Military Heavy

Chapter 407

Chapter 407
After inquiring over the phone, Yang Fan knew that Dongjiang Shipyard hadn't come up with a solution. From yesterday to today, time was wasted in vain.

Originally, he did not intend to intervene in this matter, but Yang Fan believed that Dongjiang Shipyard has a strong technical team, and they should be able to solve this problem.

but it is not the truth.

It seems that I can't stand by and watch, I have to help them think of a way.After Yang Fan thought about it, he picked up the phone and called the model office.

"Bring the general design drawing of the power system and the installation design drawing of the main shaft to my office. I want to have a look."

It was Li Zhengjun who answered the phone, and he quickly brought over the required design drawings, put them on the large table dedicated to reviewing design drawings, and asked slightly curiously: "Mr. Yang, is there something wrong with the power system?" Question?"

Yang Fan replied: "There is no problem with our design, but Dongjiang Shipyard has a quality problem during the construction process."

Simply explain the situation.

Immediately, Li Zhengjun's face changed slightly. He was the deputy director of the power system design room before, and he knew the importance of the spindle mounting seat. Now there is a deviation of 3 millimeters. This problem is too serious.

"Master Yang, what is Dongjiang Shipyard going to do?"

Yang Fan said: "So far, they have no solution. No, let me help them think of a solution and see if they can solve this problem."

Li Zhengjun nodded lightly, understood what was going on, and said softly: "Then I'll go out first, and call me if you need anything."

As for whether General Master Yang can solve this problem, in Li Zhengjun's opinion, this is not a problem at all.

Yang Fan said: "Go and do your work, I have to take a good look at these design drawings first."

The design plan of the entire power system was determined by Yang Fan, but the specific design was completed collectively by the technicians below. Yang Fan needs to take a good look at some specific designs.

Spread out the design drawings and look at them carefully.

While reading and thinking, after watching for a full two or three ten minutes, Yang Fan picked up a pen and paper again, drew a sketch, and made some calculations, and there were several large pages full.

Dongjiang Shipyard.

There is a problem with the main shaft mounting seat of the power system, which is a major quality accident for them. The whole factory dare not relax in the slightest. The problem was not solved yesterday, and today the technical analysis meeting is continued. Unlike yesterday, Donghai Institute Some technicians attended the meeting.

Wang Bo is the person in charge of the technical team of Donghai Institute in Dongjiang Shipyard, and also a design supervisor. He was a deputy team leader of the power system design room before, and he is very familiar with the power system of the 054 ship.

The technical director of Dongjiang Shipyard personally introduced the situation, and then said: "Director Wang, do you have any good suggestions?"

Wang Bo reminded: "The main shaft mounting seat of the power system is no small matter. Now that such a problem occurs, I have no good solution for the time being. How about you?"

The technical minister said: "We do have a plan, but it must be approved by your design department, which is to add an eccentric bushing in the bearing mounting seat."

Add an eccentric set?

This is one way.
Through the correction of the eccentric bushing, the bearing installation hole can be kept in a straight line with the other installation holes of the main shaft, which can meet the process and design requirements in terms of straightness.

Wang Bo thought about it, and after a while, he said very cautiously: "Adding a bushing involves many issues, such as the size of the interference, what kind of process is used, and complicated strength calculations, etc."

Is it so complicated?
Many technicians were taken aback and looked at each other in blank dismay.

They originally thought that this plan was feasible, as long as the design agreed, the problem would not be a big problem.

Wang Bo said: "This method will not be discussed for the time being. Let's think about it again and see if there is a better way."

The meaning is obvious, unless it is a last resort, don't consider this plan.

For Wang Bo, this seems simple, but in fact it is very complicated, especially when it involves a lot of calculations, it cannot be neglected in the slightest, because the main shaft transmits such a large power and rotates at a high speed in this bearing seat, once there is a The slightest problem is a very serious problem.

He was careful not to adopt such a plan.

Is there any other plan?
The technicians began to analyze and discuss again, and the meeting was very intense.

Although Luo Jianguo returned to the capital last night, he was always concerned about the Jiangdong shipyard and wanted to call to ask if the problem had been resolved.

But Sun Baoguo didn't take the initiative to call. He knew that the problem probably still hadn't been resolved, maybe Dongjiang Shipyard was in trouble.

He wanted to pick up the phone several times, but put it down gently again. He knew that in this case, he could only wait patiently.

He has already thought about it in his heart, if there is no news by tomorrow, he will call to ask how the situation is going.

If they need any help, they must try their best to satisfy it, and they can even seek relevant experts across the country to solve this problem together.

in the office.

Yang Fan also thought of several solutions. After careful thinking and even complex calculations, they were all basically rejected, and only one solution was feasible.

After thinking about it and calculating again, Yang Fan basically knew that there was no better way than this.

Soon, I know what I know.

Basically know how to solve this problem.

Putting down the pen in his hand, Yang Fan thought in his heart, has Dongjiang Shipyard figured out a solution to the problem at this time, and how are they going to solve this problem.

Raising his hand and looking at the time, Yang Fan decided to go to the Dongjiang Shipyard in person. If they have come up with a solution, then check it out for them. If they are still at a loss, then suggest them to adopt my solution. .

He picked up the phone and talked to Li Zhengjun, telling him that he was going to Dongjiang Shipyard. Then, Yang Fan went out and drove to Dongjiang Shipyard.

Familiar with each other, they went directly to their office building.

After locking the car, Yang Fan went directly to the office building, and soon arrived at the door of Sun Baoguo's office. Seeing that the door was ajar, he simply pushed the door open and entered.

"Hey, there's no one inside."

Zheng was slightly surprised, and when he wanted to ask someone, he probably heard something, someone came over, and he knew Yang Fan.

"Mr. Yang, you can find Mr. Sun."

"Yes, I'm looking for him." Yang Fan replied.

The man said: "Mr. Sun is attending a technical department meeting, I'll take you there."

Yang Fan said: "No need, I'll tell you which conference room I'm in, and I can go there by myself."

There is no need to lead the way at all, Yang Fan is very familiar with Dongjiang Shipyard, as long as he is told the place, he will know how to get there almost with his eyes closed.

Not long after, Yang Fan came to the door of this conference room.

Hearing the movement inside, Yang Fan said: "It seems that the meeting was very intense. Could it be that they are discussing how to solve the problem of the eccentric position of the bearing seat?"

should be.

Yang Fan pushed the door lightly and walked in. The originally intense meeting gradually stopped, and Sun Baoguo got up to greet him, and shook hands with Yang Fan tightly.

"Master Yang, you came just in time."

In addition to enthusiasm, Sun Baoguo seemed to have grasped a life-saving straw. They were helpless, and when they didn't know what to do, Yang Fan appeared.

Yang Fan looked at the situation in the conference room, and asked with concern: "How's the progress, have you come up with a solution to the problem?"

If Dongjiang Shipyard already has a solution, Yang Fan is not going to talk about his own solution in a hurry, but to take a look first.

If their plan is not good, not perfect, or not as good as his own plan, Yang Fan will come up with his own plan with the attitude of being responsible for the first ship.

Who knows, Sun Baoguo shook his head with a wry smile, and said under great pressure: "So far, we don't know how to solve this problem."

For so long, there is still no effective way.

Yang Fan was slightly taken aback.

Sun Baoguo continued under great pressure: "We are in a hurry. Commander Luo is still waiting for the results in the capital. I dare not call him."

The problem is not resolved, it is really not easy to call.

Yang Fan nodded lightly, and sat down at Sun Baoguo's invitation. The meeting continued, and gradually, Yang Fan frowned.

There are two updates today, and the second update will be delivered!

(End of this chapter)

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