Military Heavy

Chapter 46 Official Listing

Chapter 46 Official Listing
Yang Fan said loudly: "According to our plan, it is divided into two stages. The first stage is mainly to train and study technical personnel, so that they can understand computers, be familiar with computers, and be able to use computers."

"Well, what about the second stage?"

Pan Jinfu asked.He wants to hear about Yang Fan's plan. Although there are only a few computers, it is not easy to import from abroad. If you spend a lot of effort to buy them and use them correctly, he will be the first to disagree. of.

Yang Fan smiled easily, and said confidently: "The second stage is completely different. At that time, our technicians have basically been trained, and we will start to do a lot of programming work, using these computers."

"Oh, no, at that time, these few computers should not be enough, and we need to buy some more. How much to buy will be decided at that time."


Pan Jinfu took a look at Yang Fan. As the chief designer of the 052 ship, he certainly knew that some programming work would be involved in the design of the combat system, and he was also worried about this, because there was a shortage of talents in this area.

"Xiao Yang, programming is definitely needed, but who will train relevant technical talents and how?"

Yang Fan said confidently: "I will train them, and I will lead them in programming. As I said earlier, the first stage is mainly to train talents, and of course teach them programming."

"You, are you going to train it?"

Pan Jinfu glanced at Yang Fan again, and had to ask, "Do you know something about computer programming?"

"There should be no problem." Yang Fan answered affirmatively.

Of course there is no problem, not to mention that the programming at this time is not complicated, even that kind of very complicated programming is not a big problem.

Seems to have entered the state, Yang Fan talked eloquently.

"One of the biggest highlights of the 052 ship is the proposal of the combat system, which will completely change the traditional combat mode. The previous scene of the captain standing in the wheelhouse and commanding the battle with a telescope will definitely be gone forever."

"On the Type 052 destroyer, radar, missiles, artillery, torpedoes and auxiliary equipment must form an organic whole. In the past, we used mechanical commanders, which will no longer be the case on the Type 052 destroyer."

"In my conception, we must move from mechanization to informatization. We have to program the target movement parameters and some parameters of the strike by ourselves to achieve the goal of partial informatization."

"After the programming of each weapon system is completed, where should all the information be aggregated? Like the human brain, the command center of our 052 guided missile destroyer also needs a brand new concept. A large number of parameters and information are aggregated by the computer, and then carried out Combat data analysis and integration of various weapons and equipment on board.”

His head was full of technical knowledge, and sometimes he really couldn't hold it back. No, he said a little more all of a sudden, which made Pan Jinfu nod repeatedly, and even took a pen and a notebook to record some things.

After Yang Fan finished speaking, Pan Jinfu said with satisfaction, "It seems that it is very wise to transfer you to the combat system design room. With you here, I can feel relieved about the design of the 052 ship's combat system."

Knowing that his performance just now was a little more amazing, Yang Fan quickly said modestly: "Master Pan, I'm talking on paper, but it's still very difficult to realize it."

Pan Jinfu waved his hand and said, "It's not bad to be able to talk on paper. As far as I know, there are not many people who can talk like you."

Gently patted Yang Fan on the shoulder, Pan Jinfu encouraged, "Work hard, I will get back the computers you need as soon as possible."

Yang Fan quickly expressed his thanks, "Mr. Pan, on behalf of all the comrades in the combat system design room, thank you."

The two chatted for a while.

Pan Jinfu revealed a situation. Our side and country F have been actively coordinating and communicating, and there have been some stages of progress. The hope of sending people to country F to inspect the combat system of their new warships is growing.

Pan Jinfu said with satisfaction: "This matter should be successful in the end. Go to country F for inspection. Your design office will be the main force. Some preparations can be done in advance."

Going out and taking a look, learning advanced things from others is naturally very good, far better than staying at home and building a car behind closed doors.

Yang Fan also fully agreed with this, nodded and said, "This is a good thing, we will be ready to go abroad."

A few minutes later, Yang Fan happily left, first went to Shi Wei's office, and found that he was not there, so he went back to his office.

After a while, he probably heard that Yang Fan had returned from General Master Pan. He came over happily and asked hopefully.

"How is it, do you have any eyebrows?"

Yang Fan said: "It's not a big problem. Master Pan has already promised to help me solve it. It will be a matter of time before these computers arrive."

Hearing this, Shi Wei became happy, "Great, our design office will be the first one with a computer among the dozen or so design offices in the institute."

While he was happy, Shi Wei couldn't help thinking worriedly, how to use computers after they come, who will use them proficiently, it seems that I need to strengthen my studies, and find a few people who know computers to come over .

The combat system design room under preparation gradually grew, and the number of people increased to a certain extent, reaching a scale of more than [-] people.

Such a few people are enough for the time being, and under Yang Fan's suggestion, no more personnel were transferred from other departments in the institute.

At present, the 052 ship is still in the design demonstration stage, and the comprehensive design has not yet started, which means that the combat system design room has no specific design tasks for the time being, and does not require too many personnel.

These 20 technicians with very good level are enough to set up the general framework of the combat system design room. After discussing with Shi Zongwei, Yang Fan and Shi Zongwei temporarily divided these [-] people into three design teams.

The leader of the first group is Zhang Xiaodong, and the leaders of the second and third groups are Wu Anhua and Zhu Jinming respectively.

Wu Anhua was found by Yang Fan. He is a very good technician with rich experience. He is just over forty and he is a good age to start a career.Zhu Jinming was recruited by Shi Wei, a senior designer in the weapon system design office of the East China Sea ship designer.

Pan Jinfu gave the two of them three months, that is, to set up the framework of the combat system design room before the end of December, and they spent almost half of the time.

On November 1983, 11, the Combat System Design Office was officially established. In the midst of celebration and warm applause, Yang Fan and Shi Wei hung up the plaque they had just received.

Starting today, the East China Sea Ship Design Institute officially has a brand new department, which is the combat system design room of the 052 ship.

Shi Wei's eyes swept over everyone's faces, and then he announced with great excitement, "Comrades, our combat system design room has been officially established. Director Yang and I have already reserved a place. Let's have a drink tonight to celebrate. "

Enthusiastic applause rang out again, and several young designers cheered even more, their joy was beyond words.

Yang Fan was also very happy in his heart.

Not only was the combat system design room of the 052 ship officially established, but without any accidents, I was appointed as the deputy director of the design room.

Such a young deputy director has broken records among ship designers in the East China Sea. This has a lot to do with Pan Jinfu's strong recommendation.

In the evening, all the staff in the design room were full of two tables, each table was full of twelve or three people. The table and the dishes are also very rich.

After a few glasses of wine, everyone's faces were full of red, and they were full of confidence in the future. Many people have seen that Director Yang seems to have a well-thought-out plan for the design of the 052 ship's combat system, and Director Shi is also very good.

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(End of this chapter)

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