Military Heavy

Chapter 425 Embarkation

Chapter 425 Embarkation
Yang Fang waited patiently with a smile on her face. To tell the truth, she was also very satisfied with the design.

After several minutes, after Yang Fan finished reading, she said: "This is only a preliminary design plan, and it can be improved according to our opinions."

Customer opinion is very important.

Hongtai Group is the God of the client, and this architectural design team fully knew this, and specially sent the completed design proposal.

Yang Fan said: "Almost impeccable, I really have no comments, the design is very good, very beautiful."

Hearing this, Yang Fang felt relieved.

"Then I'll tell them, how about we try to start construction earlier according to this design plan?"

Yang Fan agreed: "Yes!"

After thinking about it for a while, Yang Fan said: "Sister, the cost of this building is estimated to reach more than four billion yuan. Although it is not a one-time payment, but a few years, I will invest in batches, but I still feel the pressure."

Yang Fang said: "Yes, there is indeed pressure, but only when there is pressure can there be motivation."

She seemed optimistic and believed that there would be no problem with the funds.

Yang Fan was also wondering if he had taken a big step, and started investing in chips and building landmark buildings at the same time.

However, just thinking about it this way, I am very optimistic about the retail industry and real estate in the next ten years, and the money should be earned back.

Then do a big job, so what if the pace is faster?
The pressure and worries in Yang Fan's heart were all gone, but on the contrary, under this kind of pressure, his fighting spirit was ignited.

I thought in my heart, I was reborn, almost equivalent to cheating, I was afraid of the wool, and there were many opportunities to make money.

For example, in the Southeast Asian financial crisis that will occur in the future, as long as you operate a little bit, you can make a lot of money and make a fortune.

It is now January 1996, just over a year since the financial turmoil.

Gradually, I felt confident, "Sister, you are right, there is pressure to be motivated, let's work hard."

Soon, a sumptuous meal was served, and the three of them chatted happily while eating.

No outsiders were present, and the content of the discussion was all related to Hongtai Group, such as how to develop in the future, how to deploy, what the general direction is, and so on.

Basically, it was Yang Fan who was talking, and Yang Fang listened carefully. He felt that what his brother said was very correct, and that vision was very human.

Jiang Yan was also listening, but she was different, thinking to himself, Brother Fan is really amazing and knows a lot.

There is a bit of admiration in the eyes.


The time has entered February 1996, the winter in Donghai City has passed, and it is early spring now, and it is not long after the lively and festive Lunar New Year.

The cold spring is expected, and there is still a bit of chill in the air, but on the construction site of Hongtai Building, the sky is full of heat and joy, and there is no trace of cold at all.

The final design plan has been completed long ago, and the relevant approval documents have also come down. Today, the construction of Hongtai Building started.

From Yang Fang down, the top management of Hongtai Group all appeared here, not a few of them.

First there was a grand commencement ceremony, followed by loud gongs and drums, and deafening salutes.

Many media reporters set up long guns and short cannons here, and aimed their cameras at this lively and festive scene.

Don't think about it, the construction of Hongtai Building has started, and it is destined to dominate the news media in Donghai City today, and some national media may also report on it.

Yang Fan did not appear here.

His principle is to hide as much as he can for things like this kind of limelight. He is Yang Fang's younger brother. This is an open secret, but the real relationship with Hongtai Group is a secret among secrets.

At this moment, Yang Fan is in his office, but he is not sitting on an office chair, but standing in front of the window, looking in the direction of Hongtai Building.

I thought in my heart, in a few years, when this 86-story skyscraper is completed, will I be able to see it from a distance in the East China Sea?

A knock on the door interrupted Yang Fan's thoughts, and Pan Jinfu pushed the door open and walked in.


Yang Fan let out a soft oops, and then enthusiastically said: "Leader, why did you come to my place, please sit down, please sit down!"

Yang Fan called Pan Jinfu to sit down on the sofa, and took out the best tea leaves to make two cups of hot tea.He guessed in his heart that there was probably something important.

Could it be something related to the 052 ship, the leader wants to talk to me, or something related to the 054 ship.Yang Fan thought so in his heart.

Pan Jinfu took the hot tea from Yang Fan's hand and put it on the coffee table on the sofa. He didn't talk about work at all, but said: "Xiao Yang, I heard that Hongtai Building started construction today, congratulations."

Yang Fan was taken aback for a moment, then quickly realized, and immediately said: "Leader, you are too polite, I didn't expect you to pay attention to this matter."

"Of course." Pan Jinfu said: "I heard that this is a skyscraper, not much shorter than the JM Building under construction now, and it is in the same place, so the two buildings are not far apart."

Yang Fan said: "It's not that far apart, it's only a few hundred meters away."

The two chatted about the Hongtai Building, and Yang Fan briefly introduced the skyscraper by the way, and Pan Jinfu immediately praised it.

"It's amazing, such a tall building, such a big investment, your sister is really a heroine, a hero among women."

"Where, where."

Yang Fan was humble for a while, and expressed his thanks on Yang Fang's behalf.

The two chatted for a long time, but Yang Fan never said the real relationship between himself and Hongtai Group. Even if Pan Jinfu is his bole, benefactor, but this kind of relationship is still not easy to disclose, only he, Yang Fang, Xie Guoqing, Jiang Yan Wait until very few people know.

After the main section of the first ship of the Type 054 missile frigate was closed, the outfitting work of the whole ship began. At present, some pipelines and equipment are being outfitted.

As the construction progresses, part of the outfitting work has been completed, and you can also board the 054 ship and take a good look on board.

Feng Wangdong, the top leader of Dongjiang Shipyard, even went up to have a look at it, and walked into every cabin, looking very carefully.

Of course, Yang Fan basically comes to see it once or twice a week, and he has a good understanding of the construction process of the first ship. Today, he went to Dongjiang Shipyard again.

Accompanied by Sun Baoguo, Yang Fan once again boarded the Type 054 guided missile frigate, and first watched it for a long time on the deck.

On the bow deck, I saw the installation position of the main gun.No outfitting of weapon systems has been carried out at this time, and this position is temporarily vacant.

I also looked at the location reserved for the missile vertical launch system, where an advanced missile vertical launch system will be installed.

I looked at the stern deck again, which is relatively spacious, and there is a large platform near the tail of the hull for take-off and landing of ship-borne helicopters. I also looked at the hangar of the helicopter.

In addition to long-range warning and area air defense, the function of the 054 ship also has an excellent ability, that is, anti-submarine.

Its anti-submarine capability is very good, not only has a relatively advanced anti-submarine system, but also equipped with anti-submarine helicopters.

After watching it for a while, Sun Baoguo said with great anticipation: "Our 054 ship is so powerful and advanced, I really look forward to its launch sooner."

Yang Fan looked at the ship under construction, and said confidently: "It won't take long, and it will probably be launched this year."


Definitely going into the water this year.

This is also the goal that so many people in Dongjiang Shipyard are striving for. The first ship will be launched this year, and then it will undergo sea trials for more than half a year. It will be delivered before June 1997, 6, and it will be put into service.


This is also a requirement of the military. Dongjiang Shipyard must complete the task at this time node and deliver the first ship smoothly.

Sun Baoguo said: "Yes, it will definitely be launched in the second half of this year, and we still want to deliver it in advance. Can it be delivered around May, a month in advance?"

This is also the goal of their struggle.

Delivered about a month early.

Yang Fan said: "I believe in you, it will definitely be possible, maybe the delivery can be made one or two months in advance instead of one month."

"I hope so." Sun Baoguo said.

While chatting like this, the two looked at the bow and stern decks, and then Sun Baoguo suggested: "How about we go in and have a look at the outfitting work of each system?"

Now that we have boarded this 054 ship, we must go inside to have a look, Yang Fan waved and said: "Come on, let's go in and have a look."

Walking into the inside of the ship, you can see that many workers are busy, and it looks a little messy, but it doesn't affect the two of them.

Walk into each cabin and see the specific outfitting situation.

When I was a little surprised, I saw Feng Wangdong, the top leader of Dongjiang Shipyard, in the boat, and several people followed behind him.

The two sides met and shook hands warmly.

Feng Wangdong said: "Master Yang, thank you to your designers. I just saw several designers working with our technicians to provide technical services and support for our outfitting."

Yang Fan said: "It should be, it should be."

The two shook hands, exchanged a few polite greetings, and then simply visited the ship together.

Sun Baoguo said: "Since entering the outfitting, our President Feng has come to the ship to look at it several times a week, and we will stay for at least an hour each time."

Feng Wangdong said: "If I don't come up to take a look, I don't feel at ease. Sometimes I can't even sleep well, and I am always worried about some quality problems."

When the construction of the first ship entered a critical period, as the leaders of the factory, they were under a lot of pressure, and Yang Fan knew it very well.

Everyone took a look at the outfitting in each cabin. Gradually, Yang Fan discovered a situation. Feng Wangdong seemed to have a habit of always talking about it here and there.

No, Yang Fan saw Feng Wangdong tugging on a tied pipeline again, apparently to test its firmness.

That's all for today's update, thank you all.

(End of this chapter)

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