Military Heavy

Chapter 400 The Design of Genius

Chapter 400 The Design of Genius

Yang Fan smiled, and under Mo Xiaoping's unbelievable gaze, he motioned: "Director Li, go get some blank paper and a pen."

Li Zhengjun got up immediately and quickly brought the things over.

Yang Fan spread out one of the white papers on the coffee table, picked up a pen and said: "I think it can be designed in this way. The wheels and tracks of the chariot can be stretched. When it’s time to go ashore and land, it can be stretched out again.”

It's kind of like the landing gear of an airplane.

When the aircraft is flying, the landing gear is retracted into the belly of the aircraft, and when it is about to land, the landing gear is extended.

While explaining, Yang Fan drew a schematic sketch of the design principle and structure.

Mo Xiaoping is a connoisseur, and he knows everything. After listening to Yang Fan's explanation and looking at the schematic sketch, his eyes gradually brightened.

This design works!

No, it is more than feasible, it is simply a genius design!

Too awesome!

When he was happy, Mo Xiaoping was almost overwhelmed with admiration. He never thought that Yang Fan could come up with such a genius design.

His assistant's expression was even more exciting. It was probably the first time I saw such a genius in the world. He was obviously engaged in ship design, but he could come up with such a genius design in the field of amphibious armored vehicles.

Yang Fan finished speaking.

Mo Xiaoping was shocked!

After a long time, he said in admiration: "Mr. Yang, I really can't imagine that such a design was actually thought of by you."

Yang Fan said modestly: "This is just my idea, whether it works or not, you still need to conduct design demonstrations."

"I think it should be possible, no problem." Mo Xiaoping said affirmatively.

Mo Xiaoping was extremely happy to come to the East China Sea Ship Design Institute, and there was such a huge harvest, and expressed his thanks to Yang Fan again and again.

These few white papers that Yang Fan wrote and drew on were put away like treasures by him, carefully folded, and solemnly handed over to his assistant, "Be sure to put them away, but don't lose them." .”

Seeing that these papers were put into the bag, he felt a little relieved, expressed his thanks again, and insisted on treating the guests to dinner.

At noon, at a restaurant not far from the gate of Donghai Institute, Mo Xiaoping treated guests politely.

Originally, he wanted to go to the towing pool at the test base, but he changed his mind. He just learned about the condition of the pool from Yang Fan, and then he planned to go back to his own unit.

With such a genius design, I must go back immediately for design verification.

After the meal, he hurried back with his assistant.

XX Design Institute.

The first thing Mo Xiaoping did when he came back was to hold a meeting with relevant design directors and key personnel. At the meeting, he took out these blank sheets of paper.

This is a schematic sketch drawn by Yang Fan about the telescopic design of the wheels and tracks. The drawing is relatively good and very professional.

Mo Xiaoping explained it himself. Everyone is a professional. After this layer of window paper is pierced, there is no difficulty in understanding it.

Everyone felt that such a design should be feasible, and the problem is not big.

Someone even said excitedly: "Mr. Mo, you must have come up with such a genius design, it's amazing!"

Mo Xiaoping smiled, "I don't dare to take credit for it. This is not my design idea, but the design plan provided by Chief Designer Yang of the East China Sea Ship Design Institute."

He actually praised the industry!
They are engaged in ship design, but they are also so proficient in amphibious armored vehicles, and they can come up with such a great design.

"Master Yang is really amazing!"

"How is his head long? I couldn't think of such a design."

"This kind of design, looking at the whole world, is also unique."


Hearing these words, Mo Xiaoping felt happy, and began to deploy a series of tasks, mainly the verification of the design plan.

If the verification is passed and the design is feasible, it will be awesome. It can greatly reduce the resistance of the amphibious armored combat vehicle traveling on the water, and the speed can reach 25 kilometers per hour. There may be no problem.

After this meeting, the technical team led by Mo Xiaoping got busy and began to draw specific design drawings according to the design plan provided by Yang Fan, and then made specific parts, and then carried out actual verification.

Jiangdong Shipyard.

At the invitation of Sun Baoguo, Yang Fan walked into the welding workshop again, his eyes lit up immediately, a lot of parts had been welded, and the welding of the first section had already started.

It was a section of the bow. On the welding platform, tire frames had been set up, and several welders were welding.

Yang Fan said with satisfaction: "Mr. Sun, your speed is really fast enough, and the welding of the first segment has already started."

Sun Baoguo smiled happily, "We are working day and night, without a day's rest, for fear of delaying the construction period."

Everyone has worked hard!

Military workers are like this. They work far harder than workers in other fields. It is common to work overtime, and the workers have no complaints.

Yang Fan felt slightly touched in his heart.

Under the leadership of Sun Baoguo, after looking around the welding workshop, Yang Fan felt that there are some things that need to be properly reminded.

In the case of ensuring speed, the quality cannot be slack.

What are the most important quality issues that should be paid attention to in the stage of sub-manufacturing?

Yang Fan knows best!

The position accuracy of the spindle mounting hole in each segment.

After watching a circle, Yang Fan took the initiative to say: "Mr. Sun, your manufacturing progress is gratifying, and you must also pay attention to the quality."

Sun Baoguo replied: "We have always regarded quality as the top priority, and we dare not relax in the slightest."

Yang Fan nodded and said: "The construction of each section will start, and you must ensure the accuracy of the spindle mounting holes in each section."

Immediately, Sun Baoguo understood what was going on.

He also has some research and understanding of the design of the 054 ship. He knows that the main shaft of the 054 ship's power system is tens of meters long, and several bases and shaft brackets will be manufactured in different segments. Keep it on one axis, and the future spindle will not be able to penetrate it.

If the spindle won't go through, that's a big deal!

Sun Baoguo didn't dare to be negligent in the slightest, he took it very seriously, and quickly said: "Be careful, we will guarantee the quality of manufacture, and there will be no problem with the installation of the main shaft."

Hearing this, Yang Fan was slightly relieved.

As the days passed, in the Dongjiang Shipyard, each section began to be manufactured one after another, officially entering the stage of segmented manufacturing, and a large amount of materials, supporting accessories and equipment, etc., also began to gather here.

Yang Fan visits Dongjiang Shipbuilding almost every week and has a good understanding of the construction progress of the first ship.

I am very relieved to see that it has entered the segmented manufacturing stage.

The Xiangjiang Shipyard, which is thousands of miles away, has also made rapid progress, and has begun to popularize computer-aided drafting and computer hull lofting.

They sent a team of dozens of people to Donghai Shipyard and Dongjiang Shipyard to learn and learn.

xx Design Institute.

Mo Xiaoping and his team finally completed the design verification, proving that the design proposed by Yang Fan is completely feasible.

There was joy at the scene!
A design director reported loudly: "Mr. Mo, the design scheme is feasible and passed the design verification!"

Looking at the jubilant technicians in front of him, looking at the design drawings one after another, looking at the parts manufactured for design verification, Mo Xiaoping's eyes were a little moist.

It's not easy!

The design and development time given by the military is only two years, and qualified prototypes must be handed over within two years, and now almost a year has passed.

I have always been stuck with the big problem of speed, but now I see hope, and it is possible to reach a speed of more than 25 kilometers per hour.

Mo Xiaoping took a deep breath, and ordered loudly: "Make the model of the pool towing test as soon as possible, and start the towing test as soon as possible."

Whether the speed can reach 25 kilometers can be known by dragging the model in the pool.

A technician reminded: "Mr. Mo, our pool equipment is relatively backward, and we are going to undergo technical transformation and upgrading. We will not be able to conduct towing tests for at least two months in the future."

Many people want to say, this is playing the piano indiscriminately!
Time is so precious and the pool is out of use with the towing trials in sight.

Mo Xiaoping said: "I agree with this. Our test pool is indeed too backward. There are few test data that can be tested, and the reliability and accuracy are poor. In the long run, it must be remodeled and upgraded."

What, Mr. Mo himself agreed!

The towing test pool is temporarily unusable, what should I do? ? ?
Impossible to wait for two months!

Seeing everyone's anxiety and worry, Mo Xiaoping said loudly: "Don't worry, everyone, we can go to the towing pool of the East China Sea Institute's ship test center to do tests. It is the largest and most advanced towing test pool in our country."


Very good!
Suddenly all technicians relaxed.

Mo Xiaoping ordered generals in person, appointed several technicians, and also carried out a series of deployments to prepare the model for the test as soon as possible, and then went to the test base to conduct the towing pool test.

Donghai Institute.

Yang Fan made hot tea by himself, waiting for Mo Xiaoping to come again.

I received a call from Mo Xiaoping two days ago, saying that the wheel and track retraction device of the amphibious armored vehicle has passed the design verification and is completely feasible.

This means that this will be the first time in the world that such a design has been adopted on an amphibious combat vehicle, which is of groundbreaking significance.

It is also because after this amphibious chariot is launched into the water, the wheels and tracks can be retracted, which greatly reduces the resistance during driving. Even Yang Fan has a little expectation of how high the speed can run.

So far, the speed of amphibious armored combat vehicles in the world on the water surface is only a dozen kilometers per hour, and none of them can break through 20 kilometers. A speed exceeding 25 kilometers per hour will undoubtedly leave all amphibious armored combat vehicles far behind in terms of speed.

After a while, there was a knock on the door.

Today is the third update, and the second update will be delivered.

(End of this chapter)

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