Military Heavy

Chapter 422 Starting with the Cell Phone Chip

Chapter 422 Starting with the Cell Phone Chip

The domestic gantry crane in 1995.

A gantry crane capable of building the 054 type missile frigate berth!
Which domestic company is so arrogant that it can produce such a large-scale gantry crane. Such a thing is an industrial heavy tool, and it cannot be manufactured without certain strength.

In the past, both the Donghai Shipyard and the Dongjiang Shipyard needed large-scale gantry cranes that were imported, but now domestically produced cranes can be used.

Yang Fan was shocked.

Looking at Sun Baoguo with a look of surprise, he asked, "Which company is so awesome that it can produce such a large gantry crane."

In Yang Fan's impression, the replacement of imported large gantry cranes with domestic products seems to be something after entering the 21st century. Could it be that in this respect, history has also undergone a small deviation.

Sun Baoguo said: "It was designed and manufactured by ZH Factory. I went to see it in person and thought it was good, so I ordered their gantry crane."

It turned out to be it!

Yang Fan of this factory certainly knows that in the 21st century, many of the large-scale gantry cranes needed for the construction of our domestic ships are manufactured by it.

I am very relieved!

It must be a great thing to have such equipment in China!
I learned about this large gantry crane from Sun Baoguo, and visited this large horizontal construction slipway in Dongjiang Shipyard.

The berth was well designed, and Yang Fan basically couldn't fault it, but Sun Baoguo was sincere and asked Yang Fan what suggestions and opinions he had, and what aspects could be improved and improved.

After thinking about it and looking at it carefully, Yang Fan finally made two small suggestions, and Sun Baoguo quickly recorded them in his notebook as if he had found a treasure.

After the formal contract was signed between Hongtai Group and Huaqiang Science and Technology Company, the first fund, a total of 3 million yuan, was successfully received. Lu Huaqiang was a little excited.

This is the money he dreamed of.

With money, the company must develop drastically.

He quickly convened a meeting to arrange some work, and sent Huang Wenlong to the United States with only one purpose, to take over those who stayed there temporarily and wanted to return to China for development. Of course, he might lobby more people to come over .

Huaqiang Technology's first task is to build a powerful and large-scale chip design and development team.The second thing is to establish its own design and development center.

These days, Lu Huaqiang is very busy.

He personally searched for a place in Donghai City, and finally found a piece of land in Jiangdong New District, and planned to buy it to establish a design and development center there.

After being optimistic about the land, he took the initiative to call Yang Fang and ask for instructions.

According to the contract, Hongtai Group holds 62% of the shares, and Yang Fang must be consulted for major decisions and company development strategies. Buying land to build a research and development center is considered a major event.

To his surprise, Yang Fang said that she agreed in principle, but it was best to report to Yang Fan for communication.

Could it be that Yang Fan is the one who decides in the end?

Lu Huaqiang was a little puzzled, but he must follow Yang Fang's advice, so he called Yang Fan.

He roughly reported on the purchase of land to build a design and R&D center.

During the phone call, Yang Fan was very happy, and agreed that the two parties would meet in a teahouse near Donghai Institute for a detailed discussion in the afternoon.

Lu Huaqiang had some guesses in his mind, guessing that Yang Fan is the real caller, so what is the relationship between Hongtai Group and Yang Fan?
He was confused and thought a lot.

In the afternoon, with doubts in his head, he arrived at the teahouse about 10 minutes earlier, asked for a seat, made a pot of good tea, and waited for Yang Fan to come.

A few minutes later, Yang Fan walked into the teahouse and saw Lu Huaqiang.

"Boss Lu, you're here so early."

Lu Huaqiang got up quickly, "Chief Designer Yang, I just arrived, within a few minutes."

Yang Fan smiled and sat down, and said, "Call me Mr. Yang from now on."

"Okay, Mr. Yang." Lu Huaqiang replied.

Since he is one of his own, there is no need to call out "Chief Designer Yang" one after another.Yang Fan sat down and asked, "How are you doing recently?"

This is exactly what Lu Huaqiang wants to report, and this is also the main purpose of the two sitting here drinking tea. There are some things that Yang Fang needs to report and ask Yang Fan for instructions.

Lu Huaqiang said: "Our talent plan has already started, and the top priority is to form a capable technology research and development team. Vice President Huang Wenlong went to the United States in person."

He reported in detail, and Yang Fan listened carefully, taking a sip of tea occasionally, basically not talking, just listening.

It wasn't until Lu Huaqiang finished reporting on the talent plan that Yang Fan said seriously: "I think the most precious thing is talent. We must attach importance to talents and reuse them. Those who are truly capable can be paid more."

This time it was Lu Huaqiang's turn to listen carefully.

This is a series of instructions from Yang Fan.

Lu Huaqiang was even more puzzled, what is the relationship between Mr. Yang and Hongtai Group, and how he directly carried out these instructions, as if he was the boss.

Probably seeing Lu Huaqiang's doubts, Yang Fan also felt that it was necessary to disclose it appropriately, so he said: "You feel very strange in your heart, why do I have such a big right to speak in Hongtai Group? What I say is equivalent to Hongtai Group. What the group said."


Lu Huaqiang nodded, he really didn't understand something.

Yang Fan said: "It's actually very simple. First, Yang Fang is my biological sister. Second, I have the largest share in Hongtai Group."

Lu Huaqiang was surprised!

He never thought of the second point, Yang Fan is actually the largest shareholder of Hongtai Group, the real boss behind the scenes.

Bull batch!
Originally thought that he was just the chief design engineer of Donghai Institute, Yang Fang's younger brother, but he was Hongtai's big boss.

It took Lu Huaqiang a long time to come back to his senses.

Now he finally understands completely.Why did Yang Fang ask him to directly ask Yang Fan for some important matters.Why did Yang Fan give a series of instructions in the tone of the boss just now.

It turns out that he is the big boss behind the Hongtai Group, so all this makes sense.

Yang Fan reminded: "I am Hongtai's boss, you know about this matter, I know that's fine, don't tell the outside world."

The meaning is obvious, the entire Huaqiang Technology Company, except for him, Lu Huaqiang, who knows this relationship, no one else needs to know.

Lu Huaqiang hurriedly said: "Mr. Yang, don't worry, I will keep it strictly confidential."

Then, Lu Huaqiang talked about the establishment of a technology research and development center. In order to design and develop chips, in addition to a strong technical team, there must be a lot of hardware facilities and office space.

This requires a fixed place and the construction of a technology research and development center. The place has basically been found, and Lu Huaqiang made a report to Yang Fan.

After listening, Yang Fan said: "You can decide these things, and it will be the same in the future. There is no need to ask for advice on everything, you have full autonomy."

"Okay, I know." Lu Huaqiang replied.

After the two chatted for a while about the construction of the R&D center, Lu Huaqiang asked casually. This was not a request for instructions, because he knew that Yang Fan was not a professional in the chip industry.

Lu Huaqiang said casually, "Mr. Yang, chips are mainly classified into several categories, such as computer chips, industrial control chips for machine tool equipment, mobile phone chips, etc. Which type of chips should we start with?"

Real knowledge is just a random question.

He himself is a professional in chips, and he is already thinking about it, swinging between computer chips and industrial control chips, but he hasn't made up his mind yet.

It is definitely unrealistic to develop the three types of chips in an all-round way and carry out design and development in an all-round way. There must be a direction and focus on the development of a certain type of chip.

Lu Huaqiang originally wanted to make computer chips, but he knew the difficulty, especially the fierce competition, because there are well-known computer chip suppliers in the world, and their strength is very strong. It will be very stressful to compete with them. big.

If you don't engage in computer chips for the time being, should you concentrate manpower and material resources on the design and development of industrial control chips?

He is also a little hesitant and has not made up his mind, because the market prospect of industrial control chips is not as good as that of computer chips.

He hadn't made up his mind on which type of chip to start with, so he asked Yang Fan casually.

How do you know, Yang Fan replied: "Let's start with mobile phone chips first, and when we are stronger, we can work on other types of chips."

Engage in mobile phone chips!
It is not a computer chip, nor an industrial control chip, but a mobile phone chip.

Lu Huaqiang was stunned for a moment, and then said, "Mr. Yang, why did we develop mobile phone chips first?"

Obviously, Yang Fan had his own considerations, and replied: "There are several reasons. First, the development prospects of mobile phone chips are huge. I predict that in a few years, mobile phones will gradually become popular, and the demand for chips will be huge. "

"Secondly, the design and development of mobile phone chips is only in its infancy. The competition is not as fierce as that of computer chips, and the pressure we face is much less."

"The third."

Yang Fan listed several reasons, each of which was very reasonable, and Lu Huaqiang showed an incredible expression, unable to calm down in his heart.

It turns out Mr. Yang is so powerful!
Considering the issue so thoughtfully, what he said made sense.

It took a long time for Lu Huaqiang to come back to his senses, "Mr. Yang, then we will start with the design and development of mobile phone chips."

Yang Fan nodded. There are some things that I feel must be discussed. Although I am not a professional chip technician, I still know about chips.

The key is that Yang Fan knows the development direction and trend of mobile phone chips in the next two to 30 years. With a little bit of effort, Lu Huaqiang and the others will avoid many detours.

Having made up his mind, Yang Fan spoke up.

No need to think about it, Lu Huaqiang was shocked once again, looked at Yang Fan in disbelief, and thought in his heart, this is my partner, my boss, how lucky I am to meet such a great man!

(End of this chapter)

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