Military Heavy

Chapter 402 5% off

Chapter 402 [-]% Off

Yang Fan said very happily: "Mr. Mo, congratulations, you have solved a big problem."

The theoretical speed has reached 26.2 kilometers per hour, and the actual speed will vary to a certain extent, but it is still very confident if it exceeds 25 kilometers.

Could it be faster?

Yang Fan suggested: "Mr. Mo, continue to conduct experiments, adjust the angle of the front and rear baffles, and see how much the theoretical speed can be achieved at the fastest."

"Yes, yes, let's continue the experiment." Mo Xiaoping said happily.

Their technicians got busy again, adjusted the angle of the front and rear baffles, and set the parameters for the next test in terms of towing the pool.

Everyone was next to the pool, looked at the pool, and looked at the data on the display screens of the test equipment. The test was about to start.

Mo Xiaoping thought in his heart, after adjusting the angle of the front and rear baffles, how much can the speed be increased?
I am looking forward to it!

Yang Fan is also hopeful, and of course hopes to see the speed increase again. Our country needs an amphibious armored combat vehicle with excellent performance, especially in the future beach landing operations, such weapons and equipment are particularly important.

Powerful firepower, thick armor, excellent speed, no doubt, this will be a very good amphibious armored combat vehicle.

"Mr. Mo, everything is ready to start the experiment!" A technician in charge reported loudly.

Mo Xiaoping waved his hand and said loudly: "Start the experiment!"

In this long pool, the model of the amphibious armored combat vehicle was dragged and advanced rapidly in the pool, and a large splash of water made a splashing sound.

The entire test site fell silent.

There was only the sound from the experiment, and no one spoke anymore, either looking at the model of the chariot moving in the pool, or looking at the instruments and meters, or the data on the computer screen.

It didn't take long for the trial to be completed.

Mo Xiaoping ordered loudly: "According to the test data, quickly calculate how much the theoretical speed can reach."

This was another experiment after adjusting the angles of the front and rear baffles of the chariot. Several technicians immediately carried out theoretical calculations, and the results came out soon.

"Mr. Mo, the theoretical speed has reached 26.5 kilometers!"

As soon as the voice fell, many people were excited!
After adjusting the angle of the front and rear baffles, the effect is so obvious!

The speed has increased!
From 26.2 kilometers to 26.5 kilometers!

Mo Xiaoping was happy and relaxed in his heart. He knew that the roadblock of speed was completely solved, and 26.5 kilometers was not the fastest speed. After adjusting the front and rear fenders to the most suitable angle, the speed might increase.

He held Yang Fan's hand tightly again!
Thanks all over the face!
"Mr. Yang, thank you, thank you so much. Now the stone in my heart has completely fallen, and I finally have a reassurance."

He knew that Yang Fan contributed a lot to such an excellent traveling speed. Without Yang Fan's design proposal and Yang Fan's suggestion to adjust the front and rear baffles, it would be impossible to achieve the excellent result of 26.5 kilometers per hour.

This is not the limit!
There is still room for improvement!
What is the fastest theoretical speed per hour?
In the following time, everyone repeated experiments. After many experiments this afternoon, we also knew the relationship between the angle of the baffle and the speed. When the baffle is adjusted to the most suitable angle, the theoretical speed can reach 27.3 kilometers. .

27.3 kilometers!
A few days ago, Mo Xiaoping would not have dared to think about it!
Now, it has come true!

His heart has been unable to calm down, it has been agitated, and after this stumbling block is resolved, he knows that there is basically nothing behind.

Raising his hand to check the time, it was already evening, and the time passed so quickly.Mo Xiaoping said politely: "Mr. Yang, let's go out to eat something and have a drink."

"Okay, I'm a little hungry now."

The experiment can be temporarily stopped. Yang Fan and Mo Xiaoping walked in front, followed by eight or nine people. In addition to the people from Mo Xiaoping's team, several people who dragged the pool also went to eat together. Mo Xiaoping politely invited him to treat him.

There were two cars in total, and they left the test base quickly, and arrived at Shawan Village, which is not far from the test base, after only driving a few kilometers.

Ten years ago, this place was a backward and isolated small fishing village.

Now it is completely different from what it used to be. The potholes and muddy roads are gone. Now it is a spacious asphalt road. Many dilapidated houses have disappeared. They have become red brick houses and even a few small western-style buildings. .

There are several restaurants in Shawan Village, especially Wang Siqing's restaurant is the largest, and the signboard of "Wangji Seafood Restaurant" is very conspicuous.

In addition to people from the test base who often come here to eat, some people from nearby towns also often come here, relying on the mountains to eat the mountains, and relying on the sea to eat the sea.

It is close to the sea, and its specialty is all kinds of seafood.

A big box, just full of a table, with Yang Fan and Mo Xiaoping as the center, the atmosphere is warm.

As a treat, Mo Xiaoping took the menu and ordered a large table of dishes, which were very rich. There were at least a dozen dishes of various seafood, and other dishes included stewed chicken and yellow beef.

This is real native chicken. When served, the aroma is tangy and the soup is golden in color. It makes people very appetizing at first glance.

All kinds of seafood are also sea-caught, not farmed. Seafood farming is not yet on a large scale these days, and it is still mainly pure natural and wild sea-caught seafood.

So rich!

Many people feel really hungry, the kind that could eat a cow.

The wine was also delivered, the local rice wine, the kind that weighs several catties, is packed in wine jars.

Mo Xiaoping waved his hand and said, "Pour the wine, pour the wine!"

He was happy in his heart, with the boldness of not being drunk and not going home.

The pressure in my heart is gone, and the biggest stumbling block has been removed, so I must have a few drinks.

Everyone had a full bowl of rice wine, Mo Xiaoping picked up a bowl, and said loudly: "Come on, let's respect Chief Master Yang together first."

"Yes, we must first respect Chief Master Yang!"

"Master Yang, we respect you."

Everyone raised their bowls one after another, and they were very polite, especially Mo Xiaoping's subordinates. They knew that if it wasn't for Yang Fan, the speed problem of this amphibious armored vehicle would not be resolved when it would be resolved.

Yang Fan looked humble, "You are too polite, you are too polite, I just made suggestions, and it is you who really solve the speed problem."

"Master Yang, you are too modest, let me drink a bowl first!"

Enough boldness!
Good drinker!
Mo Xiaoping held the bowl and drank it all in one go!

This is a bit beyond everyone's expectations. Originally, it was just a big sip. Such a bowl may be about two or three. Although the rice wine brewed in Shawan Village is not high, it should be more than [-] degrees.

The others were slightly taken aback.

After reacting, many people also drank the rice wine in the bowl in one go. A few people may not be good at drinking, and their capacity for alcohol is relatively poor, but they also took a big gulp.

This face!
It's enviable!
Li Zhengjun, director of the model office who accompanied him, looked at Yang Fan in admiration, and thought to himself, Mr. Yang is awesome, so many people are toasting.

Yang Fan himself also felt that he had more face, so he saluted with a glass of wine, and drank a bowl of wine cleanly, very bold.

"Master Yang, you are so proud!"

"Master Yang, drink well!"

First, a few people shouted excitedly, and then there was warm applause. Before eating, just a bowl of wine made the atmosphere unprecedentedly warm.

Yang Fan raised his hand and pressed it down, and then said: "Everyone eat vegetables, the seafood in this store is good, try it all."

Everyone picked up their chopsticks.

After eating this meal for nearly two hours, the jar of rice wine was completely drunk, and several people felt a little drunk.

Satisfied with wine and food, he got up and prepared to leave.

Mo Xiaoping took the initiative to pay the bill, but was soon dumbfounded.

No way!
This is impossible!
Such a sumptuous meal is basically all seafood, and the other dishes are all hard dishes, how can it be so cheap.

Mo Xiaoping even asked: "Is it a miscalculation, is it so cheap here?"

The waiter smiled and said, "Our boss specifically told us that Mr. Yang will get a [-]% discount on meals when he comes over."

It turned out to be [-]% off.

No wonder it's so cheap!
It turned out that it was Master Yang's face that he could get a [-]% discount.

Mo Xiaoping looked at Yang Fan in surprise.

Yang Fan smiled and nodded lightly, "I can't help it, it's like this every time I come here, the boss insists on a [-]% discount, there is no exception."

You are so awesome!
Such a big face!
People take the initiative to give a [-]% discount!

Yang Fan didn't explain too much, but in fact it happened every time.This store belongs to Wang Siqing's family.

Wang Siqing did this mainly out of gratitude. Apart from this, there is probably no other way to thank Yang Fan.

He knew that without Yang Fan, Shawan Village would not be what it is today, and the whole village would not be able to live such a good life.

A large-scale test base has been built nearby. The key point is that Hongtai Supermarket has specially set up a seafood purchase point in Shawan Village. Every day before dawn, the purchase point becomes lively. Then it was loaded into a car and transported to Hongtai Supermarket early in the morning.

As soon as the supermarket opens, customers can buy fresh seafood that is alive and kicking.By the way, Shawan Village has gradually become richer.

After living a good life, he has been thinking about how to be grateful, so as long as Yang Fan comes to eat, he must get [-]% off.

The next day.

Mo Xiaoping went back happily. The hurdle had been resolved. He could lead his technical team to carry out a series of designs, complete the overall design within the specified time, and complete the delivery of the prototype vehicle within the specified time. He felt that No big issues, feel confident about it.

Yang Fan also returned to the East China Sea Ship Design Institute.

Whether it is the first ship or the second ship, they are all under construction in an orderly manner.

a few months later.

For Han Jiang, a major event ushered in.

There are two updates today, and the first one will be delivered.

(End of this chapter)

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