Military Heavy

Chapter 47 Determining the Candidates

Chapter 47 Determining the Candidates

Good things come in pairs.

Not two days after the 052 combat system design room was formally established, Pan Jinfu called Shi Wei and Yang Fan over and told them good news.

After our efforts, the matter of going to country F for investigation has matured, and the East China Sea Ship Design Institute will send four people to study and investigate.

Pan Jinfu personally ordered, "The two of you are the chief and deputy directors of the combat system design office. This time you go to country F for study and inspection, you two must go together. I suggest that you also send combat system design technicians for the other two places. Go, and choose from your design studio, how about this, you report the number of places to me for approval."

The places are very precious and very limited. The places to study in country F must be design technicians, not other types of personnel.

Hearing this, the two were overjoyed!
Especially Shi Wei, he didn't expect that not only could he go to country F, but the design studio would also have two other places, which is a great thing.

Pan Jinfu glanced at the two of them with a smile, and continued: "For this inspection, Director Shi will lead the team. The main purpose is to learn from others and understand the combat system on their new warship. After returning, we will design the combat system for our 052 ship." provide technical support."

Facing this important task, Shi Wei hesitated for a while.

After hesitating for a while, he suggested: "Mr. Pan, let our director Yang lead the team. He is proficient in English, and it will be easier to communicate with the other party."

"Alright." Pan Jinfu nodded in agreement and said, "Xiao Yang dealt with Mario last time, and the communication between the two parties is indeed more convenient."

So it was decided, with Yang Fan as the leader, Shi Wei, and two other technicians from the combat system design room will go to country F for a study tour.

Mario is in charge of this matter in country F, and Yang Fan can communicate and negotiate with the other party for some itinerary matters, including the arrangement of study tours and so on.

Pan Jinfu took out a file bag from the desk drawer and handed it to Yang Fan, and said loudly: "Some relevant information is here, and there is also Mario's contact information."

Yang Fan took it over formally, and pulled it out to take a look.There is a detailed address on the first page of information, as well as a contact number, including fax.

"Xiao Yang, the comrades of the foreign affairs office have already communicated with the other party about many things. You can communicate with Mario a little bit. There are telephone and fax on it. If you need to call or fax to the other party, please contact me. I will give it to you. Proof."

These days, it is very difficult to make an international long-distance call or send an international fax. Not to mention that most units do not have international long-distance calls. Very cumbersome procedures.

All the East China Sea ship designs have a telephone that can make international long-distance calls, and an imported fax machine. They are in special offices set up by dedicated personnel.

If Yang Fan wants to use them, he must first ask Pan Jinfu to issue a certificate, and then go to the office to go through the formalities, and he must also ask the main leaders of the office to sign and agree.

Yang Fan nodded, "Mr. Pan, if I want to make an international long-distance call or fax, I will come to you."

The procedures are relatively cumbersome. Yang Fan has already decided that a limited number of communications with Mario is enough. Some things will be discussed in detail after the two parties meet in country F.

Not long after, Yang Fan and Shi Wei came out of Pan Jinfu's office together. They seemed to be in a good mood, especially Shi Wei, who hummed happily while walking.

The number of times he went abroad was also very limited. He went to Europe once with the leaders of the institute two or three years ago, and then he never had the opportunity to go abroad again.

It's all right now, and I can go abroad again, and the place I'm going to is the very developed country F in Europe. I will visit, inspect and learn their new combat system.

Back in the design room, the two sat together and began to discuss which two people to send together. It was really difficult to decide.

In the eyes of the two of them, the more than [-] designers in the design room are all good and qualified, and the final selection of personnel was made after a long discussion.

Ma Xiaodong and Wu Anhua.

The two are not only the technical backbone of the design room, but also the team leaders of the first and second teams. As for the team leader of the third team, Zhu Jinming, will stay in the design room. He presided over the work of the design office.

The list of going abroad will be reported by Shi Wei in the name of the Combat System Design Office. Yang Fan does not need to worry about these. After confirming the personnel to go abroad for inspection, Yang Fan returned to his office, sat down and began to carefully look at the list given by General Master Pan. file holder.

There is actually not much information in it, except for the address and contact information of the other party, it is mainly some relevant information about the shipyard on the western coast of country F.

This is the largest shipbuilding group in country F, and Mario works for this company.

Of course, Yang Fan is no stranger to the shipyard on the west coast of country F. He knows that it is not only the largest shipbuilding enterprise in country F, but also has a long history, with a history of more than 400 years. Many famous warships come from this shipyard.

For example, an existing aircraft carrier in country F, as well as the largest battleship in the history of country F, including the latest missile destroyer, are all designed and built by this shipyard.

This shipyard has gone through hundreds of years from the construction of sail gunships to modern frigates, and now it has begun to cooperate with our country.

In that world, Yang Fan is one of the most outstanding ship designers in the Republic. He has been to the west coast shipyard many times and had several academic exchanges with them.

Seriously read the contents of the information bag, and repack all the contents into this information bag after sorting it out.I thought in my heart, when our overseas personnel get approval and start to determine the itinerary, we need to communicate with Mario for the first time.

Because many things have been done in the early stage, the personnel of Donghai Institute to study and inspect the shipyard on the west coast of country F were soon officially settled down. There are four people in total, led by Yang Fan, and the other three are Shi Wei, Zhang Xiaodong and Wu Anhua.

After the personnel were confirmed, procedures related to going abroad began, but Yang Fan didn't need to worry about many things, and a special department was in charge of those matters.

Yang Fan also called Mario for the first time and had a simple communication.Hearing that Yang Fan led the team, Mario was very happy, and expressed his warm welcome on the phone.

It can be seen that he was very impressed with Yang Fan last time.

Today, Yang Fan received a notice from the foreign affairs department that he needed training before going abroad and a lecture on some precautions.

It is not easy to go abroad in the 80s, especially for people from military industrial units. The foreign affairs department must be involved. Before going abroad, people from the foreign affairs department must give everyone a class. There are several forms to fill out at the foreign affairs department.

Now it must be very simple for us to go abroad, and the procedures are greatly simplified. Yang Fan and his group go abroad is not easy. After returning from the foreign affairs department, they cannot immediately order a ticket to go to country F, but have to wait a little longer. Some procedures have not been completed yet. Finish.

However, Yang Fan is not in a hurry. Going abroad seems very new and eager to other people, but it seems to Yang Fan that it is very normal.

Today, I went to country F for a study tour. I was busy all morning. After getting off work at noon, Yang Fan stopped as soon as he walked out of the unit gate.

"Sister, you are here, and you didn't tell me in advance."

As soon as Yang Fan came out of the gate of Donghai Ship Design Institute, he saw Yang Fang waiting there, and couldn't help asking.

"As I mentioned in the letter earlier, I made you a pair of cotton shoes and sent them here specially for you," Yang Fang said.

Hearing this, Yang Fan patted his head lightly. There have been a lot of things recently, and he really forgot about this. About a week ago, Yang Fan received a letter from Yang Fang, which indeed mentioned such a thing. matter.

Without a mobile phone, it is very inconvenient to communicate, and many people usually communicate through letters.Although a telephone was installed in the combat system design room, Yang Fang didn't have one either, so she could only rely on writing letters, or simply coming over in person.

Yang Fan saw a bag that Yang Fang was carrying, which should be the pair of cotton shoes she had made, and there might be some other things in it.

The weather in Donghai City in December was already very cold, and Yang Fang's face and hands were flushed from the cold, which made Yang Fan a little distressed. He took the bag and helped carry it, holding his sister's cold hand and saying, "It's too cold here. , let's go to the cafeteria to eat first, it's warmer there."

(End of this chapter)

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