Military Heavy

Chapter 429 The risk of delayed delivery is imminent

Chapter 429 The risk of delayed delivery is imminent

First went to the headquarters of Huaqiang Technology Company.

Yang Fan is familiar with this building. He has been here several times before. When the car arrived at the entrance of the building, he was slightly surprised and then smiled happily.

Lu Huaqiang, Li Xianghong, and Huang Wenlong, the three giants of Huaqiang Technology Company, have been waiting at the gate of the building for a long time.

This treatment is probably only available to Yang Fan.

"Mr. Yang!"

"Mr. Yang, hello."

As soon as Yang Fan got out of the car, Lu Huaqiang and the others came over and shook hands with Yang Fan enthusiastically and happily, just like a subordinate meeting a boss. Maybe in their hearts, Yang Fan is their boss.

Yang Fan said heartily: "You are too polite, you don't need to wait for me at the gate."

Lu Huaqiang quickly said: "It should be, it should be."

Shake hands, greet.

Then the three of them accompanied Yang Fan into the lobby on the first floor of the building, and arrived at the headquarters of Huaqiang Company. It could be seen that there were more people here.

A few months ago, there were only dozens of people here, but now there are at least a hundred people. Some employees stopped specially and greeted the four of them politely.

A group of four walked into Lu Huaqiang's office, sat down on the sofa, and chatted about the current situation of the company.

No, to be precise, the three of them reported to Yang Fan the current situation of Huaqiang Technology Company.

If the current scale, company structure, scientific research team, technology research and development center under construction, etc.

Yang Fan listened happily, very satisfied.

In just a few months, Huaqiang Science and Technology Company has grown to nearly a thousand people, most of whom are scientific research and technical personnel, and only a few are management personnel.

Lu Huaqiang said: "Mr. Yang, we have temporarily rented an office space, almost the entire building. The lease period is one year. That is enough for 2000 people to work. The space is enough for the time being."

What about a year later?

It must have moved into the newly built scientific research and technology center. At that time, it must have been built, not only enough for thousands of people to conduct scientific research, but also with first-class facilities and hardware. It is definitely a world-class chip research and development center.

However, an investment of [-] million may not be enough.

Lu Huaqiang said: "The first tranche of funds totaled [-] million yuan, and nearly half of it has been used. It is estimated that additional funds will be needed in a few months."

On this point, the two parties have an agreement. The cumulative investment in three years is 16 billion, and the investment amount in the first year is no less than 8 million.

Yang Fan said very straightforwardly: "Money is not a problem. Within a week, another sum of money will arrive in the account. You can just spend it."

Hearing this, Lu Huaqiang, Li Xianghong, and Huang Wenlong showed joy on their faces.

However, Yang Fan straightened his face and reminded: "We have to spend the money that should be spent, and we still have to pay for the results that should be produced."

Lu Huaqiang also knew this, and quickly reported the progress of the design of the first chip. This is a mobile phone chip and the first chip designed and developed by Huaqiang Technology Company.

After hearing this, Yang Fan felt very satisfied, and basically carried out research and development according to the framework he set, and some patent applications have already begun.

After the chip is designed, it will find a foundry to manufacture it, and it will also find customers and cooperate with some mobile phone manufacturers.

After sitting in the office for three or four 10 minutes, after listening to their reports, Yang Fan went to see the Design and R&D Center which had begun to take shape.

There are already [-] to [-] professional technical designers. Li Xianghong serves as the chief expert and leads this team to design and develop chips.

Then, Yang Fan went to see the technology research and development center under construction.

The center covers an area of ​​hundreds of acres, and the design is very scientific and reasonable, enough to accommodate thousands of scientific research and technical personnel to design and develop chips here. Currently, it is under construction.

After looking at it for a while, before leaving, Yang Fan was worried about the construction of the Type 054 guided missile frigate. He thought that the imported welding consumables were not yet available, and considering that Lu Huaqiang had stayed abroad and knew many people, he couldn't help asking a question. .

"Mr. Lu, do you have any friends who deal in welding consumables?"

It was really just a random question, and I didn't have too much hope at all. How could I know that Lu Huaqiang's answer surprised Yang Fan slightly.

Lu Huaqiang said: "I have a friend who has been working abroad and is also engaged in the research and development of welding consumables. He returned to China two years earlier than me and established a professional welding consumables research and development and sales company."

There really is such a friend!
Hope rose in Yang Fan's heart.

Therefore, he talked about the lack of welding materials for cable joints on the first ship, and told Lu Huaqiang the grade of this welding material.

Lu Huaqiang kept it in his heart, and agreed immediately: "President Yang, let me ask for you, and I will tell you as soon as I have news."


Yang Fan thought in his heart, it would be great if his friend had the welding consumables needed for welding the cable joints of the first ship.

Sun Baoguo was under a lot of pressure!

The import of welding consumables has been going on for more than two weeks, and there has not been much progress. It will not work like this. As for the arrival of the welding materials in two or three months, that is definitely not possible.

In the office, Sun Baoguo walked around with his hands behind his back, frowning slightly, thinking about countermeasures.

After a long time, I thought in my heart, should I ask Xiangjiang Shipyard for help, borrow some welding consumables from them, and solve the urgent need first.

He picked up the phone, thought about it, and put it down again.

He was worried that Xiangjiang Shipyard probably didn't have "surplus food", and they probably wouldn't borrow it. First, they had to ensure that the needs of the No. [-] ship were met.


The door of the office was gently pushed open, and it was Feng Wangdong who walked in. He was one of the few people who came in without knocking.

"Boss Feng, you're here."

Sun Baoguo was taken aback for a moment, and after realizing it, he hurriedly greeted him.

Feng Wangdong was also polite, sat down on the sofa, and said slowly: "Old Sun, we are very passive now."

"Well." Sun Baoguo said: "The welding of the cable joints has been suspended for several days, and the imported welding consumables will take another two to three months to arrive. The risk of delayed delivery is imminent. I am now sleeping at night. Don't feel it."


The risk of delayed delivery has increased virtually!

This is absolutely unacceptable to Dongjiang Shipyard. The first ship must be delivered on schedule according to the schedule. Otherwise, no one can afford this responsibility after the board is laid down.

In addition, everyone is not reconciled!

In order to ensure the smooth delivery of the first ship, the whole factory worked overtime and worked hard for so long and paid so much.

The workers below did not agree either!

Both of them were under a lot of pressure, and watched as the risk of delaying the delivery of the ship was increasing. If the imported welding consumables really took two or three months to arrive, then the day lily would be cold.

Sun Baoguo tentatively said: "President Feng, why don't we ask Xiangjiang Shipyard for help and borrow some welding consumables from them."

Just now, Sun Baoguo was going to make this call, and Feng Wangdong came over in person for the welding consumables matter, and the pressure increased invisibly. He thought it over and over again, and decided that it was better to call for help.

Who knows, Feng Wangdong shook his head lightly.

He sighed softly, "I have called just now and communicated with their top leaders personally. The imported welding consumables they ordered have not arrived yet, and it will take at least a month to arrive. goods."

Not yet in stock!
It's over, it's over, hope is completely shattered!
Sun Baoguo's complexion changed slightly, and even appeared a little grayish white. Originally, he pinned his hopes on Xiangjiang Shipyard, but now it seems that it is impossible.

This is also normal. The No. [-] ship has just been closed for a long time, and the outfitting stage of the pipelines has not yet been reached. There is no need to weld the cable joints for the time being, and the imported welding materials are not needed for the time being.

Sun Baoguo fell silent.

Feng Wangdong also sighed heavily.

The office fell into a quiet, invisible, full of depression.

At this time, Yang Fan was answering a phone call.

The call was made by Lu Huaqiang. Before that, Yang Fan asked him to communicate with the friend who is engaged in welding consumables research, whether there is such imported welding consumables.

Things have changed that way.

Lu Huaqiang said on the phone, "Mr. Yang, my friend told me that the imported welding consumables are mainly used for welding military cable joints. They are conducting research on this project and have made some progress. Their laboratory Some samples have been produced."

Samples are already available!

Yang Fan was pleasantly surprised, and immediately said: "Can you get some samples to try?"

Lu Huaqiang said: "It shouldn't be a big problem. However, it is not mass-produced at present. It is just some samples under laboratory conditions. I don't know if it can meet the requirements."

Yang Fan said: "Try it, you will know."

"Okay, let me talk to him and ask him to send some over. I'll call you as soon as the things arrive," Lu Huaqiang said.

"Okay, I'll wait for your news." Yang Fan said.

After finishing the call, Yang Fan thought in his heart, luck is not bad, Lu Huaqiang actually has a friend who returned to China to start a business in the field of welding consumables.

I hope these welding consumables are available, and the welded cable joints are qualified. If so, it will be good, and the big problem will be solved.

According to Sun Baoguo, the overseas company is very well-approved, and importing their welding consumables is just like begging grandpa or suing grandma.

If this kind of domestic welding material is qualified, we will use this kind of domestic welding material for the cable welding of the 054 ship in the future and will no longer import it.

Yang Fan thought a lot at once.

When it was about to go to work in the afternoon, Lu Huaqiang called. At this time, Yang Fan was taking a nap on the sofa in the office. He just woke up, and the sleepiness had not completely subsided.

As soon as the phone was connected, Lu Huaqiang's voice came, and Yang Fan's drowsiness immediately faded away, and he immediately asked hopefully, "How is it, have the things been delivered?"

Lu Huaqiang said: "Not only have the things been delivered, but my friend delivered them in person. Are we coming to Donghai Shipyard or Dongjiang Shipyard?"

Without even thinking about it, Yang Fan said: "Go to Dongjiang Shipyard, we will meet at the gate of the factory."

After hanging up the phone, Yang Fan hurried out and drove directly to Dongjiang Shipyard, full of hope.

It is hoped that the cable joints welded by this welding material can be qualified.


That's all for today's update, thank you all!

(End of this chapter)

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