Military Heavy

Chapter 406

Chapter 406
The two arrived at Dongjiang Shipyard together, and stopped at the gate, where Sun Baoguo was already standing there enthusiastically to welcome them.

Yang Fan lowered the car window.

Sun Baoguo walked over enthusiastically, "You don't need to enter the factory area, let's go to eat first, Master Yang, follow my car."

Yang Fan nodded, and saw Sun Baoguo's car parked not far away.

The two cars left one after the other, first went to a nearby restaurant to have dinner, took a rest, sat in Sun Baoguo's office, drank some tea, and then went to the construction berth of the first ship together.

Luo Jianguo saw the first ship under construction on the berth for the first time. Although he didn't see anything on his face, his mood was already slightly agitated!
I thought to myself, the construction of the first ship's berth has started, and it seems to be progressing well.

Sun Baoguo pointed to the first ship under construction in front of him, and happily introduced: "Commander Luo, we are currently welding each section..."

He introduced the construction situation.

The Type 054 guided missile frigate is divided into three general sections according to the modular construction process of the general section. The central section is first built on the berth.

This general section is composed of several subsections, and the hoisting, butt jointing and welding of the subsections that make up it are in an orderly manner.

After listening to the introduction, Luo Jianguo nodded in satisfaction and asked, "Are there any difficulties during the construction process? Is there anything we need to coordinate?"

Sun Baoguo was secretly delighted, he was waiting for this sentence.

"Commander Luo, we hope that the items from the supporting factory will be delivered earlier. During the manufacturing of the main section, some equipment will be installed simultaneously. Once the three main sections are manufactured, and once they are closed, large equipment will not be able to enter."

It's not true at all.

Luo Jianguo also knew this very well, and said loudly: "The general headquarters will pay attention to the supporting situation, and require the supporting factories to send over the equipment according to the node."

After pondering for a while, he asked with concern: "It doesn't look like it will take too long, and the first ship will start the installation of the power system."

Luo Jianguo is most worried about the diesel engines of Hongqi Factory. As far as he knows, the first batch of four diesel engines are still being manufactured and have not yet entered assembly.

Sun Baoguo said: "At most three months, we will start installing the diesel engine."

Three months!
Luo Jianguo was slightly relieved, thinking in his heart, within three months, the Hongqi factory should be fine, and he will call the Hongqi factory later, asking them to complete the delivery of the first batch of diesel engines as soon as possible.

After thinking about it for a while, Luo Jianguo said concerned again: "During the construction process, how is your quality control? There are no problems."

The construction progress of the first ship is very important, but the quality is more important.

Sun Baoguo replied: "We have always had strict requirements on quality, and so far there have been no major quality problems. Of course, there are still minor problems, but we discovered them in time and made rectifications in time..."

While reporting this, the person in charge of the construction of the slipway came over, looking not relaxed.

Yang Fan first noticed his expression, and thought in his heart: "Is there any problem?"

There should be a problem!

However, when the person in charge saw Commander Luo here, he was a little hesitant, should he expose the problem to Commander Luo?

Sun Baoguo finally noticed something about the person in charge, and asked in a deep voice, "What's the matter, is there something wrong?"

The person in charge hesitated to speak, and even looked at Luo Jianguo.

Something must be wrong!
Immediately, Sun Baoguo felt a little embarrassed, and he couldn't hold back his face!
Just now I was saying that there were no major problems during the construction process. It hasn't been long since I said that, is there really a problem?
"What's going on, Commander Luo is not an outsider."

The person in charge reported: "Mr. Sun, there is a problem with one of the bearing mounts of the main shaft of the power system. It is offset by 3 millimeters, and the main shaft may not be able to pass through."

The deviation reached 3 millimeters!

Sun Baoguo's face suddenly changed. This is a big problem, a serious quality problem!

The 054 ship only uses dual-spindle propulsion technology, and the length of each spindle reaches tens of meters. This requires that each mounting hole and each bearing mounting seat be kept on a straight line, which has high requirements for straightness.

If the straightness does not meet the requirements, the main shaft with a length of tens of meters will not be able to pass through it. Even if it passes through, because the straightness is relatively poor, it will definitely have an impact in the future use.

Realizing the seriousness of the problem, Yang Fan's originally calm face became serious.

Sun Baoguo wanted to get angry and severely criticize the person in charge.

Yang Fan reminded: "Mr. Sun, let's go and see the specific situation first."

The person in charge gave Yang Fan a grateful look.

Luo Jianguo also agreed: "Comrade Yang Fan is right, let's take a look at the specific situation first."

Under the leadership of the person in charge, the three went to the construction berth, entered the power cabin of the 054 ship, and saw the specific situation.

In the current 054 ship, multiple sections have been docked and welded together, and the power cabin is about to take shape, but it has not yet reached the stage of power equipment installation.

Everyone has seen the bearing seat that has shifted in that position, where there are already several technical and quality personnel.

Sun Baoguo asked in a deep voice: "How is the situation? Have you figured out the reason?"

A technician replied: "During the sub-manufacturing, it is estimated that the drawing was misread, resulting in an error of 3 millimeters."

Misread the blueprint!

This is a low-level mistake!

Sun Baoguo's face was a little ugly, and he really wanted to lose his temper, but he knew that the most urgent task was to solve the problem, and he could wait to lose his temper.

"Have you discussed the solution yet?"

Several technicians were rather embarrassed, and this problem was not easy to solve.

One of the technicians in charge said: "Mr. Sun, if this problem was found in the sub-section manufacturing workshop, it would be easier to deal with it. Now it is in the construction stage of the berth, and it is very troublesome to deal with."

It's done!

Found out a little too late.

Sun Baoguo said loudly: "I don't care, the problem must be dealt with as soon as possible."


"We'll do our best."

Several technicians answered unevenly, and it was obvious that they generally lacked confidence.

Encountered such a problem, how to deal with it?
Yang Fan was also thinking about it, but also felt that it was difficult to solve, and it was too late to find out the problem.

The bearing mounting seat of the power spindle has a position deviation. What method can be used to solve this problem?
method of cutting?

Cut this bearing mount and weld a new bearing mount?
Obviously not!

Now it is the construction stage of the berth, the space in the cabin is limited, and it is obvious that large cutting equipment cannot enter, and the mounting base is very thick, so cutting is not an easy task.

How to do? ? ?
The atmosphere was a little dull.

Several technicians were checking the situation, racking their brains to think of a solution to the problem. Sun Baoguo's expression was a little ugly. Commander Luo finally came to visit, and such a problem unexpectedly appeared.

Yang Fan didn't have a good plan for a while, and suggested: "Three cobblers are better than Zhuge Liang. I suggest that you hold a technical analysis meeting and discuss and solve this problem together."

It seems that it can only be so.

Sun Baoguo nodded in agreement.

Luo Jianguo's mood didn't seem to be affected by this, and he waved his hand and said, "Leave it to our technicians, let's go, let's go to other places to have a look."

The three of them got out of the power cabin, got off the construction berth, went to the section manufacturing workshop to check the welding status of each section, and then went to the cutting workshop to check the condition of the steel plates and steel materials.

Putting aside the question just now, generally speaking, Dongjiang Shipyard is still very good, anyway, Luo Jianguo is very satisfied.

In terms of time, he is going back to the capital, the plane at [-]:[-] pm, and now he needs to go to the airport.

Before leaving, Luo Jianguo held Sun Baoguo's hand, and first praised: "You have done a good job. You have completed the construction of the first ship within the stipulated time. I don't think there is a big problem."

After a few words of praise, he urged: "There is a deviation in the position of the bearing seat, you should hurry up and solve it, and call me after the problem is solved."

Sun Baoguo hurriedly said: "Okay, we must solve this problem as soon as possible."

He shook hands with Yang Fan and Sun Baoguo, then boarded the car arranged by Dongjiang Shipyard and headed for Donghai International Airport.

After seeing off Sun Baoguo, Yang Fan also drove back to Donghai Institute.

How to solve the problem of bearing seat?
The technical person in charge of Jiangdong Shipyard held a technical analysis meeting in person, and many technicians discussed this issue together, and Sun Baoguo personally participated in the meeting.

I didn't come up with an effective solution until I got off work in the afternoon.

Sun Baoguo was in a bad mood. He gave an order that within three days, the technical system must come up with a solution to this problem. If it cannot be solved within three days, he will hold the relevant personnel accountable.

Suddenly, many people became nervous.

At night, the construction slipway is brightly lit.

In addition to the continued construction of the first ship by a large number of workers, some competent technicians boarded the construction berth again to discuss solutions to the problem on site.

The next day.

Yang Fan walked into his office as usual, first looked at some documents on his desk, and reviewed several design drawings sent over.

After finishing all this work, after thinking about it for a while, he picked up the phone, called in person, and asked, "Mr. Sun, how are you doing?"

Sun Baoguo has not been able to take the initiative to call. Yang Fan knows that the matter has not been resolved. Sure enough, the phone said: "Mr. Yang, there is no effective solution at present. Some people even proposed to cut the parts that have been partially welded. Open it, unload it, and ship it back to the sub-manufacturing shop to fix the problem with the bearing mount.”

There is no need to do this!
This kind of workload is too great, it is completely destructive, and it will also affect the construction quality of the first ship.

Yang Fan hurriedly said: "This is definitely not possible, and it must not be done like this."

Sun Baoguo sighed softly, "I also know that I can't do this. I rejected this plan, but there is no better way besides this method."

His tone was very low.

It can be seen that Sun Baoguo is still under a lot of pressure at the moment, especially since Commander Luo is still waiting for his news in the capital.

There are two updates today, the first one is here!

Note: There is a little problem with the previous chapter [-]. It is currently in a blocked state, and we will try to unblock it as soon as possible. Please let everyone know.

(End of this chapter)

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