Military Heavy

Chapter 423

Chapter 423
Yang Fan was very sure, "Yes, let's start with the mobile phone chip first."

This basically sets the direction.

Lu Huaqiang was a little surprised, he didn't expect it to be a mobile phone chip.After listening to Yang Fan's analysis, he was surprised at first, and then felt very reasonable.

"Mr. Yang, that's it. Let's start with the mobile phone chip."

Yang Fan nodded lightly. There are some things that need to be reminded, no, it should be said to be a "dial". No one knows better than Yang Fan the development trend of mobile phone chips.

Thus, Yang Fan began to "dial".

Let me talk about the development direction of mobile phones in the next few years.

Yang Fan said: "According to my analysis, mobile phones will gradually become popular, the size will become smaller and smaller, and the functions will become more powerful."

Lu Guoqiang listened carefully and felt that what Yang Fan said was very reasonable. He said in his heart, well, this should be the development trend.

After talking about the development trend, Yang Fan also talked about some functions that may appear in mobile phones in the next few years. Combining these functions, he gradually talked about mobile phone chips.

For these new functions, how should the mobile phone chip be designed, how should it be structured, and so on.

Gradually, Lu Huaqiang was shocked again!

I was very shocked. Mr. Yang is a great expert in the field of mobile phone chips. He speaks clearly and logically, and many concepts are very novel!
Of course, Yang Fan is not an expert in mobile phone chips, he just understands a little bit, but he is too clear about the development in the next two to 30 years.

Lu Huaqiang began to immerse himself in the midterm.

More than an hour passed quickly, Yang Fan stopped temporarily, raised his hand to check the time and said: "Let's stop here today, let's talk about mobile phone chips later."

Lu Huaqiang couldn't stop thinking about it, and was very reluctant to give up.

He really wanted to hear Yang Fan continue talking, because he found that a brand new door seemed to be slowly opening in front of him, and wanted to go deeper and listen to Yang Fan talk about mobile phone chips.

Seeing Yang Fan get up, Lu Huaqiang had no choice but to say: "Mr. Yang, some of your views are too novel, I am very inspired, and I will definitely ask you for advice next time."

The word "ask for advice" was used.

If someone who is familiar with Lu Huaqiang is here, they will probably open their mouths in surprise. Who is Lu Huaqiang? In the field of chips, is there anyone worthy of his advice?

This is Yang Fan!
Lu Huaqiang admired Yang Fan and was very happy. He did not expect to be so lucky. He returned to China to start a business and not only succeeded in financing, but also met such a great person.

Lu Huaqiang once thought that when Hongtai Group accounted for more than 50% of the shares, he was worried that Hongtai Group would command blindly, and laymen would guide experts.

Now he knows that this situation will not happen. Yang Fan has a very novel understanding of chips and understanding, especially some concepts and viewpoints, and his vision is very human.

After sending Yang Fan away, Lu Huaqiang was still immersed in that feeling and couldn't extricate himself for a long time.

two months later.

The R&D center of Huaqiang Technology Co., Ltd. has been designed and started construction. This is definitely the largest technology R&D center with the highest grade and specifications in China.

In 1995, the construction of such a large-scale R&D center was very rare in China.

In addition to building a technology research and development center, a technical team has also begun to form.

Lu Huaqiang and the others are really good, they have found all kinds of professional and technical personnel, some of them are from overseas, some of them are foreigners with blond hair and blue eyes, and some of them are related professional talents recruited in China.

The staff size of Huaqiang Technology Co., Ltd. has also grown from dozens of people at the beginning to hundreds of people now, and more than [-]% of them are technical talents. The scale of the technical team is still developing, and the number of people is still growing.

The construction of the Type 054 guided missile frigate is also progressing rapidly.

More than a month ago, the four diesel engines needed for the first ship were sent to Dongjiang Shipyard. While the construction of the three general sections was underway, some large-scale equipment and equipment began to be installed, because after the general sections were closed, large-scale equipment The difficulty of installation is virtually increased.

The four diesel engines have also been installed in place, and the relevant equipment of the power system has also been partially installed in place, and the basic construction of the three general sections has also been completed.

Sun Baoguo accompanied Yang Fan to stand beside the construction slipway, and the two happily looked at the three general sections in front of them, feeling a sense of accomplishment in their hearts.

Yang Fan said: "Mr. Sun, the construction of the three general sections of our first ship has basically been completed, and the general sections can be closed in a few days."

The total section is closed!

What an exciting thing this is!

It means that the construction of the hull is basically completed, and after the closing is the outfitting work, it also means that most of the construction work has been completed.

Almost a year!

After more than 300 days and nights, he put in a lot of sweat, and finally the whole section was almost closed. Sun Baoguo was very moved, and finally saw the initial results.

Taking a deep breath to calm down the turbulent mood, Sun Baoguo said: "How about we carry out the closing of the general section the day after tomorrow? I will also invite Commander Luo to come over and build the main section of the first ship together."

This is to ask for Yang Fan's opinion.

In fact, he didn't have to be like this, but after getting along for a long time, Yang Fan was deeply impressed by him, and he habitually asked Yang Fan about some important matters.

I feel that there is nothing wrong with asking Yang Fan.

Being asked for opinions in this way, Yang Fan felt that he had more face, and said happily: "I think it's okay, then we will close the general section the day after tomorrow."

"Okay, I'll call Commander Luo later and ask him to come over," Sun Baoguo said.

Two days later.

Today's Dongjiang Shipyard seems to be a little different from usual. Some workers who don't have much work at hand have come to the berth for the construction of the first ship one after another.

"Old Zhang, why don't you go and have a look?"

"You guys go first, I'll go there later."

Some workers went to the slipway in twos and threes. Gradually, there were more people there. Everyone stood by the slipway and looked at the first ship in front of them.

"I soldered that part."

"That division was done by our team."

The workers looked at the ship in front of them with great interest, and saw that some of the sections or certain parts were made by them, and a sense of pride rose in their hearts.

Both Yang Fan and Luo Jianguo came over, ready to witness this historic moment in person, the main section of the first ship closed!

Beside them are several leaders of Dongjiang Shipyard, including Sun Baoguo. In addition, there are many managers and technicians around, and everyone looks very happy.

After working so hard for so long, finally there is a report, and the general section is about to begin to close.

The person in charge of building the slipway trotted over and reported loudly: "Mr. Sun, everything is ready, and the general section can be closed."

Sun Baoguo looked at Yang Fan and Luo Jianguo.

The two of them nodded lightly towards Sun Baoguo almost at the same time, and the latter had a clear understanding, and his voice was very loud, "The lead ship of the Type 054 guided missile frigate, now start to close the sections!"

The sound spread out, far away!

Hearing this voice, many people couldn't help being slightly excited.

The total segment closure begins!
According to the construction process specifications, some workers were operating, and the three main sections that were originally independent of each other were slowly closed.

Finally, they come together.

Perfect fit, not bad at all!
There was warm applause, mixed with a few excited shouts.

Immediately someone came over to report, "Mr. Sun, the closing of the general section has been successfully completed, and the next welding work can begin."

Reporter Sun waved his hand, "Continue welding at the general section."

On the construction berth, the workers began to get up again, and the welding arc flickered again and again, welding the weld seams that closed the main section.

Yang Fan and Luo Jianguo watched for a long time, feeling very satisfied.

Luo Jianguo even said: "Xiangjiang Shipyard has started the construction of the berth of the No. [-] ship, and I really hope that it will also be closed as soon as possible."

Yang Fan said: "Their speed is also very fast. In a few months, they will also begin to close together."

On December 1995, 12, the first ship of the Type 10 guided missile frigate was assembled in the general section of the Dongjiang Shipyard, and will soon enter full outfitting.

Looking at the ship in front of him, thinking that he led the technical team to complete the design work in nearly two years, Yang Fan's eyes suddenly became a little moist.

It's not easy!

That's all for today's update, thank you all.

(End of this chapter)

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