Military Heavy

Chapter 401 Amazing speed!

Chapter 401 Amazing speed!

"Boom, boom, boom!"

There were three strong knocks on the door, and then, Li Zhengjun pushed the door in and reported, "Mr. Yang, Mr. Mo is here."

Yang Fan got up enthusiastically, and said loudly, "Please invite him in."

After finishing speaking, he walked towards the door of the office. The two shook hands happily at the door, and then Yang Fan said, "Mr. Mo, please come inside."

The two sat down on the sofa, and Li Zhengjun retreated gently.

"Master Yang, your design is simply a genius idea. We have passed the design verification and it is completely feasible!"

The joy is beyond words!
Yang Fan was also affected and became happy.

Mo Xiaoping even brought the design drawings, took them out of the bag, and spread them out on the big table.

"Master Yang, according to your design plan, we have launched a specific design"

Combined with these design drawings, he happily introduced the design situation to Yang Fan in detail, and expressed his thanks repeatedly during the introduction process.

"Mr. Yang, thank you very much. This has helped us a lot. I am confident that our amphibious armored combat vehicle can run at a speed of 25 kilometers!"

The speed of travel on the water surface reaches 25 kilometers per hour!

This is a speed that any amphibious armored combat vehicle in the world cannot look up to, and now, this has become a possibility.

Although the pool towing test of the model has not yet been carried out, Mo Xiaoping is already confident.

Thanks again: "Master Yang, I really don't know how to thank you."

Yang Fan said modestly: "I just mentioned the plan, the specific design is done by you, so don't take this matter too seriously."

The two chatted happily for a long time.

Mo Xiaoping told Yang Fan that their team of several technicians had already gone directly to the test base, and it is estimated that they have already reached the towing pool by this time.

He also told Yang Fan that he himself was planning to go to the towing pool and personally participate in the pool towing test of the amphibious chariot model to see how much the theoretical speed can reach.

To Mo Xiaoping's surprise, Yang Fan said, "I'm leaving for the test base tomorrow morning, how about we go there together?"

"That's great!"

Mo Xiaoping was very happy. He never thought that Yang Fan could go there with him. He really wanted to share the joy of the successful towing test with Yang Fan.

Will the towing test be successful?

He was full of confidence and felt that he should be able to succeed.

A lot of equipment of the Type 054 guided missile frigate is tested there, especially the shipboard electronic equipment, such as various radars, various communication equipment, etc. They are all tested there, and the important content is the electromagnetic interference test.

Yang Fan basically visits every month or two, and pays attention to the situation there every week. There is a special team in charge, so Yang Fan doesn't need to worry too much.

Mo Xiaoping didn't stay in Yang Fan's office for too long, and left in less than an hour. He probably knew that Yang Fan's time was precious, and there were many things to deal with.

After leaving the East China Sea Institute, they found a nearby hotel to stay temporarily, and the two made an appointment to go to the test base early tomorrow morning.

After the place to stay was settled, he rarely had time to walk around Donghai City and take a look around, feeling the speed of development of Donghai City for the first time.

I sighed in my heart, when I came to Donghai City a few years ago, there was no such development momentum at that time, but now it is completely different, high-rise buildings are being built everywhere, large-scale construction is being carried out everywhere, and many places have changed drastically.

"Hey, Hongtai Plaza at that time!"

"This place is really nice, so prosperous, so grand!"

His assistant even said, "Mr. Mo, there's such a big supermarket over there. How about we go in and have a look?"

Mo Xiaoping also saw this super hypermarket called "Hongtai Supermarket", and couldn't help but walk in. He was surprised to see such a large scale.

Although the inland city where their design is located is also a big city, it is still at least one level behind Donghai City, and there is no such a huge supermarket.

"Mr. Mo, this is Hongtai Supermarket. It is too big. I heard that Hongtai Plaza will be built in our place, and a large supermarket will also be opened."

"Really, there is such a thing?"

His energy was mainly focused on the design and development of amphibious armored combat vehicles, and he didn't pay attention to these things at all, but his assistant knew about them.

The assistant replied: "Our original Yangtze River Plaza has already started demolition and reconstruction, and will be built into Hongtai Plaza. I heard that the main building is as high as fifty floors. It will be a landmark of our city."


After hearing what the assistant said, Mo Xiaoping was in awe, thinking that the Hongtai Group is really amazing, and they planned to build a landmark building in their city with such a big hand.

Hongtai Group has developed well in the past few years. In addition to being based in Donghai City and Shenhai City, it has begun to develop into surrounding cities. In some large cities, planning and construction of Hongtai Plaza and landmark buildings have begun.

The next day.

Early in the morning, Mo Xiaoping took his assistant to Yang Fan's office, but Yang Fan was already waiting earlier than him.

"Master Yang, I've been waiting for a long time."

Yang Fan said: "I just came, and it's still a few minutes before the eight o'clock in the morning we agreed on, and you came very early."

After a few polite words, the two walked out of the office and the office building together, ready to go to the test base more than 200 kilometers away.

In front of the office building, Yang Fan's imported large off-road vehicle was already parked, and Li Zhengjun was sitting in the driver's seat, and he would be driving.

At the invitation of Yang Fan, Mo Xiaoping got into the back seat. His assistant was very knowledgeable and took the initiative to sit in the co-pilot position. There were only Yang Fan and Mo Xiaoping in the back seat, looking very relaxed.

Start the car, let's go!
Sitting in the spacious and comfortable off-road vehicle, Mo Xiaoping looked at it for a while, and said enviously: "Master Yang, your unit benefits are better, and our company is much poorer. The number one car is still Poussin, so I can only sit Domestic jeep."

Yang Fan smiled and didn't say anything.

Li Zhengjun, who was driving the car, couldn't help but said: "Mr. Mo, this is not our unit's car. Our Director Pan is also Poussin. This is our Mr. Yang's private car, and we often use it for public use."

What, this is not a bus!
Mo Xiaoping was slightly taken aback, and couldn't help but glance at Yang Fan, his expression seemed to say, this is an imported large off-road vehicle, at least three to four hundred thousand.

Li Zhengjun said: "What is a car? Our Chief Master Yang's sister is the boss of Hongtai Group. What can't be afforded?"

Hongtai Group!

Yesterday afternoon, Mo Xiaoping went to Hongtai Plaza and Hongtai Supermarket. He was amazed to see the situation there and admired the group very much. He did not expect that the owner was Yang Fan's own sister.

Anyway, it's not a secret, Yang Fan didn't care about Li Zhengjun's "talkative" Yang Fan, he just smiled and reacted very easily.

Mo Xiaoping couldn't relax for a long time, and kept thinking in his heart, amazing, this is simply a winner in life, not only is he the chief designer of the 054 ship at a young age, but also has such a rich sister.

At [-] noon, we arrived at the test base.

The two separated temporarily, Yang Fan wanted to go to see the electromagnetic interference test of the 054 ship's related equipment, and Mo Xiaoping of course wanted to do the pool towing test of his amphibious armored combat vehicle.

Yang Fan walked into the electromagnetic interference laboratory and saw the test conditions of some equipment in person. Seeing that everything was normal, he was very relieved.

All the laboratories have been built and are all put into use. Compared with the original development of the 052 ship, it has been shotguns and guns, which is the same.

After a series of tests, there will be no obvious electromagnetic interference problems when the equipment is installed on the ship, and there will be no tragedy like the British in the Falklands Sea Battle.

After looking at several laboratories, Yang Fan still went to the towing pool, wanting to see how the situation there is, especially how fast this amphibious armored combat vehicle can run after adopting the wheel and track retraction scheme .

"Master Yang!"

Seeing Yang Fan coming in, Mo Xiaoping shook hands with Yang Fan tightly.

It was the first time for him to come here, and he had only heard about the situation here from Yang Fan before, but after arriving here, he was amazed.

This towed pool is very good, and the equipment is very advanced, which is many times more advanced than the pool they designed.

Yang Fan asked: "How is it? It seems that the preparations are almost done."

In the long pool next to it, a chariot model has been installed, and it seems that the test can start soon.

Mo Xiaoping's mood was a little restless, "The preparations are almost done, to be honest, I suddenly feel a little nervous."

Yang Fan smiled kindly.

I completely understand Mo Xiaoping's mood at the moment.

Soon after, the test began. Driven by the small trailer, the amphibious vehicle model moved rapidly in the pool, and various sensors collected various data to the computer.

On the display screen of the computer, various data are displayed.

It didn't take long for the first test to be completed, and the test results were printed out. Mo Xiaoping loudly ordered his technicians.

"Quick, calculate the theoretical speed that our amphibious armored combat vehicle can achieve based on the test data!"

Several technicians quickly calculated, and the results came out very quickly. A technician in charge said loudly: "My God, I can't believe it!"

Mo Xiaoping immediately asked: "What is the theoretical speed?"

"Mr. Mo, according to our calculations, the theoretical speed has reached 26.2 kilometers!"

Break through 25 kilometers in one fell swoop!

The speed is so fast!
Mo Xiaoping looked at the calculation results in person, and after confirming that there was nothing wrong, he looked excited and said loudly: "We succeeded, reaching 26.2 kilometers!"

Cheers ring out!

It worked!
They made it!
Mo Xiaoping expressed gratitude, and held Yang Fan's hand tightly, "Master Yang, thank you, thank you so much."

After the wheels and tracks were put into the car body, the resistance was greatly reduced. Yang Fan knew that the speed would be greatly increased, but he didn't expect the effect to be so obvious, it actually reached 26.2 kilometers.

26.2 kilometers!
It's almost like a dream.

Today is the third update, and the third update is here!

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(End of this chapter)

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