Military Heavy

Chapter 403 Han Jiang moved to a new home

Chapter 403 Han Jiang moved to a new home

Yang Fan is in the office.

I am in a good mood. I went to Dongjiang Shipyard this morning and saw many completed sections. I just received a call from Hu Yong from Xiangjiang Shipyard.

Because of the distance, it is impossible for Yang Fan to go to Xiangjiang Shipyard to see the construction progress of the second ship, but attention is necessary.

As the chief builder of the No. [-] ship, Hu Yong also knew that Yang Fan had been paying attention to the construction situation. Basically, he would call and report to anyone who was five miles away.

At present, the No. [-] ship has basically completed the lofting and numbering of the hull, and is about to start the welding of the first steel plate and the manufacture of the first component.

"Well, not bad, really good."

In Yang Fan's heart, he was still thinking with such satisfaction.Especially after hearing Sun Baoguo's feedback many times, the design of the 054 ship fully considered the construction process, and the difficulty of construction was much lower than imagined, Yang Fan felt even happier.

Craftsmanship, this must be considered. As an excellent ship designer, the craftiness of ship construction should be considered even more.

At this time, the door of the office was gently pushed open.

There was no knock.

The one who came in was Han Jiang with a happy face, holding a stack of red invitation cards in his hand, "Brother Fan, I will move to a new house next week, you are welcome to come over and have a glass of beer."

He entered Yang Fan's office without knocking.

This also made him very proud. In the entire Donghai Institute, there were probably not many people who could directly enter Yang Fan's office without knocking on the door.

What does this mean, he has a good relationship with Yang Fan.

Such an iron relationship makes other people very envious. Some people even think, if I have such an iron buddy, this life will be worth it.

Hearing this, Yang Fan was also very happy, "The decoration is completed so quickly, the speed is really fast."

Han Jiangdao: "It has been a few months since I bought a house. Our first ship has completed the manufacture of multiple sections. It is estimated that the construction of the berth will start next month. Compared with the construction of the first ship, my speed is not at all. What."

Yang Fan laughed.

The construction of the first ship is indeed very satisfying. If there are no accidents, at the current speed, the construction of the berth will definitely begin next month.

After receiving the invitation, Yang Fan opened it and looked at it, "Congratulations on moving to a new house, I will definitely come over for a drink or two."

Han Jiang said gratefully: "Brother Fan, thanks to your help, without you, how could I afford Hongtai's house, and it is a big house of more than 100 square meters."

Yang Fan smiled indifferently.

1995 7 Month 18 Day.

The first floor of Furong Building was very lively. Han Jiang's moving banquet was held here. There were more than [-] tables in total. Except for some relatives and friends, most of them were colleagues from the East China Sea Institute, and some people from related units also came.

There are more than [-] tables, and seven to eighty-eight are already seated.

Only two tables are still vacant. Everyone knows that they are reserved for the leaders.

Some people took a look at the lively scene from time to time, thinking in their hearts, Deputy Director Han should have a lot of face today, with so many colleagues coming to the institute.

Many colleagues are chatting lively.

"Hongtai Yipin's house is very expensive, it's really enviable."

"It's really worth having a good time. It's not easy to buy a house."

"I don't know which leaders will come today."

While everyone was discussing this, Li Zhengjun, the director of the model office, and the directors of several design offices walked into the lobby of the restaurant as if they had made an appointment.

Han Jiang immediately greeted them warmly, shook hands with them happily, and arranged them on the other side of the VIP seat. There were several people sitting in the originally empty VIP seat.

After a while, a few more people sat down, all of whom were middle-level principals of the Donghai Institute. Those deputy staff knew that their rank was a little lower. Even if Han Jiang invited them to sit in the VIP seats, they would know that they would not be able to handle it. They usually looked for seats next to them sit down.

There are only a few minutes until the official opening.

There were a dozen or so people seated at the VIP table, all of whom were middle-level executives at the East China Sea Institute, and some even counted who they were.

Director of Model Office, Director of Power System Design Office, Director of Overall Design Office, Director of Combat System Design Office, Director of Ship Electric System Design Office
Secretly smacking his tongue.

Almost all the middle-level executives in the firm came, and one of the two VIP tables was full, and the other table was also filled with four or five people.

There were still seven or eight seats vacant at this table, and some people thought in their hearts that if there were so many seats vacant, would all the leaders in the office come over?
Oh my god, Director Han's face is really big!

There was movement outside the door, obviously several cars came, and a lot of people got out of the cars, Han Jiang was overjoyed when he saw Yang Fan.

At the beginning, he asked Yang Fan to do something, and Yang Fan went out to invite all the leaders in the office to come and sit down, and Yang Fan agreed immediately.

As expected of Brother Fan!
no sooner said than done!

Too awesome!

Seeing Yang Fan talking and laughing with the leaders in the institute, Han Jiang came in chatting and laughing happily, and immediately fell in admiration.

This is awesome!

Han Jiang asked himself, if he came forward to invite the leaders of the institute, some of them would definitely not come and would decline with various excuses and reasons. When Yang Fan came forward, there were quite a few of them, and all the leaders of the institute came.

Han Jiang is happy!

A little excited!

Immediately walked three steps and two steps, quickly greeted the past, and said enthusiastically: "Director Pan, leaders, you are welcome to come over, this way please."

Han Jiang politely arranged the leaders of the office at the VIP table, so the two tables were full.

Someone looked over here, looked at Yang Fan, then at Han Jiang, and suddenly understood in his heart that it was not Han Jiang who had lost face, but General Master Yang!
Master Yang must have come forward to help Han Jiang invite the leaders in the institute, otherwise, how could there be a lot of leaders, and all the leaders came.

Han Jiang is in high spirits!

Holding the microphone, facing everyone, next to him is his lover Wu Hongxia. The couple's faces are full of joy, but also a little nervous.

Han Jiang delivered a speech and said in a clear voice: "Leaders, colleagues, relatives and friends, good afternoon everyone"

It is estimated that I wrote the speech in advance and memorized it by heart. Han Jiang's speech was not bad, very decent and fluent, and won waves of applause.

The feast is on!
There was another burst of applause in the huge hall on the first floor, and everyone was happy for Han Jiang.Hongtai Yipin's house is not cheap!

It is admirable to be able to buy a house there!

The lively and festive moving banquet lasted for more than an hour, most of the people dispersed one after another, and a small number of people who had a good relationship with Han Jiang went to Hongtai Yipin.

Walking into this high-end residential area that can accommodate tens of thousands of people, many people feel that their eyes have been opened and they are amazed in their hearts. This place is simply like a garden. Living here must be very comfortable.

Everyone found that the planning and design of this community is very special. In such a large community, there is hardly a car, not even a motorcycle, or even a bicycle.

Is it because the people who live here don't have cars?


Those who can live here must at least have a certain amount of financial resources. Many people have motorcycles, and a few even bought private cars.

Where is their car parked?

Then I have to talk about the design of this community. People and vehicles are separated. All cars enter from the entrance of the underground garage. The entire basement floor is a huge garage.

The design of separating people and vehicles is very common now, but in 1995, it was absolutely novel and very rare.

This kind of design was proposed and suggested by Yang Fan, and Yang Fang naturally adopted this suggestion with five conditions. Every residential area of ​​Hongtai Real Estate has such a design, so that some real estate companies began to follow suit.

More real estate companies feel that it is completely unnecessary. Where is such a car, is it worth building a huge underground garage?
The large garage on the basement level of Hongtai Yipin has two to three thousand parking spaces, and it is basically empty. There are at most a hundred cars parked there, and most of them are motorcycles and bicycles.

But Yang Fan knows that the current situation is normal, and private cars are not popular yet. In another ten or eight years, if you look at it again, two to three thousand parking spaces may not be enough for such a large community.

When Han Jiang felt embarrassed, apart from relatives, friends and some colleagues who had a good relationship, Yang Fan accompanied Pan Jinfu into Hongtai Yipin.

Walking into such a beautiful and upscale residential complex, Pan Jinfu gave a thumbs up, praising the community as really good.

Walking into Han Jiang's new home, he saw that the decoration is beautiful, spacious and bright, which is several grades higher than the welfare housing in his unit, and Pan Jinfu gave him a thumbs up again.

And I said in a joking tone, Comrade Yang Fan, I entrust you with the housing benefits of our Donghai Institute comrades. I hope they can all live in such a community.

Yang Fan nodded, taking this matter to heart.

This was originally a joke made by Director Pan, but Yang Fan paid attention to it.

A few days later.

The comrades of the Donghai Institute found that a promotional board was erected in front of the office building, and a house-buying activity was being held. As long as they were employees of the Donghai Institute, as long as they went to Hongtai Real Estate to buy a house, no matter which real estate it was, they could enjoy a [-]% discount.

Such a discount is not ordinary.

A house worth RMB 30 to RMB 3 can be cheaper by RMB [-] to RMB [-]. Many of them were on the sidelines, considering whether to buy a house, or some had no plans to buy a house at all, and they were all tempted.

During the two-day publicity campaign, Donghai Institute registered more than [-] houses in one building, which was considered a real group buying.

In the past few days, the first thing colleagues say when they meet is, have you booked a house in Hongtai?

Pan Jinfu was originally just joking. Seeing that Hongtai Real Estate was engaging in such activities, he specially called Yang Fan over and praised him.

Director Pan is very happy!

Very pleased!
Every word, even if it's just casually, Yang Fan will take it to heart, and he will do it beautifully, which always makes him very satisfied.

1995 8 Month 15 Day.

For Dongjiang Shipyard, this is definitely a day in the history of the factory.

There are two updates today, and the second update will be sent, thank you everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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