Military Heavy

Chapter 404 Construction of the slipway

Chapter 404 Construction of the slipway

For the Type 054 guided missile frigate, this is also an extremely important day.

Today, the first ship entered the berth for construction.

Yang Fan had received a call from Sun Baoguo two days ago, and drove off early in the morning, and arrived at the construction berth at around 08:30 in the morning.

This is a large inclined slipway, which is also a construction slipway for the lead ship.

Next to the berth, it was extremely lively.

Many people are here.

Sun Baoguo was even more high-spirited. After working hard for so long, day and night, the first ship finally successfully entered the construction stage of the slipway.

"Master Yang."

Sun Baoguo walked over a few steps, and happily shook hands with Yang Fan tightly. Both of them were very happy, and both had a slight sense of accomplishment in their hearts.

The first ship entered the berth for construction, and Yang Fan had been looking forward to this day for a long time.

Just as he was about to exchange polite greetings with Sun Baoguo, Yang Fan was taken aback for a moment, seeing Chen Shaohua from Donghai Shipyard.

At this moment, Chen Shaohua also took a few steps forward, and happily shook hands with Yang Fan, "Master Yang, we haven't seen each other for at least two or three months. Since the first ship of the 054 ship started construction at the Dongjiang Shipyard, you come Our Donghai shipyard has significantly fewer times, so you can’t favor one over the other.”

There was a burst of good-natured laughter all around.

Yang Fan smiled and said: "The construction of the 052 ship has gone smoothly, and several 052B ships have been built. I can rest assured that you will have no problems."

Chen Shaohua laughed happily. The most proud thing in his life is to build one Type 052 guided missile destroyer after another.

After a few polite words between the two, Yang Fan finally held back and asked, "Old Chen, the lead ship of Ship 054 has started to build the berth, so why don't you come here to join in the fun."

Sun Baoguo quickly explained, "Mr. Yang, I specially invited Mr. Chen to come here, mainly to guide the construction of our first ship's berth."

That's what happened.

The Type 054 missile frigate adopts the modular construction method of the general section. Although this construction method has been tested on other ships of the Dongjiang Shipyard and has also been promoted to a certain extent, it is the first time on the Type 054 ship.

In order to be on the safe side, so as not to cause any problems, Sun Baoguo politely invited Chen Baoguo to come over and give some guidance. After all, Chen Shaoguo had richer experience in the modular construction method of the general section.

Chen Shaohua looked modest, "I've been playing tricks, and with Master Yang here, I have the nerve to guide you in the modular construction of the general section of the 054 ship. If you have any questions, you can ask Master Yang for advice. "

No way!
Mr. Chen should be an expert in the modular construction of the general section. Could it be that Mr. Yang has a higher level in this area?
Many management personnel in charge of construction in Dongjiang Shipyard looked at each other in blank disbelief, a little in disbelief.

They knew that Mr. Yang understood the modular construction of the general section, but they absolutely did not believe that Yang Fan's level in this aspect was higher than that of Chen Shaohua.

Seeing the reactions of these people, Chen Shaohua's voice was very loud, "Don't believe me, my words are not false at all. Ten years ago, we started the modular construction of the general section under the suggestion of Comrade Yang Fan. We coach and train."

Simply unbelievable!

Many people showed astonishment on their faces, and it took several seconds to react, and then, there was only a deep shock in their hearts.

Master Yang is so powerful!

Too bad!
Not only is the level of ship design high, but even the modular construction method of the general section is so proficient.

Chen Shaohua said with a little helplessness: "I just said it, the class is playing tricks, and Master Yang is here, so it's my turn to guide."

Yang Fan smiled happily, "Old Chen, then don't be modest, I know you have a lot of experience in this field, so you should come over and take a look, and correct any mistakes in time, I can't stay here every day here."

"That's right, that's right." Sun Baoguo fully agreed with this point, "That's what I mean. When Master Yang is not here, Lao Chen can help me guide me a little bit."

After all, in Sun Baoguo's view, Chen Shaohua has very rich experience in the modular construction process of the general section, with nearly ten years of experience.

While chatting like this, the person in charge of building the slipway came over and reported loudly: "Mr. Sun, all preparations are ready."


Sun Baoguo nodded, straightened his chest, looked around everyone, and gradually, the whole scene became quiet.

Sun Baoguo was very angry, and said loudly: "Now I announce that the first ship of the Type 054 guided missile frigate will start construction of the berth at Dongjiang Shipyard today!"

The sound fell.

The scene is boiling!

Many people shouted excitedly, and soon there was warm applause, which lasted for a long time.

After the applause gradually subsided, the construction of the berth of the first ship officially started, and the first section, which is the benchmark section of the entire 054 ship, began to be hoisted.

In everyone's eyes, the middle section of the bottom of the ship was slowly hoisted, then moved slowly, and began to move towards the designated position on the berth.

The whole scene was very quiet.

Some people didn't even dare to express their anger, as if they were afraid of any accidents during the process, and almost everyone's eyes were attracted by this slowly moving segment.

This section slowly moved to the top of the designated area, and then slowly fell. When it was only a few tens of centimeters away from the berth, the descending speed was obviously much slower, and several workers fine-tuned the placement position.

Chen Shaohua said softly: "Old Sun, you should use horizontal construction platforms. The berths we built the 052 ship are all horizontal construction platforms."

The first ship of the Type 052 guided missile destroyer was built. Donghai Shipyard also used an inclined berth, but it was later transformed into a horizontal berth.

Although the inclined construction berth is convenient for launching, when the ship with high construction precision is required, the construction difficulty is increased because the berth is not level.

Sun Baoguo felt a little helpless, "Our existing horizontal construction slipway is too small to carry out the construction of the 054 ship. Only this inclined slipway is available. After the construction of the first ship is completed, we will transform this slipway into a horizontal slipway."

Because the berth is inclined and has a certain angle, it is difficult to place this benchmark segment. After a lot of hard work, it finally landed steadily on the designated position.

The whole scene was still very quiet.

Everyone knows that falling steadily to the designated position does not mean that it is qualified. Whether its angle is qualified, how is the parallelism, and how is the inclination is still unknown.

There is a laser theodolite.

Everything is much simpler. After passing the laser latitude and longitude inspection, no matter the inclination angle or parallelism, all are qualified.

Within the limits of craftsmanship!
The person in charge of building the slipway held a loudspeaker and shouted loudly to Sun Baoguo, "Report to Mr. Sun, the standard segment angle is qualified, the parallelism is qualified, and all indicators are qualified!"

As soon as the sound fell, the originally quiet scene became lively.

Including Sun Baoguo, everyone quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

Almost everyone knows that in the general modular construction method, this benchmark segment is very important, and subsequent segments are based on it.

After Sun Baoguo breathed a sigh of relief, he waved loudly and said, "Continue with the construction and lift the second section."

The second section was also ready. Just beside the slipway, several workers began to install the hoisting ring on this section, and then hung up the hook. This section weighing hundreds of tons also began to lift.

Slowly leave the ground and rise slowly, everything is relatively slow. At this time, "stability" is the most important thing, not the pursuit of speed.

This section was finally hoisted, and then moved towards the berth, slowly moved above the reference section, and then slowly fell.

Not long after, this segment was successfully docked with the reference segment, and several technicians and quality personnel checked again.

It was soon discovered that there was a slight deviation in the position, and the section was hoisted to a certain height. After adjustment, it was slowly lowered and docked with the reference section again.

After some inspections, the docking was completely in line with the technical requirements, very precise, and the position was perfect. The person in charge of the construction of the slipway stood on the slipway, still holding a loudspeaker, and reported loudly: "Comrade chief builder, the second The first segment and the reference segment are successfully docked, and welding can begin."

Sun Baoguo said loudly: "Start segmental welding!"

With an order, several welding workers started to work, and there was a "sizzling" sound of electric welding on the construction berth, and the dazzling arc of electric welding flashed from time to time.

Seeing this scene, Yang Fan breathed a sigh of relief. So far, the construction has been relatively smooth, and the second segment is docked and started welding.

Almost the whole morning, Yang Fan stayed by the construction berth, watched the hull construction of the first ship in person, and even boarded the hull to see the welding situation of the sections up close.

Satisfied: "Mr. Sun, the welding quality is good, the weld seams are beautiful, and your workers have good welding skills."

Sun Baoguo proudly said: "Our welders have all been trained, and these welders have all obtained the International Classification Society welder certification."

The welding quality is good.

The docking of the two segments is also good.

Yang Fan was completely relieved.

Sun Baoguo was in a good mood, and suggested: "General Master Yang, Lao Chen, how about we go have a drink or two to celebrate?"

Originally there was no drinking at noon, but today is an exception.

The three left the berth, followed by several technicians in charge and builders. A group of more than ten people went to a restaurant not far from the factory, asked for a private room, and had a good celebration.

The first ship was officially built on the slipway at Dongjiang Shipyard. A few days later, the third section was hoisted onto the slipway, the docking was successfully completed, and then welding began.

Thousands of miles away, Xiangjiang Shipyard has also started the welding and manufacturing of segmented components. From the perspective of progress, they are only a few months behind Dongjiang Shipyard.

Today is the third update, and the first update is sent.

(End of this chapter)

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