Military Heavy

Chapter 44 One laboratory is missing

Chapter 44 Still missing a laboratory
He has a good relationship with Yang Fan.

Suddenly seeing Yang Fan packing up his things for no reason, of course he was very concerned when he was puzzled, so he asked this question.

Yang Fan smiled, since this matter cannot be concealed anyway, and there is no need to conceal it, he simply said truthfully: "Brother Zhang, my job has been transferred, and I will work in the combat system design room from today, I will pack up my things, and then I will move there. "

Go to the combat system design room?
The doubts in Zhang Xiaodong's heart became stronger, and he was thinking in his heart, what kind of department is this? It seems that there is no such design room in our institute.

He is an old employee. He has been working in the Donghai Ship Design Institute for more than ten years, and he is relatively clear about the situation of each design room in the institute. In his impression, the current dozen or so design rooms do not seem to be called "combat" System Design Office".

Seeing the doubts in Zhang Xiaodong's heart, Yang Fan said: "Brother Zhang, this is a new department, and it is still in the preparation stage."

It turned out to be a new department that had just been established.

Zhang Xiaodong suddenly realized, and said happily for Yang Fan, "It's good to go to the newly established department. It has a bigger development prospect and more opportunities."

The conversation between the two reached the ears of some colleagues nearby. Seeing that Yang Fan was packing up and going to the newly established combat system design room, everyone felt happy for Yang Fan.

"Xiao Yang, congratulations."

"Yang Fan, come back to our place often to take a look, don't forget everyone."

"Want us to help?"


Faced with everyone's concern and congratulations, Yang Fan said loudly: "Thank you everyone, I feel very happy working with you for more than a year. This will be an unforgettable year in my work experience. I Will come back often to see you all.”

"Xiao Yang, you are too good at talking."

"Yang Fan, you don't need to be so polite with us."

Everyone gave in for a while, and someone helped Yang Fan to pack his things. The big office became lively, and after a while, everything was packed.

Someone helped to find a big cardboard box, and put all these things into the big cardboard box, the main ones were some books about ships that Yang Fan usually reads.

"Bookworm" is not a name for nothing. These books alone are heavy and heavy, weighing more than ten catties.Then there are drawing tools such as pencils, rulers, erasers, calculators, and compasses.

Perhaps because of the noise, Kuang Wei from the general design office came in. He walked up to Yang Fan and said proactively, "Congratulations, Comrade Yang Fan. Master Pan has already told me."

Yang Fan said: "Director Kuang, you came just in time. I have some work matters that I need to explain to you."

In fact, there are not many things that need to be handed over. There are only two unfinished design drawings, and Yang Fan has completed other things on time.

After listening to Yang Fan hand over these things, Kuang Wei waved and said: "It's okay, I will arrange these things for others to do, you can rest assured to work in the combat system design room."

"Director Kuang, thank you."

"Comrade Yang Fan is too polite."

After exchanging pleasantries with Kuang Wei, Yang Fan and all the colleagues in the office waved their hands. I don't know who took the lead in applauding, and the applause became very enthusiastic in an instant.

Even Kuang Wei was the same, looked at Yang Fan with a smile on his face, and applauded like everyone else.

Yang Fan waved to everyone again, and then walked out of this office. To be honest, I was really reluctant to leave. I have left a lot of good memories after working here for more than a year. It is only when I go to the combat system design room that I can show my strength. With his own talent, he can make more contributions to the 052 ship, so Yang Fan stepped forward firmly to leave here.

Zhang Xiaodong took the initiative to help Yang Fan carry the big cardboard box. He walked behind Yang Fan, and the two left here one after the other.

A few minutes later, Yang Fan arrived at the combat system design room under construction, and Zhang Xiaodong put the things in his hands on Yang Fan's desk.

Looking at the environment of the office, he said enviously: "Yang Fan, you actually have an independent office. What kind of position do you hold here?"

Zhang Xiaodong, who walked all the way, also saw that this place is not small, and he can be sure that the future combat system design room will not be small either. He was curious whether Yang Fan had been promoted.

Facing Zhang Xiaodong, Yang Fan said truthfully: "The combat system design room is under preparation, and I will temporarily serve as the deputy team leader of the preparatory team, and the team leader will be our senior weapon system design expert Shi Wei."

Deputy head!
Zhang Xiaodong is not a person who doesn't know anything, and he immediately understood the meaning. If there is no accident, after the combat system design room is officially established, Yang Fan will be the deputy director of the design room.

Such a young deputy director.

"Yang Fan, it seems that I want to congratulate you in advance." Zhang Xiaodong said.

As for Shi Wei, Zhang Xiaodong has met him a few times, but he is not familiar with him. He seems to be under 40 years old. It is nothing to be the director of a design office at this age. All the directors of the design office in Donghai are younger than Shi Wei.

But Yang Fan is only in his early twenties, too young and too enviable.Seeing that the combat system design room under preparation seems to have few people, and the future scale will not be small, Zhang Xiaodong said jokingly, his heart skipped a beat.

"Yang Fan, if you need someone, just tell me, as long as you want it, I'll come over without saying a word."

"Okay." Yang Fan happily agreed, "Then let's put it this way. After I communicate with you Director Kuang, I will tell you the result as soon as I have it."

The two chatted happily for a while, and after sending Zhang Xiaodong away politely, Yang Fan thought happily, it was a good thing that someone wanted to join so soon.

Yang Fan knows Zhang Xiaodong well, and knows that his professional knowledge and level are very good. Although he has never been exposed to the combat system, this aspect can be cultivated.

Looking at the country, there may not be many people who have been in contact with one side. If you have to find talents with professional knowledge in combat systems to join the newly established combat system design room, it is estimated that it will be difficult to find a few people.

The idea in Yang Fan's mind is to find some people with good professional knowledge of ships and train them well, so that they will definitely be able to take on great responsibilities in the future.

After all the things were brought in, Yang Fan tidied them up and put them in order, especially putting those books on the bookshelf in the office.

Such a large bookshelf is empty, there are only a dozen or so books, and more professional books will need to be placed on it in the future.Yang Fan thought so in his heart.


Yang Fan took the initiative to treat guests, and invited Zhang Xiaodong, Han Jiang, and several colleagues from the general design office who had a good relationship with him at ordinary times, and celebrated in a small scale.

The next morning, not long after going to work, Yang Fan fetched a basin of water and took a rag to wipe some places in the office.

After wiping and wringing out the rag, Shi Wei walked in, "Comrade Yang Fan, we have entered the official working state, let's discuss work matters."

"No problem." Yang Fan agreed straight away.

One of the two is the team leader, and the other is the deputy team leader. Everything is discussed.Obviously, Shi Wei is also fully aware of this.

Shi Weidao: "Within three months, we will set up the framework of the combat system design office. The office space is considered to be available now, and some office equipment needs to be purchased. Apart from these, I think the most important thing is people."

"People" are very important. The team must at least be strong, and at least a few backbones must be found, and then a series of technical personnel must be deployed.

The two of them basically had the same idea. After unifying their opinions, Shi Wei said: "It seems that our next stage of work is to find key personnel."

Yang Fan nodded in agreement and said, "Besides the key personnel, there is one more thing that our combat system design room must have."

"Oh, what is it?" Shi Wei asked.

Yang Fan said, "The laboratory, we still lack a professional laboratory."

The combat system is not created by imagination, and it cannot be built behind closed doors, but it has to go through repeated tests, a specialized laboratory.


Shi Wei seemed to understand something, looked at Yang Fan seriously, and waited to continue talking.

(End of this chapter)

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