Military Heavy

Chapter 427 Build 8 more ships

Chapter 427 Build Eight More Ships
Really ready to pull it again!

Many people were taken aback, thinking in their hearts, the connector of this cable has just been welded, and the residual temperature has not completely dissipated, maybe it will be pulled off by a hand.

Everyone wanted to remind them, but they didn't dare to speak out, because they were facing Feng Wangdong, the top leader.

On the contrary, Sun Baoguo smiled and said, "President Feng, forget it, I think the welding quality is very good, there is no need to pull it hard."

Feng Wangdong shook his head lightly, "No, I will try again, and there must be no quality problems."


Anyway, you are the leader, you have the final say.

Sun Baoguo didn't say anything, and the others didn't dare to say anything. They watched Feng Wangdong stretch out his hand with a little worry, and pulled the cable hard.

Will it be pulled off?

"Squad Leader Zhong, your technique must be excellent, and your welding quality must be excellent, but you must not be pulled out of any problems by Mr. Feng."

Many people showed worry on their faces.

Some people even hung their hearts.

The scene fell silent again, not daring to let out a breath.Yang Fan noticed that Zhong Lihong's face seemed to be very calm, without any worry or tension.

She is so confident!
It seems that she is indeed of a high level, and she knows the quality of the work she has done by herself.


Feng Wangdong pulled the cable hard and found that it was very firm. He felt that the welding quality was very good, and he couldn't help but let out a sound of surprise.

The people around breathed a sigh of relief.

Some people admired Zhong Lihong in their hearts, Zhong Lihong is really amazing, under her skillful hands, a deformed plug can be welded so well, as if it was new.

Yang Fan couldn't help giving a thumbs up, and praised: "Mr. Feng, Mr. Sun, your Dongjiang Shipyard is really a hidden dragon and a crouching tiger. A seemingly insignificant female worker has such a strong technical level."

Both Feng Wangdong and Sun Baoguo smiled proudly.

More face.

At least Zhong Lihong fought for them.

There was no problem with the cable, so everyone was relieved. Feng Wangdong and Sun Baoguo personally accompanied Yang Fan to other places to have a look. They stayed on the ship for at least an hour and had a comprehensive look at the outfitting situation.

Xiangjiang Shipyard is thousands of miles away.

Today, the atmosphere of the whole factory seems to be a little different, full of joy invisibly.

Today is definitely not an ordinary day for Xiangjiang Shipyard. The second ship of the Type 054 frigate finally closed at the general section of the berth.


As far as the construction of the berth is concerned, Xiangjiang Shipyard is a little faster, mainly due to two points.First, the construction experience of the first ship in Dongjiang Shipyard is accumulated, and experience is shared between the two shipyards.Second, Xiangjiang Shipyard has a horizontal berth instead of an inclined berth, which is more convenient for the construction of ships like the 054 ship.

Both Yang Fan and Luo Jianguo arrived at Xiangjiang Shipyard.

In order to close the general section, Xiangjiang Shipyard specially held a closing ceremony for the general section. Luo Jianguo, representing the military, and Yang Fan, representing the design unit, delivered speeches one after another.

Amidst the deafening sound of firecrackers, the No. [-] ship successfully completed the closing of the general section.

What is even more gratifying is that a total of four diesel engines required by the No. [-] ship were also successfully delivered to Xiangjiang Shipyard today. After the successful closing, under the leadership of Hu Yong, everyone came to the large warehouse where the diesel engines are stored.

Hu Yong is the vice president of Xiangjiang Shipyard, and now also serves as the chief builder of the No. [-] ship.

As soon as everyone entered the warehouse, they saw the four large diesel engines at first sight, each of which was packed in a large wooden packing box, just like a small container.

Hu Yong introduced: "It arrived this morning. We have opened the box to check and accept it. There is no shortage of diesel engines needed by the No. [-] ship."

Sure enough, the side panel of each packing box was opened, and the diesel engine inside was unobstructed.

Luo Jianguo said with satisfaction: "The Hongqi factory is good. This time, the diesel engine was delivered early, more than a month earlier than planned."

Yang Fan couldn't help thinking of the first batch of diesel engines.

At that time, it was very tense, the first ship needed diesel engines imminently, and at that time, there was a problem with the "only child" equipment of Hongqi Factory, and the box cover needed for the last diesel engine could not be processed, which almost affected the first ship construction process.

it's better now.

The Hongqi factory is much smarter, and hastened the manufacture of subsequent batches of diesel engines. The four diesel engines needed by the No. [-] ship were delivered early. It is estimated that there are still five or six diesel engines that have already been manufactured in the Hongqi factory.

Those diesel engines can be used as backup, or as the power of the third ship.

How many Type 054 guided missile frigates does the military plan to build? Yang Fan’s previous suggestion was eight to ten ships. If financial resources allow, two more ships are also acceptable.

After staying in Xiangjiang Shipyard for most of the day, Yang Fan and Luo Jianguo left together in the afternoon, and they went to the airport in the same car.

Inevitably, we talked about the follow-up construction of the 054 ship.

Yang Fan took the initiative to ask, "Mr. Luo, after such a period of time has passed, the higher-ups should have made a decision. How many ships are we going to build in total for the 054 ship?"

Luo Jianguo smiled, "Even if you don't ask, I'm going to talk to you about it. It's basically decided, but it hasn't been announced yet. Our 054 ship plans to build 8 more ships."

Build 8 more!
Yang Fan was pleasantly surprised!
Adding the two ships currently under construction, plus eight more, the total will reach a gratifying 8 ships, which will be a huge force.

Yang Fan knows that in history, the verification type of the Type 054 guided missile frigate has not been built so many ships, and the real mass production is when the Type 054A guided missile frigate is built.

Undoubtedly, history has had a small deviation on one point.

This is also a deviation that Yang Fan is very happy to see.

Luo Jianguo said: "The plan to build 8 more ships is mainly due to two reasons. First, as you said, the design of the 054 ship is mature, and the possibility of major changes in the future is unlikely. The second is that the cost is cheap."


This is probably the main reason why it was built in large numbers.

When designing, Yang Fan fully considered the cost, which made the Type 054 guided missile frigate not only advanced in performance and excellent in comprehensive capabilities, but also relatively cheap in cost and extremely cost-effective.

Yang Fan smiled happily.

Along the way, the two chatted happily in the car, both in a very good mood. The 054 ship will build 8 more ships. It can be seen that Luo Jianguo is also very happy to see it.

Not a few days after returning from Xiangjiang Shipyard, Yang Fan went to Dongjiang Shipyard again.

Anyway, it didn't take long to drive here from the East China Sea, and it was very convenient. After the first ship entered the outfitting stage, Yang Fan came over more often.

As soon as the two met, Sun Baoguo said, "Commander Yang, I heard that the higher-ups have decided that the 054 ship will build 8 more ships. Is there such a thing?"

It can be seen that Sun Baoguo very much hopes that this rumor is true.

Yang Fan smiled and did not hide anything, "Mr. Sun, you are quite well-informed. The higher-ups have indeed decided to build 8 more ships."

It's true!

In an instant, Sun Baoguo was incomparably pleasantly surprised!
Yang Fan looked at Sun Baoguo who was full of joy, and reminded: "Opportunities are only reserved for those who are prepared. If you want to get as many construction tasks as possible, you must start making all preparations early."

"Yes, yes." Sun Baoguo said, "We should really prepare earlier and try to get more construction tasks."

If 8 more 054 ships are built, if the two shipyards share equally, Dongjiang Shipyard can undertake the construction task of 4 more ships.

Apparently, Sun Baoguo didn't want to share equally, and hoped to undertake the task of building 5, or even 6 ships.

Yang Fan then reminded: "During this series of preparations, I think you should first pay close attention to the construction of the large horizontal construction berth, and then, after the construction of the first ship is completed, change the current inclined berth to a horizontal platform. "

Yang Fan is very familiar with the development of history. If there is no accident, when the Type 054A guided missile frigate is finalized in the future, the number of construction will increase significantly. Dongjiang Shipyard will undertake more construction tasks, and they need more horizontal construction berths.

After thinking about it, Yang Fan said: "In two or three years, you may want to consider building another horizontal construction platform to facilitate the construction of Type 054A missile frigates."

Not enough to build two berths?

A horizontal berth will also be built.

Sun Baoguo was slightly pleasantly surprised again. He knew Yang Fan quite well, and he believed in Yang Fan's vision very much, so he nodded his head deeply.

"Well, I will remember this matter, and when it is appropriate, I will bring it up at the office meeting."

The two chatted, chatted, and unknowingly walked to the construction platform of the first ship, boarded the ship again, and carefully watched the progress of the outfitting.

Near noon.

Sun Baoguo suggested: "General Master Yang, how about we go out for a drink or two?"

Yang Fan thought for a while, and said: "It's fine to drink, just eat something at noon, I think your staff canteen is good, let's go there to eat, in the afternoon, I want to go to the ship again to have a look. "

Then go to the cafeteria.

Under the leadership of Sun Baoguo, the two walked into the staff canteen of Dongjiang Shipyard together.

The cafeteria is very large and lively. It is the peak period for lunch, and there are many people eating here. The hall is full of people, and almost all the tables are full.

Sun Baoguo waved his hand and said, "Come on, let's go to the second floor, there should be fewer people there."

The second floor is mainly for small stir-fries, and the consumption level is higher. Some people want to have a dozen tooth festivals and eat something good, so they often go to the second floor to order.

There are no restrictions. It is not a rigid rule that only leaders can eat on the second floor. Ordinary employees can also, as long as you have money.

As expected, there were much fewer people on the second floor, so the two found a table and sat down, and Sun Baoguo even ordered several dishes.


That's all for today's update, thank you all.

(End of this chapter)

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