Military Heavy

Chapter 43 Preparing to Establish a Combat System Design Office

Chapter 43 Preparing to Establish a Combat System Design Office

After a brief introduction to Shi Wei, Pan Jinfu said, "Xiao Yang, I know you have something in your stomach, and you have some unique insights of your own in terms of combat systems."

Yang Fan once talked with Master Pan about some things about the combat system, and some insights and opinions often made Pan Jinfu shine.

"Where, I'm talking nonsense, at most it can only be regarded as a theory on paper." Yang Fan hurriedly said modestly.

"Xiao Yang, you are being too modest." Pan Jinfu said with a smile at first, then straightened his face, and said very formally: "We are going to build a combat system design room, and I will formally ask for your opinion on behalf of the office. Are you willing to leave the general design room and join the newly established combat system design room in the future?"

Seeing what Pan Jinfu said, Yang Fan also thought about it, fell into a short thought, and didn't rush to answer right away.

At present, the overall designer can only be regarded as a soy sauce role, doing odd jobs and helping to draw some design drawings that are not very technical.

It will be different if he joins the newly established combat system design room, and he will definitely be able to display his talents. Yang Fan's professional technical knowledge in this area, looking at the whole country, he said second, no one dared to say first.

This multiple-choice question was easy to do without thinking for a long time. After only thinking about it for about two or three seconds, Yang Fan decided: "Master Pan, I agree to join the newly established combat system design room."

"Okay, it really didn't disappoint me." Pan Jinfu cheered up.

Seeing that Yang Fan agreed to join the newly established combat system design room, Shi Wei enthusiastically stretched out his right hand and welcomed, "My name is Shi Wei. From today onwards, we will work together for the design of the 052 ship's combat system."

"I'm Yang Fan, please take care of me in the future." Yang Fan also stretched out his right hand, and the two held hands tightly.

Shi Wei returned to the East China Sea Ship Design Institute only two days ago.

He was on vacation, but suddenly received a notice from the institute asking him to return to the institute immediately to prepare for the establishment of a new design department called the Combat System Design Office.

He is engaged in the design of weapon systems, and he knows that in our country, there is no such concept as a combat system. In the past, our country was single-machine and single-control, that is, the one in charge of the secondary gun is the secondary gun, and the one in charge of the main gun is the main gun. An organization under the unified command of the entire ship.

Back in the institute, Pan Jinfu talked to Shi Wei in person, and clearly put forward some design concepts and requirements. Invisibly, Shi Wei felt pressure in his heart.

A hero has three gangs, and a fence has three stakes.

Finally, with the addition of Yang Fan, the strength of two people is much stronger than that of one person alone. From Pan Jinfu's introduction, we know that Yang Fan is not only good at English, but also has read some professional books on combat system design and has some unique ideas.

Seeing the two happily shaking hands tightly, Pan Jinfu smiled reassuringly, and said, "Xiao Yang, Comrade Shi Wei will be the head of the preparatory team of the combat system design room, and you will be the deputy team leader. Starting today, you will enter the For the working status, I will give you three months to set up the framework of the combat system design room."

"Don't worry, you can report to me directly about work matters, and you can directly ask me if you have any difficulties. You can choose any technicians in the office." Pan Jinfu waved his hand, showing great support.

With such great support, if the framework of the combat system design room cannot be set up within three months, it will appear too incompetent.

The two said almost in unison: "Don't worry, Master Pan, we will definitely complete the task on schedule."


Nodding his head in satisfaction, Pan Jinfu had another formal conversation with the two of them. It took about ten minutes. After the conversation was over, he said, "That's fine, you can go to your own affairs."

The two got up and left Master Pan's office one after the other.

After coming out, Shi Wei's expression lightened, he was not as restrained as before, he was full of smiles, and said very enthusiastically: "Comrade Yang Fan, I will show you our place first."

Since the combat system design room is going to be established, there will definitely be a few rooms for office use in the institute, and this aspect has already been arranged.

Under the leadership of Shi Wei, the two left the office building of the design office, walked into a three-story building with red walls and black tiles in the back of the office building, with Soviet architectural style, and went to the third floor together.

This is the business building of Donghai Ship Design Institute. There are several buildings like this, and there are many people working in each building, and there are several design offices in each building.

For example, in the building the two walked into, it has a communication system design room on the first floor, a weapon system design room on the second floor, and a combat system design room to be established in the future on the third floor.

"Is the whole third floor ours?"

Seeing that the third floor was empty and there were no people, Yang Fan asked in surprise.

Shi Wei shook his head and said: "No, for the time being, we will only give us the half near the east end, and I will show you to have a look so that you can get a good idea."

Half of it is not bad, it is enough for the time being, you must know that there are only Shi Wei and Yang Fan in the current combat system design room.

After reading it roughly, Yang Fan was very satisfied.Although the house is a bit old, it looks very heavy and the quality is very good.

Apparently, the office had sent someone to clean it up in advance, and every room looked clean and tidy. Some desks and chairs for office use had already been put in place, and they were [-]% or [-]% new. They should be left unused in the office. Come here for use by the combat system design room to be established in the future.

There are a total of three large offices, each with an area of ​​tens of square meters, which is enough for dozens of designers to work.In addition, there is a small meeting room, two separate offices, and a spare room with an area of ​​[-] to [-] square meters.

Such an empty room can be used as a reference room for the combat system design room, or to place some other things in the future.

Yang Fan said: "The place is not too small, it should be enough for the time being."

Shi Wei nodded and said, "It should be enough."

Pushing open the door of one of the offices, there is already a desk, an office chair, and a bookshelf inside.The other office is also furnished in the same way, and the area is about the same size.

Shi Weidao: "Comrade Yang Fan, this office is for you to use, and I will use the one next door. Starting today, we will fight side by side together."

"For me?"

Yang Fan was stunned for a while, and then he was pleasantly surprised when he realized it.One of them is the team leader of the preparatory team, and the other is the deputy team leader, so there must be one for each of these two offices.

What surprised Yang Fan even more was that if there were no accidents, he would be an official. The deputy head of the preparatory team is not a formal position, but once the combat system design room is formally established, it will be completely different.

As long as his deputy team leader doesn't perform too badly, he will definitely be the deputy director of the combat system design room in the future. It seems that there is no such young deputy director in the entire East China Sea Ship Design Institute.

Yang Fan was a little excited.

I have always wanted to make progress, but I didn't expect that everything would come so suddenly, and I was about to become an official.

Trying to calm down his mood, Yang Fan said: "It seems that I'm going to move. I'm going to move some of our things from the big office in the general design room."

Shi Wei smiled and said: "The faster the better, I want you to get into work as soon as possible, our department is starting to build, and there are many things I need to discuss with you."

Yang Fan also smiled, "You are the leader, you have the final say on everything."

I said that because I had a good impression of Shi Wei.

Not long after, Yang Fan walked into the big office of the general design room and began to pack his things.In fact, there are not many things, and they can be packed quickly.

"Yang Fan, what are you doing?"

Seeing Yang Fan's actions, Zhang Xiaodong was very puzzled, and couldn't help asking with concern.

(End of this chapter)

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