Military Heavy

Chapter 45 Microcomputers

Chapter 45 Microcomputers

"Yes, we need a real laboratory!"

Seeing that Shi Wei looked at him with a little understanding, Yang Fan replied very positively.As an excellent ship designer of the Republic, he fully understands the importance of a laboratory.

Shi Wei probably considered the issue of the laboratory as well, but he didn't rise to such a high level. Now it was as if he saw the sun and the moon through the fog, and all his thoughts became clear in his mind.

"Yang Fan, what you said is very correct. In addition to looking for some outstanding talents, we must not relax the construction of the laboratory."

Yang Fan nodded, "Yes, both must be carried out at the same time. Regarding the construction of the laboratory, we must first propose the site requirements to the institute. After we have a space, we will consider the specific construction of the laboratory."

In Yang Fan's mind, it can be said that the thinking is very clear about first having a place, and then adding experimental equipment, reserving experimental talents, etc.

The two chatted for a long time about work matters, and communicated many matters. From now on, the preparation work for the combat system design room officially started.

Yang Fan's efficiency is also very high, and he quickly got the first talent, Zhang Xiaodong from the overall design office.

With the strong support of Chief Master Pan, Kuang Wei, the director of the overall design office, released him unconditionally, and Zhang Xiaodong officially joined the department under preparation.

A month passed so quickly.

The combat system design room, which was originally empty and under preparation, finally had some figures. The number reached more than a dozen, including middle-aged designers in their 50s and 30s, and young designers in their [-]s and [-]s.

The problem of the laboratory is also basically solved, and an empty laboratory is given to the combat system design room in the institute. The site is finally established, and what needs to be done in the future is to purchase a large number of test equipment.

in the office.

Yang Fan was writing a report at his desk, formally requesting to purchase a computer to the institute.

After finishing writing the report, Yang Fan read it carefully again, and got up when he saw that there was no problem, and knocked on the door of Shi Wei's office with this freshly released report.

"Leader, the report is finished, take a look."

The proposal to buy a computer was the result of discussions between the two.

As the leader of the preparatory team of the combat system design room, Shi Wei certainly knows the importance of computer technology, and he has been trying to catch up on some computer knowledge these days.When Yang Fan came in just now, he was reading a thick computer book.

It's no wonder that there are only a handful of people who have been exposed to computers in this era, and Shi Wei is the same. He only knew a little bit of superficial knowledge before, and now he needs to supplement this knowledge.

Many people may be curious, what does an 80s computer look like?
In fact, "microcomputers" began to appear as early as the late 70s, and they were divided into two types, one is a workstation and the other is a personal computer.

A microcomputer is small enough to be used on a desk, so it is also called a desktop computer.The workstation has good performance and relatively comprehensive functions, and is currently mainly used for scientific and technological calculations.Personal computers are relatively simple in function, but they are much cheaper.

Of course, Yang Fan is very familiar with computers.

In the 21st century, it is used in almost every day's work, such as drawing design drawings, programming, [-]D modeling, and daily office work. Even writing a report is used to using a computer instead of holding a pen and paper as it is now. Write word by word.

Yang Fan had never touched computers in the early 80s, but after learning about them, he became dumbfounded. The appearance of microcomputers in this era is not much different from computers in the 21st century. They also have monitors and keyboards.

The difference is that it is far behind in performance, and it does not have a deadly system. The display is not an LCD, but a very bulky spherical picture tube display. The kind of small and delicate computer.

Of course, there are very few microcomputers in China at present, and many people have not even seen what it looks like.

Don't be surprised. In the 60s, my country had electronic tube computers, and one machine occupied a room; later, there were transistor computers, and then there were integrated circuit computers.

In the early 80s, there were some microcomputers, but the number in the whole country was still very small, but the United States and other western developed countries began to use a large number of microcomputers.

After watching it, Shi Wei said with a little worry: "We propose to buy three personal computers, will the higher authorities approve it?"

In fact, Yang Fan originally wanted to buy more, but considering that these things are rare in China, it is not easy to buy them, so he greatly reduced the number. Consider adding.

As time goes by, in another three to five years, if you buy a few more microcomputers, the difficulty will definitely be greatly reduced. In addition, the price will definitely be cheaper, and the performance of the computer will also be greatly improved.

Buy these few first, mainly for personnel training, so that the designers of the combat system can understand computers and gradually become familiar with them.

Seeing Shi Wei's worried look, Yang Fan tapped lightly, fully agreeing with this worry, but for the combat system design room, computers are indispensable, no matter how difficult or expensive, you must buy a few first Come back and talk.

After thinking about it, Yang Fan suggested: "How about I take this report to find Mr. Pan, and let Mr. Pan come forward to coordinate."

Shi Wei pondered for a while and agreed, "I think it's ok, you can go to Mr. Pan first, I'll wait for your good news."

Yang Fan took the report and went out, and soon arrived at the door of Pan Jinfu's office. Seeing that the door was ajar, he raised his hand and knocked on the door.

Soon Pan Jinfu's angry voice came from inside, "Come in!"

Yang Fan pushed the door and walked in, "Master Pan."

Pan Jinfu put down a document he was reviewing, and said enthusiastically, "Xiao Yang is here, have you encountered any difficulties at work recently?"

There was a lot of concern in the words.

Yang Fan said: "The work is relatively smooth. The preparation of our combat system design room is progressing smoothly. At present, there are already more than a dozen very good designers, and the site of the laboratory is also available. The general framework is gradually being built. .”

Simply taking advantage of this opportunity, Yang Fan briefly reported on the preparatory work of the combat system design room. After the report, he said, "Master Pan, I have a report here, and I need you to go out to coordinate and purchase what we need as soon as possible." return."

"Oh, show me."

After receiving the report from Yang Fan, Pan Jinfu looked at it seriously, and said after reading it, "You proposed to buy three microcomputers."

"Yes." Yang Fan replied affirmatively, "Computers are indispensable for the design of combat systems."

Because it is difficult to purchase, and because these things are essential, I have to buy them, so I went to Pan Jinfu.

Commander Pan also understood the meaning, and said slowly: "The computer is indeed necessary, so let me coordinate it, and it is estimated that I can make a report in the name of the 052 ship. I will type this report. .”

Hearing this, Yang Fan was overjoyed, "General Master Pan, thank you so much."

Pan Jinfu smiled and waved, "Everyone is doing it for work, for our 052 ship, you don't have to thank me personally."

After saying this, after thinking for a while, Pan Jinfu asked, "Xiao Yang, after these computers are in place, you are going to use them. Do you have a plan?"

Yang Fan showed great confidence, "We have already figured out how to use it."

"Oh, then tell me about your usage plan." Pan Jinfu Xiao looked at Yang Fan with interest, waiting for Yang Fan to continue talking.

Thank you "Qingyi Xuefa Jianghu Road" book friend for 1000 points, 1000 points, 100 points, 100 points, a total of four rewards!
(End of this chapter)

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