Military Heavy

Chapter 411 Lu Huaqiang

Chapter 411 Lu Huaqiang

Everyone stopped.

Yang Fang also stopped, and after seeing who it was, she frowned slightly, obviously not wanting to see this person at all.

Yang Fan also saw who it was.

This is a young man, in his thirties, probably less than 40 years old, with a bit of shrewdness in his gentleness, neatly dressed, suits and ties, a lot of them, very particular.

Who is this?

Yang Fan asked himself if he knew this man, he was very strange, and he had never seen him before.

Yang Fang obviously knew the other party, and said slightly dissatisfied: "Mr. Lu, why are you here again? I said that this is impossible, and we have no intention of this."

The young man was not discouraged, let alone angry, but smiled all over his face, very naturally, and walked over in a few steps, "Chairman Yang, please think again, this is a very promising project. Real estate and retail are no different”

Yang Fang obviously didn't want to listen, so she waved her hand and said, "Brother, let's go, get in the car."

Yang Fan looked at the young man. Although he was a little curious, he followed his sister and walked outside.

The young man wanted to follow, but was quickly stopped. He could only watch Yang Fang and his brother walk out of the gate and get into the car at the gate of the building.

His eyes stayed on Yang Fan's body, he looked and looked again and again, probably knowing that this is Yang Fang's younger brother, he must have thought a lot in his heart.

"It turns out that Chairman Yang has a younger brother, I don't know what he does." His heart started to move.

Yang Fan and Yang Fang got into the same car, and they sat in the back seat of the car. The car started and went to the newly purchased land.

The two cars left one after the other, the first car led the way, and this car followed behind. After driving for a certain distance, Yang Fan still couldn't help asking.

"Sister, who was that person just now? It doesn't look like Hongtai's business partner."

Yang Fang replied: "His name is Lu Huaqiang. He claims to be a Ph.D. in the United States. He focuses on chips. He has been here several times and tried his best to persuade me to invest in the field of chip research and development. He said that the future is promising, whether it is computers or mobile phone chips. There will be huge market prospects”

This may be a great man!

Leaving aside his professional knowledge in the chip field, at least his vision is not simple.In 1995, computers were just about to enter a stage of rapid development. The next ten years, or even more than ten years, will be a golden period of development, and the demand for chips is huge.

Needless to say, mobile phones, after two or three years, there will be a large number of compact mobile phones, and the future development prospect is even greater than that of computers.

The vision of the young man just now is simply amazing!
All of a sudden, Yang Fan really wanted to get to know this young man, and wanted to have a talk with him. As for whether to enter the chip field, we will talk about it at that time.

It is necessary to be cautious when entering this field, because this is a capital-intensive and technology-intensive industry, and the initial capital investment is huge. Yang Fan is a little worried that with the strength of Hongtai Group, it may not be enough, and there is not so much money to invest.

Yang Fang continued: "He wants to lobby us, he provides technology and a professional team, we provide funds, and the two sides cooperate to develop computer and mobile phone chips together."

Yang Fan said: "It seems, sister, you have already rejected him."

"Yes." Yang Fang nodded and said, "I have already told him that the development center of our Hongtai Group in the next few years will be in the retail industry and real estate, and will not get involved in the chip industry. In addition, the funds he needs are too much. It costs 5000 million per mouth."

5000 million!
This was definitely not a small amount of money in 1995. Apart from Guozihao, there were probably not many other private or private enterprises in Donghai City that could spend such a large amount of money.

It costs 5000 million per mouth, no wonder Yang Fang refused.

Yang Fan knows that 5000 million is just the initial stage, and will continue to invest in the future, which may be hundreds of millions, or even billions.

So much money is needed, which is why Yang Fan is very cautious.To be honest, Yang Fan is very optimistic about the chip industry and feels that the progress is huge, especially when he entered in 1995, it was a very good opportunity and an excellent time to enter.

It's just that, with such a large capital investment, even Yang Fan didn't dare to enter it rashly.

After a while, the car arrived at the side of the field.

After getting off the car, Yang Fang introduced: "This is the land, with a total of 35 mu, and it has been leveled."

While listening to Yang Fang's introduction, while looking at the land in front of him, Yang Fan was slightly excited, thinking in his heart, such a large area, such a good location, this was in 1995, if more than ten years later, No matter how rich you are, it is impossible to get such a piece of land in this place.

Lucky shit!
Opportunity, absolute opportunity!
The area is large, with an area of ​​35 mu or more than 2 square meters, it is enough to build a landmark building, and there is still space around to plant some flowers and trees.

The demolition of this land has been completed, and it is temporarily surrounded by a fence more than two meters high, so the situation inside cannot be seen from the outside.

Under the leadership of Yang Fang, the people below opened the temporary door, and Yang Fan walked in for the first time, and looked inside happily.

"Sister, the land is flat and construction can start at any time. Our immediate priority is to start the design and planning and obtain the construction permit of the building."

"Yes, I will immediately hold a group high-level meeting to arrange these things." Yang Fang replied.

After watching here for two or three full ten minutes, Yang Fan left, feeling slightly excited and unable to calm down.

Reborn, he knows that getting such a piece of land here is simply a burst of opportunity and a big profit. Such a good opportunity may be difficult to come by in the future.

After going to work on Monday, Yang Fan returned to work.

He devoted himself wholeheartedly to the Type 054 guided missile frigate, not only personally paying attention to the construction of the two ships, but also thinking about what aspects should be perfected, improved and enhanced.

After get off work at noon, Yang Fan was going to go to the unit cafeteria to have a casual meal, and then go back to the sofa at his desk to lie down for a while, take a rest, and recharge his energy to continue working in the afternoon.

Generally speaking, Yang Fan seldom goes back to eat at noon, and mostly settles in the canteen of his work unit. Today is the same. He left the office building and walked towards the gate of Donghai Institute.

The canteen of the unit is not in the large courtyard of Donghai Institute, but it has to go out the gate. It is opposite the staff dormitory area. It is not far away, and it takes less than 10 minutes to walk.

As soon as he left the gate, an excited voice rang in his ears, "Chief Designer Yang, Chief Designer Yang"

If it is a member of the East China Sea Institute, they generally call Yang Fan "Mr. Yang", and very few people call him "Chief Designer Yang". This voice is also very strange.

Yang Fan followed the voice, and was taken aback for a moment. He didn't expect that it was the young man Lu Huaqiang whom he had seen at the Hongtai Group headquarters yesterday.

It's him!

Slightly surprised.

Soon, Yang Fan found out, probably because he found out that he was working at Donghai Institute, and then he waited at the gate, waiting for him to come out, probably for a long time.

Yang Fan said: "It's you!"

Lu Huaqiang greeted him enthusiastically and happily, and introduced himself: "My name is Lu Huaqiang. I am 38 years old this year. I graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology with a Ph. .”

He talked a lot in one breath, with a bit of eloquence. It can also be seen from this that his eloquence is very good, his thinking is clear, and his introduction is relatively comprehensive.

Dr. Massachusetts!
Yang Fan thought in his heart, in the mid-90s, such people could definitely be regarded as good people. Looking at the country, it is estimated that there were not many of them.

There are very few returnees in this era, and they will not be caught in a large number like now, which is why Yang Fan feels a little surprised.

After Lu Huaqiang finished speaking, Yang Fan said: "You want to return to China to start a business and develop the chip industry, but you have to know that this is a capital-intensive industry. If you don't have a lot of money, don't try it at all."

Lu Huaqiang said: "I know this. We need a lot of capital investment in the early stage, and we don't have much money. Our entire team estimates that we can gather a few million at most, but this is far from enough, so I want to convince Chairman Yang financing."

He was very sincere, and directly admitted that he had no funds and wanted financing from Hongtai Group.

and many more
Yang Fan heard him mention the word "team" several times, and guessed that they should have a group of people, maybe a dozen or dozens of people.

Gradually, Yang Fan became somewhat interested in this Lu Huaqiang.

Lu Huaqiang is very smart, and his kung fu of observing words and expressions is even better. Seeing that Yang Fan seemed to be interested, he immediately seized the opportunity and said, "Chief Designer Yang, I'm treating you. Let's sit down and chat while eating."

Yang Fan said: "Let me treat you. It's not easy for you to start a business. You have to spend two cents for every penny. It's a little bit if you can save a little."

Congratulations to Lu Huaqiang!
Whoever treats guests is completely secondary, the key is that Yang Fan is willing to sit down and have a chat with him, this is a huge improvement, for so many days, he has not been able to persuade Yang Fang to have a proper talk with him.

Lu Huaqiang said: "Then I will invite you next time, and this time I will let you spend the money."

Outside the gate of Donghaisuo is the main street, which has become very lively and prosperous over the years. There are all kinds of shops, you can buy everything, and there is no shortage of places to eat.

Yang Fan is of course very familiar with this street, so he found a nearby restaurant with decent environment, asked for a seat by the window on the second floor, and the two sat down.

I ordered a few dishes, which were very delicate. I didn't ask for white wine, but only two drinks.

Lu Huaqiang's eloquence is really good in dealing with people and things. No wonder he has the confidence to return to China to start a business. Gradually, the two chatted very speculatively.

Yang Fansheng has at least two to 30 years of foresight. Although he is engaged in ships, it does not mean that he is a layman in the chip industry. There are also many chips on ships. It is impossible to understand this aspect.

Just talking about something that is a little bit forward often makes Lu Huaqiang's eyes brighten, and he will ask further questions immediately, just like harvesting a huge treasure.

Through the conversation, Yang Fan also found that Lu Huaqiang's professional knowledge in chips is very solid and of a high level, and he is worthy of a Ph.D. from Massachusetts.

In addition, Yang Fan also discovered a surprising situation.

I couldn't help feeling slightly excited again.

That's all for today's update, thank you all.

(End of this chapter)

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