Military Heavy

Chapter 412 Investment should be cautious

Chapter 412 Investment should be cautious

Through the conversation, Yang Fan also knew that Lu Huaqiang and the others really have a group of people. At present, there are more than ten people who have returned to China with him, and several of them are doctors in chip-related majors. There are also a group of like-minded people in the United States.

It turned out that there really was a group of people.

Sure enough, there is a technical team.

Yang Fan expressed that he was very pleasantly surprised and very excited in his heart, but his face was very flat and did not show it at all.

What Lu Huaqiang meant was that when the domestic side is basically done and the financing is in place, he will bring over all the large group of people who are temporarily staying in the United States. It is entirely possible to dig some people over.

"Chief Designer Yang, this is the information of our team, you can take a good look at it when you have time."

After finishing speaking, he took out a stack of materials from the bag, all in English, with photos on each page and introductions of their team members.

After the materials were brought out, Lu Guoqiang was a little worried. He wondered if Yang Fan could understand the materials, which were all in English.

He apologized: "I haven't had time to make the materials in Chinese, I"

Yang Fan interrupted: "It's okay, I can understand English, there is no problem."

Lu Huaqiang was slightly surprised. He didn't expect that Yang Fan's English level was not bad, and he could understand such English materials. Immediately, he felt relieved.

Yang Fan put away these materials and said that he would take a serious look at them.

Lu Huaqiang felt relieved, at least Yang Fan didn't feel that he was alienated from others. On the contrary, Yang Fan seemed to be very interested in the chip industry.

Can he help me convince his sister to raise money?

Lu Guoqiang thought with hope in his heart.

After thinking about it for a while, he couldn't hold back anymore, with a sincere look on his face, "Chief Designer Yang, you are the younger brother of Chairman Yang Fang, can you say a few words for me to let Hongtai Group invest in my project?" As for the chip industry, don’t worry, this is definitely a very promising industry.”

Yang Fan felt very happy in his heart, but he still didn't show it on his face.

I thought in my heart, whether to invest or not, I don't need to persuade my sister, I can make the decision.

However, Yang Fan has not promised anything for the time being. This matter needs to be more cautious. In addition to further understanding of Lu Huaqiang and the others, he also needs to understand the family background of Hongtai Group. If there are sufficient funds, Lu Huaqiang and his team And if you really have technology, it is not a bad idea to invest in the chip industry.

Yang Fan asked: "Since you have returned to China to start a business, have you registered your company yet?"

Lu Huaqiang quickly replied: "The company has been registered, with a registered capital of 200 million. I am the legal representative for the time being. The company is also named after me. It is called 'Huaqiang Technology Company'. The current office is located in."

Briefly introduce the situation of "Huaqiang Technology Company".

Then, Lu Huaqiang apologized: "The company has not long been established, and the temporary business is only to act as an agent for various chips and electronic components, including computer CPUs, various industrial control chips for machine tools, and machine tool motherboards. In the future, it will also act as an agent for mobile phone chips."

Yang Fan nodded slightly.

I know that even if Lu Huaqiang and the others want to engage in chip research and development, but with very limited funds, for the operation of the company, they can only represent some things first to make some money, and then maintain the company's daily operations.

The actual research and development of chips must be something after the successful financing. Now that there is no money for the time being, it is still impossible to do this. Many people even still stay in the United States. They can only come here when the things here are completely settled.

It took a long time to eat this meal. If it wasn't for the technical meeting on the Type 054 guided missile frigate in the afternoon, Yang Fan would like to have a more in-depth talk with him.

Of course, Lu Huaqiang himself wanted to have an in-depth conversation with Yang Fan. It was as if he had met a bosom friend, and the chat was very speculative.

Yang Fan looked at the time, got up and said, "I have to go to work in the afternoon, so I'm here today."

Lu Huaqiang said again with hope: "Chief Designer Yang, I hope you can help me talk to Chairman Yang Fang about the financing."

Yang Fan nodded, "No problem, but this is also a big event. I estimate that only 5000 million is definitely not enough. Hongtai Group must carefully consider this matter. You must be mentally prepared, and you may have to wait It will take some time for results."

Although he really wanted to succeed in financing immediately, he also knew that there was really no rush for this matter, and Hongtai Group really needed careful consideration.

Lu Huaqiang politely sent his business card, "Chief Designer Yang, if you have any time, please feel free to contact me."

There are landline phone number, big brother phone number, and hook-up number on the business card. Yang Fan looked at the same thing, and then put it into his pocket officially.

He also took out his business card and said to Lu Guoqiang, "This is my business card. We will keep in touch and communicate more in the future."


With a soft "ah", Lu Huaqiang didn't expect that Yang Fan would take the initiative to give him a business card, which was simply too pleasantly surprised and so happy!

The joy was beyond words, and Lu Huaqiang nodded heavily, "Thank you, thank you very much, Chief Designer Yang, I will contact you, and I look forward to seeing you again as soon as possible."

The two shook hands tightly.

Yang Fan left the restaurant. At this moment, Lu Huaqiang was not in a hurry to leave. His heart was agitated, and he seemed to see hope.

Perhaps, this financing can be successful!

Yang Fan returned to Donghai Institute, and held a technical meeting after work in the afternoon. After the meeting, he returned to his office, and then he had time to sit down, slowly and carefully read the information given by Lu Huaqiang.

The content of the thick information is very detailed. There are more than [-] people's specific introductions, all of whom are highly educated talents in the chip field. Several of them are Western faces, and they look like foreigners at first glance.

Yang Fan was a little impressed.

This Lu Huaqiang is really not simple. He has summoned so many people to start a business with him, and the appeal alone is extraordinary.

Twenty or so people are definitely not the entirety of his current technical team, they should be only the main and key members, and some general technical personnel are not listed in this document.

Sitting on the office chair, making a cup of hot tea, Yang Fan carefully flipped through the pages, the more he read, the more he couldn't calm down.

After reading for nearly an hour, Yang Fan finally closed the document, stood up, walked to the window and looked outside, thinking in his mind.

Should I enter the field of chip research and development?
Do you want to invest in Lu Huaqiang's company?
After standing for a long time and thinking a lot, it wasn't until the phone on the desk rang that Yang Fan's distant thoughts were brought back.

The call was from Luo Jianguo from the headquarters of the Type 054 guided missile frigate in Beijing. As soon as the call was made, his hearty voice came over.

"Comrade Yang Fan, how are you doing recently? Are you busy?"

Yang Fan replied: "It's not bad."

The two started talking on the phone in an almost homely manner. After chatting for a few words, Luo Jianguo mentioned his purpose for making this call.

"The diesel engines needed for our 054 ship are being manufactured at the Hongqi Factory. The manufacturing of parts and components is almost complete. The general assembly of the first diesel engine is scheduled to start the day after tomorrow. We will go to the Hongqi Factory tomorrow to see the manufacturing situation of this batch of diesel engines. How about it?"

Yang Fan is also very concerned about the diesel engine being manufactured.

Especially after the first ship entered the berth construction, I paid more attention to a batch of diesel engines in my heart, knowing how important they were to the first ship.

In at most another two months, maybe more than a month, the first ship will start part of the outfitting of the power system, and these diesel engines will be needed.

Yang Fan replied heartily: "Well, it's been a while since I went to Hongqi Factory, I really want to visit again."

Luo Jianguo said: "Then it's settled. We will meet at the Hongqi factory tomorrow, and we will enter their factory early the morning after tomorrow to take a look at the situation of this batch of diesel engines."

"no problem!"

The two of them just made an agreement to meet at the Hongqi factory tomorrow.After finishing the call, Yang Fan picked up the phone and called Li Zhengjun over.

Soon, Li Zhengjun, director of the model office, came in.

"Master Yang, you are looking for me."

Yang Fan ordered: "Book three tickets for tomorrow, you and I, and Han Jiang, the deputy director of the power system design department, and the three of us will go to the Red Flag Factory together."

"Okay, I'll do it right now."

After watching Li Zhengjun leave, Yang Fan called Han Jiang again, and he was very happy to learn that he and Brother Fan would go to Hongqi Factory for a business trip tomorrow.

"Brother Fan, that's great, I can go for a walk with you again."

Yang Fan reminded with a smile: "We are going on a business trip, to do business, not to travel and vacation, I hope you will be happy."

"I know, I know." Han Jiang replied with a smile.

Hongqi Factory.

Gu Zhengxin went to the final assembly workshop again, stayed there for a long time, and personally watched the preparatory work before assembly.

As a supporting factory for the Type 054 guided missile frigate, Hongqi Factory is responsible for the power of the Type 054 ship, that is, the manufacturing task of the diesel engine it needs. A Type 054 ship needs 4 diesel engines.

It has not been a few months since the official delivery of the first batch of diesel engines, and the whole Hongqi factory felt the pressure, very huge pressure!

In particular, the construction of the first ship entered the berth, and the progress was very smooth. Part of the installation of the power system will begin in two months at most, which requires a diesel engine.

It may not take two months. If the speed is fast, it may be about one and a half months.

The speed of Dongjiang Shipyard is so fast, it has invisibly put a kind of pressure on the relevant supporting factories and units, such as Hongqi Factory, and the pressure on several factory leaders is not small.

Gu Zhengxin can finally breathe a sigh of relief. The manufacturing of all parts is nearing completion, and 90.00% of them have been manufactured. Only a few parts with a long manufacturing cycle and difficult parts are still being manufactured, but they have also reached the last few steps. process.

While checking the pre-assembly work in the final assembly workshop, Gu Zhengxin's button rang, and when he took it out, it showed a line of confidence.

"Mr. Gu, the box lid has created a problem."

At this critical moment, such a thing happened.

(End of this chapter)

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