Military Heavy

Chapter 410 There are "8" and "6"

Chapter 410 There Are "Eight" And "Six"
The problem of Dongjiang Shipyard has been solved, which can be called perfect, and Yang Fan feels relieved, knowing that there is no problem with the construction of the first ship.

Today is the weekend.

Yang Fan drove to the headquarters of Hongtai Group, and Yang Fang called to ask him to come over to discuss important matters.

Familiar with the road, Yang Fan drove to the gate of this building. This is not the property of Hongtai Group, it is leased, and he works here temporarily.

The Hongtai Group has a lot of money and has rented several floors of this building. It is estimated that it is only enough for the time being. In three to five years, with the development and growth of the group, it is estimated that there will not be enough space here. In addition, the grade may be lower.

Yang Fan knew the way, and went directly to the headquarters of Hongtai Group. The lady at the front desk saw that it was Yang Fan, and she was very enthusiastic. They all knew the relationship between Yang Fan and Yang Fang.

"Mr. Yang, the chairman is in the office, I'll take you there."

Yang Fan waved and said, "No need, I'll go there by myself."

After finishing speaking, he stepped forward and walked inside.The lady at the front desk was slightly disappointed. She originally wanted to show off and flatter Yang Fan by the way, but it was a pity that she was not given this opportunity.

The door of the office was ajar, Yang Fan didn't need to knock on the door, just pushed the door and walked in, "Sister, what do you want from me?"

Yang Fang was supposed to be looking at a document, and immediately put down the things in her hands, very happy, "Brother, you are too comfortable being a hands-off shopkeeper, I am exhausted."

Yang Fan said: "Sister, thank you for your hard work, but now I am the chief designer and I am very busy. Hongtai Group can only rely on you."

The two chatted for a few words, and soon got to the point.

Yang Fang said: "You know our place. It was good at first, but it might not work in three to five years. We need a new headquarters."

Yang Fan agreed very much, "Yes, we really should change to a better place, sister, do you have a plan?"

Yang Fang said: "I asked you to come here to discuss this matter. We took another piece of land and planned to develop it into another Hongtai Plaza, but now I have a different idea."

Generally speaking, he took out a map from the desk drawer, spread it out on the desk, pointed to the location of the land and said, "This is the place, located in the city center, and the location is excellent."

She introduced the situation of the land.

Yang Fan looked at this place, his eyes lit up slightly, and his heart was slightly excited, this place is so good, so amazing.

Several representative landmark buildings of Donghai City will be there in the future, and it is not far from the Bund. In one to 20 years, this place will not only be famous, but also very prosperous, and every inch of land will be expensive.

"Sister, in such a good place, you actually got such a big piece of land!"

"Do you think this place is good too?"

Yang Fang also cheered up a little bit, she had a very clear vision for Yang Fan, as long as it was what Yang Fan said was good, it was definitely very good.

Shenhai City is a very good example. Yang Fan drew more than [-] places on a map of Shenhai City. Time has proved that these places have great potential for development, and the rate of appreciation is even more astonishing.

"Of course this place is good." Yang Fan said: "I estimate that in the future, it will definitely be the center of the entire Donghai city center. In the future, it will be a place that no amount of money can buy."

Such a bullshit!
Yang Fang became happy, knowing that she had made a lot of money by taking this piece of land, and she became more firm in her mind. It might be a bit wasteful to develop this piece of land into another Hongtai Plaza.

"Brother, I plan to build a representative building here, which will also be the new headquarters of Hongtai Group in the future. What do you think?"

Of course that's great!
Yang Fan raised his hands in favor.

In the future, this place is originally an area where the landmark buildings of Donghai City are concentrated, but it has not been developed yet, and it is dominated by old buildings, which is a great opportunity.

Yang Fan said: "The new headquarters of Hongtai Group is built there. I think it is very good. The landmark building will also bring great popularity to Hongtai Group."

Yang Fang said: "Since this is the case, then the matter is settled like this!"

"Yes, that's it." Yang Fan replied affirmatively.

The two reached an agreement on this point, and then began to discuss this landmark building in depth. They said it was a discussion, but Yang Fang was actually asking for opinions.

"Brother, do you have any suggestions for this building?"

Yang Fan thought about it for a while and replied: "Since it is a landmark building, it must not be too short in height. How about it, a total of 86 floors is tentatively set?"

A total of 86 floors!
Yang Fang was slightly startled. She originally thought about 60 floors, and even considered 70 floors.In Donghai City in 1995, a building with more than 60 floors was already considered outstanding, enough to serve as a landmark building in a certain city.

"A total of 86 floors, isn't it a bit high!"

She knew that the construction of the JM Building had already started, with a design height of 88 floors, and the 86-story building that Hongtai Group would start construction was already an astonishing height.

Why not 88 floors, or even more than 88 floors.

Yang Fan has his own considerations, and he must not overshadow the JM Building. Too much publicity is not a good thing, and a proper low-key and showing weakness are still needed.

In addition, the meaning of the 86th floor is very good. It contains both "eight" and "six".

Businessmen want to pay attention to a good omen, and Yang Fang probably likes it.

Yang Fan said: "Sister, we can't overshadow the JM Building. Their design height is 88 floors, and we only have 86 floors. It contains both 'eight' and 'six'. What do you think?"

Sure enough, Yang Fang's eyes lit up slightly, and she immediately fell in love with this number of floors, and said happily: "Okay, then the 86th floor, that's it."

After the number of layers was determined, the two had a more in-depth chat, such as inviting a capable design team to design.


The exterior design must be stylish and unique.

In the next two to 30 years, many distinctive and famous buildings will continue to appear, and Yang Fan is very familiar with them.

Combined with these buildings in the future, Yang Fan said some of his requirements and many suggestions. He hopes that this landmark building of Hongtai Group will be as grand as possible in the future, with more grades and characteristics.

Yang Fang took out a notebook to record Yang Fan's requirements, and then told the design team to design the building according to this framework.


Sixty-six Dashun!

This 86-story building contains these two meanings. Yang Fan is happy that Hongtai Group will have a grand new headquarters in the future, and Yang Fang is also happy. This number of floors has a good meaning.

After the two chatted for a long time, Yang Fan proposed: "Sister, why don't we go to that land to take a look, I haven't visited it yet."

Yang Fang has visited it a few times, and the more she looks at the land, the more she likes it. When her younger brother made such a request, she immediately said, "Okay, I'll take you there."

After speaking, he pressed the button on the desk, and soon a capable young woman came in. Yang Fan knew her as Yang Fang's assistant, a highly educated talent with outstanding abilities.

She is now Yang Fang's right-hand man, and she is highly respected and trusted.

"Chairman, what are your orders?"

Yang Fang ordered: "Prepare the car, my brother and I are going to take a look at the piece of land we just won."


The assistant quickly went to prepare these things, and within a few minutes she came in and reported that everything was ready and she could leave now.

Yang Fang and Yang Fan walked in the front, followed by several people, including this assistant. A group of six or seven people left the headquarters of Hongtai Group, took the elevator, and soon came to the lobby on the first floor, ready to go outside the building .

At the gate of the building, two cars are ready.

Just after getting out of the elevator, before everyone walked out of the lobby on the first floor of the building, an urgent and very loud voice sounded.

"Chairman Yang, Chairman Yang"

(End of this chapter)

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