Military Heavy

Chapter 424 Suggests to Build More Ships

Chapter 424 Suggests to Build More Ships

The first ship of the 054 ship was successfully assembled in Dongjiang Shipyard, and the next step will be the outfitting work of the whole ship.

Yang Fan was full of emotion!

It's really not easy to get to this step. Seeing my design drawings become the warship in front of me, my eyes are a little moist.

That's because of joy!

Luo Jianguo obviously noticed Yang Fan's reaction, and he patted Yang Fan's shoulder lightly.

Yang Fan said softly, "I'm fine."

Sun Baoguo obviously didn't notice this, and said loudly: "Commander Luo, our first ship has been assembled successfully, and we are very much looking forward to the construction of the next 054 ship."

Of course Luo Jianguo knew what Dongjiang Shipyard was thinking, and of course they hoped to build one Type 054 guided missile frigate after another.

He looked at Yang Fan, how many 054 ships will be built, and Yang Fan's opinion is very important.

In his opinion, after all, the current 054 can only be regarded as a verification type, and the future 054A can be regarded as an official type. Normally, it will be built in large quantities after the 054A is designed.

When the Type 052 guided missile destroyer was verified, only two ships were built?
Sensing Luo Jianguo's gaze and understanding the meaning, Yang Fan said, "Commander Luo, why don't you sit with me in the afternoon and let's have a chat, how about it?"

Of course Luo Jianguo agreed immediately, "Okay, let's have a chat this afternoon."

We stayed at Dongjiang Shipyard in the morning. At noon, Sun Baoguo treated guests, and everyone had Chinese food together.

After the meal, Sun Baoguo sent Yang Fan, Luo Jianguo and others away warmly and politely.

Watching Yang Fan's big off-road vehicle gradually go away, Sun Baoguo finally looked away. To be honest, he really wanted to go to Yang Fan's place and listen to what they talked about.

He has guessed that what Yang Fan and Luo Jianguo will talk about is related to the future construction of the 054 ship. How many ships of this type of 054 ship are planned to be built?
He is very concerned about this issue!

Yang Fan drove the car himself, took Luo Jianguo, and returned to the office of the Donghai Institute.

"Commander Luo, please sit down, don't be too polite with me, drink something."

Luo Jianguo sat down on the sofa, and said, "Have some coffee, I know your coffee here is good."

Yang Fan laughed, and while making coffee, he said, "Since I like to drink it, I'll take some back later and drink it slowly."

Luo Jianguo said: "Thank you very much, I know you have a lot of stock, so you are welcome."

Yang Fan didn't mind, he was very generous, and there are still many in the cabinet?
The two sat down on the sofa, drinking coffee and chatting.

First, I talked about the current construction work of the 054 ship, and then talked about the future construction of the 054 ship.

Luo Jianguo said: "Comrade Yang Fan, the current 054 ship is positioned as a demonstration type. How many ships do you think are more appropriate to build?"

Yang Fan smiled proudly, "Verification type, that's your positioning. I think it can be an actual combat type, and its combat effectiveness is very strong."

Isn't it verified?

Luo Jianguo was slightly taken aback, looking at Yang Fan.

Yang Fan said seriously: "According to the usual practice, a new type of ship is indeed a verification type at the beginning stage, but our 054 ship is a little different. There are really not many things to verify, and many things have already been finalized, so there is no need for verification. .”

This is not false at all!

No one knows that the current 054 ship is actually designed with reference to the historical 054A, and almost the entire design of the 054A has been moved over.

Before Yang Fan was reborn, 054A had been in service for many years, and its technology was very mature. At that time, even many 054Bs had been built.

The current 054 ship is designed against the historical 054A design, but because it is ten years ahead of schedule, there are some things that are not yet available. Yang Fan used some substitutes, that's all.

Therefore, the current 054 ship should not be regarded as a verification type, but a relatively mature formal type, which can be built in large quantities.

Seeing Yang Fan's confidence, Luo Jianguo said, "That's great. In fact, I also hope that more 054 ships will be built."

Yang Fan said: "There will be no technical problems. The design of the 054 ship is very stable. If financial resources allow, I suggest building eight out of ten ships."

so much!
Only two Type 052 guided missile destroyers were built!

It was not until the design was perfected and improved that several ships were built in succession until 052B.

Luo Jianguo said: "Can we really build so many ships?"

Yang Fan said confidently: "I think it's absolutely possible, as long as there is no problem with financial resources."

It is estimated that the problem of financial resources is not very big, because the cost of the 054 ship is much cheaper than that of the 052 ship, and the technical and tactical level is similar, and each has its own strengths.

Feeling Yang Fan's self-confidence, Luo Jianguo was relieved, "Okay, I understand. After I go back, I will definitely reflect your opinion on it for the leaders' reference."

Then, the two talked about the future 054A ship. After the current 054 ship has been built, it will be improved and perfected on the basis of the current 054 ship according to the service situation and the development of related weapons and equipment.

Yang Fan's positioning is that in addition to further improving the overall performance of the future 054A, the most important point is to further increase the localization rate, followed by the application of new weapons and equipment.

Luo Jianguo sat with Yang Fan for nearly two hours before leaving. Yang Fan politely sent a car to take the two of them to the airport.

Not long after sending Luo Jianguo away, Sun Baoguo called, which didn't seem surprising at all.

After answering the phone, Yang Fan understood what was going on.

Sun Baoguo said on the phone: "Commander Yang, Commander Luo has gone back to the capital."

Yang Fan said, "I've already gone to the airport."

Sun Baoguo inquired: "What did you guys talk about this afternoon? Is it related to the future construction of the 054 ship?"

Yang Fan smiled meaningfully.

Immediately, he understood the purpose of Sun Baoguo's call, and said happily: "President Sun, you probably have your eyes on the future construction task of the 054 ship."

Sun Baoguo did not hide it, and admitted: "Of course, the whole factory wants to start the construction of the 054 ship again. This is an extremely glorious thing for us."

Yang Fan said: "In that case, let me tell you, Commander Luo did ask for my opinion on how many 054 ships were built before the design of 054A."

Sun Baoguo said eagerly: "Then what did you say, how many ships do you propose to build?"

Yang Fan said: "I said, if financial resources allow, we can build eight out of ten ships."

Sun Baoguo was shocked!

A little bit intimidated!
Immediately, an incomparable surprise!

He also thought about this question, even referring to the original construction of the 052 ship, and had a guess in his mind that the 054 ship might build three or four ships.

It turned out to be eight out of ten ships!
Sun Baoguo said: "Master Yang, are you really suggesting that, can we build so many 054 ships?"

Yang Fan said very confidently: "There is no technical problem. To be honest, our 054 ship has been finalized for the time being. It is unlikely that we will make major improvements in the next few years. If this is the case, we can build more. As long as we have money , I think it is entirely possible to build so many."

Very good!
Sun Baoguo was extremely happy!

"Mr. Yang, thank you, thank you for your suggestion. It seems that our Dongjiang Shipyard doesn't have to worry about the construction task of the 054 ship."

So happy!

Sun Baoguo expressed his thanks repeatedly, and then hung up the phone politely.

Hongtai Group Headquarters.

The preliminary design plan of the landmark building has come out. Yang Fang hired a world-renowned design team and completely followed Yang Fan's suggestion. This design plan is now placed on Yang Fang's big desk.

Look and look.

The more I see it, the more I like it!
Yang Fang sat on the large and comfortable boss chair and looked at it for a long time, until the phone on the desk rang, and she finally closed the design plan with still unsatisfied interest.

After answering the call, he thought in his heart, let my brother be happy too, let him take a look at this design plan.

So, Yang Fang picked up the phone and called, asking Yang Fan and Jiang Yan to have dinner together in the evening, to share the design plan during the meal, and to ask if there were any other suggestions and opinions.


In a high-end restaurant, Yang Fang arrived in the box early, waiting patiently for the arrival of Yang Fan and Jiang Yan.

After a while, Yang Fan and Jiang Yan opened the door and came in. As soon as he came in, he asked happily: "Sister, what's the matter, take the initiative to ask us to have dinner together."

Yang Fang said: "Come on, sit down quickly, I'll show you something."


Both Yang Fan and Jiang Yan sat down happily, while Yang Fang took out the design plan of the building and placed it on the table.

"Take a look."

The two sat together, and Yang Fan opened up the design plan, and was immediately pleasantly surprised.

"Sister, it's designed, and it was designed by a well-known architectural design team."

Although he is not an architect, Yang Fan knows about this design team and has heard a lot about it. He knows that some well-known buildings are designed by them.

Yang Fan happily flipped through the design proposal, while Jiang Yan sat beside him, his head moved closer.

Well designed!

As expected, it is from a well-known architectural design team. Yang Fan didn't take a closer look at the specific technical design, and he didn't plan to take the time to look at it. On the one hand, someone from Hongtai Group checked it.

Yang Fan focused on the design drawings of the design plan, which he was good at, and also focused on the color renderings inside.

These color pictures are very realistic, just like photos.

Of course, it is also very beautiful.

The design of the whole building is very distinctive. The beautiful glass exterior wall starts from the middle and upper part, and is slightly retracted, which is not quite satisfactory. In this way, the effect and aesthetic feeling come out.

Jiang Yan said happily: "Brother Fan, it's so beautifully designed!"

Yang Fan nodded in agreement, thinking in his heart that although it is not the tallest building in China, it will definitely be the most beautiful after completion.

The JM Building is still under construction, and it will take two to three years to complete, but Yang Fan is very familiar with it and knows that it has a very good appearance.

However, this building of Hongtai Group is still above the JM Building in terms of appearance. Yang Fan believes that it is more beautiful than any other high-rise buildings in China.

(End of this chapter)

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