Military Heavy

Chapter 405 River Test

Chapter 405 River Test
XX Design Institute.

Mo Xiaoping led his team and finally completed the manufacture of the first prototype. This car is parked in the center of the assembly workshop, very eye-catching.

A design director said: "Mr. Mo, it's time to conduct a river navigation test."


Mo Xiaoping answered in the affirmative.The model of this amphibious combat vehicle has passed the pool towing test, and its theoretical maximum speed can reach 27.3 kilometers per hour. Then, how much speed can it achieve when it is tested in the river?

He is looking forward to it!

I have long wanted to verify that the actual maximum speed will be higher than 27.3 kilometers, or will there be a certain distance?
However, some necessary inspections and tests were required before the river test proceeded, which took a few days.

Some are fine.

Mo Xiaoping personally led his team to prepare for the river experiment. The location is the Yangtze River, because the river there is wide and the distance is short. It is rare that there is a section of the river where the water flow is slow and steady. It is really the best place for the experiment.

"Mr. Mo, you can go."

As soon as he walked into the assembly workshop, a technician in charge of the test reported this, and Mo Xiaoping waved his hand and said, "Okay, then set off for the river."

The amphibious armored combat vehicle started and drove out of the assembly workshop. Several technicians were sitting in the vehicle, and Mo Xiaoping's car followed behind.

It is not far from the Yangtze River, about 10, [-], [-] minutes to the Yangtze River, this is a relatively secluded river beach, the terrain is flat and open, with a wide river in front, this amphibious armored combat vehicle can be launched here.

The chariot was parked on the river beach, and the technicians and test personnel made the final inspection, especially checking whether the sensors and test instruments were normal and reliable.

"Mr. Mo, everything is normal, you can go into the water."

Mo Xiaoping's heart was agitated slightly. Looking at this prototype car that had been painstakingly worked out, he prayed, you must not let me down, and you must drive at a speed of more than 25 kilometers per hour.

Taking a deep breath to calm down the excitement, Mo Xiaoping said loudly, "Start the river test."


Several technicians and experimenters answered loudly almost in unison. They were also very excited. They had worked so hard for so long, just to see the situation of the river test.

The chariot starts again!

Driving towards the front, it soon entered the river. The front and rear baffles were opened and adjusted to the most suitable angle. It headed towards the middle of the river. After reaching the appropriate position, it began to drive along the river.

Obviously accelerating.

The speed gradually increased!
Mo Xiaoping and the others stood on the river beach, keeping their eyes on the chariot, not daring to leave at all. Beside them stood several backbones of their team, some of whom were still holding walkie-talkies, and kept talking to the test vehicles on the chariot. Communicate with technicians.

"Mr. Mo, use the binoculars."

Someone next to me handed over the binoculars.

Mo Xiaoping was also polite. After taking it, he took a telescope to watch the amphibious armored vehicle advancing on the river.

It's getting faster and faster!

An exciting voice came from the walkie-talkie, the speed has reached 25.6 kilometers per hour, and it can continue to improve.

Mo Xiaoping waved his hand and said, "Increase the accelerator and see how much the maximum speed can be reached."

This order was communicated to the vehicle's control and test personnel through the walkie-talkie, and the speed of this amphibious armored vehicle is still being improved.

This is the Yangtze River. Although this section is relatively secluded, there are still some boats sailing on the river. Cao Liangmin is a boat boss who has been doing river transportation for 30 to [-] years. He often transports things on the Yangtze River. Today, his boat is fully loaded Cargo, heading downstream.

Suddenly, he froze!
Seriously thought that he had read it wrong, and he looked like he had seen hell!

At a distance of more than a hundred meters, he suddenly saw a tank sailing on the river, and it was coming from behind, and it was about to overtake his ship.

what's going on!
When can a tank sail like a boat in the water, and the speed is still so fast.

He immediately shouted, "Xiao Xu, come here quickly, come here quickly!"

Xiao Xu is in his thirties. He once served as a soldier in an armored division, drove tanks, and also drove armored vehicles. After retiring, he went to ship with Cao Liangmin.

Cao Liangmin said loudly: "Xiao Xu, take a look and see if that is a tank."

When Xiao Xu saw this fast-moving amphibious armored vehicle, he was stunned and completely forgot to answer.

He stared blankly at the chariot, watched it surpass the past, and then gradually moved to the front, leaving the ship far behind, getting further and further away.

"Xiao Xu, Xiao Xu"

Seeing that Xiao Xu had been in a sluggish state, Cao Liangmin was taken aback, and yelled a little worriedly, several times in a row.

Xiao Xu finally recovered from the extreme shock, and murmured: "Uncle Cao, that's not a tank, it should be a new type of amphibious armored combat vehicle."

He has worked in the armored division, and he is very familiar with tanks and armored vehicles. He also knows a lot about amphibious armored combat vehicles. A few can reach more than ten kilometers.

The one in front of me is at least 25 kilometers away!
Is this our newly developed amphibious armored combat vehicle?
so amazing!

Amidst the shock, he was slightly excited and proud. He never thought that our country had successfully developed such an advanced amphibious armored combat vehicle.

on the river beach.

Holding the binoculars, Mo Xiaoping has been watching the amphibious armored chariot advancing on the river, and seeing the speed getting faster and faster, his heart is slightly agitated.

The voice from the walkie-talkie made him unable to calm down even more, "Report to Chief Mo that the top speed has reached 28.9 kilometers per hour."

Unbelievable, it was close to 29 kilometers!

The wheels and tracks are put into the car body, and the front and rear baffles are adjusted to a suitable angle, so the speed can reach 28.9 kilometers.

Although this is going down the water, the water flow here is gentle, and the impact of the water flow is actually not too great.

Mo Xiaoping picked up the walkie-talkie himself, and said loudly: "Turn around, go upstream, and test the speed to see what the maximum speed can be."

The chariot made a beautiful turn with a large radius on the river, changing from going downstream to upstream. Gradually, the speed became faster and faster, and there was a large white spray behind the car.

In the countercurrent, the fastest traveling speed also exceeded 26 kilometers. Immediately, everyone was relieved. The traveling speed in the water completely exceeded the original requirements of the military.

This river course trial was very successful and the results were very gratifying.

After returning, Mo Xiaoping picked up the phone and personally reported to the relevant leaders, and then made another call to the East China Sea Ship Design Institute.

Yang Fan is in the office.

Mo Xiaoping's familiar voice came from the phone, "Master Yang, I want to announce the good news to you!"

Say hello to me!

Yang Fan was happy, guessed what was going on, and asked: "Mr. Mo, did you carry out the river test of the prototype car and run at a good speed?"

From the point of view of time, the first prototype should have been manufactured, and some tests may have been carried out, including river tests.

Sure enough!

Mo Xiaoping said: "You are really good at predicting things. We just conducted the first river test. We ran at a speed of nearly 29 kilometers per hour in the case of downstream, and it can exceed 26 kilometers in the case of upstream... ..."

He briefly introduced the situation at that time.

After listening, Yang Fan became happy, "Such an excellent result, Mr. Mo, congratulations."

Mo Xiaoping said: "The main reason for such excellent results is that the design scheme you provided is too ingenious. Otherwise, we would still be wandering for more than ten kilometers."

Another thank you.

After answering the call, Yang Fan felt relieved and seemed very happy.

I thought to myself, this is an excellent amphibious armored combat vehicle. If we have a large amphibious assault ship in the future, it will definitely be installed on this ship.

Future Amphibious Assault Ship!

Which model will it be?
Yang Fan naturally thought of the future 075 amphibious assault ship in his mind.

It's just that I don't know when to start the design demonstration of this ship, when to start the design and so on.


The Type 054 guided missile frigate is under construction in an orderly manner. The construction of the berth of the first ship has begun, and the welding of the second ship has also begun.

The entire 054 project is strictly confidential, but some countries finally know about this frigate.

Among them is the United States!
The success of the Type 052 guided missile destroyer made the Americans a little nervous. They did not expect that we could design and manufacture a second-generation guided missile destroyer with a phased array control radar, a vertical missile launch system, and a 730 near-anti-gun system.

Now, they have learned of a new situation. According to what they know, this eastern power is designing and manufacturing an advanced guided missile frigate.

What they are more worried about is that this may also be a second-generation guided missile frigate.

Immediately, the relevant intelligence agencies of the United States began to secretly investigate and tried their best to understand the Type 054 guided missile frigate, especially their spy satellites, and increased the monitoring of several possible shipyards in our country.

Of course, our intelligence department is not vegetarian, and the movement of the Americans has attracted the attention of relevant intelligence departments.

As the commander-in-chief of Project 054, Luo Jianguo certainly knew about the news from the United States, so he made a special phone call to communicate with Yang Fan.

"Master Yang, our Type 054 guided missile frigate may have attracted the attention of the Americans."

Yang Fan was not too surprised, knowing that sooner or later there will be such a day, there is no impenetrable wall in the world, and it is impossible for the Americans to remain ignorant of the 054 ship.

"Commander Luo, it seems that our Type 054 guided missile frigate has made Americans feel uneasy and nervous."

so funny!

Luo Jianguo, who was originally a little nervous and serious, relaxed a little, and said in admiration: "Mr. Yang, I really admire you. Don't you worry at all?"

Yang Fan said confidently: "It's nothing to worry about, because we have a growing motherland behind us."

That's true, it's true.

When making this call, Luo Jianguo not only told Yang Fan that our 054 ship has attracted the attention of the Americans, but also had an important question to ask Yang Fan.

This matter is very important!

Today is the third update, and the second update will be delivered.

(End of this chapter)

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