Military Heavy

Chapter 409 Perfect solution

Chapter 409 Perfect solution
He was very concerned about it.

Due to his busy schedule, he had to return to the capital, but his heart seemed to be still in Dongjiang Shipyard, thinking about how things were going.

But there has been no news.

Luo Jianguo couldn't bear it anymore, picked up the phone and called. At this moment, Yang Fan and Sun Baoguo were in the office, drinking tea and chatting, while waiting for the bush to be manufactured.

The phone on the desk rang.

Sun Baoguo got up from the sofa, took a few steps forward, picked up the phone and said loudly, "Hi, I'm Sun Baoguo."

Luo Jianguo's worried voice came from the phone, "Mr. Sun, how is the matter going? I've been waiting for your news."

Sun Baoguo quickly apologized.

He secretly hated himself for being so confused, for forgetting such an important matter. When Commander Luo left Dongjiang Shipyard, he specifically explained that if there was any progress, he must call him.

"Commander Luo, I'm really sorry." Sun Baoguo apologized.

It seems that he didn't take Sun Baoguo's apology seriously. What Luo Jianguo cared most about was the progress of the matter. "It's okay. I know you are busy. I just forgot it for a while. How is the matter now?"

Commander Luo was not dissatisfied or angry, he was only concerned about whether the problem had been resolved, and Sun Baoguo felt relieved immediately.

Report quickly: "Thanks to Comrade Yang Fan, he helped me figure out a solution to the problem."

Sun Baoguo briefly explained the matter.

The words were full of gratitude to Yang Fan.

After knowing the situation, Luo Jianguo was obviously relieved, and said happily: "Great, I know Comrade Yang Fan will never let us down every time it comes to a critical moment, and it's the same this time."

The solution to the problem already exists.

This plan was decided by Yang Fan himself, and Luo Jianguo was full of confidence in it, knowing that there would be no major problems.

Chatted with Sun Baoguo for a while, gave some advice, and finally confessed: "If the matter is perfectly resolved, you must call me again."

Sun Baoguo hastily said: "Definitely, definitely, I will never forget it again."

After hanging up the phone, Sun Baoguo said: "Commander Luo personally called, he has been very concerned about this matter."

After finishing speaking, his face was full of gratitude, "Mr. Yang, thanks to you, otherwise, we don't know when we can solve this problem. If we delay here, our Dongjiang Shipyard will probably be criticized."

Yang Fan smiled.

"It's all for the construction of the first ship, what are you being polite about?"

After a while.

The phone on Sun Baoguo's desk rang, and a voice came from inside: "Mr. Sun, the bushing is ready."

it is good!
Very good!
The bushing was finished in just a few hours, which was very fast. Sun Baoguo was very satisfied, put down the phone, waved his hand and said, "Let's go, let's go to the slipway."

Yang Fan got up, and the two went to the construction berth of the first ship together, and entered the unfinished power cabin. There were already quite a few people there, including workers, technicians, quality personnel and management personnel.

"Master Yang."

"Mr. Sun, hello!"

Everyone took the initiative to say hello to the two of them.

Yang Fan nodded lightly, saw the bushes that had been manufactured, his eyes lit up slightly, it was not one bush, but two bushes.

Obviously, in order to be on the safe side and improve the quality, two bushes were made in total. You can choose one of the two and choose the one with the best quality to fit into the bearing seat.

"Mr. Sun, we made two bushes, and we measured them carefully. The quality of the second bush is the best."

Two bushings with numbers on them.

Sun Baoguo looked at Yang Fan, "Master Yang, then choose the No. [-] bushing."

Yang Fan said: "The No. [-] bush is assembled using liquid nitrogen cooling process. Remember, you can't make any mistakes when you choose skilled workers."

The person in charge of the construction of the slipway was right next to him, and immediately said with a smile: "Please rest assured, the two leaders, we have selected the best workers."

A tank of liquid nitrogen is ready.

The two workers worked together to clean the No. [-] bush carefully. After there was no problem, put it into the prepared stainless steel washbasin, then open the stopper of the liquid nitrogen storage tank, and pour liquid nitrogen into the washbasin. Never had this bushing.

Immediately, white mist swirled around the washbasin, and soon, white mist flowed from around the washbasin.

This is the mist produced by the condensation of water vapor in the air.

Not only that, a layer of hoarfrost soon formed on the outside of the stainless steel washbasin, and the water vapor in the air condensed and frozen when it met the extremely temperature washbasin, forming such a layer of hoarfrost.

It was very quiet and everyone was waiting.

The two workers didn't stop. They checked and wiped the bearing seat again, and stopped after seeing that there was no problem.

After about one or two minutes, the liquid nitrogen in the washbasin evaporated by nearly half. One of the workers put on thick gloves and used pliers to clamp the bushing out of the liquid nitrogen.

Soon, the surface of this bush also turned white, and soon there was a thin layer of frost.

The two workers cooperated very tacitly, and their movements were also very skilled. After marking the line at a good angle, they smoothly put the bushing into the bearing seat, and tapped it lightly with a rubber hammer to make the assembly fully in place. After checking that it was correct Just stopped.

Next is waiting.

As the temperature rises, the bushing will expand, and finally form a tight fit with the bearing seat, and the original eccentric bearing installation inner hole will also be corrected.

Seeing that the bushing had been installed, some people breathed a sigh of relief quietly, but they didn't dare to make too much noise, as if they were afraid of affecting something.

Most people's hearts are not completely on the ground, the bushing is installed, but the size is not yet known, and detailed measurement is needed.

in a few minutes.

The originally quiet scene finally gradually began to have voices. Some people were talking in low voices. They probably couldn't bear it anymore.

"Don't know what the size will be."

"I really hope it works the first time."

"How time flies so slowly, I really hope that it can be measured faster, and I really want to know the final result."


Such words drifted into the ears, feeling that the surrounding environment was getting a little noisy, neither Yang Fan nor Sun Baoguo spoke, just waiting patiently.

The faces of the two of them looked calmer, but they actually had a heart hanging on their faces.

Although Yang Fan is very relieved about his plan, he knows that there are many uncertain factors in the actual operation process. After the bushing is finished, whether the size is qualified or not is still unknown.

Sun Baoguo was basically the same, and he really didn't dare to relax in the slightest until the final measurement results came out.

Another few minutes passed.

Yang Fan raised his hand to check the time, then walked over to touch the bush with his hands, and even carefully checked the assembly condition.

Judging from the eyes, the assembly quality is really good, very in place, and fully meets the requirements.

Feeling that the temperature of the bushing is basically the same as that of the bearing seat, which is already at normal temperature, Yang Fan said: "It's almost there, and the size can be measured."

Sun Baoguo had been waiting for this moment for a long time, and immediately waved his hand and ordered: "Measure, we need to know the result."

A supervisor inspector had been on standby for a long time. As soon as Sun Baoguo's voice fell, he took the measuring tools and started measuring. The originally noisy scene suddenly became quiet again.

Everyone kept quiet.

Fearing that the sound would affect the measurement, many people were a little inexplicably nervous, praying in their hearts, God bless, it must be successful!

It's a big deal!

The inspector in charge was very serious and meticulous, and did not dare to go too fast. He had to measure the same size at least two or three times.

Fortunately, he also knows that everyone is waiting for the result, and after each measurement is confirmed to be correct, he will report to everyone loudly.

No, after measuring the pore size, a loud report: "The pore size is qualified and fully within the range of process requirements."

Aperture qualified!

Very good!
Although there were no cheers, some people could already see the obvious joy on their faces, and they were probably very happy in their hearts.

After measuring the hole diameter, the next step is to measure the position of the bearing mounting hole. The main shaft of the 054 ship's power system is tens of meters long and has several bearing mounting holes. These bearing mounting holes must be kept in a straight line with very small deviations, which means that the straightness requirements are very high.

This kind of measurement is a little more complicated. Fortunately, Dongjiang Shipyard has special measuring tools.

After some measurements, it was confirmed that it was correct, and the inspector in charge said loudly again: "Leaders, the position and straightness of the bearing mounting holes all meet the process requirements."

As soon as the sound fell, the originally relatively quiet scene suddenly boiled.

At this moment, no one can calm down!
The problem that bothered everyone was finally solved perfectly!

Almost all the people were cheering, some even felt their eyes were a little wet, quietly took out a handkerchief and wiped it lightly, it was tears of joy.

Yang Fan's calm face finally showed a trace of joy.

Sun Baoguo's reaction was bigger, he laughed, then held Yang Fan's hand tightly, and said excitedly: "Mr. Yang, the problem has been solved perfectly, and all dimensions are completely qualified. It's almost like a dream."

The problem is solved!
It's perfect!
Dongjiang Shipyard can run at full capacity again to build the berth of the first ship without worrying about any impact.

After returning from the construction of the berth, the first thing Sun Baoguo did when he entered the office was to pick up the phone on the desk and dial the number of the headquarters.

With deep joy in his voice, he said loudly: "Commander Luo, I report to you that the problem has been perfectly solved by us."

So fast!
Hearing such a report, Luo Jianguo's worries were all gone!

That's all for today's update, thank you all.

(End of this chapter)

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