Military Heavy

Chapter 428

Chapter 428

Several dishes were served one after another.

Obviously, the chef's craftsmanship is not bad, although it is more expensive than the big pot dishes on the first floor, but the taste is good, and the environment on the second floor is good, not bad.

The two used tea instead of water, chatting while eating.

The content of the chat is of course related to the outfitting of the first ship. Now it is the outfitting of the pipeline, the outfitting of the power system, etc., and the decoration and equipment assembly on the ship have also begun. In the future, the outfitting of the weapon system will also start. Outfitting, such as including phased array control radar outfitting.

Sun Baoguo said: "The outfitting of the power system is almost completed, and the two main shafts tens of meters long have been successfully installed."

"Mr. Yang, you don't know. Before the installation of the main shaft of the power system, I was sweating. Several bases and shaft brackets are manufactured in different sections. On the axis, the main shaft, which I am worried about, will not go in."

"Fortunately, according to your instructions, in order to keep the positioning accurate, we kept measuring and adjusting during the construction, and finally ensured that they were in a straight line, and our main shaft passed through smoothly."

Sun Baoguo chatted with Yang Fan while eating vegetables.

"In the outfitting of the power system, our workers have worked hard. Fortunately, the outfitting of the power system has been successfully completed."

"I remember a worker who was in charge of the installation of the active power system at that time. For several days in a row, he was drilling until three o'clock in the morning. He slept in the locker room for two or three hours before continuing to work."

Listening to Sun Baoguo talking about the hard work of the workers, Yang Fan was in awe and admired these ordinary workers very much. It was their silent efforts that made the construction of the first Type 054 guided missile frigate progress smoothly.

While chatting, while eating.

It felt like time passed quickly, and 10 minutes passed in a flash on the third and fourth, and both of them had almost eaten, Sun Baoguo said.

"Master Yang, the conditions here are a bit crude. They can only guarantee full food, not necessarily good food."

Yang Fan smiled and said: "I think it's not bad, your chef's skills are not bad, I think you can eat here often, and there is no need to go out to eat."

Sun Baoguo laughed out loud.

Of course he took this as a joke, and he will definitely go out to eat in the future. This place is indeed a little too rough, so it's almost enough to deal with it temporarily and fill his stomach.

Sun Baoguo said enthusiastically: "It's so early, go to my office to have a drink of tea and rest for a while, and we'll go to the boat to take a look in the afternoon."

Yang Fan nodded.

The two went downstairs talking and laughing, and when they were about to walk out of the cafeteria hall on the first floor, a voice sounded, which seemed to be more urgent.

"Mr. Sun, Mr. Sun."

Sun Baoguo quickly stopped in his tracks, only to see a young female worker in her thirties hurried over. She was Zhong Lihong, who was in charge of welding the cable joints on the ship.

"Mr. Sun, I'm really sorry, I just leapfrogged to find you here."

Obviously, she originally didn't want to go directly to Sun Baoguo, but was planning to report to their supervisors, but the matter was indeed a little urgent, and she happened to meet Sun Baoguo here.

Yang Fan also stopped and recognized Zhong Lihong.

What happened last time, she left a deep impression on Yang Fan, knowing that this is a female worker with a very good technical level and indeed has two brushes.

Sun Baoguo obviously had a good impression of Zhong Lihong, with a pleasant face, "Whatever do you want from me, as long as it's about work, it doesn't matter if you leapfrog."

This attitude reassured Zhong Lihong a lot, and she immediately reported: "That's right, the imported welding consumables we use for welding cable joints, when I went to the warehouse to get the welding consumables today, I found that the quantity is not much, I think it is necessary I will let you know the response, and get back the welding materials needed for the follow-up earlier."

Imported welding consumables!

Sun Baoguo knew that this kind of welding consumables needed to be imported from abroad, but they were not available in China, and the import cycle was relatively long, so his heart sank slightly, but he didn't show it on his face.

Still with a pleasant face, he said: "I see, I will personally take care of this matter."

Then, accompanying Yang Fan out of the canteen hall, Sun Baoguo explained: "This is an imported welding consumable. We made a plan at the beginning and imported a batch from abroad at one time. In theory, it is enough for this ship. It’s a little bit of a problem, but it’s actually not enough.”

Yang Fan reminded: "This is not a small problem. The import cycle is relatively long. If it is really not enough, the import process needs to be started immediately. This matter cannot be delayed."


Sun Baoguo nodded in agreement.

Not long after, the two entered the office. Sun Baoguo first asked Yang Fan to sit down and made tea himself. Then he picked up the phone and personally asked about the imported welding consumables.

Yang Fan was sitting on the sofa drinking tea, thinking about this too.

The warehouse management in this era has not realized informatization, it is not a computer management system, but a manual ledger.

It may be once a month to check the inventory. If you are more diligent and responsible, you may check the inventory every week.

There were not many imported welding consumables, and it could not last for a few days. It was very normal that this matter had not been reported to Sun Baoguo. Perhaps, the supervisor of the warehouse did not know about this matter yet.

If it hadn't been for Zhong Lihong's courage to leapfrog the report, it might take a few days before this matter is exposed. Obviously, the later it is exposed, the more passive Dongjiang Shipyard will be.

After a while, the leader in charge of production preparation knocked on the door and came in. After receiving the call, he should have a preliminary understanding of the situation.

As soon as he came in, his face was full of apologies, and he quickly apologized, "Mr. Sun, I'm sorry, this is a negligence in our work."

After apologizing, he also explained why this happened, "I did a preliminary investigation, and the main reason was that the quota was not accurate, which caused our batch of imported welding consumables to be insufficient for the welding of the cable joints of the first ship."

Sun Baoguo didn't want to listen anymore, he waved his hand and interrupted: "The problem has already arisen, what should you do next?"

The leader hurriedly said: "We will contact the supplier immediately and import a batch of welding consumables as quickly as possible."

Sun Baoguo warned: "The speed must be fast, and the construction of the first ship must not be affected, otherwise, I will hold you accountable."

The leader's forehead was covered with sweat, and he hurriedly made a promise, and then went out. Don't think about it, he must contact the supplier and purchase another batch of imported welding consumables as soon as possible.

In fact, Sun Baoguo didn't take this matter too much to heart. They have a reliable supplier. With his personal intervention, it shouldn't take too long to buy it back. If you are lucky, the supplier may It's in stock.

Instead of talking about imported welding consumables, Sun Baoguo and Yang Fan continued to chat about the outfitting of the first ship.

After drinking tea, chatting and resting, Sun Baoguo accompanied Yang Fan to board the Type 054 guided missile frigate.
Sun Baoguo was too optimistic.

The supplier did not have any stock in it, and not only that, but the other party also informed Dongjiang Shipyard that because their MOQ was too small to meet the MOQ requirements, foreign manufacturers did not agree to deliver.

Because Dongjiang Shipyard belongs to replenishment, the minimum order quantity is really not large, and this kind of welding consumables are very expensive, and it will cost a lot of money if the quantity is large.

no way.

In the end, we had to make a minimum order quantity, and asked the supplier to order from foreign manufacturers according to the minimum order quantity, so that the order can be placed.

Yang Fan basically came to see the outfitting situation of the first ship every three to five times. In fact, he was quite worried in his heart. If the imported welding consumables could not arrive on schedule, it would definitely affect the construction of the first ship, and he entered the outfitting process. After the stage, every day cannot be delayed, every day is extremely important.

Sometimes, Yang Fan is also thinking about importing welding consumables. If possible, he really wants to help Dongjiang Shipyard find a way.

The impact of imported welding consumables is becoming more and more serious.

The problem is getting bigger and bigger.

Two weeks have passed and there has been no news. The supplier replied that it may take two or three months to arrive.

Two or three months?
That was absolutely unacceptable. Dongjiang Shipyard didn't want to wait for two or three days. The imported welding consumables on hand had all been used up, and the welding of cable joints had completely stopped.

Seeing this situation, Yang Fan was also secretly anxious.

Today, Yang Fan went to Huaqiang Technology Company.

Lu Huaqiang made a special call and was extremely enthusiastic. He hoped that Yang Fan would go and have a look. After thinking about it, Yang Fan finally agreed to his invitation.

It has been two or three months since I went to Huaqiang Science and Technology Company, and it is okay to go and have a look. With this in mind, Yang Fan drove there.

(End of this chapter)

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