 kilometers per hour cannot be reached, and the speed of 25 kilometers per hour is even more out of reach.

Yang Fan vaguely understood why Mo Xiaoping came to visit him.

Sure enough, Mo Xiaoping said: "Master Yang, I need your help for two things during my visit this time. First, I heard that the towing pool in your test base is very advanced. We want to conduct a towing test there."

This is no problem.

Yang Fan agreed, "Yes, you are welcome to go there to do the towing test, anytime."

Mo Xiaoping was very happy.

In fact, they also have towing pools, but they are relatively old, and the equipment is far less advanced than the towing pools at the ship test base.

This pool was designed and built under the leadership of Yang Fan. The design is scientific and the equipment is advanced. The pool towing test was carried out there. The data is more accurate and comprehensive. Many tests that ordinary pools cannot do, or cannot be done. There are no problems with the test data.

When he was happy, Mo Xiaoping continued: "Mr. Yang, you are an expert in ship design. This is also the second reason why I visited you. I would like to ask you to help us analyze why our amphibious armored combat vehicle The speed of travel in the water cannot exceed 20 kilometers."

Even 20 kilometers cannot be surpassed, let alone 25 kilometers.

Yang Fan is indeed an expert in this field, knowing that the speed of a ship is related to many things, such as power, weight, resistance and so on.

However, Yang Fan has never seen this new type of amphibious armored combat vehicle designed and developed by Mo Xiaoping's team, so he does not know its structure, weight, shape and other parameters for the time being.

"Mr. Mo, can you introduce this amphibious armored combat vehicle to me?"

"of course can."

Mo Xiaoping was well-prepared. With a little gesture, his assistant took out a thick stack of technical documents from the bag.

Combined with these technical materials, Mo Xiaoping personally introduced this chariot to Yang Fan, and the introduction was very detailed.Yang Fan listened carefully, thought about it, and occasionally asked a question or two.

After listening to the introduction, Yang Fan said: "Mr. Mo, from the professional point of view of ship design, I can give you some suggestions."


Very good!
Mo Xiaoping was pleasantly surprised.

Before he came, what he was most worried about was that Yang Fan would hide it and refuse to make suggestions. Now that he is fine, he can rest assured.

Yang Fan looked serious, and suggested: "Whether it is a ship or an amphibious armored vehicle, if you want to sail fast, you need to meet at least two requirements. One is strong power, and the other is to sail as small as possible. resistance."

"I heard your suggestion just now. There is not much potential to be tapped in terms of power. Then work hard on the sailing resistance. I suggest that in the follow-up towing test, the adjustment of the angle of the front and rear fenders of the chariot should be the focus."

The front and rear baffles are used to reduce the resistance of water, and also provide a part of buoyancy appropriately. As long as they are adjusted to a suitable angle, they can greatly reduce the resistance of sailing.

Mo Xiaoping nodded lightly, and recorded this suggestion in his notebook.

Yang Fan continued: "In terms of reducing sailing resistance, I think the biggest resistance should be the wheels and tracks of the chariot."

Mo Xiaoping was surprised!

He looked at Yang Fan in disbelief.

I thought in my heart, this is amazing, I can see where the greatest resistance is at a glance.

That's right, through thousands of pool towing tests, Mo Xiaoping and the others have come to the conclusion that the greatest resistance to navigation lies in the wheels and tracks of the chariot.

When navigating in the water, the wheels and tracks have no effect, they will only increase the burden of navigation and cause huge resistance.

But since it is a chariot, it must have wheels and tracks, because when landing on the beach, once the chariot lands, it must rely on these wheels and tracks to drive on land.

Master Yang is really awesome!

At this moment, Mo Xiaoping had a little admiration for Yang Fan. After so many pool towing tests, they knew the problem was the huge resistance of the wheels and tracks, which seriously affected the speed of the ship.

Master Yang could tell at a glance.

Mo Xiaoping gave a thumbs up and said in admiration, "Your vision is really vicious. You can see the problem at a glance. It's really admirable."

Yang Fan smiled slightly, and said in his heart, it's not that I'm good, but that you have found the right person!
Before rebirth, when he participated in the design of the Type 075 amphibious assault ship, Yang Fan had dealt with the design directors of this amphibious armored combat vehicle many times. During the chat, these design directors were full of emotion and told about this This amphibious armored combat vehicle is difficult in the development process.

One of the most important items is the increase of the speed. They and Yang Fan explained in detail how the speed was increased.

In addition to adjusting the angle of the front and rear baffles of the chariot, the most important thing is due to a pioneering design, which is the first in the world and has completely independent intellectual property rights.

The wheels and tracks produce such a huge resistance during the movement of the amphibious chariot, which seriously affects the speed, so what should we do?

The designers thought of a genius design, which has never been seen in the design of amphibious armored combat vehicles, such as the military power of the United States, which has never thought of such a design.

It happened that Yang Fan had learned about this design from these design supervisors, and had seen the actual situation of the amphibious tank many times. At that time, he was very impressed, how did they come up with such a genius design.

Mo Xiaoping never expected that Yang Fan was reborn.

He made a mistake and found the right person.

Yang Fan not only knew that the wheels and tracks of the chariot produced huge resistance when the chariot was moving, seriously affecting the speed of the ship, but also knew how to eliminate this resistance.

Therefore, Yang Fan suggested: "Mr. Mo, the wheels and tracks of the chariot produced huge resistance, seriously affecting the speed of the ship. Are you considering reducing or even eliminating this resistance?"

Mo Xiaoping showed embarrassment.

This is easier said than done!
He shook his head with a wry smile, "We thought about it too, but we couldn't do anything about it. There was nothing we could do, because wheels and tracks are essential for an amphibious armored combat vehicle. How to drive?"

Yang Fan said: "I have a plan that can effectively eliminate their resistance."

You have a way!

Mo Xiaoping looked at Yang Fan with disbelief.

Today is the third update, and the first update is here!

(End of this chapter)

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