Military Heavy

Chapter 421 Successful Cooperation

Chapter 421 Successful Cooperation
"Two, sit down wherever you want."

The two were also polite and sat down on the sofa.Sure enough, Li Xianghong spoke first: "Lao Lu, our cooperation negotiations with Hongtai Group have reached an impasse. If this continues, the possibility of successful cooperation will only become smaller and smaller."


Lu Huaqiang nodded in agreement, and was fully aware of this point. He had thought a lot about it just now, and even wondered whether to make a concession and strive for the success of the cooperation.

"Old Li, what's your opinion, what should we do next?"

Before coming here, it is estimated that Li Xianghong and Huang Wenlong had already communicated with each other. When faced with inquiries, he did not beat around the bush, "Mr. Lu, there is only one way to successfully cooperate with Hongtai Group, and that is for us to make concessions."


Sure enough, he also thought about giving in!

Lu Huaqiang nodded lightly, "I thought about this too, but I didn't expect that we would go together."

Both Li Xianghong and Huang Wenlong showed signs of surprise, thinking they heard it wrong, but they never expected that Lu Huaqiang also thought of making concessions.

Before knocking on the door and coming in, both of them had made enough mental preparations. If Lu Huaqiang did not agree to make concessions, the two of them were ready to persuade them with nice words. After all, there is nothing more important than the cooperation between the two parties.

Their technical level is indeed good, and they are definitely the top talents in the chip field, but what can they do if they have technology alone? Without money, they can’t do anything, and the design and development of chips requires funds based on "billion". Units.

In the current situation, the only option is to make concessions.

"Boss Lu, you really agree to make concessions!"

There was a lot of surprise in Li Xianghong's tone, which was really beyond his expectation.

Although Huang Wenlong didn't say anything, he cheered secretly in his heart, that's great, things are hopeful, if an agreement is reached with Hongtai Group, then...
I was a bit afraid to continue thinking about it.

The future development prospect of the cooperation between the two parties is really great.

A stone hanging in Lu Huaqiang's heart fell to the ground. After thinking about making concessions just now, he was still a little worried about how to persuade these people who started businesses with him. combine.

That's fine.

The three are regarded as the company's Big Three, and the opinions of the three are unified.

There is no need to think about how to persuade other people. The three of them reached an agreement, and the others probably won't have any objections. Maybe some other people also hope that the company will make concessions and then cooperate with Hongtai Group.

Lu Huaqiang said happily: "Yes, we made a concession and tried to cooperate with Hongtai Group. To be honest, they promised to invest a total of 16 billion within three years. Where can we find such a large amount of money?"

Li Xianghong agreed: "Yeah, I guess if I miss this village, there will be no next store. There are really few companies that can spend such money in the whole country."

Huang Wenlong said: "I did the math. In fact, as long as we own 35% of the shares, we won't suffer at all. Asking for 51% of the shares is indeed too much appetite."

They are just technical stakes.

The key is that this technology is not mature and ready-made, but only the knowledge of chip technology and related experience in their minds. It is necessary to lead a huge team, and it may take a lot of hard work to design and develop a certain technology. chip.

If it is an off-the-shelf chip technology, as long as a certain amount of capital is invested and a production line is established, it can be manufactured. It is better to say that maybe 51% of the shares are not too much. In the current situation, it is indeed a little impossible.

Lu Huaqiang finally thought it through thoroughly, and said with self-deprecation: "We are indeed a little wishful thinking, and we still want to occupy 51% of the shares. We have too much appetite. Hongtai Group has talked with us for several days. They are really nice, sincerely. Perfect."

The three chatted for a long time.

Basically reached an agreement, as long as Hongtai Group really promises to invest a total of 16 billion within three years, it can sell up to 8% of the shares.

That is to say, the shares held by Lu Huaqiang and the others can be reduced to 40%, and the other 60% of the shares can be given to Hongtai Group as a return for their investment.

Two days later.

The two sides sat together again and started another round of negotiations.

Donghai Institute.

Yang Fan finished a technical meeting, returned to his office, sat on the office chair, thought in his heart, interesting, this time the negotiation was actually proposed by Huaqiang Technology Company.

They offered to continue the negotiation, and it is estimated that they have already considered making concessions.Yang Fan expressed his anticipation to the extent to which he can make concessions.

Raising his hand to look at the time, he realized that the whole morning had already passed. I don't know how their conversation was going. There should be some progress.

Soon after, around 12 noon, Yang Fan's eldest brother rang, and Yang Fang's happy voice came from the phone.

"Brother, let me tell you a gratifying situation. Huaqiang Technology Co., Ltd. has made a huge concession. In one morning, we basically reached an agreement!"

The negotiation progressed so fast!
This was a bit beyond Yang Fan's expectation.

Yang Fan immediately said: "Sister, tell me about the specific situation, I want to hear."

Yang Fang briefly explained the situation, and immediately, Yang Fan felt relieved and happy, and the cooperation between the two parties was finally successful.

Lu Huaqiang made a huge concession, and the two parties reached an agreement that Hongtai Group invested a total of 16 billion in three years, accounting for 8% of the shares of Huaqiang Technology Company, and Lu Huaqiang and others accounted for 62% of the shares.

Lu Huaqiang and the others are still in charge of the company's daily management and operations, and Hongtai Group has the decision-making power in major matters.

Hongtai Group's initial investment is 3 million yuan. Huaqiang Technology Company chooses a site and first establishes a large-scale, world-class chip R&D and design center.

Huaqiang Technology Co., Ltd. seeks and recruits professionals in chip R&D and design, and forms a technical team to be responsible for chip R&D.

Huaqiang Technology Co., Ltd.
and many more.

In one morning, the two parties basically reached an agreement, agreeing to sign a formal contract tomorrow, and within a week, the 3 million investment will arrive in the account.

It is not only Yang Fan who is happy and relieved.

Lu Huaqiang and the others are not like this.

The stone in my heart has completely landed, and the dream has become a possibility. After going back to China after all the hardships, I just hope that the financing will be successful, and then I will start the chip business.

The next day, the formal contract was officially signed.

The atmosphere at the scene was extremely warm, and a grand signing ceremony was held. Many media in Donghai City witnessed the signing together.

Of course, it is impossible for Yang Fan to appear at the signing site. So far, Lu Huaqiang still does not know that Yang Fan is actually the real boss of Hongtai Group, and also his boss.

"I'm so happy, the signing is really a success!"

"Next, we can fight with Mr. Lu!"


The most exciting and exhilarating are the ordinary employees of Huaqiang Technology Company. They suddenly saw hope and saw the company's huge future development prospects.

With so much money invested, the development of Huaqiang Technology Company is almost predictable.

Yang Fan seemed very low-key.

It seems that the contract has nothing to do with him, and his work has not been affected at all. Today, he even went to Jiangdong Shipyard.

In fact, Yang Fan was very happy in his heart, but he didn't show it on his face.

Sun Baoguo had dealt with Yang Fan more times, and he knew Yang Fan better and better. He seemed to feel Yang Fan's joy, so he couldn't help asking.

"Master Yang, what a good thing, you seem to be in a good mood."

At this moment, the two are building the berth of the first ship. On the berth in front of them are the three general sections of the first ship. At this time, the three general sections have already begun to take shape.

Of course, it cannot be said that Hongtai Group and Huaqiang Technology Co., Ltd. signed the contract today, and will enter the chip industry with great development prospects.

Yang Fan said: "I'm happy to see the three general sections of our first ship. Your construction is progressing really well."

Hearing this, Sun Baoguo was filled with pride.

The berth was hoisted one by one to build the berth, and the three general sections gradually took shape. Looking at all this, I felt a strong sense of accomplishment in my heart.

"Master Yang, in two months at most, we will start to close the general section."

The total section is closed!

What an expectant thing this is, which means that the construction of the general section is basically completed, and the next step is the outfitting work.

Yang Fan said with satisfaction: "Yes, yes, it seems that it is a very wise decision to entrust the construction of the first ship to you. I bet that the construction of the first ship is given to any other shipyard, and there is absolutely no such construction speed."

There was a burst of happy laughter all around.

The accompanying staff of Dongjiang Shipyard laughed very happily, especially the person in charge of the construction of the slipway, who was praised by Chief Designer Yang. He felt that all the hard work was worth it.

After looking around at the construction berth, Sun Baoguo said: "Let's go to the new berth to have a look, Chief Master Yang, please give us some suggestions."

From a long-term perspective, in order to improve the construction capacity, Dongjiang Shipyard adopted Yang Fan's suggestion and built a new large berth not far away.

The key is that this is a horizontal slipway, not an inclined slipway.

Under the leadership of Sun Baoguo, Yang Fan went to the new slipway again, looked at the big slipway with more than half of the project, and said with satisfaction.

"Mr. Sun, yes, yes, if the tonnage of the gantry crane is bigger, it will be more perfect."

Sun Baoguo laughed, looking extremely happy, and broke the news: "We are cooperating with a professional lifting equipment manufacturer in China. The gantry cranes needed for this slipway are already being manufactured. The new gantry cranes will be shipped and installed within half a year at the most."

Domestic gantry crane!
Yang Fan was slightly startled, thinking he heard it wrong, and looked at Sun Baoguo.

That's all for today's update, thank you all!

(End of this chapter)

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