Military Heavy

Chapter 430 Trial 1 with domestic welding consumables

Chapter 430 Try Using Domestic Welding Consumables

Dongjiang Shipyard.

The top leader Feng Wangdong presided over the meeting, and almost every factory leader attended the meeting. In addition, leaders of some related departments also attended the meeting.

This is an enlarged meeting of Dongjiang Shipyard.

There was only one topic of the meeting, how to solve the problem of imported welding consumables.

To this day, there is still no progress in the issue of welding materials, and the outfitting work of the first ship has been partially stagnant, because the joints of the cables cannot be welded.

In the meeting room, tense and depressing.

Many people hang their heads down and seem a little discouraged. The matter has come to this point. Everyone knows that the risk of delaying the delivery of the ship has become extremely huge, and it has almost become a certainty.

Feng Wangdong's tone was very dignified and low, "Everyone, everyone is clear about the matter, so I won't repeat and repeat. Today's meeting is for everyone to use various channels, various relationships, and even come up with various methods to solve the problem as soon as possible. Solve the problems we are facing now."

After talking a lot, the meeting room became quiet and became more depressed.

After a long time, someone suggested: "Mr. Feng, should we try using other welding consumables, maybe it will work?"

As soon as the voice fell, a factory leader in charge of technical work came immediately: "This method will not work, it must be this kind of imported welding consumables. We have tried several other welding consumables and done a lot of tests, but none of them Except, all failed."

Other welding consumables will not work!
The road was immediately blocked.

Then, several people made speeches, but none of them could solve the problem substantively, and many people felt disappointed.

They thought in their hearts, is it true that the outfitting work should be gradually stopped and the delivery of the ship should be postponed?
This is what no one wants.

Dongjiang Shipyard obviously does not want to go to this step.

After a long time, someone said: "This matter has been dragging on for so long, and we have not been able to solve it. How about we respond to the general headquarters and ask the general headquarters for help."

Some points agree.

In the end, a show of hands voted, following the principle of the minority obeying the majority, and finally decided to report to the general headquarters, hoping that Commander Luo and the others could solve this problem.

In everyone's opinion, after all, the headquarters has much more resources and channels. Perhaps, they can quickly get the welding consumables needed for the first ship from abroad.

Why has it been so late to ask for help from the headquarters?
That's what Feng Wangdong thinks, he hopes he can solve it by himself, instead of reacting to the higher authorities every time, otherwise, others will think you are incompetent.

The matter has dragged on for so many days, and there has been no progress. Perhaps, it is time to report to the headquarters.

After the meeting ended, Feng Wangdong and Sun Baoguo stayed temporarily.

Feng Wangdong said: "Old Sun, let's make this call together and go to your office."

Sun Baoguo said: "Okay, I'll report to Commander Luo, as long as you stand by and help me check."

The two entered the office together. Sun Baoguo picked up the phone on his desk and reported the situation to Luo Jianguo. Luo Jianguo groaned for a while on the phone.

Obviously, he also realized the seriousness of the problem.

You may also realize the intractability of the problem.

It is not an easy task to import the welding consumables required for welding the cable joints of the first ship from abroad in a short period of time. Although the resources and channels of the General Command are not comparable to Dongjiang Shipyard, the matter is too urgent.

Part of the outfitting work has come to a standstill, which is equivalent to an imminent matter, and such welding consumables are needed immediately.

And Luo Jianguo made a general assessment in his mind. Even if the headquarters used resources and channels, it would probably take less than ten days, or even twenty days. This matter would definitely not be resolved.

This is a big trouble.

Luo Jianguo sighed softly in his heart, and had no choice but to say, "I already know the matter, we all figure out a solution together, and you can't pin all your hopes on us, we will use some resources and channels, I have news will tell you."

"Okay, then thank Commander Luo." Sun Baoguo quickly expressed his thanks.

After thinking about it for a while, Luo Jianguo suddenly thought of Yang Fan, and couldn't help asking casually, "Does Comrade Yang Fan know about this?"

Sun Baoguo said: "He knows it, and he may have been helping me find a way."

"Well, I see."

Luo Jianguo thought in his heart, Comrade Yang Fan always has a solution every time he encounters a difficult problem. Will there be a miracle this time?

At this moment, Yang Fan has already driven to the gate of Dongjiang Shipyard.

Through the car window, he saw a car parked at the gate from afar, and he recognized it at a glance. It was Lu Huaqiang's car.

Yang Fan stopped at the gate of the factory, and Lu Huaqiang had already got out of his car. Besides him, there were two other people.


Yang Fan let out a soft "Huh", feeling rather surprised, originally thought he was only bringing one person here, that is, the returnee who was engaged in welding consumables.

But it was obviously not just him and Lu Huaqiang.

The three of them have come over.

Yang Fan hurriedly unfastened his seat belt, got out of the car, and stood beside the car waiting for them to come over, and sized them up by the way.

Lu Huaqiang introduced loudly: "Mr. Yang, this is Mr. Liu from xxx Technology Co., Ltd., Mr. Liu Chuandong."

It was a middle-aged man, of medium height, with a slightly fat body. He politely shook hands with Yang Fan, "Mr. Yang, hello, I've heard you famous for a long time."

Regarding his situation, Yang Fan knew a little bit about him. Before, Lu Huaqiang introduced that he was a sea turtle who returned to China to start a business.

After the two parties shook hands, he introduced: "I brought the most experienced welder from our company. Our welding material is still in the laboratory stage, and the requirements for welding technology are relatively high. It is difficult for ordinary people to weld qualified, but , we have been trying to find a way to solve this problem.”

This problem is solved, the requirements for welding technology are lowered, ordinary welders can also weld qualified, and their welding consumables can enter the stage of industrial production.

It turned out that a welder was brought over.

That's okay, it's more thoughtful.

Yang Fan nodded lightly, and then asked them about the welding consumables.It is the same material as imported welding consumables, the only difference is that one is imported and the other is domestic.

Can this kind of domestic welding consumables work?
This is what Yang Fan is most concerned about, and also what he hopes most.

So I drew a big pie first, mainly to mobilize Liu Chuandong's enthusiasm and let them industrialize this welding material as soon as possible. The number of 054-type guided missile frigates will be built in the future. If this domestic welding material can solve the problem, then There is no need to go to import anymore.

Yang Fan said: "You brought the welding consumables, even the experienced workers. All welding consumables are purchased from your company."

Very good!
Liu Chuandong was very pleasantly surprised, even a little excited. When he returned to China to start a business, the biggest problem was not technology or capital, but market development. They were making high-end welding consumables, and their competitors were all foreign companies in this field. Well-known manufacturers, the pressure of competition is very high.

If you can break into the field of military industry, it is of course a dream.

"Mr. Yang, we will not let you down, our welding consumables will definitely work." Liu Chuandong hurriedly made a promise.

After chatting for a few words between the two parties, Yang Fan took out his phone. It was absolutely necessary to talk to Sun Baoguo about this matter, and he was going to try the welding effect later.

Yang Fan took out his mobile phone and called Sun Baoguo, "Mr. Sun, how is the issue of imported welding materials going?"

On the phone, Sun Baoguo sighed heavily, "Basically there is no progress. We are under a lot of pressure now, and the risk of delaying the delivery of the ship is getting bigger and bigger."

The problem is not resolved.

Yang Fan knew it well, and said loudly: "You wait for me in front of the office building. I'll bring a few people over for you. We'll talk about the details in person."

The call charges of the big brother are extremely expensive. Long story short is the best. Yang Fan hung up the phone and waved: "Follow me."

Yang Fan was driving in front, and Lu Huaqiang was driving behind. The guards at Dongjiang Shipyard were very familiar with Yang Fan, and when they saw this car, they immediately let it go.

The road was unimpeded, and soon arrived at the entrance of the office building of Dongjiang Shipyard. At this moment, Sun Baoguo had come down, and with him was Feng Wangdong, the top leader of Dongjiang Shipyard.

When Yang Fan called just now, Sun Baoguo and Feng Wangdong were in the office. They were under great pressure and frowning.

Everyone got out of the car.

Yang Fan led everyone over, shook hands with Feng Wangdong and Sun Baoguo first, and then introduced Lu Huaqiang, Liu Chuandong and others.

It also explained the general situation of the matter. Immediately, Sun Baoguo and Feng Wangdong were both pleasantly surprised and a little worried.

Surprisingly, General Master Yang brought people here, and also brought some of the welding consumables needed for the cable welding of the first ship, and even brought over experienced welders.

What worries me is that this is a domestic welding consumable. Although the material is the same, it is not imported after all. Can it work?
But don't be too happy!

Of course, the two hope to succeed, so this urgent need will be solved, and the outfitting of the first ship will not stagnate, but they are more worried about failure, after all, this is not an imported welding consumable.

Yang Fan obviously saw the worry of the two of them, waved his hand and said, "It's okay, let's try it out, and we don't need to get on the boat, just take two cable connectors and weld them."

Yes, it will work, you will know if you try it.

Feng Wangdong and Sun Baoguo nodded almost at the same time, fully agreeing with Yang Fan's point of view.

He also adopted Yang Fan's suggestion and went to the welding laboratory of Dongjiang Shipyard instead of boarding the ship. The conditions there are good and the testing equipment is also very complete, and several cable connectors were quickly brought over.

(End of this chapter)

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