Military Heavy

Chapter 420 Lu Huaqiang's Concession

Chapter 420 Lu Huaqiang's Concession
A few days ago, the box cover missing from the fourth diesel engine was successfully put into storage. So far, all the spare parts needed for the fourth diesel engine are complete and can be assembled at any time.

The huge general assembly workshop was full of excitement.

Workers in every job are busy. At the assembly site, you can see some technicians and managers. They provide technical guidance, quality control, or production organization.

The general assembly of the first diesel engine is nearing completion, the assembly process of the second diesel engine is more than halfway through, and the third diesel engine has entered the final assembly for two or three days. If possible, the final assembly of the fourth diesel engine can be carried out at any time.

Gu Zhengxin walked into the assembly workshop again, followed by several people, including the workshop director of the assembly workshop.

"Mr. Gu, it's been a long time since we had such a happy scene in our workshop."

Gu Zhengxin nodded, "Yeah, since the number of military tasks has gradually decreased a few years ago, our major workshops have gradually become deserted, including the general assembly workshop. Now it's all right, and we've finally got out of the predicament. There is endless work to do.”


Such a prosperous scene is exactly what I want to see even in my dreams.

Thinking about the first two or three years, it was really hard. As leaders, they were under a lot of pressure, and the tasks of the whole factory were seriously insufficient. When it was the most difficult time, they were only paid basic living expenses for several months.

"Mr. Gu, I heard that the general assembly of the fourth diesel engine will start tomorrow." A follower asked.

Before Gu Zhengxin answered, the director of the final assembly workshop said happily: "Yes, the assembly of the fourth diesel engine will start tomorrow, and today, the assembly of the first diesel engine will be completed and sent to the test workshop."

Everyone walked towards the final assembly platform of the first diesel engine, and saw a near-complete diesel engine from a distance, with a small number of workers doing final assembly.

Walking up to it and looking at this brand new diesel engine, Gu Zhengxin asked, "How is it? It's almost there."

He basically comes to the assembly workshop every day to have a look, at least once, at most two or three times, and he is very familiar with the assembly process of each diesel engine.

The squad leader of the final assembly station replied: "The last few pipes are left, and they will be ready soon."

Within a few minutes, the assembly workers reported loudly: "The assembly of the first official diesel engine of the Type 054 guided missile frigate has been completed and the general inspection can be carried out."

Assembly is complete!
In front of everyone is a gratifying large diesel engine!
As soon as the sound fell, there was a warm applause at the scene.At this moment, Hongqi Factory had waited for at least two years, and finally, the first official diesel engine assembly was completed.

Everyone applauded vigorously, each of them seemed very happy and extremely joyful.

All the workers, technicians, and managers nearby applauded without exception, as did the director of the assembly workshop, applauding vigorously.

At this moment, Gu Zhengxin felt a little emotional. Looking back on the past two years in his mind, he felt that it was not easy to go all the way.

After the applause gradually subsided, Gu Zhengxin said loudly: "Conduct quality inspection, and send it to the test workshop after passing the test."

Several quality inspectors immediately conduct a comprehensive inspection, mainly visual inspection, and also review the assembly materials and so on.

During the entire assembly process, each step of the assembly has been inspected, and the inspection after the completion of the general assembly did not take long, and the inspection was basically completed within ten minutes.

The inspector in charge said loudly: "Leaders, after the inspection, no quality problems were found. The first official diesel engine is fully qualified and can be tested."

There was another burst of warm applause at the scene.

Some people found that a large transport truck had arrived, drove in from the logistics gate of the assembly workshop, and then stopped not far from the assembly stand.

Without Gu Zhengxin's instructions, several workers got busy. Someone drove the crane over, and the workers hung the hook on the lifting ring of the diesel engine.

In everyone's eyes, this diesel engine was hoisted onto this large transport truck, and then transported to the test workshop for test run.

Before the diesel engine leaves the factory, it must be tested in the test workshop. Only after the test is qualified can it leave the factory. If problems are found during the test, it must be returned to the assembly workshop for analysis.

Of course, this kind of test run is not a 400-hour long-term test run, but a test run of certain items according to the test run outline, and the total is only two or three hours.

Gu Zhengxin watched the big truck leave, and said with hope in his heart, the test drive must be successful, it must be successful
Donghai Institute.

Yang Fan received a call from Luo Jianguo, "Comrade Yang Fan, I have good news for you. Our first official diesel engine has been successfully tested at Hongqi Factory."

Such great news!
Yang Fan's interest immediately rose, "Commander Luo, that means, it won't be long before a total of four diesel engines can be delivered."

Luo Jianguo said: "I gave Hongqi Factory 20 days and asked them to complete the delivery of a total of four diesel engines within 20 days."

The two talked on the phone for several minutes.

Putting down the phone, Yang Fan thought in his heart that there would be no problem with the diesel engine. It will be delivered within 20 days, plus the transportation time on the road, and it can definitely be shipped to Dongjiang Shipyard within one month.

This is a good thing.

Yang Fan's heart lightened inexplicably.

After sitting down and looking at the design drawings sent below, I couldn't help but think of the cooperation negotiation between Hongtai Group and Huaqiang Technology Company.

It's been a few days and I don't know how it's going.

Yang Fan, who usually doesn't ask Hongtai Group's specific affairs, wanted to know the specific progress this time. After thinking about it, he picked up the phone and called.

"Sister, how is the progress of our cooperation negotiation?"

Yang Fang's voice came from the phone, and she said with a smile: "I thought you didn't care much about this matter, but finally you can't help it."

Yang Fan smiled and said: "Who says I don't care, I have been thinking about it all the time, but with you, I feel very relieved, and I don't think it is necessary to call several times a day to ask questions."

The two talked and laughed for a few words, and Yang Fang's tone became positive, "Even if you don't call, I will call you later. Generally speaking, the progress is not bad. Huaqiang Technology Company's The sincerity of cooperation is very high.”

She told Yang Fan about the current situation in detail on the phone.

Generally speaking, the progress is not bad, which makes people quite satisfied.

But there were also some differences.

After several days of negotiations, the two parties reached a lot of agreement. For example, the total investment amount was finalized at 16 billion. Within three years, Hongtai Group will invest 8 billion in installments to Huaqiang Technology Co. Less than 16 million yuan.

In addition to the total amount of investment, many details have also been agreed.

The biggest difference lies in the shareholding ratio.

Huaqiang Technology Company believes that they are the founders and must account for more than 50.00% of the shares, so as to benefit the company's future development.

In some decision-making, they will not be influenced by Hongtai Group, and they can better design and develop chips, including future production, manufacturing and sales.

In addition, they believe that it is reasonable to invest more than 50% of the shares by investing in technology, as long as there are sufficient funds, sufficient strength and confidence to develop and design excellent chips.

Hongtai Group doesn't think so. Since it has invested so much money, it must take a large share, and proposes to take up 75% of the shares.

Huaqiang Technology Company hopes that he owns 51% of the shares, while Hongtai Group holds 49%.

After making this phone call, Yang Fan sat quietly in the office and meditated, knowing that this was a very real problem.

From the bottom of my heart, if Hongtai Group holds less than 50% of the shares, Yang Fan himself is a bit unacceptable. Therefore, Huaqiang Technology Company proposed that they hold 51% of the shares, while Hongtai Group only holds 49%. No way.

thought long time.

I thought a lot.

So much so that Yang Fan picked up the phone again and chatted with Yang Fang for at least ten minutes on the phone, expressing his attitude. Since he invested more than one billion yuan and only accounted for 49% of the shares, it must not work. Must have a large stake.

Huaqiang Technology Co.

The negotiation between the two parties was over for the time being. Lu Huaqiang returned to his office, stood in front of the window, looked outside, his mind was full of thoughts, and he was also thinking about holding shares.

To be honest, he went back to China to start a business after a lot of hard work, and finally established the current Huaqiang Technology Company. He suddenly surrendered to others, and he couldn't accept it for a while.

This is also the fundamental reason why during the negotiation, he has always insisted that Huaqiang Technology Company must account for 51% of the shares.

He stood there motionless, staring into the distance, thinking for a long time.

I don't know how long it took, maybe three or four 10 minutes, maybe more than an hour, he finally looked back and recovered from his thoughts.

I thought in my heart: "Next, how will the two parties negotiate? Are we going to make concessions? If we don't make concessions, the possibility of successful negotiation may not be great."

"Perhaps we should make concessions. For my ideals and for the success of financing, I really should make concessions. It may be acceptable for us to take a small share."

"As long as we are still responsible for the daily affairs in the future development process, then why not they account for a large proportion of the shares?"

While thinking about this, there was a knock on the door.

Pushing the door open were Li Xianghong and Huang Wenlong.

The two of them are not only the backbone of the company, they belong to the founders, and they also have a very good relationship with Lu Huaqiang, the kind who have a very good personal relationship.

In particular, Li Xianghong and Lu Huaqiang have known each other for more than ten years. When they were in the United States, the relationship between the two was good, and the two sides also knew each other very well.

Seeing the person coming, Lu Huaqiang quickly understood that most likely he wanted to talk about financing. Next, how should he talk to Hongtai Group.

(End of this chapter)

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