Military Heavy

Chapter 408 Make a Plan

Chapter 408 Make a Plan

Originally, he wanted to mention his plan, but they didn't ask, and Yang Fan couldn't bring it up directly. At Sun Baoguo's invitation, he simply sat down and listened first before talking.

The meeting went on.

Yang Fan just sat there and listened carefully without saying a word, but gradually, his brows frowned slightly.

This is not right!

Technicians at Dongjiang Shipyard focus on things like dismantling a section, or cutting a part, and then replacing and reinstalling the bearing mounts.

Surely not.

The worst of the worst.

Not only is the workload huge, but the quality is also difficult to guarantee, especially cutting some segmental parts, which is completely destructive. Even if repair welding is performed in the future, it is difficult to evaluate the impact on quality.

Listen, listen, Yang Fan frowned even more, and his originally calm face became a little serious.

I thought in my heart that it must be corrected and stopped. As the chief designer of the 054 ship, no one knows better than Yang Fan that it is impossible for them to do so.

Just when he was thinking of interrupting their discussion directly and waiting a little longer, Sun Baoguo finally noticed the change in Yang Fan's face.

He also knew what might be wrong, so he immediately asked: "Master Yang, is there something wrong?"

Following this question, the entire conference room fell silent, and almost everyone looked over, waiting for Yang Fan to speak.

Yang Fan nodded lightly, looked at everyone again, and said in a very loud voice: "I heard your discussion, and I feel something is wrong. There is something wrong with the direction of your discussion, almost all of which are destructive. The quality will be affected, I do not agree."

The direction is wrong!

Master Yang disagrees!
Many technicians in Dongjiang Shipyard hung their hearts. If this doesn't work, they really have no better way.

What can we do then?

Sun Baoguo may also have this concern, "General Master Yang, if this is not the case, there may not be a better plan."

Yang Fan looked at everyone again, and said loudly: "I have a plan, do you want to listen to it?"

Master Yang has a plan!
Immediately, many people were pleasantly surprised!
Especially Sun Baoguo, the surprise in his heart was even stronger. He knew Yang Fan well. Since Master Yang said so, this plan must be good, and it should be able to solve the current problems.

Very good!
Sun Baoguo's face suddenly changed, from full of worry to a little serious, he became relaxed and happy all of a sudden.In other words, it was originally covered with clouds, but now the sky is suddenly clear.

"Master Yang, please tell us what plan to adopt."

Yang Fan said modestly: "This is my personal plan. If there is anything wrong, you are welcome to correct me."

Still so humble.

People who know Yang Fan think so in their hearts, Mr. Yang is modest.

Looking at the blackboard in the corner not far away, Yang Fan said loudly: "Push that fast blackboard over first."

Immediately, two young technicians stood up, quickly pushed the blackboard over, and placed it right in front of the meeting room as required, where everyone could see the blackboard.

Yang Fan walked over, picked up a pen, and didn't write anything on the blackboard, but said straight to the point: "I also thought about it for a long time, and I think the best solution is to add an eccentric bushing to the eccentric bearing seat. "

Add an eccentric complete set!
Many people were puzzled, especially the technicians stationed at the Dongjiang Shipyard by Donghai. They had proposed such a plan before, but it was rejected.

Wang Bo, the technical director of Donghai Institute stationed in Dongjiang Shipyard, boldly reminded: "Master Yang, if you adopt this plan, the risk is very high, especially when it involves complicated calculations."


It seems simple to add an eccentric bushing, but it is not simple.

Because this bearing seat is a force-bearing part, the main shaft of the power system relies on the bearing to rotate inside, outputting huge power, involving complex mechanical calculations.

Of course Yang Fan knew this, and said clearly: "That's right, complex calculations are indeed required, such as the amount of interference between the bushing and the bearing seat, the size of the bushing, etc., all must be calculated."

"I have done some calculations, and now I will do the calculations again for everyone to see. If there is any mistake, anyone can point it out."

After speaking, he picked up a pen and listed the first calculation formula on the blackboard.

At this time, everyone knows why they brought a blackboard.

The meeting room was very quiet.

All eyes were on the blackboard.

While Yang Fan was speaking, he listed the calculation formulas. The complicated calculation process was broken down into several steps by Yang Fan. In addition, the explanation was very thorough, so everyone could understand it.

After he understood it, he gradually admired it. Master Yang was able to do such a complicated calculation at his fingertips, and it seemed effortless.

This is awesome!
As the calculation progressed, more and more admiring eyes appeared, and after such a calculation, almost all the technicians were convinced.

A blackboard is full of calculation formulas, and the whole calculation process is clear.


There are some people who almost throw themselves to the ground.

After the calculation was completed, Yang Fan also finished the explanation, and put down the pen in his hand.

At this moment, everyone is still immersed in the deep shock, and the conference room is still very quiet.

After a few seconds, it was Sun Baoguo who broke the silence. He said in admiration, "General Master Yang, you are amazing, you are amazing!"

"I know that your level is high, but I didn't expect it to be so high. Others think it is very complicated, and there is no half-sure calculation. To you, it is simply a child's science."

Yang Fan smiled modestly.

Wang Bo was deeply shocked at first, and then deeply admired. He is a senior designer and knows the difficulty.

He asked himself that he did not have this level, which was also the reason why he strongly denied the plan to add bushings. After reading Master Yang's calculations, all he had left was admiration.

After such careful and scientific calculations, there will be no problem, by adding a complete set, that is the best solution to the problem.

We really can only look up to Master Yang's level, it's amazing.Wang Bo was filled with admiration in his heart, thinking so.

Gradually, the conference room became lively.

The technicians who came back to their senses couldn't help discussing it anymore.

"Master Yang is awesome, such a complicated calculation has been completed like this."

"I think this is the best way to solve the problem, saving time and effort."

"Great, the problem is finally solved."


All the technicians talked about it in such a relaxed and happy way, the big problem that bothered them and brought them a lot of pressure seemed to be solved.

Sun Baoguo was also relaxed for a while. Looking at the lively and noisy conference room, he smiled happily, and did not stop everyone from discussing, but gave enough time.

After about two or three minutes, when he felt that it was almost done, Sun Baoguo stood up, raised his hand and pressed down. Gradually, the meeting room became quiet again.

Everyone looked at Yang Fan and Sun Baoguo.

The plan is decided in this way, but there are some places where it is necessary to remind one or two, Yang Fan said: "I have already calculated the size of the bush, you should hurry up to make this bush, the interference between it and the bearing seat is relatively large , What kind of assembly process are you going to use?"

There are many kinds of such assembly processes.

Which craft is the best? Yang Fan had the answer in his mind, but he didn't say it out. He wanted to hear what Dongjiang Shipyard had to say first.

Facing the inquiry, the director of the technical department of Dongjiang Shipyard stood up and replied: "Considering the relatively large interference and to ensure the quality, I think the cooling method with liquid nitrogen is the best."

We all know that heat expands and cold contracts.

The processed bush will shrink after being soaked in liquid nitrogen and cooled, and the size will become smaller. It is estimated that it can be easily placed in the bearing seat at normal temperature. When the temperature of the bush returns to normal temperature, it will hug the bearing seat. die, form a very strong cooperative relationship.

Under long-term working conditions, the bushing and the bearing housing cannot move in position, and must form a stable fit. Yang Fan has already calculated the amount of interference.

After hearing what the minister said, Yang Fan nodded in satisfaction, "That's right, cooling with liquid nitrogen and then installing the bushing is the best assembly process. It seems that I don't have to worry about what to do next."

The minister said confidently: "Please rest assured, Mr. Yang, we will definitely do well in the next thing, and there will be no more problems."

Yang Fan felt relieved for a while.

Sun Baoguo also let out a long sigh of relief.

Now that the plan had been decided, the meeting was adjourned immediately, and the entire Dongjiang Shipyard also took action. The first thing was the manufacture of bushings.

Sun Baoguo invited: "It takes a little time to manufacture the bushing, and the bushing can be installed in the afternoon at the earliest. Master Yang, let's go, let's go to eat first."

Raising his hand to look at the time, Yang Fan was slightly surprised, "Oh, it's already noon, time flies so fast."

At Sun Baoguo's invitation, Yang Fan and others walked out of the conference room, ready to go to lunch, followed by several supervisory technicians from Donghai Research Institute, or the person in charge of the technical department of Dongjiang Shipyard.

The lunch at noon is very rich.

The atmosphere is lively.

The problem was basically solved, and everyone felt relaxed and happy.Because of the bushing to be installed in the afternoon, no one drank.

Even so, under the leadership of Sun Baoguo, everyone offered tea or beverages instead of wine, toasted Yang Fan one by one, and expressed their gratitude to Yang Fan one by one.

After the meal, take a short rest.

It will take a certain amount of time for the bushing to be manufactured. Sun Baoguo and Yang Fan are sitting in the office, chatting relaxedly on the sofa, waiting for the bushing to be manufactured.

The capital is thousands of miles away.

Luo Jianguo thought to himself, another morning passed, and there was no movement from Dongjiang Shipyard. This Sun Baoguo didn't even have a phone call, and he didn't know what was going on.

Looking at the time, it was almost three o'clock in the afternoon. After thinking about it, Luo Jianguo picked up the phone and dialed a number to call.

There are two updates today, the first one is here!

(End of this chapter)

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